imagineswriting · 8 years
Hi! I love your imagines! I was hoping if you cluck write a Kara imagine where the reader is her best friend since they were 13 and the reader just now finds out Kara is an alien/supergirl and is really hurt about it because they kinda used to have a thing?
hi bb!! I’m writing this right now, so it’ll be up later tonight!!
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- Julia
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imagineswriting · 8 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Barry Allen Imagine)(Part 1)
A/N: Sorry that it’s been so long since there’s been an imagine posted! But here is a multi-chapter imagine based off the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (which i would recommend to everyone btw). In this Star City is more of a New York type place, while Central City is somewhere in California. Also just a warning, the reader in this does suffer with anxiety and depression and there is a panic/anxiety attack in this chapter, just a forewarning! Anyways, hope you all enjoy! (Also there will be some Wally romance as per request of the reader, going along with the plot of the show)
Central City! (It Also Happens To Be Where Barry Lives):
*10 Years In The Past*
 You felt Barry pull away from the kiss. Although this time when you looked at him, you didn’t see the usual smiling Barry you had been used to all Summer. Instead, his brows were furrowed, and his lips were pursed in a frown.
“Is my breath okay? I brushed like twice already today. Do I need to go for a third? I mean I will if –“
“What? No, no, Y/n, your breath is fine. It’s just, I’m really going to miss you. This summer, it’s been, so fun.”
“Miss me?” Now it was your turn to furrow your brows, not understanding Barry. It was your last day at Summer Camp together. One indescribable, amazing summer. You’d had your first kiss, first love, everything was just so perfect. “Why would you miss me?”
“Well, we won’t be able to see each other again? It’s the last day at camp, remember?”
“Yeah...bu-but we could still call, or skype, I thought we were going to be together forever?” You feel tears welling up, as they began to slide down your cheeks. Barry wiped them away, almost looking like he could cry too.
“I just – I just don’t think all of that would work. I mean, we’re fifteen, we still have so much to figure out and –“
“We were supposed to figure it all out together. That’s what you said!” You could hear your mom call your name, but it sounded distant, barely audible.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I am. But, this just won’t work.” Barry said, taking a step away from you. “I’m sorry.”
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces, as all of the other kids walked past you, finding their way to each of their parents. Barry himself walked away to his parents’ car, only looking back at you once, a guilty look appearing on his face.
“Y/N! Don’t make me say your name again!” Your mom shouted from the window of her car.
“Alright!” You scream back, receiving some weird looks from your fellow campers, as you sulk your way over to your mothers’ car.
“What is the matter with you? You look like a mess.” Your mom says as you get into the car. “You’re crying over some boy? Stop that. You don’t need a boy. What you need is a good, successful job. That’s how you become truly happy. Just look at your father, you think I was ever happy with him? No.”
Your mom continued to rant as you watched Barry’s parents drive away, off to some other town, out of your life.
 *Present Day*
 “Wow. Just, uh, wow.” Your mind struggled to come up with an illegible sentence as you felt, more so than saw, your boss’ stare burn through you. Why? Why did you not understand whatever it was that you were feeling? Why could you not just say yes?
“Ms. Y/L/N? So, what do you say?” Your boss’ tone was friendly, although you could tell she was trying to rush you for an answer. It’s not like she would’ve thought there would be any debate. It was a once in a lifetime promotion she had just offered you. One that you had been working for ever since you graduated from Harvard. You could be running your own law firm, making more money than you could even imagine. Your life would be stable. You would be happy.
Happy. That’s what you’re feeling, like a ball, bundled up in your stomach. Right? What else could it be? Everything was happening so fast, you couldn’t think straight. When did the room get so small? Suddenly you found it hard to breathe, as you began wiping the sweat off your palms onto your skirt.
This is happiness. This is what happy people feel.
“I’m going to need an answer, Ms. Y/L/N.”  
“C...Can I have some time to, uh, just some time to think?” You stuttered out, stumbling over your words as you tried to catch your breath.
“Some time? Of course, feel free to take a walk, think it over. But I do need an answer by the end of the day.” Your boss, although the confusion was clear in her voice, offered you a smile. You rose from your seat, still in a complete daze. You barely registered yourself leaving her office as you ran to the elevator, repeatedly pressing the ground floor button, immediately feeling claustrophobic as soon as the doors closed.
The elevator began to drop down, floor by floor, as you braced your back against the elevator wall, trying to even your breathing.
“This is happiness. This is how happy people feel.”
Ping. Another floor past.
“This is happiness. This is how happy people feel.”
You repeated the phrase to yourself, again and again.
The elevator doors lurched open, and you basically ran out of the elevator and the lobby.
