imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
We stan a tik tok poet
i literally hate u dawson
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
knick nock
arent u supposed to be applying for college right now🤠🤡😫
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
im already tracer
hit or miss.... i guess they never miss, huh?
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
whAT if i jumoped you in an alleyway and said "01000110 01101111 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100001 01100011 01100011 01101111 01110101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110000 01110111 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 " also give me your parents credit cards information (including the wacky three back digits)
i hate you sending this message made us go to FUCKING autohaven im going to leave u to die on hook u little rat man. say goodbye to ur pizza u ugly pizza boy because daddy ace is going to eat it and you
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
callout post for dawson. wont press ready. keeps playing nea.
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
this is a callout post for dawson. hes dumb and ugly. 
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
Tumblr media
i’m doing my part, are you????
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
hi everyone i just wanted to say thank you for 170 followers!! its pretty crazy adlskhg. ive lost my inspiration so im taking a little break because honestly ive been writing a fic and its at the fourth chapter and its sucking the life out of me. thank you so much though <3 <3 love all of you
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
If it’s okay, I’d like a team rating..! I have lewyn, groom marth, seliph and LA! eliwood
this is another one written by @wucsie !! its adorable and im crying in the club rn. 
Lewyn hasnt befriended most of them, besides seliph
Seliph is Lewyn’s closest friend in this squad, though that isn’t saying much
Marth, Eliwood and seliph are the feh equivalent to the popular boys clique, everyone loves them. I can’t stress how well they work together
If they were a band, lewyn would be the angry guitarist that smashes his instrument on stage
Seliph, Eliwood and Marth are more than capable of forming their own barbershop quartet
Both Eliwood and seliph talk about their dads with one another. Instead of competing, they admire each others parents like a lot. They could listen to tales of their heroism all night long
Seliph Marth and Eliwood respect each others good intentions, but it escalates into who can help people the most
Seliph: “oh! Hello ma'am! Can I walk you across the street?”
Marth: “Please ma'am let me carry your groceries”
Eliwood, pulling up in a family van: “Please ma'am, let me drive you home”
Lewyn doest participate but snickers from afar
Although he doesn’t interact much with the other lords, he’s proud to fight alongside princes with such good hearted intentions
Above all else they’re outstanding in combat. The battlefield seems to shine when they’re on it.
Do they have weaknesses? Not really lol. These men are a huge beacon of hope for those around them
Did i mention how well they get along? Because the trio takes “look out for one another” to a whole new level
Eliwood is sad one day and both Marth and Seliph find time to dedicate to him
Lewyn has to learn ardent sacrifice because the minute one of the lords drop below 10 hp the other 3 insist on moving slower, in order to defend the injured
Emphasis on the fact that out of Marth, Eliwood and Seliph there are no “best friends”, just a “best group”.
The 3 of them can relate to one another through their upbringing and powerful families, whether it be through the stress of living up to expectations or the attention it garners
Seliph talks nicely about Lewyn, Eliwood and Marth understand that he isn’t around as much but respect him all the more for it
Seliph: “You know! Lewyn once did - all on his own”
Eliwood: :ooooooooooo
Marth: :oooooooooooo
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
If you have some spare time, could you give me a team rating? It’s Halloween Sakura, Genny, Halloween Myrrh, and New Years Azura, but of course no worries if you’re being flooded with requests lol
no worries at all!! this is a really cute team.. .
Ok this is a team full of cute friends. Like, this is the most pure team I have ever seen
Sakura and Myrrh are both very excited about halloween. Azura is very excited about new years. Genny is just roped into celebrating both holidays
Sakura and Myrrh are always going around the castle asking for treats
It’s mostly Myrrh’s idea– Sakura is too shy to go by herself
Literally fucking nobody has any candy because it’s probably like october 1st and so they just improvise
Sakura: trick or treat!
Zelgius, sweating: heres a…… knife??
You can’t resist the cuteness of Myrrh and Sakura together. You legally have to give them something
Since Genny and Azura don’t have costumes for halloween, Myrrh and Sakura take it upon themselves to sew something for them!
Genny is dressed up in a cute fluffy dress to symbolize her being a sheep
It’s adorable.
Azura is dressed up as a siren– it’s a loose costume design but as soon as she starts singing everyone gets it
It’s not a scary costume at all because Sakura and Myrrh made it, but like… it works
They don’t scare anybody and Myrrh is kind of disappointed at that
But they do get a lot of candy
And Myrrh is Very Happy about that
The day after halloween they’re all like crashing from the amount of sugar they ate
You might think that they went to a sick fucking halloween party but no
They just sat around a tv, watching the shitty 2010 remake of nightmare on elm street, eating all the candy they could
After halloween is over it’s NEW YEARS TIME
Azura teaches her team all the traditions
They probably end up missing a battle or somethign because they’re too busy planning a new years celebration out alshkdgjgf
The enemy team is just sitting there, waiting for somebody to come onto the field but nobody comes……..
