imaginary-inkling19 · 1 month
Dick: Damian isn’t great about expressing his emotions.
Damian: If I say how I feel, people will say how they feel, and I don’t care.
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 months
Hey everyone,
it's been a while since I last posted on here and I wanted to take a moment to apologize for my long hiatus. Life got pretty hectic and I couldn't find the time to keep up with Tumblr. But guess what? I'm back now, and I'm determined to make up for lost time.
First and foremost, I want to say sorry to all my followers who have been waiting patiently for new content. Your support means the world to me, and I appreciate your understanding during my absence. I promise to do better and be more consistent with my posts from now on.
One thing I've realized during my time away is that I've been too focused on the DC fandom. Don't get me wrong, I love DC and will continue to share content about it, but I also want to explore other fandoms that I've been itching to dive into. So get ready for a wider range of content coming your way!
Thank you all for sticking around and being patient with me. I'm excited to be back and can't wait to connect with you all again. Stay tuned for some awesome posts in the near future. Let's make this Tumblr journey even more amazing together! 💜✨
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
Jason and Roy in unison: Every season is spooky season when you're haunted by your life decisions.
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
Y/n: Yeah I'm really into true crime podcasts lately.
Jason, trying to flirt: You know I've been the primary suspect in quite a few murder cases.
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
You: Hush little laptop, don’t you cry. Mommy’s gonna find you some wifi!
Tim: And if that Wifi doesn’t work, Daddy will destroy the fucking earth.
Dick: What the hell.
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
Rhodey: Cut him some slack, Pepper, he’s in love
Pepper: That’s not really my problem
Rhodey: He’s in love with you
Pepper: Oh
Pepper: That brings me in the loop a little
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
Eternity // A Love Letter from...a vampire yandere!
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“My sweet rose,
Words cannot describe how lonely I have been without you.
Centuries of misery and pain, too many years spent so utterly alone. Too many would assume that because one’s heart no longer beats, it no longer needs certain things, that it no longer feels a thing at all. Warmth and care, passion and kindness…and love. Stories may say that such things are gone from my heart but that is simply not true.  
I may not breathe but I feel.
I may not bleed but I yearn.
I may be dead but I love.
A monster I may be, my rose, but even a monster will want and wish and love. Love…is that such a terrible thing for one to want? Can you not understand my love? I wish that you would. I wish that you would listen to my tale and see me as more then some raging, blood thirsty beast. But you are too stubborn and too scared of me, as humans often are.
But this beast has powers, abilities that came to my aid.
Oh, my rose, I know it was wrong! To do such a thing to you, I knew that I should not! But my heart longed for you so greatly and you cannot imagine the pain! My life before you was lonely but my life without you was simply unbearable! Every waking moment I spent longing for you, calling for you, my unbeating heart begging to be yours.
But you did not heed my call. You did not come to me.
And I was forced to make a choice between doing something terrible or spending my eternity without you…and the latter was something that I could not bear.
I am sorry that I killed him. You must believe me when I say that I meant the man no harm. Though my hatred of the man burned greatly, for I knew that you loved him dearly and I was jealous, I did not wish to kill him. When I crept into your bedroom as I had done many nights before, I had another plan in mind. I had thought that I would enchant you, just long enough to take you away to my dark home. An enchantment of the mind does not last forever but it would last just long enough to take you away with me.
Once you were home…I thought that I would woo you.
I had hoped that you would be able to look beyond the beast and see a man, a man that you might come to love. Oh, my sweet rose, I had so many ideas! So many hopes for us and for our future together! But just when this dream was to come to life…he came.
The sight of him set you free from my magic.
He called to you. You heeded him.
And the act sent me into such a rage…my rose, you must understand, I never meant for any of it to happen. I never wanted to kill the man. I never wanted to hurt you in such a way. The tears you shed for him broke my heart, the way you held him and screamed brought me much shame. I had no choice but to enchant you once more, pulling you away with me. As I write you this letter, you remain enchanted still.
By my side, you smile but…it is not your smile. It is not you at my side, not truly. A fraction of you is there, dulled by my magic, but it is not a mere fraction that I want. And I know that I cannot continue to deceive you like this.
When the enchantment wears away, I will allow it. And I will not set another one upon you unless I absolutely must do such a thing. When you read this, the magic will be gone from your mind and I will be away from your side…I shall give you time to understand, my rose. I can only hope that you read this letter and, at the very least, understand this one thing:
I shall not ham you.
Hurting you is something I cannot bear, my rose, and it is not my intention. It never was, you must know this. My intention is only to love you and hold you and keep you at my side. And I hope that you might one day be happy here, that you might hold me in return and love me as I you.
Don’t you see?
Don’t you understand?
We could be so happy together! With my bite, I could make you into a perfect creature…untouched by the cruelty of time, everlasting at my side…would that not be wonderful? Would we not be happy together? Whatever your heart desires I will give to you, whatever wish you make I will grant as long as you are with me…as long as you love me. I know that our joined immortality could be a perfect one, my sweet rose, if only you would accept it. If only you would accept me.
Forget about him. Forget about everything, it matters not.
Your life is mine. Your heart is mine. And I am yours, as I always will be. Oh, it hurts now but eternity is long and memories fade fast…you will forget all of this pain one day and then, my sweet rose, then there will be nothing but our love.
To our eternity, Y/N.”
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
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timBer epic boyfriends
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
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izaya orihara | durarara!! icons (300x300)
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
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naruto boys icons <3 like/ reblog if save/ use
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imaginary-inkling19 · 2 years
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naruto boys icons <3 like/ reblog if save/ use
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 years
[Peter’s first day as a Stark Industries intern]
Peter: Look they gave me a badge with a name on it
Peter: In case I forget who I am
Peter: Very useful
Peter: As that does happen
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 years
Batmom!Y/n: Once when I was 8 I had a crush on a boy in my class and I didn't know how to deal with it so I wrote him a note that said "Get out of my school"
Bruce: That was you!?
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 years
Selina: And what do we do when we feel sad.
Damian: We pet a cat.
Selina, nodding: We pet a cat.
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 years
[Tony fumbling around in the background]
Rhodey: I’d like to apologize for my partner
Rhodey: His parents didn’t give him enough attention as a child
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 years
Tony: You promised you wouldn’t
Peter: No, you told me not to it’s not the same thing
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imaginary-inkling19 · 3 years
Peter: How would you die in the Chocolate factory?
Harley: Bullet to the head
Peter: By an Oompa Loompa or Willy Wonka?
Harley: Grandpa Joe
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