You sprang outside, the cold air immediately hitting you. “Deep breaths. Deep breaths.”
A car screeched to a halt to your right. You could hear the yells of a newspaper boy, trying to entice new customers. You struggled to catch a breath as all of the noises of Star City seemed to smother you. You look around you, trying to find a quiet place. You notice an alley way, just across the road and run across to it, ignoring the beeps and jeers you hear as you cross the street.
You immediately crash to the ground in the alley, hidden behind a dumpster from the public eye. Your hands fly up to your ears, covering them from the bustle of the city, as you tried to focus on your seemingly new mantra.
“This is what happy people do. Promotions make you happy. Being successful makes you happy! I am happy!” You feel tears threaten to break through, but you force yourself to gulp down a sob.
“Happy people don’t cry!” You tell yourself, squeezing your hands even tighter against your ears. You don’t know how long you stay like this, or how many times you repeat the same thing to yourself, but it finally begins to work.
Your breathing begins to stabilize and you stand up, the only evidence left of your breakdown being the moist feeling of sweat from your palms. You wipe the dirt from your skirt before exiting the alley way, almost forgetting to wipe the leftover ‘almost-tears’ from your eyes. Taking a quick look at yourself in a nearby window, you hastily fix your hair and clothing, trying to make everything look normal.
Suddenly, you become very aware of the empty feeling in your stomach, deciding to head over to a nearby café to get a quick bite.
You keep your head down as you quickly walk down the straight, focusing on the click-clack of your heels, knowing how easily you another breakdown could be triggered.
Click-clack, click-clack, clic – You feel a broad shoulder collide with your own as you stumble slightly to the side.
“Oh, sorry.” You quickly blurt out, keeping your eyes to the ground, expecting the other person to continue on their way.
“Y/N?” That voice. It sounds so familiar. You raise your head, and their he his, smiling that beautiful smile of his, the one that makes his green eyes sparkle and –
“Barry!” You practically squeal, at the sight of him. It had been so long since the two of you had spoken last. “What are you doing in Star City?”
“Oh, I live here. What about you?” He lives here. He lives here! You had almost forgotten about Barry completely, ever since the summer he had broken up with you. Well, maybe you had clung on to him for like, a year or two after, but other than that, he had been out of your mind. But now….now all of those feelings seemed to come rushing back to you. His smile was so contagious, you almost forgot about the empty feeling in your stomach.
“I live here too. You know, we should grab coffee, or maybe dinner some time.” You blurt out. It’s his eyes, they’ve always made you forget all of your problems.
“Oh, man, Y/N, I would love that. But I’m moving back to Central City. I was actually on my way to the airport now.”
“Oh. Really?” It was times like this you were glad Barry could be so oblivious at times, because anyone else might have picked up on the clear disappointment in your tone.
“Yeah. It’s really amazing there. Nothing like Star City. The city just always makes me so…..happy.”
Happy. There’s that word again.
“Well, if you’re ever in Central City, just give me a call, maybe we could hang out then.” Barry said, his smile stretching from ear to ear as he waved goodbye to you.
“Sure.” You reply, almost in a dazed sort of whisper.
You watched as Barry hopped into a taxi cab, giving you one final smile before the cab drove off. Left staring at where he was only moments ago, you repeated the conversation in your head again and again. He looked so happy. He was so happy.
“Central city?” You say to yourself aloud, not paying any head to the strange looks passer-by’s were giving you.
All of your troubles, all of your problems, in that one conversation with Barry, seemed to disappear.
What even was your problem? You remember being in the alley, running out of your boss’ office, and –
Your boss. How long had you been? You rush back to the law firm, heading immediately up to your boss’ office. Some, possibly more sensible, part of your brain was telling you to take more time, to think things through. But you were done thinking, you knew what you needed to do.
You knock on your boss’ door before entering her room, where she is still sitting behind her desk, except this time her eyebrows are raised at your sudden entrance.
“Oh, Ms. Y/L/N. Have you come to a decision yet?”
“I have.” You reply, taking a deep breath. You didn’t want to think about what your mom, or your boss, or what anyone else expected of you. You just wanted to do something for yourself, for once. “I’m afraid I can’t take the promotion. In fact, I quit.”
Your boss is left speechless at your confession, somehow managing to raise her eyebrows even further. “I’m sorry, but you do realise how great an opportunity this promotion is, correct? Let alone a job like this. You are one of our most qualified workers, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“I know, and I am truly flattered, but I can’t keep doing this to myself.” You say confidently, to your boss’ confusion.
“What? What does that even mean?” She questions you, her confusion growing by every word coming out of your mouth.
