imalilbat · 9 days
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imalilbat · 10 days
I got the Top 4.47% on this English Vocabulary test
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imalilbat · 10 days
Moving house tomorrow
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imalilbat · 10 days
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imalilbat · 10 days
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imalilbat · 12 days
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imalilbat · 12 days
Freedom means:
Free to not
Rewind my own time and
Ever fear that I’m in the wrong or
Everyone is upset at me I 
Don’t want to hurt
Overmuch any
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imalilbat · 15 days
Overheard in the office hallway between two older businessmen:
“Don’t you dare pull my shirt up, I have a meeting.”
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imalilbat · 15 days
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imalilbat · 15 days
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imalilbat · 16 days
after patrolling, unwinding in a diner somewhere ...
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throw the man a bone batman geez
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imalilbat · 16 days
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Different Stories Resonate with Different People
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imalilbat · 17 days
Hello! Would you be willing to write about someone who finds out that their roommate and childhood best friend is actually some kind of supernatural creature? Preferably m/m but its okay if you’d like to change the genders.
Have a nice day!!!
Maybe Holden should be horrified, but all he could really do was stare, dumbly entranced. The staring wasn't that different to normal, if he was going to be really horribly honest with himself.
But Atlas also wasn't normally crouched near stark-bollocks naked in the middle of their dorm room. He didn’t normally have dark, gorgeous wings unfurling from his back. He didn’t normally stare at Holden with eyes that had gone from blue to literally black too. Hungry. Heated.
Holden hastily shut the door behind him before someone else on the floor saw.
"Are you, uh, okay, man?"
His best friend was, very clearly, not okay. His gaze tracked every small movement that Holden made.
"You," Atlas growled through his teeth. "Are not supposed to be here."
"Right. Yeah. Uh. My class was—" Holden lost his trail of thought as he continued to stare. "God,” he said, a little dizzy, “you look incredible."
Five-year old Atlas had been funny and brave. Nineteen-year old Atlas also had the absolute gall to be stunning on top of that. It was, frankly, terrible on a night out. On his own, Holden did okay. When he was standing next to Atlas though, more and more as the years passed by, he may as well have been a potato. He couldn't even hold it against anyone. He did enough trying not to stare himself.
But...he definitely hadn't noticed the wings before. He would have noticed wings, right? Even with that smile and those cheekbones to distract.
He realised, dazedly, that he'd drifted closer. One step, two step, three, until he was standing right over Atlas. Close enough to touch.
"Get out." Atlas sounded strained. "Now." His fingers – his claws – dug into the threadbare carpet.
Holden wanted to run his fingers through Atlas's blond hair. He wanted to kiss his parted lips, the line of his jaw, the beautiful curve of his throat. He wanted to touch every inch of Atlas that he could. He wanted Atlas's hands on him, sure and just as smitten as Holden had been for years, and he'd do anything, offer anything if—
The sharp snap of his name cleared Holden's mind a little. He shook his head and backed up. "Sorry. I—"
What the hell was he doing? Heat rose to his cheeks, mortified.
There were a lot of reactions one could have to seeing their best friend suddenly sprout wings, but Holden was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to just drool over his roommate like some kind of neanderthal. He'd done such a good job of not letting his stupid feelings impact their stupid friendship until stupid now too.
It wasn't like he'd never caught a glimpse of Atlas without his clothes before. It had never made him like – he would never have – but would it be so bad if he just—?
No. Something was definitely wrong.
Holden whirled around, heading back for the door. He'd opened it only a crack when Atlas's hand slammed down on it, shutting it again. The lock clicked as Atlas bracketed him with an arm on either side. They weren’t quite touching, but they were close enough that he could feel the heat of Atlas against his back.
He hadn't even heard Atlas move. His breath hitched.
Atlas groaned. He let his head thunk against the door, above Holden's left shoulder, as he drew in ragged gasps.
Holden heard him swearing and muttering under his breaths. He caught a few words that’s sounded suspiciously like ‘bloody scheming bastard vampires’ and a much more familiar ‘shitshitshit’.
Up close, Atlas’s new cologne was…was it cologne? Holden’s head felt cloudy again. He dug his nails into his palms, desperately shoving down the truly ridiculous urge to turn around and kiss Atlas immediately.
“What the hell is happening?” He squeezed his eyes shut. “You have wings. You have – I feel –”
“You’re supposed to be in class for the next three hours!”
“My class was cancelled,” Holden said. “Some last minute—”
Atlas caught hold of his hips, spinning him as if it was absolutely nothing, pressing him back against the door.
The bit of Holden’s brain that wasn’t too busy with oh, yes please reminded him that Atlas was not that bloody strong. He should not be able to do that. He always skipped the gym when Holden went, despite looking like that.
“What are you?” The obvious question finally penetrated the fog.
Atlas’s attention lingered on his lips, seeming…distracted.
“Incubus,” he murmured. He’d always had a nice voice, but in that moment, that word, it was like caramel. Sweet on Holden’s senses. “God, you’re pretty. Sharing a room was a terrible idea.”
It took a second for the actual response to register, let alone the rest.
“What?” Holden yelped.
It was all some elaborate joke.
(Atlas didn’t do pranks.)
It was impossible.
(Those wings looked very real, no matter how impossible they were.)
How had it taken 14 years for him to notice his best friend was an incubus?
(Did that mean he didn’t really have a crush on his best friend? It was just – what he was?)
Atlas’s fingers grazed just slightly beneath Holden’s jumper, blazing hot against the skin above his hips.
Holden asked no coherent questions whatsoever. He didn’t even manage an incoherent word. Every reasonable thing he should have been considering vanished in a haze.
His best friend was an incubus? Sure! Whatever. Nothing mattered except the fact that there was really far too much distance between them. Atlas’s mouth was right there and – Holden couldn’t have said which of them initiated the kiss, but it was ravenous and he was putty against the door. Head empty. All need and greed and wanting. He finally got to tangle his fingers into Atlas’s always annoyingly perfect hair and –
The lock clicked.
Faster than Holden could fully comprehend, the door was open and Atlas had bodily shoved him into the corridor. He landed sprawling and ungraceful on his butt.
He had a second to peer up, bewildered, at the look of absolute raw desire on Atlas’s face before the door slammed shut. The lock clicked again.
The texts pinged on his phone a moment later.
Don’t come back until I say so.
Will explain later.
Well, crap.
Holden pressed a hand to his mouth, catching his breath and his sanity with Atlas out of view. Then he went to the uni library to research everything he could about incubi.
By the time Atlas texted him that evening, he was ready.
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imalilbat · 17 days
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I had a vision
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imalilbat · 17 days
Me when there's nectar, cactus fruit, and insects at the function.
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imalilbat · 1 month
customer service is a circle of hell on earth but it does sometimes lead to encounters with some of the most delightful human beings on the planet. like today there was a guy who told me i do a cute little bounce when i walk "like one of those birds" and then RAN up to the bar twenty minutes later going "i found it!!!" and thrust his phone into my face to show me a video of a jackdaw hopping around in the grass while grinning madly.
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imalilbat · 1 month
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