imagine-epihet · 4 years
Zora with a nonbinary/demigirl so?
Okay I know I have others but my first Zora one got me a little too excited. Also imma go with nonbinary.
° All the Respect for her S/O no matter how they present from feminine,masculine or androgynous,whatever really.
° flirts. all the flirting and teasing
°will literally fight anyone who disrespects them
°like I'm not kidding you don't wanna mess with Zora and not respecting her S/O
° makes sure S/O will feel valid no matter what they don't have to be androgynous to be nonbinary, nor have some type of dysphoria. If they say are then they are
°let's S/O borrow her clean ponchos cause like one it's cute, two best hiding body clothing can use people to confuse them.
° if S/O other is up to it she and them will confuse people about their gender and make them question everything
°nicknames of all sorts and creative gender neutral nicknames for her S/O
°wear a dress, you still nonbinary, suit still nonbinary, something in between those still nonbinary, Zora really just loves her S/O in anything.
°also S/O you would totally fight anyone who disrespects Zora for being bisexual
°honestly despite her being a bounty hunter it's a really interesting and sweet relationship who have eachother respect.
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
A different Sylvie fan here! How about Sylvie with a trans guy s/o? What would he do to help him cope with dysphoria?
Ohhh okay!
• Being with Sylvie has honestly been a ride
° He helps alot with S/O's dsyphoria from getting them baggy clothes or letting him wear his clothes when S/O's binder is in the wash
• periods no problem pads and such, snacks and reassurance that no matter what that S/O is a boy
°Helps paying for S/O's Testosterone and name change as a big surprise or something I mean hey he's a psychologist
•speaking of Slyvie being a psychologist sure it's mostly for Epethiets but he would understand to an extent on how much dsyphoria can very and effect a person
° Slyvie will always make sure his S/O will feel comfortable in their body as much as they can be until they can reach their ideal body.
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
Mera and Indus babysitting a toddler imagines? I think it would be cute to see them as babysitters 👀
This is pretty short
Okay sooo like Indus would be great with a toddler play wise, Keeping them amused ,happy all that
But Mera is the one this toddler would probably eat and get to bed if they have to put the kid to bed.
The toddler would probably be way to hands on and not understanding careful so like "Indus can you please keep this child away from me!"
Indus doing like dumb babysitting things with the kid or they both be stealing cookies
Though at the end of the day indus probably has fallen asleep with the toddler and Mera as annoying as this was it was an alright day for her and luckily nothing broken.
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
I have been rereading your imagines and I just wanna say that I really enjoy your writings!! 💘 I'm excited to see your next writings. By the way, are requests open or is it only for general asks? Have a nice day/night 💕
Awee thank you!
I knowwww I haven't been active I've been busy n like I have started all the requests I have. Soo those will be up soon but like yep! Requests are open and send as many as you like!
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
After my sudden disappearing act and rewatching epihet erased again for the 25th time I'm ready to get back to my imagine requests apologies for the wait!
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
OKAY I KNOW I JUST REQUESTED YESTERDAY,, SO YOU DON'T NEED TO RUSH TO DO THIS ONE: sylvie with a flirty and affectionate nb!s/o please,, I'm hungry for the blushing doctor and I want to love him,,,, if you're too busy/tired, it doesn't necessary have to be long. Thank you!!!
No no no request as much as you like I'd be happy to do them all.
Also like blushing doctor time not the longest but hope you enjoy cause I did!
{Sylvie w/affectionate & flirty S/O[nb]}
°hugs!surprise kisses!mushy fawning over sylvie 100% S/O knows no bounds to their love for the doctor.
°On the other hand you're a flirt nothing to crazy just the cutesy flirt of "hey cutie~!" , "you light up my day with just our eyes meeting~" that kind of stuff!
°Nicknames all they Nicknames they given Sylvie like "dear", "darling", "love", "sugar", "sweetpea", "Dream boy" he dies and whines over hearing them.
°in the damn 3 months sylvie has been dating them, the one and only S/O he's been a blushing mess! In the best way possible
°yes three months Sylvie is surprised as well considering he never thought S/O would like him back.
°even before you two were dating you make platonic flirting remarks or hugs, that left the poor boy sputtering and falling for you harder.