“It means I need to be my own person. You understand right? So, goodbye.” You feel the smile grow on your face as you leave the room, only hearing a quiet “No?” from your boss before the door closes.
On your way to the elevator, one of your co-workers, Laurel Lance, cuts through your path, a curious look on her face.
“You look happy. Did you get your promotion?” The history between the two of you wasn’t the best, but you didn’t feel like fighting, not today, not right now. Now was a time for being happy, not angry.
“Nope. Well, yes. But I…I quit!” You squeal in delight, as Laurels mouth practically dropped to the floor.
“And you’re happy about that?” She questioned you, right before the door to your boss’ office opened, and you heard your boss call Laurels name out. “Guess, I won’t be seeing you.”
You watch as Laurel walks away, probably to pick up the promotion you had just passed on, but you couldn’t care.
As soon as you got into the elevator, you immediately took out your phone, looking up jobs, houses, flights, everything that you could possibly need to start a life in Central City (Look, it’s only two hours from a beach! (Four in traffic)). Barry’s flight was overbooked (not that you wanted to be on the same flight as him, that would be weird, it just would’ve been the soonest flight), so the closest flight was two days from now.
You take just a moment, to fully understand what you were doing. And all you felt was blissful happiness.
  *2 Days and One Flight Later*
 “I would just like to say it will be a pleasure working for you, Ms Grant.” The words flew easily from your mouth, having had to recite them multiple times throughout your career. Butt kissing was kind of your thing.
“While I appreciate the compliment, it’s me who has the pleasure, what with all of your qualifications. Maybe I might just have someone who is qualified at their job for once.” Cat didn’t even so much as glance in your direction as she spoke, instead handing you a pile of papers she had grabbed off a desk she passed by. “You can start with these.”
“Will do, Ms Grant.” Taking the papers from her hands, Cat left without another word, yet somehow, you felt that whole conversation was her version of friendly.
You glanced around the small office building, a much smaller scale than your office in New York. Some might say it was a downgrade, but the fact that it was in Central City was enough.
“So, you’re the new girl, huh?” A brunette girl spoke up from her seat, one desk over from where you were standing. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Uh, yeah sure. Go ahead.” You say, setting the papers down on the empty desk beside her, assuming it’s yours.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh, what? I’m sorry I don’t think I understand.” Stuttering over your words, you feel a nervous sweat begin to form on the back of your neck. Why? It’s not like you came here for a weird reason? The city just seemed nice? Right?
“Well, judging by your clothes –“She gestured at your clothes, a deep blue pencil dress with a black blazer, in contrast with her purple blouse and jeans, “and based on how Cat seemed vaguely nice to you, you’re either overqualified or overcompensating.”
“What? No, I just – Cat offered me a position, and I looked into the city more and it sounded amazing. And it’s only two hours away from the beach!”
“Well, four in traffic.” The girl corrected you, as she squinted her eyes in distrust. “And that’s why you moved here? Nothing else?”
“Nope. What other reason would I have to move here, honestly?” You laugh and shrug you’re shoulders.
Which one of us am I trying to convince here? You think to yourself, but shake the thought away.
“I never got your name, by the way.” You say, trying to move the conversation away from you.
“Caitlin. Caitlin Snow. I’m the paralegal at the firm here.” She was still giving you that squinty look that made you want to duck underneath your desk and hide. Instead, like a rational human, you stared directly at the papers Cat had handed you, although it wasn’t like you could focus on the words on the pages. This could be a long day.
 *After Work*
 The glowing neon sign, although tacky, definitely managed to catch your attention.
‘The Flash’s Sports Bar’ complete with lightning bolts swirling around neon footballs and baseball bats.
I wonder if Barry will be here You think to yourself, not that that’s why I’m here, I need to meet the locals and bars are a good way to do that, I’m just being a normal social person.
As the wind picks up, you get a strong smell of beer along with a tinge of urine, from the open bar doors. Appealing.
Bracing yourself, and your nostrils, you head inside the bar, which honestly looked similarly to how it smelt. It was pretty empty, about twenty people scattered around the bar, all of them apparently alone. As you walk towards the main bar, you quickly, and ‘discreetly’ (aka not discreetly at all), glance around the room, looking for Barry. Or just anyone who you might recognize, you quickly add on, to your own thoughts. God, why do I keep having to rationalize all of my own decisions?
“Can I help you? You seem…..lost.” You hadn’t even noticed the bartended walking over to you, an empty glass in one hand and a cloth in the other.
“What? Oh, oh no, I’m just new here. I’m actually waiting on a friend.” The words just fall from your mouth, you barely even realised what you said.