Their spirits are very high when on the battlefield
Nothing can stop these girls. They’re too hype for the holidays
Don’t even try to win against them you are going to get Crushed
New years they all go and watch the fireworks together
Genny writes about it later
She writes about her friends a lot– usually about them all going on fun adventures together
Her favourite piece she’s written is one about Azura taking her flying around at dusk
Her second favourite piece is probably the one she wrote on Halloween, which detailed their adventures around the castle as they tried to smuggle candy out of Grima
Myrrh loves to hear Genny read her stories out loud
Sakura loves to, as well, but she can never handle the scary ones
Azura writes with Genny from time to time
The two of them weave up grand tales of adventure
Myrrh is always vibrating in her seat whenever they read a new chapter to her
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
Can I request a team rating for my fire blessing FEH team? It's L!Hector, Caeda, and S Support pair Veronica and Nowi. Thanks!
love these fire blessed boys!! this one was written by @wucsie ! we’re doing a fun lil collab thing! send them all ur love. this one is adorable aljkfdg
Veronica has a hard time socializing, but Nowi is quick to befriend her
Nowi pesters Veronica a lot, and even though she won’t admit it, Veronica really appreciates her friendship
after the two get to know each other more, Veronica tells Nowi stories about being trained as a princess and what her old life used to be. The manakete listens with fascination
V: “oh and you must wear — all the time, it’s proper for a young princess" 
N: "You mean you had to walk around in that?!? How did it feel?!”
Nowi gives Veronica a pretty rock she found. Veronica tries to hide it but she’s almost brought to tears she’s so touched
Hector and caeda are a different story however
Caeda and Veronica can bond over talking about courtly duties– Caeda understands a lot of what Veronica has had to put up with
Hector didn’t like Caeda much at first, however once he gets to see her in battle the two are near inseparable
Hector had offhandedly mentioned Caeda was weak because she rode a pegasus at one point
Caeda always forgives but never forgets; she spent the next two months training relentlessly with Hector to prove him wrong
A lot of their battles are comprised of Veronica trying to protect Nowi, Caeda injuring herself trying to protect Veronica and Hector hurting himself even more trying to protect Caeda. Sometimes this’ll happen twice in the same fight
Nowi, giggling with Veronica behind her: “Caeda can Veronica sleep over pretty please" 
Caeda: "we have plans tomorrow! Another day dw”
Nowi, still giggling: “Hector, can Veronica sleepover?" 
Hector: "I thought she already was?”
despite everything, Hector is unusually understanding of Veronica’s situation and both Caeda and Hector love Nowi and Veronica endlessly
Nowi has a lot of fun being flung up on Hector’s arm, Caeda usually sits back and smiles
in battle, this squad’s main issue is communication. They more than make up for it with energy though
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
if it’s alright could I request a team rating? I use Rhajat, summer Corrin/Kamui, Olivia, and Flora, thanks!
of course its alright!! i hope u enjoy
So obviously Rhajat is glued to Corrin
She’s always trying to cover Corrin up with like towels or something to keep eyes off of her
Corrin’s got no idea why Rhajat is doing that but she appreciates her friend looking out for her!
Strangely, though, she doesn’t do it for Olivia
Flora is very happy that Corrin is on the team. She takes care of her after every battle
She makes sure she has sunscreen on before she goes outside
You can never be too protective of your skin
If Corrin gets too hot in the summer sun then Flora will cool her off with her powers
She’s like a portable air conditioner
Olivia was at first scared of everyone on the team
That’s typical for her
But Corrin and Flora welcomed her with open arms, complimenting her on her dancing with the utmost of sincerity
Rhajat welcomed her as soon as Corrin explained that she was a very nice and good person
They would all die for Olivia. She’s such a sweetheart like she doesn’t have to be so nice but she just is
Corrin and Olivia bond over their good hearted nature.
They work together to make the world a better place. In battles this translates to Corrin flying over to ask the enemy to stop fighting
If it doesn’t work then Olivia comes over and dances her out and back to safety
Out of battle these two are typically seen entertaining kids at the beach by dancing and singing with them
Corrin tries her best to help Olivia overcome her shyness
She introduces her to everyone she can think of
Olivia starts to become better at socializing– only when Corrin is around, really, but it’s much better than before so that’s good
During battles Corrin is their offensive sweeper
Rhajat is always backing her up. You want to get to Corrin? Get through her first
She’s obviously very loyal to Corrin– but she’s also very loyal to everyone else on the team
She’s befriended them all and she’s not about to let her friends die on her
You think you’re about to get hit? Nope, Rhajat’s taking the hit for you.
