imamp4 · 1 year
How to Write Betrayal
Betrayal is a powerful plot element that is represented in countless stories. The gravity of betrayal brings a profound depth to character dynamics, plots, and themes alike, making it an indispensable tool for writers to explore emotions, conflicts, and the complexities of human nature. Let’s explore some quick tips on how to write betrayal!
Secretive actions
Becoming emotionally distant
A sudden change in routine
Pushing people away
Nervous or fidgety movement
Frequent lying or making up stories
Unexpected aggression or irritability
Unjustified mood swings or emotional outbursts
Increasingly defensive
Disturbed interpersonal relationships
Frequent misunderstandings or fights
Withholding information
Avoiding personal discussions
Insincerity in conversations
Frequently cancelling or missing plans
A sudden shift in relationship dynamics
Quick to deflect or place blame
Frequent subject changes
Gradual emotional detachment
Body Language
Avoiding direct eye contact
Defensive stance and crossed arms
Covering mouth or touching face
Shuffling or restless movements
Forcing smiles or laughter
Constantly looking around or at the ground
Stiff, tense posture
Heavy breathing or frequent sighing
Avoiding touch or skin contact
Exaggerated gestures
A lack of concern or empathy
Increasingly personal and hurtful arguments
Erratic or unpredictable reactions
Dismissive or negative attitude
Callous disregard for other's feelings
A negative or pessimistic outlook
Inability to handle criticism
Withdrawal from relationships
Positive Story Outcomes
In the wake of a betrayal, a story can manifest various positive outcomes that add depth to the plot and its characters. Relationships can be strengthened, showing their resilience. Characters may discover newfound self-reliance and learn valuable lessons about trust and forgiveness, leading to an increase in empathy and understanding, personal growth, and the reinforcement of personal values. These experiences can encourage a clearer understanding of personal boundaries, prompt self-reflection, introspection, and the development of healthier coping mechanisms. Ultimately, these positive outcomes can bring about improved communication and honesty, forming the silver lining in the cloud of betrayal.
Negative Story Outcomes
The aftershocks of betrayal can reverberate throughout your story. This might include an irreparable fracture of trust and damage to relationships. Betrayal can trigger psychological trauma, leading to an increase in suspicion and insecurity. Feelings of inadequacy or self-blame may surface, and characters can experience a heightened sense of isolation. The fear of forming new relationships or trusting others can become overwhelming. There may also be an escalation of conflict or violence and the reinforcement of negative behaviours or patterns. Damaged self-esteem or self-worth may be another repercussion, and this can encourage destructive coping mechanisms.
Helpful Synonyms
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imamp4 · 1 year
Height difference - Dialogue
"Can you stop putting everything on the top shelves?!"
"It's not my fault you're vertically challenged." "What did you just say?"
"You do realise I'm in the best position to punch you in the guts, right?"
"You're like a kitten, small and cute." "Say that again and I'll kill you."
"You're the only one who can fit in there."
"Hey, skyscraper, you're blocking my sun."
"I'll kick your shins if you don't immediately lean down."
"I'm not sleeping in your bed, it hurts when my legs dangle over the edge, you know?"
"Why don't you like my hugs?" "Because you always almost suffocate me! Stop squishing me like a plushie and then we can talk."
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince's face lit up as her head fell on his shoulder, her gentle touch and soft scent was a comfort as he looked over to her with content. When their eyes locked Vince couldn't help but feel the mood change and his chest tighten. His body rose and fell as her gaze told a completely different story than her words. “ Lily..” he whispered, his tone so soft only the air between was a witness to it; his glasses finding their spot on glass made him blink a few times too many, adjusting the sight of her. Once he did he was met with her lips against his - hand firmly placed against his cheek, and her heavy breathing shuddering against him. “ No..no don't stop.” Vince pleaded his hand finding their way around her body, his heat rising.
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Vince didn't let up, her urges only filled his own as their lips fought one another. His body was open to hers, a canvas for her to paint her love on.