“Oh really? Who’s your friend? I pretty much know everyone around here.” The bartender says with a grin, leaning his elbows on the counter. His grin did that same thing Barry’s did, seemingly lighting up an entire room.
“Uhm, Barry Allen? We ran into each other back in New York a couple days ago.”
“Tall, dorky, always late?”
“Yep, that’s him. Do you happen to know where he is?” At this point you felt your heart beat begin to race. You felt it, you were so close to seeing Barry again, and his smile, and his eyes and –
“Actually, the two of us were heading to a party tonight. One of our friends, Linda, is throwing it. Oh, I’m Wally by the way.” He extended his hand for you, which you accepted. “You know, I could bring you if you want?”
“You mean, like a….date?” Just the thought of going on a date full stop seemed to twist your stomach. Wait, isn’t this what butterflies feel like? Or nerves? Aren’t they normal? Why would I be nervous? It’s not like a have a boyfriend. “Uh, sure, that would be great.”
Your answer just seemed to make his smile grow even wider, he even let out a little giggle.
“Great, I can pick you up at seven?” As he said that, you heard laughter from behind you, as a group of young people came into the bar. “I should probably get back to work. But, uh, just write your address on this, and I will see you at seven.”
You take up the pen he had handed to you and write down your new address on a napkin, handing it to him. Pocketing it, he gives you one last chuckle before heading off to take the groups order.
It was actually happening. You were going to see Barry. Tonight. With your date. But that’s fine, it’s fine, why wouldn’t it be fine?
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imagineswriting · 8 years
Hey! since you said you /do/ multi-chapter imagines could you do an imagine about Barry Allen (the Grant Gustin one) based on the show 'Crazy Ex Girlfriend', yes I realize this is a strange ask.
I’m actually working on this one now, but just so I get it right who would you want to be Greg? Because obviously there would be romance there too so just wondering?
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imagineswriting · 8 years
Hey! Don't suppose you guys do multi-chapter imagines?
We sure do!
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imagineswriting · 8 years
Spin The Bottle (Female!Barry Allen Imagine)
(A/N) Sorry that it’s been such a long time since our last update! As usual, I hope you all enjoy the imagine as much as I enjoyed writing it. Reader is male with a female Barry Allen (Bailey Allen), as requested. Feel free to let me know what you think and also request if you want an imagine!
“Guys come on, we’re supposed to be adults!” You say, somewhat exasperatedly. It was the day after Zoom had been defeated and Baily had saved the day (yet again) and the STAR Labs team decided it would be a good idea to have a faux “sleepover”, obviously inviting Iris, Joe and Wally along too. There wasn’t going to be any literal ‘sleeping over’ but Caitlin, Cisco and Bailey were treating it like one. Which is exactly how you found yourself in a game of Spin the Bottle.
“What’s wrong Y/N? Afraid you’ll have to kiss one of us?” Bailey teased you, as per usual. You were typically the more mature one from the group, tending to think logically over emotionally. Ok, maybe you don’t let yourself have fun too often, but when you work with a team of people working to save the world, there can’t be that much room for fun, right?
You feel your cheeks begin to burn, not so much at Bailey’s words, more so at what your true answer is. You would die for the chance to kiss her, god knows you dreamt about doing it for so long. But it would be highly unprofessional, so there was nothing you could do other than to push those fantasies aside.
“Ok fine, if you all insist.” You sit down in the circle, directly opposite Bailey. She had that trademark smirk on her face, only making your blush intensify.
“I’ll go first!” Jesse quickly added, clearly excited to finally have some fun after being trapped in Zoom’s lair for so long. Luckily, Joe and Harry had left the party a while ago, which would have turned this game very awkward (I mean, Wally and Iris were still playing, but it was a given if they got each other they would just spin again). She spun the bottle and the group waited In anticipation at who it would land on.
“Wally!” The bottle landed on Wally, and neither him or Jesse seemed to be too unhappy about the kiss.
“Ok, me next!” Bailey said, quickly spinning the bottle. You waited for the bottle to stop, feeling your heart pound in your chest.  There really was no good outcome for you. Either you get to see Bailey kiss somebody else, which was sure to be soul-crushing. Or, you get to kiss her, and most likely make an embarrassment out of yourself.
The bottle continued to spin, past Caitlin, past Cisco, past Iris, round and around. It seemed like it would never end, that you would be stuck in this moment of constant dread. But you weren’t that lucky.
As the bottle stopped, all eyes were on you, including Bailey’s, who now looked a lot less smug than before.
Knowing there was nothing to say that would get you out of this, you crawled towards her, stopping inches before her face. She was looking directly at your lips, her bright green eyes tracing your lips as you inched closer and closer towards her. And then you were kissing. And it felt perfect.
