imagine4me · 3 years
mirphy fotoparat please 🥺
📷 Mirphy would seem very distant at first, but once she warmed up to S/O, they’d be the most adorable couple anyone had ever seen.
📷 On almost every date, she’s want to take a picture together, to remember how fun it was. Even just being around S/O. All of them are saved on a special folder on her desk.
📷 Whenever she’s going through an art block, she uses it as an excuse to take S/O somewhere fun. A museum, park, or even just taking a drive to check out the area.
đź“· Almost on a constant basic, she makes little jokes about how tall she is compared to S/O. Mirphy finds their reaction down right adorable every time.
đź“· Since Mirphy is out and about at odd hours, they always bring S/O a treat back. Their favorite coffee, something sweet from a nearby bakery, or even just a small trinket. Safe to say, they always have something for S/O.
📷 It took a while before she started using pet names, however by now there’s too many to keep count of. “Turtle dove, honey, flower, sugar cube, sunshine” are just a few that go in and out of rotation. There are plenty joking ones as well.
📷 Mirphy gets extremely into whatever interests S/O has. No matter how niche or odd it may seem. If it makes them happy, she’ll want to learn everything she can about it. Late night cuddle session while S/O explains their favorite things about it become a regular occurrence.
📷 Especially before the Habitat, but even after it, Mirphy struggled with having a messy life style. Having S/O in her life made her want to change for the better though! Every time she notices how clean her room is for once, she can’t help but smile remembering the person that helped her make that change.
📷 Every morning Mirphy sends S/O a text message. Usually followed by a paragraph of heart and kiss emojis. Never missing to send them a goodnight text as well. Being if she’s not there to say it herself.
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imagine4me · 3 years
Dreamt of living in a cottage with Habit - Habit with that cottage core esthetic going on = yes
Omg yes- he so would!
🌼 Boris would absolutely adore living in the cottage core style, and would go all out with it. Everything down to the Tupperware would go with the theme.
🌼 Definitely regular visits to both vintage shops, and thrift stores.
🌼 The excitement in his eyes when he finds a nice set of plates is adorable. He gets so happy and runs around trying to find you, wanting to show you them.
🌼 Plant pots. EVERYWHERE! There’s just piles of them in the shed to. They’re well used definitely. Almost every day Habit is trying to grow something new.
🌼 Most of the time Boris can be found in the sun room. Whether he’s taking care of his plant babies, reading, or even taking a nap.
🌼 Theres a whole bookshelf overflowing with different recipes from multiple cultures, and time eras. Boris adores cooking with S/O to. Every recipe they like is marked with cute dried flower bookmarks.
🌼 Boris cuddling up with S/O by the fire, reading their favorite stories together on chilly nights. With warm drinks and sweets.
🌼 He would love dressing up with S/O and going on picnics. Setting up a delicious meal for them both. Usually either going to a local park, or even a spot he found himself, a little hide away.
🌼 Boris nerding out with S/O with everything he knows about foraging. All the natural recipes, remedies, or even just fun facts. S/O listening makes his entire day, and makes him so unbelievably happy.
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imagine4me · 3 years
Apologizes to everyone who requested head canons! I will release them as soon as I can! However I’ve been caught up recently with other things. I am still working on them however!
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imagine4me · 3 years
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Wanted to make some of those funny little Valentines I always see around this time of year <3
Likes < Reblogs ! <3
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imagine4me · 3 years
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Gib a Kissy today đź’•
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imagine4me · 3 years
How each of the SFM characters would ask you to be their Valentine!
Dr Habit: “Roses can b red, violets r actually purple! It’s hard 2 put how muc h I love you in a way that is verbal! Happy Valentine’s flower, and I just want 2 say, your smil e will always brighten up my day! ;-D”
Kamal: “I’m not really swave, or cool, or smart, but I hope you believe me when I tell you, you’re number one in my heart! That was... R-really bad haha... S-sorry! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Parsley: “Are you- uh- wait no- did it h-hurt-? When you- wait no! U-um!! I k-knew I should have written this d-down... HappyVealentinesDayIReallyLikeYouOk! Wait...”
Trencil: “Today is a day celebrated by millions, for hundreds of years, one day to allow yourself to fall under the siren call of another’s spell. Indulging in their company and gaining courage to court them. Really, as a recluse I usually despise this day. However with you before me now, I may have to change my old mind. What do you say my flower?”
Lulia: “I always know my fortune is bright with you in it dear! Happy Valentine’s Day, let’s spend it to the fullest!”
Jenafira: “HeeeEeeyy! You know what day it is riiggghhhtttt?? ;) How’s about I give you the best gift of all this Valentine’s Day, being mine haha!”
Jimothan: “I don’t need no girly cheesy pick up line to win your heart Valentine! I’m a man of many skills. Strong, smart, and an excellent cook. The only thing I need now is someone like you right next to me tonight.”