Eventually it gets bad enough that Corrin just slaps her on her wyvern so Rhajat can keep an eye on everyone from the skies
And not die
She’s very happy about this. She gets to hold onto Corrin and direct a dragon through the sky. There’s literally nothing cooler in her mind
Flora and Corrin are obviously the closest on the team
Flora is like a big sister to her
Kind of like Camilla but less creepy
She’ll braid Corrin’s hair before she goes swimming, grab towels for her when she gets out of the water, keep her company when she’s sunbathing
Corrin always invites her into the pool but when Flora gets in people usually complain about it being cold
So yeah she typically doesn’t join
Olivia is a little scared of Rhajat
This is mostly because Rhajat reminds her a lot of Tharja
Like it’s uncanny
What the fuck?? How is she so much like Tharja??
Knowing how Tharja treated Noire, Olivia probably keeps Inigo VERY FAR AWAY from Rhajat
Other than that little thing, Olivia quite likes her
Just don’t let Rhajat near her kid
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
I know you wanna keep your ask box technically open to get messages but maybe you should just close it until you're done!! I'm sure we'll all be patiently waiting for you to open it again so we can tell you how much we appreciate you
yeah anon thats a good idea! i'll do that and thank you❤️
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
Ooo the team rating sounds cool! If its not much to ask, i have a laevatein, Ophelia, l!hector, and a b!veronica!!
requests are closed 😫😫
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
im retiring for tonight my funky little gamers! i’ll be back tomorrow <3 love u guys and thanks for all the support!
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
Aaaah I feel bad asking, since you’ve done plenty of these, but: team rating for Jeorge, Minerva, Joshua, and Fjorm? Jeorge is supported with Minerva, and Joshua is supported with Fjorm.
im sorry but requests are closed! send this in when they’re open and i’ll do it
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
Might I ask for a team rating? Team consists of Brave Hector, who is S supported with Brave Lyn. Then there's og Lilina, and New Year Azura. Love this blog and your ideas so much, btw!
thank u so much!!! of course u can have one
Did someone say power couple?
Because Hector and Lyn are a power couple.
Hector Lyn and Lilina are a power FAMILY
Azura feels very out of place on this team
Every minute she feels like she’s interrupting a family bonding moment
Hector and Lyn welcome her with open arms, though. Nobody is allowed to feel left out when they’re around
Lilina loves to just hang around Azura
Sometimes being with her parents is exhausting and so she needs a little break from them
Her and Azura like to play hanetsuki together and Lilina tries her hardest to beat Azura
It never happens. Azura is the best at it
Hector eventually figures out that they’re playing a competitive game without him …
Lilina tries to remind him that no, dad, its just for fun, you dont have to win–
Too late Hector already has a paddle in his hand and he is ready to win
Azura beats him of course
Lyn then tries. She’s ready to do better than Hector.
She does not do better than Hector
This is a cute little bonding moment for all of them…. U know…. Hector crying in the corner because he can’t win at a game and Azura staring in confusion
If you pass this family in the castle you can tell that they just lost at a game. They just have that air about them.
Lilina decides that maybe they should keep the games they play a secret
Azura agrees.
Hector and Lyn would both FIGHT to keep each other safe
But when it comes to Lilina? They’re going to fucking kill you if you hurt her
Lyn usually keeps Lilina close to her– and if that means keeping her on her horse at all times, then so be it.
Azura makes sure to watch Lilina from above
Partly because she cares a lot about her and partly because Hector and Lyn would actually kill her if anything happened to their little girl
Azura takes all of them to a new years celebration!
Hector loves it. He drags Lyn along to everything he thinks looks cool
They’re an adorable couple like
Lyn probably like opens her mouth and tells Hector to throw some food into it and he keeps missing everytime he tries
There’s just food on the ground and they’re having a lot of fun and laughing but the janitor is staring at them with hatred in their eyes
Lyn gets the food in Hector’s mouth everytime she tries. She just has really good aim
But Hector won’t stand for that. He keeps trying. 
Eventually the janitor shoos them away, probably fucking crying at the mess.
Lilina sticks around Azura, asking questions about the festivities.
She likes seeing her parents having fun. It’s refreshing to see them smile and act carefree
After everything is done and Lyn and Hector go to watch the fireworks, Lilina pulls Azura aside and thanks her for bringing them
Azura can’t handle how sweet she is
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