The world seemed to stop as the two of you kissed, Bailey’s soft lips against yours. Your hand instinctively went to her hand, gently cupping it in yours, your eyes fluttering shut. In that moment, you didn’t care about responsibility, or professionalism, or anything else. All you cared about was Bailey Allen, the girl who had stolen your heart since the first time you had met her.
And then it was over, and you physically felt your heart ache at the loss of her lips on yours. Her emerald green eyes locked with yours for just a second, and you could see the obvious blush now on her cheeks.
“I..I need to go.” Bailey stuttered before flashing out of the room. You didn’t move for a few seconds, trying to process everything that had just happened. Coming back to reality, you realise everyone’s eyes were still locked on you, confusion clear in all of their eyes.
“I should check on her.” You say, clearing your throat, trying to act nonchalant as you walk out of the cortex where you had all been sitting. Trying to act as if that kiss hadn’t just turned your entire world upside down and made you rethink your relationship with Bailey. But she still didn’t love you that same way, clearly, seeing as she literally got out of there as fast as she could. Still, you had to try to make this right, to try and hang on to your friendship.
Thinking of where she could go, you figure to check the time vault first. She told you once that’s where she would sometimes go to hide when being a superhero became too much.
You open the doors to find Bailey with her back to you, looking at the newspaper from the future. You can tell from her posture that she’s biting her nails, a nervous habit you had started noticing a lot more frequently lately.
“Iris West-Allen.” She spoke, sounding dazed. She was referring to the name under the newspaper. The name predicting Bailey and Iris’ future together. Yet another reason that your feelings for Bailey can only ever be a wild fantasy.
“Bailey, about that kiss…….” You begin but trail off, unsure of where to go. What to say. Suddenly she turns around to you, locking eyes with you. Her hair is windswept from running straight here, and you notice a couple strands falling in front of her face, but she does nothing to correct them. She raises her eyebrows, expecting you to continue.
“I’m sorry, I got carried away, I guess.” You say, allowing your gaze to fall to the ground. This isn’t what you knew how to deal with. If someone gave you a computer code to fix, or a server to hack, you could do it in record speed. But emotions? Feelings? Not too good with them.
“Carried away?” Bailey spoke. She didn’t say it in an accusing tone, instead it was more of a questioning tone.
“I just got so caught up in the moment, and in you, that I didn’t want it to end. I….I like you as more than a friend, Bailey. I have for a while now.” You let that sit with her, the weight of your confession simultaneously being lifted from your shoulders, while also feeling as prominent as ever.
“Really? You like me?” She asked, sighing, which only confused you more. Why would she sigh?
“Yeah? I’m sorry, I just had to tell you.”
“Don’t be sorry! I like you too Y/N, I always have.” She explained, a smile growing on her face which just made her eyes shine brighter to you. You felt your heart grow as her words set in. “I never said anything because there was always a threat, like Reverse Flash, or Zoom. I just didn’t want to put more people in danger.”
“Well, there isn’t any threat right now.” You say, throwing all professionalism you had previously wanted to keep out the window, taking a step towards Bailey, so that your lips were only mere inches from one another.
“I suppose you’re right.” She replied, that same grin from earlier now planted on her face as you lean in to press your lips against hers. 
You feel her throw her arms over your shoulder as one of your hands caresses her cheek, the other wrapping around her waist. You trace your tongue over her lips, a silent request. She follows through, allowing your tongue entrance as the kiss deepens. You had been wrong earlier, thinking that was the best moment of your life. This was the best moment, having her in your arms, nobody else watching. This time, it truly was only you two, and in that moment, nobody else matter.
“And my twenty bucks?” Cisco asks smugly, holding his hand out towards Caitlin, who just rolls her eyes. She rummages through her pocket before digging out a two ten dollar note, placing it in Cisco’s hands.
“I thought they wouldn’t kiss for another two weeks.” Caitlin sighed, as Cisco flicked through his whole two notes, clearly doing it as a joke.
“Wait, what just happened?” Iris asked, looking between both Caitlin and Cisco, a questioning look in her eyes.
“Cisco bet me twenty dollars that he could get them both to kiss tonight.” Caitlin explained to Iris.
“And my plan worked, as always!” Cisco spoke triumphantly, now pretending to ‘Make It Rain’.
“Okay, calm down moneybags.” Caitlin rolled her eyes at Cisco’s antics. “So, who’s next?”
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imagineswriting · 8 years
I don't see many male reader imagines, so I'm going to request an imagine where the male reader is a scientist working at STAR Labs and he tells Bailey Allen (female Barry Allen) that he likes her and Bailey says she likes him, and they end up becoming a couple. If you want to throw some humour in there, maybe Cisco and Caitlin betted on how long it would take them to admit they liked each other.
