Big if true
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995 notes · View notes
Very good.
Video Game Idea: Asymmetrical multiplayer golf game where some of the players are golfers trying to complete the game and some of the players are alligators trying to keep them from doing that.
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Thank u for ur service
I just restrained myself from posting an election meme. You're all welcome.
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Sending hate is bad for any reason, but I do have a bit of respect for people who don't do it annon. You're still bad, but at least you're not a coward
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What are you talking about? This is the most thorough takedown of every German alive!
your country commits genocide yet you still want to pose as victims who did nothing wrong
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My new bishop seems really awesome
This is whatever the opposite of a prayer request is. I'm going to make a thread of miracles that happen in my life. Feel free to add on if you like.
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I had a dream that I witnessed something so funny that I needed to draw a comic about it, but nobody in the dream wanted to have a look at the comic or read it. I don't remember anything else about the dream but I needed to draw the comic and show y'all what it was.
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??? My broken earbuds started working again??? We take those???
This is whatever the opposite of a prayer request is. I'm going to make a thread of miracles that happen in my life. Feel free to add on if you like.
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The first one is one that happened to my Mom. She's been working with a lot of people in low income housing, and after lots of work and prayers, she's really starting to make an impact on their lives. They're fighting less, getting along better, and seem to be generally happier.
This is whatever the opposite of a prayer request is. I'm going to make a thread of miracles that happen in my life. Feel free to add on if you like.
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This is whatever the opposite of a prayer request is. I'm going to make a thread of miracles that happen in my life. Feel free to add on if you like.
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(I sent you a message with my questions. You can put them on your blog if you want but I didn't want to force you to)
Hey, I saw you post that you're schizophrenic, and I'm making a story, and want to have a character who's schizophrenic. I'm doing some research from more "official" channels, but I'd love to ask you a few questions about living with schizophrenia.
Ps. Love your posts, your faith is inspiring :)
!! Thank you :) I'm glad you like my content. And sure! I'd love to answer a few questions
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Pretty rough but I think I can do it 💪 😔💪
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Reblogg of your a tru belly rubber
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as funny as it is to say, "there's no such thing as a fish" is not actually true
"science doesn't know what a fish is" is really not true
"fish" is not a monophyletic category. there is no common ancestor of everything that we call a "fish," and none of the things that we don't
"fish" is a paraphyletic category -- and a useful one! marine biologists use it! "fish" describes a general body plan and lifestyle. it is useful to be able to talk about coelacanths and tuna in a shared category, though coelacanths are more closely related to us than to tuna.
where this bugs me is the repetition of the idea that "scientists" are hidebound and uncreative, unable to comprehend anything that doesn't conform to a specific idea of categorization -- when this is fundamentally untrue! we know perfectly well what a "fish" is. the fact that it's a paraphyletic group is only confounding to pop science, as a funny factoid, not to anyone who actually understands what a paraphyletic group is.
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This, unironicly
If watching porn is sexual sin then pornographic ads are sexual assault
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Not sure if the xenomorph thing is as bad as some of the tummy aches I've had
body horror movie concept: bad tummy ache
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