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Acta non verba
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Live In Eternal Now
Live In Eternal Now
“Forever is composed of now’s.” – Emily Dickinson We, humans, are unpredictable. We have our own ways to orient ourselves in time. Some of us are letting our past lives cling to us while others are busy thinking what their future may bring. But, that’s not how we all should be. Life is lived in the moments. This is the best thing that I have learned in my life. Looking back in the past and…
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Story Matters
A story comprises a beginning, middle, and an end. The “Beginning” is where we came from and who we were. The “Middle” is who are we now and where we stand. An end is what we dream to become. Everyone on this planet has a story. We all have lived in the past and the past has a story linked to it. These stories are the greatest ways to tell people about our life like who we were and what we have…
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Please Don't
Please Don’t
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Please don’t use “I love you” as a filler when you’ve got nothing to say. Don’t use it as an alternative for “sorry”. Don’t use it when you’re feeling bad or mad. Don ’t use it to escape an argument. Don’t say it out of pity. Don’t use it against someone. Instead, please use it wisely. Calm yourself then think once, twice or maybe even a hundred times before using it. Question yourself before…
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Sometime Travel Alone Have you ever thought about traveling alone? Maybe you considered it but you were just so afraid of traveling alone.
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Read my new blog about finding Inner peace
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Finding Inner Peace
“We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert Life is unpredictable. The world is becoming a chaotic struggle and many of us are running the race in the fear of being left out. We have long working hours, more virtual media and minimal peace of mind. The only way to deal with it is by becoming unflappable. It is…
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Let's Made A Choice
Let’s Made A Choice
We have two types of choices in our life. One that is beyond our control like the family we born in, the religion we born in, sometime the relationship we get into, the things you have not control in etc. Then there is another set of choices you think you take but they are eventually shaped by society around you. Like your carrier, your life goals. There are choices that we think end up leading…
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Be In Relationship
Every relationship has its cycle. It starts with a meeting. You meet someone, and then you want to meet that person more. Later, one day, you realize that you are in love with that person. You count that person in everything and start making plans for the future. You anticipate their calls, want to hear their voice and want to feel their touch. You start liking their idiosyncrasies and quirks.…
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Read my new blog about to fulfill your dreams
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It Hurts To Be Safe? In our everyday life we want to be  safe. we want securities in our job,in our profession etc.
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Read this blog and find out your passion
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Find Your Hogwarts we are described as many thing in our life  at different phase of our life. what ever we do.
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My new blog
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Winsome began as “wynsum” a thousand years ago. It was formed from “wynn,” the Old English word for “joy” or “pleasure,” and the suffix -sum, an older form of the “-some” we see today in many adjectives, such as “awesome,” “irksome,” and “lonesome.” “Wynn” later became win,meaning “pleasure,” but we haven’t used that noun since the 17th century. We do, however, use another word that has a…
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