Coming up now, I hope you enjoy reading it!
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Magic (Kara Danvers Imagine)
(A/N) The reader has magical powers, kind of like Zatannas, so all she has to do is say something backwards and it happens. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to let me know what you think of it and send in a request!
“Stop hogging all the blankets!” You playfully shout at Kara, who is snuggled up at the side of the bed, blankets wrapped around her.
“But it’s cozy!” Kara moans, to which you giggle. She was so child-like and innocent, yet one of the strongest people you knew. It’s one of the many reasons you loved her.
“Well…” You begin, wrapping your arms around her from behind, whispering into her ear, “it would be nice of you to share.”
“Since you asked so nicely.” Kara replied, allowing you to wrap yourself in the blankets beside her, the two of you now snuggling. Your faces only inches from each other, you leaned your head in towards her, able to smell her strawberry perfume, her light blue eyes –
Beep, Beep, Be –
Kara rolled her eyes before rolling out from under you. Kara quickly scans over the text she had received while you lay patiently on the bed, watching her.
“It’s Alex. There’s been a breakout at the D.E.O. I’m sorry Y/N, I gotta go.” Kara leaned down to press a gently kiss to your forehead, before quickly grabbing her suit from its hangar and flying out the window.
“So do I.” You mutter to yourself, before getting out of bed. You snap your fingers, muttering ‘emutsoc eraeppa’, as you feel the weight of your own costume magically appear. The all-black slimline covered you from head to toe, it wasn’t the most intricate design, but it was easy to move in. And the most important thing, speak in, while muffling your voice just enough to not be recognisable.
‘Kcart nialliv’ you mutter as a map of National City appears before you, in a glimmering mist. One building in the outskirts of the city lights up a light blue colour, setting it aside from the other grey areas on the map. It looked to be an abandoned warehouse.
“Ok, it’s now or never.” You say to yourself, trying to pump yourself up. You loved Kara for all she was, especially the Supergirl side, but she was too much of an idealist, always trying to see the best in people. When her aunt invaded, she had tried getting through to her, instead of doing what was necessary. That’s why you’d started this whole crusade, to serve justice the right way, not Kara’s empathetic version. Criminals don’t deserve that.
‘Tropelet em’ you say, before you are covered in a swirling grey mist. Your vision gets blurry for a second, and by the time it clears again so has the mist. You now stood in the middle of the warehouse, a breezy draft can be felt through the thing fabric of your suit.
“You will never put me back in that prison!” You heard the scream come from outside the warehouse, a deep thundering noise.
“Oh yeah? Watch me.” And there she was, Kara. She was always so much more commanding when she put on the suit, it had always made you wonder if that’s what she would have been like had she stayed on Krypton, if it had not blown up.
You rush to the open door of the warehouse as you hear a loud crash. The walls of the warehouse shook as you assume one of them smashed the other into the outer wall. As the walls continue to shake, one of the support beams holding up the roof comes loose, crashing down towards you.
‘Hsup yawa’ you quickly say, holding out your arms to guide your magic, pushing the beam to the side and away from you. Letting out a breath, you continue towards the door as the battle between Kara and the alien escapee carries on.
As you get to the door, you can now clearly see the fight. The alien is giant, both in height and width. Blue scaly skin sprawls over the behemoths body, with fangs the size of your forearm jutting from its mouth. You would be a lot more scared if the alien wasn’t daggling from Kara’s grip, holding the giant by a leg. She had her back turned to you, but you see her pressing her free hand to her ear, probably calling in to the D.E.O that she had won. But that wouldn’t help, they would just lock that thing up again, as it waits for the next chance to break out. Now was the only time you had.
‘Erif maeb’ you shout, pointing your arms at the beasts head as swirling tendrils of magic spray from your hands, hitting the monster directly, hard enough to push it out of Kara’s grasp.
“You again? Really?” Kara rhetorically asked, before flying towards you, her arms outstretched into fists.
‘Tsug fo dniw’ you shout, sweeping your arms to the side as a strong gust of wind goes in the same direction, knocking Kara off balance. She hits the ground, rolling for a couple seconds before she gets back up. Luckily she doesn’t look hurt at all, but unlucky for you, it seems to have just made her mad.
Kara blows her freeze breath towards you, and you begin to feel your body freeze over, unable to move.
‘Erutarepmet esir’ you quickly let out, as heat fills your body once again, allowing you to move.
“Who are you? Why are you killing all these people?” Kara asked, at this point frustrated. She had never come across someone like you before, someone with magic powers, and it frustrated her that she couldn’t beat you.
