You Can Help Them Use Their Strength
Teens will not always be able to ask for help, but that doesn't mean they're weak or even that they're trying to hide something from you. Their bodies, minds, and social worlds are changing almost daily, so their lives aren’t exactly set up to make things easy for them. That is why they need someone alongside them to help them ask.
By not addressing a teen’s mental health condition during their teen years, the struggle may in fact just be on hold. They could end up struggling long into adulthood with a mental disorder that could stop their success, make it harder to live a fulfilling life, or result in further struggles like substance use disorder (SUD).
Our Goal Is Their Success
Imagine by Northpoint - Boise delivers quality and consistent care to all teens using a treatment model based on a scientific and medically proven approach. Our staff ensures a safe, non-judgmental, and treatment-focused environment.
We offer a safe and therapeutic environment in which teens age 12-17 can engage in extended outpatient treatment for mental and/or behavioral health disorders. Day treatment programming includes group participation, schooling, individual sessions, case management, psychiatric care, nursing care, and family therapy. 
Treating Their Needs
When you enroll your adolescent or teen in day treatment you will be putting them in a position to receive some of the best treatments that are based on evidence. Here are some of the specific treatments we offer:
• CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
• Didactic therapy
• Grief and loss, trauma therapy
• Crisis intervention
• Co-occurring intervention
• Family therapy
• Relationship counseling
• Psychotherapy
• Interpersonal therapy
• Mindfulness and meditation
• Art, music and pet therapy
We Are Here for Them
No two teens are alike, at least not in every way. They may have some similarities, but the ways their mental or behavioral health is affecting them might be as different as possible. That's why we always do a complete psychosocial assessment and mental health evaluation with a family member or guardian present. This way we can focus on exactly what they are struggling with, rather than applying broad treatments that may not help them.
There are also twice-weekly meetings with the facility psychiatrist to evaluate and reconcile any medications they may require, but also to monitor psychiatric needs and assist in the treatment process. Because a mental or behavioral disorder can affect each different layer of a teen’s life we offer individual, group, and family-focused therapy sessions. There is on-site nursing care and oversight as well, ensuring a safe and professional treatment environment.
Imagine Is Ready To Help
When you're a teenager you may feel like the smallest setback translates into the biggest problem, a kind of rotating schedule of "the end of the world." Adults know this isn't the case, but sometimes they also forget how real and how devastating those problems are. Don't let your teen struggle without getting them help.
The teen years are also the on-ramp to adulthood. An undiagnosed mental or behavioral health disorder can lead to significant setbacks for your teen. Help them achieve all they're capable of by getting them help as soon as possible. We can talk to you at any time. Give us a call at (208) 591-6564.
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