Lily looked at him she then laid her head on his shoulder when he whispered in her ear. She then took a moment looking in his eyes. She her heart jumping hoops in her chest. She then looked into his eyes again. She removed his glasses from his face setting them in the grass her hand crawled onto his cheek before pulling him into a real and sweaty kiss. She did not break it to she would need to breath. " Tell me to slow down" She whispered against his lip it had been a while and was causing an ache between her thighs that she didn't know till he had that sinful grin on his face. She pulled him into another kiss when he didn't stop her this time her lips more hungry for the last. Her pasta sanitated one appetite he would be desert if he didn't stop her.
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imamp4 · 1 year
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"You Work Too Hard" Sentences
(Sentences for workaholic muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You know how it is. Work and families; one of them inevitably suffers. "
"You're more than just your job title."
"The world won't stop spinning if you take a day off."
"Have you ever thought about what 'enough' looks like for you?"
"Just when I thought I was done, another project lands on my desk."
"Work isn't everything, you know."
"This job is not worth your sanity."
"When was the last time you took a break?"
"Your office desk shouldn't be your home!"
"You've replaced sleep with coffee again, haven't you?"
"Your work is important, but so is your well-being."
"You've forgotten how to live outside of your work."
"You're working like you're running out of time."
"You don't have to prove your worth by running yourself into the ground."
"I finish one job, and another takes its place - it's a never-ending cycle."
"You look like you're carrying the weight of the world."
"You're stretching yourself too thin."
"Is it the ambition or fear that keeps you working around the clock?"
"Have you forgotten the sound of your own laughter?"
"You made such a big deal about us spending more time together, but you just can't do it. You're too obsessed with your work."
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince gazed at the beautiful brunette before him, acting like she was fainting at the teasing of him. “Oh shut up you.” Vince teased, nudge of his fist slightly hitting her against her shoulder with a chuckle breaking the end of his sentence with a slipped voice of endearment. The sight of the larger sweater, his swear, around her made his heart flutter - it was so much better than whatever seeing her naked and vulnerable for him felt like. “Small price to pay to witness you like this.” Vince teased, nodding to the sweater with content. The soft touch of her lips to his sweaty albeit now more stickier cheek was pleasant and gave his heart yet another jumper cable shock, the way she could make him feel was intoxicating. As the sun fell, the soft glistening and reflection of the trees in the water set their mode quite well.
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“Did you? I can't begin to express my joy that you feel the same way.” Vince confessed in a soft way as he sat comfortably with her, enjoying both the wine, pasta and her. God he was enjoying her. “I'm usually never that bold.” Vince tilted his head to her ear, softly whispering against it, his warm breath tickling her ear lobe as he looked at her with a sinful smile.
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Lily looked at him a moment. " I don't think i will survive" She played and acted like she was passing out. She opened one eye looking at him and smirked. She was toying with his big goofy silly butt. She then sat up and grabbed the sweater. She took it and happily put it on. It was big over her hands she gripped the sleeves and then smirked. " your never getting this back you know that right" She teased then smirked at him again before leaning into kiss his cheek. " You deserver it too" She said looking up at him and then grabbed a fork from his hand and put it into the pasta before she started to dig in while the sun set. She scooted closer to him while she ate and sipped the wine. " You know...I took a chance in that hospital. Im glad I did." She leaned her head on his shoulder watching the sun eating happily listening to the horses munch on grass.
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imamp4 · 1 year
just once
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imamp4 · 1 year
Unpacking the admittedly many pasta packages he made, Vince rummaged for some forks. His face dropped down into stress as he searched through the basket. “No no . . ” Vince whispered under his breath as he started to think he forgot the utensils. Lucky for him his heart steadied again once he found them, letting out a relieved sigh. “I might have a sweater for you, I don't want you to catch a cold.” He told her, concerned about her well-being after coming all the way out here. He stood back up holding the forks when he went to look through the saddlebag once more. It was obvious he was trying to do too many things at once, a chaotic little mess. “I hope you don't mind, are you allergic to anything?” He questioned as he went to grab a green wool sweater for her, it looked warm and soft, it smelled of lavender and dirt. A work sweater to be sure but relatively clean. “I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared for you to uh-” Vince held in a chuckle which eventually broke into a soft laugh. “Be launched into the water.” He couldn't help it, as his laughing turned into teasing smiles. After sitting back down he poured her a wine and carefully selected the pasta for them.