Seeing her like that, seeing her mad, frustrated, angry, all because of you, it broke your heart, but it had to be done.
“One day you’ll understand.” You mutter to yourself, although you know she’ll be able to hear it. You turn your body towards the blue alien, still lying unconscious on the ground. Raising your arms, you begin to say a spell, until –
Whack. Your world goes dark.
  You wake up weary, tied to a chair. You try to speak, to say a spell, but that’s when you notice the duct tape tied across your mouth, forcing you to stay quiet. And that’s when you notice your mask had been taken off.
You look around the room, desperately trying to find Kara, to just explain to her.
“I trusted you.” Her voice comes from behind you, filled with anger and sadness, like she was moments away from crying. “I loved you.”
You try to reply, but all that comes out are incoherent mumbles.
“She’s trying to talk.” Alex. She’s sitting in front of you. That’s when you put the pieces together. Alex must have come up from behind you during the fight and knocked you out. Then they brought you to the D.E.O and that’s when they had muted you and unmasked you. You know you should be worrying about if they had shown anyone else who you truly were, or if you would be sentenced to prison, but all you could think of was the heartbreak in Kara’s voice.
“So am I.” Kara says, in that commanding tone once again. She walks into your view, now towering over you from where you’re seated. You’re scared to look up, to look into her eyes, but you force yourself to do it. You wish you hadn’t.
The first thing you noticed were her eyes, red and watery, as if she had spent her time up until now crying.  Then you noticed the rest of her face, and the anger emitting from it.
You try to speak again as you feel your own tears begin to come to your eyes, but Kara cuts you off.
“It’s my turn to speak. Y/N, I have spent the last six months caring for you, trusting you, loving you, and now I find out you’re a murderer? I told you who I really was after a week of being with you, and I have to find out about you like this? Why? Why would you want to be this person, this monster? I have dedicated my life to saving innocent lives, to putting the bad guys away, and yet, you, one of the people I have loved the most since I got to this planet, are going against everything I’ve worked for. I just don’t understand why you would do this.”
The tears were now falling freely from your eyes, and you no longer had any control over them. You felt truly broken inside, knowing that you had caused such pain in the woman you had loved the most.
“If I take this off your mouth, I’m trusting you to stay here, to not break free, because that’s who I am, and who I always will be. And you betraying me will never change that.” And with that, Kara rips the tape over your mouth, and you take in a big gulp of air. You notice Alex behind Kara, preparing to defend against any slight move you might make.
“Kara….I….I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I just wanted to help the world, like you.
“Like me? You kill people, Y/N! That’s something I would never do.”
“Because the world doesn’t need those people in it anymore!” Kara looks at you in confused sadness, “Putting them in prison isn’t enough, people like that, people with powers, they break free, and then they kill again. It’s an endless cycle and it only ends in one way. Death.”
“Y/N, please tell me this isn’t you. I need this to not be you.” Kara pleads, kneeling down beside you.
“It is, Kara. This is me.”
“Why? Why do you do this?”
“Livewire killed my parents.” You say, the first time you’d ever talked about your parents to Kara. Kara looks taken aback, but she still has that same confused look in her eyes. “It was after she escaped the first time. I know you tried your best, you thought putting her in prison was the right thing, but she escaped, and she killed. That’s why I do this. Because you’re too good to do what’s necessary.”
“No, no, that’s not necessary. I am sorry, Y/N, for what happened to your parents, but that does not justify killing anyone, regardless if they’re a villain or not.” Kara is now holding your hands in hers, as she wipes a tear from your cheek.
“I screwed up, didn’t I?” You say, breaking down, gasping for breath in between sobs. Kara, now crying herself, hugs you, squeezing you tightly.
“It’s ok, it’s ok. We can sort this out.” Kara whispers into your ear.
“There is one way I can think of.” Alex speaks for the first time in what feels like hours, standing up from her chair. “You help us, join the D.E.O, we could always use another person with powers. But this time, you do it our way, the right way. Think of it like community service.”
You break away from Kara slightly, looking up at Alex. You begin to nod your excessively.
“Anything. I’ll do anything.”
“Good. I’ll let Hank know we have a new recruit.” And with that, Alex leaves the room, leaving you alone with Kara.
“You’re going to be ok.” Kara whispers to you once again, pulling you in for another hug, before placing her lips on yours, finishing the kiss that had been interrupted from earlier.
“I’m going to be ok.” You say to yourself, almost in a daze, suddenly feeling tired, like the weight of the world had just been put on to your shoulders.
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Imagine Kara finding out that you're the vigilante with magic powers please
Coming up in a minute! I hope you’re okay but it went a little on the angsty side, so hopefully that’s what you were looking for! I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you enjoy!
