imagreatnate · 3 years
El mes de octubre se conmemora la muerte de Ernesto Che Guevara, y 54 años después su legado sigue inspirando a toda Latino América. El fue un hombre ejemplar que nos mostró un socialismo genuino, un socialismo libre de intereses externos y presiones políticas. Es un ejemplo a seguir y deberíamos aplicar sus lecciones hoy en día.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
The situation in Afghanistan is unfortunate and infuriating. The US spent twenty years "liberating" Afghanistan and have nothing to show for it. Hopefully it is a lesson to not tread on foreign affairs and to avoid endless wars.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Listening to one episode of a true crime show really shows that we need to defund the police. What's the point of a huge budget if they're going to be incompetent?
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imagreatnate · 3 years
I'm pretty excited that Pedro Castillo won in Peru. He is the model socialist and the latin American left should learn from him. He's a man of the people and understands them; now Peru will go in a positive direction.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
¿A donde vamos a parar? By marco Antonio Solis Is currently stuck in my head.
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Si pides intervención estadounidense en Cuba, eres un penedjo.
Recientemente me llamo la atención que había protestas en Cuba por varias tazones. Las razones destacadas son la pandemia, la economía, y la falta de acceso a las oportunidades. El pueblo cubano se levantó y demandó un cambio al gobierno, y quieren llevar el país en una dirección nueva. El pueblo quiere soluciones, y entre ellas está la propuesta de que los Estados Unidos levanté el bloqueo de alimentos y medicinas, para aliviar la situación. La solución es viable y resolvería muchos problemas, pero algunos imbéciles en Miami piden acción militar y una invasión a Cuba. Los proponentes de las acciones extremas no entienden la historia básica y no saben que el gobierno americano solo quiere lo peor para Cuba y latino América. Ya han intentado derrocar a castro 600 veces sin éxito, y la invasión de la playa de girón fue un desastre supremo. Si logran el objetivo de reemplazar el gobierno revolucionario, no van a traer democracia, sino que van a poner a otro Fulgencio Batista para que juegue con el país y haga lo que quiera.
Por favor, no seas un ignorante que dice las cosas sin entender.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Check it out
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imagreatnate · 3 years
It's been a year since the pandemic started, and i just want to say, thank you mask, for letting me hide my insecurities for so long.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Recently, many progressives have been complaining that Joe biden won't forgive $50,000 of student loans. While i understand their frustration, we often forget that we didn't vote for Joe Biden to bring about the golden age of progressivism; we voted for him because he wasn't Donald Trump. Now we have a mediocre centrist in the white house and we just have to accept that nothing will ever change in the US.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Okay so apparently I need to be better at hiding my irritation in public 😂
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Progressive voices
Okay so recently My friend Joshua recommended I watch Brian Tyler Cohen; he is a great guy and knows how to analyze news through a progressive lense. You should definitely go watch him if you’re interested in catching up with current events. 
P.S: He’s better than david pakman, although pakman is pretty good to. 
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Que hipócritas tan insolentes, this is why I'm going to europe to study my masters lol, at least there citizens are treated with real first world dignity.
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BLM Protest
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Teamster Strike
January 18, 2021. New York
Police made two demonstrations violent by charging, injuring, and arresting people at protests for police accountability and workers striking for a $1/hr pay increase. Over 30 people were arrested at the two actions, double the number of arrests of white supremacists who stormed the Capitol in DC.
The Teamster workers arrested have since all been released and are striking again.
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NYPD PBA tweeted this the same day they beat and arrested people demonstrating for Black lives and for higher pay.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
We should definitely spread the word, we can't ignore our latin american neighbors, especially not right now.
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As some of you might know, there is a crisis in Chile. There a lot of reasons why: corruption; collusion between the biggest companies here (and we are talking about pharmacy, supermarkets, etc); a poor health system, where people die waiting for an appointment; old people killing themselves because their reiterement funds are just not enough to even buy their medicine; chemical disasters (in Quintero lots of children were contamined by lead because of the industrial pollution); the low minimun wage, about 300.000 pesos or 15.665 dollars, that IS JUST NOT ENOUGH to mantain a family, especially here where everything is so expensive.
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So, what was the breaking point? The rise of the subway prices. The chilean subway is the most expensive in Latin America, and even more expensive than in New York. Because of this rise, people would spend at least $50.000 per month just going to their job, meaning they would use 1/6 of their salary just in that. Oh, and I haven’t even spoke about how water is privatised here.