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“Putting me on a pedestal, I just want us to have a good time together, you deserve it.” He teased as she had to come all the way out here with an uber, he would drive her back himself if she wasn't staying the night. He had a spare room for her, and a mighty good shower.
He made it to easy to torment him but it was all in fun when he then walked to the saddlebags her head cocked to the side like a cocker spaniel her hair bouncing to the side stringy and wet. " Okay mr smooth" She teased and slightly blushed at his words. She wouldn't comment that she knew that was one of his most liked book quotes on the internet. Or the fact she was stalking his work. Watching as he worked making a romantic dinner by the lake side while the horses trailed off to munch on grass. She was starving and he was offering free food. Hell ya she join him. She then watched as he grabbed a few other things. "Well... Guess texting you before hand was the best call. I get dinner once again at your expense..." She smirked but then took the jacket off putting the wet tank top back on and covering herself back up with the jacket. She watched him pour the wine holding out a hand for her glass and making sure she gave him a place to sit next to her.
"Author and King of Romance" She teased a little feeling kinda lucky. How was this man ever single. He was attractive charming and he could cook. He was good with animals only question left in her mind was he good with kids.
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imamp4 · 1 year
RPers, please reblog this if you’re okay with ICONLESS threads!
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imamp4 · 1 year
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince smiled at Lily's torment of his blushy face, he loved her teasing. As she was drying herself off, he was unpacking somethings out of the saddlebag. He made sure to poke Hickory a little in the side to which the horse replied with an annoyed neigh and to go to Ron to nom on some grass with him. “How can I? You're only guilty of having my heart.” Vince flirtatiously retorted, he had secretly quoted one of his books since he saw the opportunity arise and just had to grasp it with both hands. He just locked eyes with her, softly smiling while admiring her face. Her wink only excited him as he turned away not being able to keep up the eye contact any longer. While she wondered what they would do next Vince would, at the speed of superman lay out a cozy blanket and set up the candles in a romantic setting. “Have pasta with me dear?” Vince pulled a classic woven wicker basket from some bushes. The cap of a wine bottle was peaking from below the lid while he hid the fresh pasta he had made an hour before she was supposed to arrive. What he hid was the several other contained pasta incase of allergies he might not know of.
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Lily looked at him a moment and chuckled softly. She then smirked a little at him She then took the towel as he was having issues stringing sentences together. She then smiled a little. She then began to dry herself a bit listening to him. "Oh come on say more incriminating things my love" She said shaking her head a bit. She then crossed her arms. Her eyes focused on his. He was having issues. She then looked at him a smirk. " I know your a gentlemen" She gave a light wink and a laugh to tease. She could keep going but knew she might over do it. She could see him struggling to recover his composure. She then looked to the horse. " So what next Vince" She purred softly trying to keep him on edge.
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imamp4 · 1 year
Getting inspired to write is actually really easy! All you need to do is be the busiest you've ever been in your entire life and as far away from a computer as humanly possible. Hope this helps 🥰
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince rummaged around in the saddle bag trying to find a proper towel for her. He tried his best to compose himself infront of her, oh the relentless teasing he foresaw. He could practically feel her cheeky grin. “I'm just, getting you a towel is all.” He sheepishly replied. “Th-there it is.” Vince replied to her trying to stray away from his blushing. He held a soft black colored towel in his hands, it was neatly rolled up for easy packing. When she came closer he side-eyed Hickory a little. ‘This is your fault. . !’ He locked eyes with her as he saw her in his jacket, it gave him a feeling of bliss and excitement (wink wink) seeing her in his clothes, he couldn't understand why. “This isn't how I want to see you naked- Not that I don't want to see you naked-- Thats not what I mean.” Vince sighed before he nodded and said,
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“I'm just gonna shut up.” Vince shook his head in utter defeat as he shakily sighed. “It's been a long time. . I just want to enjoy YOU some more, not just your body.” He confessed as he locked eyes with her.
Lily crawled onto the dry land wringing her shirt out when she heard Vince approaching when he turned into a blushy mess and covered her with his jacket. She looked at him with a grin. " Now your defiantly acting like a teen" She teased him when he was hiding his face from her. " Your ears are all red Vince" Now she knew she had him wrapped in a clothe of cruelty. She smirked walking up to him then looked at Hickory with a glare. 'You did this on purpose' was her only thought. She began to button the big jacket so she wasn't all abdomen and bra to Vince but she gave a light laugh. "Vincent baby, don't tell me youve never seen a naked women before" She teased softly before touching his arm. She would have removed her shorts and rung thought out as well but he was already a mess.