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imagineswriting · 9 years
For the Alec imagine they never specified if he was just gay maybe he's bisexual I don't mean to sound rude love your blog
youre not rude! however it is canon in the books that he is gay, though it just hasnt been established in the show's canon yet. and thank you! -Julia
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imagineswriting · 9 years
could you do a Alec Lightwood imagine of being Izzy's parabati and best friend. & the Clave sends someone to train Clary since Jace, Izzy, Alec, reader doing it takes time away from work & the person sent is a old friend of the reader who clearly has feelings for her, she is in love with Alec. & Shes the best hand to hand combat specialist so she helps show techniques by sparring she ends up on top of the guy & Izzy and Jace see Alec's obvious jealously and push him (and tease)to make a move???
hi there! so, graham and i did some talking about this, and neither of us is really comfortable writing this request. alec is gay and you explicitly said that the reader is female, which erases his sexuality- a pretty major part of his character and something that's important to a lot of people (myself included). i hope you can respect this decision and feel free to send in another request if you'd like!-Julia
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Who Lives, Who Dies (Liam Dunbar Imagine)
A/N: This is part two to Irrelevant. It kind of turned into a character study of sorts, how Liam would feel after the fact, so it’s kind of more about the reader, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!!
He’s shaking.
He’s shaking with cold and he’s shaking with emptiness and he’s shaking you but you’re not waking up. You won’t wake up.
He’s holding your ring, clinging to that last bit of you, trying to keep it warm (maybe if he does, maybe if he can keep the ring warm he can ignore the freezing touch of your lifeless body) (he can’t). And he doesn’t know how long he sits there until he hears “Liam! What the hell are you doing out- oh my god.” It’s Scott. “What happened to Y/N? What happened?!”
“I did.”
“I happened. I cheated. Y/N ran off. I happened, it’s my fault.” He’s not wrong.
The police show up soon after. They try to take your body, he puts up a fight, they shouldn’t touch you they shouldn’t touch you they shouldn’t- the wall of numbness he’d had up breaks and so does he. It takes everything Scott has to hold him back. He’s angry at the world.
No, he’s angry at himself. Perhaps a bit of both. Perhaps some twisted part of him is even angry at you, for running off, for dying. You were always able to help him, and now you weren’t here to do it and he was losing control.
They ask him questions: Did he know where you were? What happened before? Was he the last one to see you? They think he did it, he can tell, and all he can say is “I didn’t do this, I didn’t hurt Y/N.” He did, of course. But not like that. Never like that.
He hasn’t let go of your ring- he won’t. He can’t go back to your room, to your house, look your family in the eye knowing he was the reason you ran off. He doesn’t have that right.
But he keeps the ring. All he has left of you. He’s still trying to keep it warm, to keep you alive in this stupid, cheap trinket that didn’t mean anything in the end.
He wants to find the person who did this, he wants to make them pay, but he doesn’t even know where to start, he doesn’t even think he can. At the moment he doesn’t think he can do anything, not without you. He can’t sleep (so he doesn’t), he can’t speak (so he doesn’t), he can’t eat (so he doesn’t), hell, he can barely breathe (he doesn’t know how he’s managing it).
After weeks of sleepless nights he grows tired of hearing “I’m sorry.” He grows tired of hearing “It’ll get better.” Who are they to say?
He won’t go to your grave- skips the funeral, passes on the burial, stays in bed (but doesn’t sleep). He apologizes, over and over and over again, “I’m so sorry Y/N, I’m so sorry Y/N” but it doesn’t alleviate his guilt. Doesn’t lessen the pain or soothe the ache in his chest.
You were never coming back.
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Can you make a second part to (irrelevant Liam Dunbar) I loved it so much
Anonymous said: Part two of irrelevant please! it’s so good
oh my gosh I’m so happy you guys enjoyed it!! I’ll admit, I didn’t have a part 2 planned but I was hit with inspiration so I’m writing it right now! it should be up later tonight, I hope you enjoy it
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Are requests open
Yep, although no guarentee on how long it will take us to write it.
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Do u have a masterlist?
Yes we do! It’s right here . 
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Hey guys, I was just wondering what type of way would you prefer us to do ships? Like just the ship with a little drabble, or one of those things were it’s like “dating, best friend, ex, couple moment...” that sort of thing?
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Yo you do ships
Yes, we have recently started doing ships!
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imagineswriting · 9 years
Requests are now OPEN
Feel free to send in requests for Teen Wolf, The Flash, Supergirl, The 100, Percy Jackson, DC Comics, and any other fandoms we have listed on our blog!
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