imaginekris · 2 years
Hello to all who still remain here. It's been a while.
Given the news that broke yesterday, we thought we'd take a short moment to announce that we are finally, officially, ending the continuation of this blog for good. Given the amount of time we've been away this rather feels like a foregone conclusion, but it's something we felt deserved a proper ending.
Admin 1: To those of you who have been here through all these many years we've shared together, I want you say thank you. This blog brought me closer to my best friend and birthed new beautiful friendships that I cherish to this day. It taught me that I can be so creative and funny and also an absolute dunderhead without an original thought to speak of. It's been a ride, and you all helped make it memorable.
You can find me on here at @cyanyeol where I am mildly active.
Admin 2: The years we ran this blog were a blast. I really appreciate all of you for your notes and everything, and I really cherish the time spent on this silliness because of the relationships it has built in addition to how it acted as an enriching writing / creative exercise. Since I’ve been reflecting on the state of social media and online presence more broadly, I just want to say: go make something silly, be self indulgent, and have fun. There is so much space for it—for you—and you won’t regret it. If we can leave anyone with any lasting impression, I hope it’s that.
I’m over on @plindec forever & always.
Thank you for everything, and so long.
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imaginekris · 2 years
BEIJING — A Chinese court on Friday sentenced Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu to 13 years in prison on charges including rape.
Beijing’s Chaoyang District Court said Wu was given 11 years and 6 months for a 2020 rape, and 1 year and 10 months for the “crime of assembling a crowd to engage in sexual promiscuity” in a 2018 incident in which he and others allegedly assaulted two women they had gotten drunk.
The court said the three victims in the rape case had also been drunk and were unable to resist.
It said a combined 13-year sentence was agreed on and Wu would be immediately deported after serving his time.
“According to the facts … the nature, circumstances and harmful consequences of the crime, the court made the above judgment,” the court said in an online statement.
A Canadian diplomat was in court to hear the sentencing, it said.
The June trial of the 32-year-old former member of the South Korean group EXO had been closed to the public to protect the alleged victims’ privacy.
Wu has been detained since August last year while police conducted an investigation in response to comments online that he “repeatedly lured young women” to have sex, according to a police statement at that time.
That year, a teenager accused him of having sex with her while she was drunk. Wu, known in Chinese as Wu Yifan, denied the accusation.
The teenager then said seven other women contacted her to say Wu seduced them with promises of jobs and other opportunities. She said some were under 18.
Rape is punishable by three to 10 years in prison, although exceptional cases can result in harsher sentences up to death. The second charge Wu faced is punishable by up to five years in prison.
Wu grew up in Guangzhou in China and in Vancouver, British Columbia.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Hey all. It’s recently come to our attention that there are some very serious accusations against Kris, and in light of that this blog is going on indefinite hiatus.
In case you are unaware of these accusations, here are some sources with more details. Yes, these are largely “gossip” sites, but they’re currently the only translations we’ve found. Please note that there is reference to grooming and assault:
This tweet from @chiguajimei is what we originally saw early Saturday.
The following posts from 38jiejie summarize everything a bit more clearly: June 3rd: Kris Wu Seemingly Responds to Latest Dating Rumors with a College Student and an Internet Celebrity July 8th: Kris Wu’s Studio Takes Legal Action Against Rumored Ex-Girlfriend, Du Meizhu, After She Accuses Him and His Team of Luring Underaged Girls Under the Guise of Looking for Music Video Female Leads and Signing New Artists July 9th: Du Meizhu Preparing to File Police Report in Follow Up to Her Accusations Against Kris Wu and His Studio for Allegedly Luring Underage Girls July 12th: Du Meizhu Claims “Kris Wu’s Side Has No Evidence, I Have the Evidence Now” in Interview with Tencent Entertainment July 17th: Du Meizhu Reveals Chats with Kris Wu’s Team Allegedly Offering Money to Her and Other Alleged Victims to Settle Out of Court
If you have better sources we welcome them. We’ll try to keep up with any additional news but we can’t promise anything.
Love to you all. We’re on twitter if you want to hit us up for any reason. Be well.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris ripping open a can of Campbell’s tomato soup and chugging that red sludge right on down. Refreshing!
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris taking an enormous sip from a very long straw and making an incredibly satisfied "ahh," noise.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris going to Car Toys and demanding that they make his car play the melody from Running In The 90's every time he turns on the ignition.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris launching an investigation into why he doesn’t have any matching socks anymore even though he totally just bought like a dozen pairs? So weird. Anyway hopefully this private investigator he hired will solve this mystery.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris trying to make his own ice cream cake and learning in the process that there might be a secret sixth stage of grief, false hope. Anyway now there's a bunch of ice cream on his kitchen floor.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris putting on his big ol’ clown nose for another day of making goofs and executing gaffs.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris modifying a lampshade into a hat because he can and no one can stop him.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris naming all the birds he borrowed from the park with different variations on his own name. We got Krisp, Kristi, Kris Jr., Kris II, Kristopher, Kris III, Kristian, Kristina, and Big K.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris going on a leisurely walk and snatching birds out of the air, stowing them in his jacket for later.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris utterly hungover, murmuring "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good," into the bowl of his toilet before dry heaving.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris trying to stop his cat from enthusiastically chewing on his laptop's charging cord and getting mildly attacked himself in the process.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris realizing he’ll never be what he dreamed he would be: a basketball. He’s letting his four year old self down.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris trying to pay a thirteen year old to teach him how to recover his Twitter password.
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imaginekris · 3 years
Imagine Kris using face ID to unlock his phone, which is to say he smashes his face by dropping his phone on it while scrolling in bed.
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