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imamp4 · 1 year
people who think writers are in control of the story clearly have never spoken to a writer
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince giggled as she said they were a rom com, the way they met it did remind him of a story in his drafts . . he didn't like thinking about that place. As Vince was riding off after giving her a little taste of something that might become more he retorted back to her; “I can't hear you! You're too far behind!” Vincent's laughter was becoming more distant as he rode Ron, the last time he did something like this was with his mom and he fell off of the horse and broke his arm. With shock and horror and a little bit of awe he saw Hickory race past him and Ron. “Hickory! STOP!” He tried to call the horse off, she was normally well behaved, normally. After watching Hickory do as she was told and make his girlfriend? Dive into the lake he had so specifically chosen for a romantic evening, Vince gasped as the horse flung her straight into the lake, it looked violent and Vince was worried about her as the splash covered her. “Lily! Are you okay?!” Vince's tone had panic in it as he pulled back on Rons reigns and dismounted him quickly before seeing Lily climb out the lake. A sigh of relief slipped through his lips as he tried to hold his laugh at her climbing out.
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“I guess we should've taken it a little more easee-” He poked fun at her until she took her top off and seeing her in only her bra turned his embarrassment to the top and made him a little tomato red. Vince threw his jacket on her to cover her up while he went to grab her a towel hiding his blushed face.
Lily looked at him at him the moment he had pulled her hand to his lips looking in her eyes to reassure her everything. That Blake didn't deserve her. She shook her head a little and then sighed softly. " I will Vince promise" She whispered to him before he gave her hand a squeeze. " I know we are the biggest rom com" She smiled brightly the moment he kissed her cheek. She had longed for more then the kiss on the cheek but he then gave her a taste of her own medicine. " Hay" She called after him before sending Hickory into another run as she could hear him laughing. "HAY IM SUPPOSED TO be the tease" She said her voice falling flat. Hickory took off and ran past both Vince and Ron not wanting to stop when the horse wouldn't approaching the lake a full speed. She tried to pull back on the reigns "WHOA WHOA HICKORY" She tried but then the horse stopped with such force that Lily was thrown from the horse into the lake. Letting out a shreek in the process. The splash of the water and the horse pacing back and forth. Lily began climbing out of the lake and started taking of her top shirt ringing it out standing in only her bra and shorts.
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imamp4 · 1 year
''Look at you getting all dovey.'' He teased to her about her many flirty comments, he loved them already. Reaching down to her hands he made sure to glide his fingers over wrist before he pulled her palm up towards his mouth, gently kissing the top of her palm. Vince held her hand for reassurance before he spoke to her oh so softly. ''He didn't deserve any of your grief nor love. A man like that is an idiot for treating you the way he did. If anything moves too fast please tell me.'' He gently put her hand back as he looked down to Ron and Hickory. Vince glanced back up to Lily seeing the evening sky slowly creep in behind her. ''I couldn't be more grateful to have bumped my coffee into you.'' He rested his hand on her thigh giving it a light squeeze, he leaned back a little as he adjusted himself on the saddle. ''Keep up then coffee girl.'' The smirk on his face was just apparent in his sentence as his face while he slowly began riding again after leaning to her and placing his soft lips on her cheek. He rode off laughing to her as Ron seemed to be in a hurry.
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Lily looked at Vince a slight glimmer in her eye when he had teased. She tucked hair behind her EARS again. She looked at him a moment a bright smile. " You can hold my hand anywhere you want" She whispered looking in his eyes taking a moment. " No I think I am ready I can't keep dwelling on it. He cheated on my threw five years together down the drain and thought purposing would fix is" She said. The tears she had for the moment long since spilt she had nothing left to cry over. She moved places began a new in her lonely apartment. " I just didn't know that fate wanted to gift me with such a goofy and endearing man" She whispered a smile spreading on her lips. "Ill go anywhere with you darling" She tried to test it a little.