°whenever S/O is feeling down it's easy to tell with less affection they give and no flirty remarks. As much as the doctor has fussed n hush them to stop it, with cherry cheeks. He still loves it and grew worry when you weren't your usual self.
°So he sets aside the date to find what's wrong, maybe put on some cheesy love songs to get you giggling or laughing. Cuddles and surprisingly he be peppering kisses on their face instead of the other way around.
° Once he learns it was about gender & how unloyal S/O seemed to this one person that got them like this. He goes on a flustered, stuttering rant on how much that person opinions are bad, he loves you for you and who you want to be,etc
°S/O left in semi tears kissing, cuddling closer and whispering thank you ,I love you and so much more to the boy who stole their heart.
°Eventually sleepy cuddles limbs tangled together both happy to have each other.
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
What if the epithet erased character meet Rwby and Camp Camp? (Like a crossover stuff but love to see the reaction of them)
Okay so I don't know much about RWBY
But I know Camp camp these are short cause I dunno how to go about this
Soo like imma stick w/gio n molly cause easiest to put them in?
°Giovanni n David be totally getting along but passive aggressive David be like you cant do those bad things!!!
°Giovanni becoming a camp counselor the kids love him mostly
°Max n Molly forming this weird friendship of yeah biological family suck, life Is tough , n people are loud, found fam is cool
°Giovanni making sure all these kids are nice to beartrap
°max doesn't fully hate gio cause he's a dorky bad guy, will let him do bad things,unless it evolves hurting molly then no.
[Hope these are good]
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
how about hanging out with the museum trio. what crimes would they drag you into-
Hanging out with the Museum Trio!!
My first thing be forgiving n I'm like tired so not the most creative. But yay first request.
• Okay so like all you wanted was to have a nice relaxing day, hang out with Molly,have tea all that.
• That was plan until Giovanni had come along to 'kidnap' Beartrap why to do crime stuff!
{Cough cough sewing,baking,talking mostly cough cough}
• Cause he's a certified bad dude of course,  he takes you to! You three well the other two more choatic, you trying to not get caught. 
• things from playing hide and seek in the library(or anywhere you shouldn't like stores),  hiding from the cops when they past by. Harmless fun pranks on the minions,etc
• now where's the trademark  I'm not a kid! Psychologist sheep boy at. Well like he was busy with work.
• key word was you all kind of 'kidnapped' him to. You and Sylvie are kinda  exhausted but slightly amused at these shenanigans.
• what now that the boy is here. Choas with him and Giovanni bickering, him trying to to be trademark smart then spacing out.
• Him and Molly having friendly small talk catching up all that
•you n Sylvie chilling out when you both need breaks.
 • eventually the day has to end you all get ice cream and yeah lucky you didn't cause to much trouble this time....really  you didn't wanna flood the fountain with bubble bath like last time.
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
I feel like should start just posting things even with no asks like I'm here n I want to post things.
But like no asks???
Soo gotta do the work myself
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
Did it actually open or did tumblr screw it up?
Asks opened go ahead n send stuff
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
Asks opened go ahead n send stuff
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
Me prompting when no one follows me yeah blep
A (not so) Blastastic Entrance!
Howdy there, Mod BeefSheep sliding into the epithet fandom a bit late! I hadn’t had the time before to really check out the show, but now that I have? I’ve fallen in love with the small series! And I found that hey, maybe I could contribute to the fandom a lil? Trust me, I’ll do my best to please! After this post I shall throw together a rules post and I’ll be off to the races after that! As stated before, call me Mod BeefSheep! Or just Mod Beep (or just Beep, I don’t really mind what yall will call me) if that’s easier :3 I hope to do well for this fandom, and I can’t wait to get some works out!
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imagine-epihet · 4 years
Hello and Welcome to a Epithet Erased Imagines Blog!
Ask will be open soon but first intro n rules
Well I'm Dino the mod here and well by the blog you can tell what I'm doing!
Rules are simple
° No nsfw
° I do S/O x Canon or Canon x Canon [Platonic,Romantic,Familial]
° I get distracted easily so my posts may be slow if I don't get to them at the very moment
° Be nice please
That's all Asks will be open soon
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