Wallus: “The lounge is playing my favorite song! Would you like to stay with me, just till it’s over?”
Tiff: “You’re always so positive and caring, I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d like to spend this day with. What do you think? Would you like to be my, valentines?”
Ranbo: “I got you a gift! A bouquet of flowers! Hey! They’re not what you’re thinking! I may be a clown, but I’d never purposely mess up my chances of asking you out. Hnk!”
Randy: “You’re just as appealing as this jar of pickles! Always there at the time I need you most to!”
Gillis: “This day is so stupid! Of course I wouldn’t care about getting a Valentine! It’s not like- I’ve been really wanting to ask someone of anything! I wouldn’t care if someone asked me though. Because uh- it’s just, it’s just silly. But if you uh, ask me.... I’d definitely probably say yes. Not like I hope you do though! Who am I kidding... happy Valentine’s Day!”
Dallas: “You totally make up my world man! You’re so bright and colorful you can make the world seem like a abstract of emotions. Would you be my muse today?”
Mirphy: “.... Fine I’ll bite. You’re not that bad, and honestly you’ve been an amazing help. You’re pretty awesome actually haha. Wanna be Valentine’s?”
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imagine4me · 3 years
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habby valen-times day!
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imagine4me · 3 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone has a great day today, and can spend it with the people you care about! Both plutonic and romantic. No matter who you are, know that you’re amazing!
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imagine4me · 3 years
S/O reassuring Boris that using age regression as a coping mechanism is completely ok, and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of it.
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imagine4me · 3 years
Habit spending hours trying to make S/O the perfect flower arrangement for Valentine’s Day.
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imagine4me · 3 years
Do a imagine for a flirty drunk parsley.
💼 Although it would take him a second to really build up the conference to walk over to S/O, there’s no going back once it’s started.
💼 The amount of cheesy pick up lines this man will tell you is unbelievable! Ranging from “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” All the way to knock knock jokes.
💼 Thats not to say he can’t be charming as well though! Any complement he gives will be the most sweetest and genuine S/O will ever hear.
💼 Lets face it though to, the poor man can barely stand up straight. He’d most likely need to sit down, or lean against something for balance. Or even someone if it was ok with them, wink wink. Either way, someone help this poor guy-
💼 If Parsley sees that S/O is interested to, or gets flustered, the dorky smile on his face won’t leave for days! You can almost see the very second his conference shoots up like a rocket.
💼 Drunk karaoke to impress his crush? More likely then you think! Even Parsley knows he’ll be extremely embarrassed once he sobers up, but like that’ll stop him from serenading S/O with dorky love songs.
💼 Jerafina most definitely either tries to join in, or get S/O to. There’s definitely going to be teasing about how cute you both looked together for a looonnnggg time after.
💼 Parsley’s father isn’t any innocent in the matter either. Most likely he was the one talking Parsley into going over to S/O. No one would be surprised knowing he was taking pictures as well.
💼 Unless S/O intervenes to, those photos will most definitely be disappearing under mysterious circumstances the next day, perhaps even along with Jimothan’s entire phone. Parsley will deny any involvement, but it’s safe to guess who did it.
💼 Even though Parsley may be acting like a tough confident guy, he’ll very quickly recoil and turn into a flustered mess the second S/O flirts back. And if they give him a kiss on the cheek? Let’s just say someone better call a doctor, the man will be out cold.
💼 Flirting aside, Parsley will most likely want to be around you for a long while. Chatting about nothing and just enjoying being around S/O. He’ll be giving out nothing but the truth to, so if you have any questions, nows the best time!
💼 Lawyer puns and pickup lines. No further explanation then just.... God he’s so proud of himself for those.
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imagine4me · 3 years
Trencil having a bubble blowing contest with S/O
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imagine4me · 3 years
S/O having fun helping Ronbo get ready for work. Doing his makeup, finding the right accessories, even getting dressed up themself if they wanted.
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imagine4me · 3 years
While holding S/O close in his arms, Boris Habit sighs with happiness and mumbles “Thank you... Thank you for everything, my flower. You’re my lily flower, and I hope you know how much you mean to me.”
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imagine4me · 3 years
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you’re cool as fuck + your meat is huge
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imagine4me · 3 years
Dr Habit asking S/O to teach him to cook, only for S/O to find out later, he already knew how. He just wanted an exuse to spend time together.
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imagine4me · 3 years
Although at first he only thought of S/O like a best friend, or even a wingman at times, Dallas soon has to face the obvious signs that he’s in love with them. What gives him this awakening is his own art. For the past few months all his paintings or doodles have some aspect of S/O in them. Favorite colors, themes, and the most embarrassing to admit he didn’t realize was a sign, a few abstract paintings of S/O.
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