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince smiled as she shyly looked down after he complimented her, he wasn't the only one adorable when flustered. He held his reigns tight as she spoke, he just listened to her every word taking in her intoxicating presence while they were so close. ''Someone like you, I have to be right.'' He whispered slightly as they got closer to one another, the horses just 'along for the ride' (eh? eh?) Vince gazed between her eyes and lips, the ones he had the pleasure to have felt on his own god how he yearned for that moment again. They hadn't even arrived to their spot yet and we're already so far. Vince looked at her saddlebags, making sure they were still closed and had the blankets in them, his own held some candles and matches, which made the bag bulge out a little. ''Yes?'' He whispered to her intriguingly as she stumbled over her words. 'say it' he just kept repeating to himself in his head.
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''Are we going to be holding hands through the halls?'' He asked her flirtatiously like they were a highschool couple just starting out while watching her turn her head away. Disliking that he gently reached out to her cheek, softly turning her to him. ''There's no need to rush if you're not ready.'' His eyes wandered to her lips again as he spoke to her softly. ''I want to if you do, there's somewhere we need to go first though. Ride with me?''
Lily looked over at him when he said stop it. She couldn't help it teasing him made him flustered and adorable. She was complimented in a few ways and soon looked down shyly at the reigns in her hands. She looked at him a smile on her lips. " Your Heavenly" She said looking at him. She then bit her bottom lip her eyes looking at him. She got hickory closer to Ron. "Maybe your right" She said softly. She looked at him again. She then pushed her hair behind her eyes looking in his eyes. " I like this you know....maybe if you ummm" She began to stumble her words but figured he was waiting for her to make the move because of her trauma. " you want we could, I don't know be a couple" She whispered the word couple. She didn't want to get rejected. " If you don't wanna yet I understand and Ill stop being so flirtisious" She looked away now scared.
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imamp4 · 1 year
Vince chased after the laughing lady, he was hypnotized by her silky hair flapping in the wind as she rode his horse. Observing her skillful riding it was clear to him she wasn't rusty at all. He'd let her make the horse her own, make this farm her home and make him hers. All she had to do was ask at this point, Vince was head over heels and he didn't mind it at all. Watching her expressions of thought he smirked as she slowed and he made Ron approach the two. ''Her names Hickory. She's stubborn but she can ride.'' Vince told the woman as he trailed his hand over her thigh towards the horse mane giving it a scratch while they stood side by side. He made Ron walk in circles around her as she flirted with him, the man was as red as a tomato when he rode out but he composed himself a little. ''Oh stawwp it.'' He put on a girlish giggle and waved his hand at her in the classic manner ''You're just cute. So effortlessly beautiful. You're skillful riding helps too.'' Vince said with a wink and a smirk, hoping she'd catch on. Vince might've sounded more confident but he was sweating bricks after saying that, hoping he didn't overstep. ''Maybe--'' He let a silence fall as he pulled Ron next to Hickory so he could admire her face from close by. ''--you were just with the wrong person.'' He smiled to her, such a tender smile it highlighted all the right things about him.
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Vince gazed at Lily's eyes again, his own getting lost in hers while she walked, moved anything. They had one date and she was already at his home, riding his horse. He couldn't imagine a more perfect girl to spent the time with right now. Still sweaty, Vince didn't want to look unkept so he glided his finger along the hem of his shirt to lift it up and dap his face a little. Unintentionally posing his sweaty stomach for her as he dropped his shirt back down. ''You're right, there's a trail just off the left side there let's follow that.'' Vince tilted his head slightly down to her as she approached, his eyes never left her body as he watched her take step after step towards him. Her perplexed look was met with one of fright by Vince as he thought he had something on his face, as her hand reached out to him and she stood on tip toes. Vince perked his lips softly while he leaned down for her, resting his hands on her hips while he let his heart take control for a second. Taking in her smell and taste Vince just let the moment last, hoping it would forever. His chest rose and fell as his hand wandered up and he relaxed in their moment. He was disheartened when she pulled away abruptly and skillfully mounted the horse.
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Vince had to gather himself briefly as he spoke perplexed ''I- Why--'' he looked shocked as he saw her bolt out giggling like a villian. ''God she's amazing . . so cruel . .'' Vince mounted Ron as he chased after her.
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