Naturally, we didn’t accept that. And we refused to pay for it, so we, students, started to evade and eventually everybody else joined, asking for this to change. How did they respond? Violence. They decided to bring “Carabineros” aka the police or paco culiao, who responded with extreme violence, hitting, arresting, shooting people in the subway, and eventually even in the streets. The protest grew bigger, and the whole country started to protest, and now it is not just because of the rise of the prices, but also for all the inequality that has been brought into the country since 1973, since they decided to put this neoliberal system upon us. Our president, Sebastian Piñera, is lying, creating a whole set up along the police forces to incriminate us (we are talking about burning buildings, the police infiltrating between the people with guns, lying), calling the whole situation a “war”, where the only people armed are them, the police and the army, using guns and submachine guns against the people, against kids, against students and old people. Meanwhile people keep dying and dying, while the press keep lying and hiding the truth, the government does nothing, but justify it. 
And I wont accept it. None of us will accept it. We will fight. So, please, if the situation keeps getting worse, if we lose any way to comunicate with the world, if they take everything away from us, I would be really really thankful to every person who spread the word. Please, I know I’m not being very specific, but If you do your research through twitter or instagram, you’ll surely find a lot of videos that are proof of this. So please, please tell the world that Chile is not a democratic country, that the people they call “criminals” is actually people just fighting for their rights. They are killing us, the poor people, the innocent people. They are abducting us. They are raping us. They are not respecting us. And I want to let people know about this.
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Trump supporters are incredibly brainwashed; they really think he’s the Imam Mahdi who will come and restore justice to the world. I seriously don’t know how they cope with their stupidity. Trumpists, how the hell do you actually manage to worship him? Tell me please it’s a great mystery to me. 
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imagreatnate · 3 years
Alvaro Uribe: Excelente lider o desastre absoluto?
Si eres Colombiano, o has seguido la política Colombiana por algún tiempo, de seguro has escuchado de Álvaro Uribe, expresidente del país y senador del departamento de Antioquia. En los últimos años se ha vuelto una voz prolífica E importante en el movimiento conservador del país. Sus seguidores, los llamados Uribistas, lo defienden a todo costo y lo exaltan como el que levantó a Colombia de las ruinas de la guerra y el que llevo la economía a nuevos niveles. La oposicion acusa a Uribe de violar los derechos humanos y hay varios escándalos asociados con él. Hoy Examinaremos el hombre detrás del movimiento y porque fue un líder terrible para Colombia.
¿Porque fue Elegido?
La plataforma de Álvaro Uribe consiste en dos puntos claves, el Castro-Chavismo es un peligro, y la guerrilla va a llevar a Colombia a la ruina. A través de los años le ha advertido al pueblo de los peligros que representa la izquierda y el socialismo. Les miente diciendo que si votan por la oposición, el socialismo y el comunismo van a traer hambruna y escasez a Colombia, como en Venezuela. También se opone a los acuerdos de paz entre el grupo armado las FARC y el gobierno, diciendo que son inútiles y solo le ayudaran a la guerrilla tomar el poder. Ya que tenemos en claro las políticas y posiciones de Uribe, y que solo hace campaña con las amenazas de la izquierda, veamos uno de sus peores actos como presidente.
Falsos Positivos
Los falsos positivos se trata del asesinato de civiles y el encubrimiento para hacerlos pasar por guerrilleros. Este escándalo empezó desde los años 90, pero se intensificó durante la presidencia de Uribe, donde hubo un incremento del 59% en asesinatos. Los incidentes no fueron hechos aislados, fueron aprobados por el estado, y por cada muerto los militares recibían medallas, días de descanso, y promociones. En su mayoría los afectados fueron jóvenes pobres sin recursos para defenderse, como se demostró en la masacre de Soacha, donde murieron 22 jóvenes y a cambio los responsables recibieron $500 por cada víctima.
Ya se acercan las elecciones presidenciales colombianas en el 2022, y el electorado deberá decidir si mantienen el Uribismo en poder o escogen líderes competentes. Podría escribir más a fondo de las chuzadas de las DAS, la parapolitica, o los vínculos con el narcotráfico, pero ya hay muchos artículos sobre eso. Hay suficientes pruebas para entender que Uribe, y los líderes que los siguen han sido un fracaso y han destruido el país. Ahora queda en las manos del pueblo levantarse y pedir un fin al desastre del Uribismo.
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