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Sign Ups for the Finish Your Fucking WIP event are now OPEN ! 
If you have some forgotten works in folders, a NaNoWriMo fanfiction that you didn’t manage to finish, a comic idea that never made it on the paper - it’s now the best moment to work on it, with a community of other procrastibakers to cheer each other! 
 Please read the rules & schedule before signing up
The sign up form for creators is HERE and is open from the 28th of November 2020 to the 30th of December 
The sign up form for Betas is HERE 
Shortly after signing in, we’ll send you a link to the discord server. Hoping to see you there! 
 -Mod MissWeber & Emi 
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Say it louder for the people in the back!
Psychic: *reads my mind*
My mind: Valjean is not the Ultimate Symbol of Perfect goodness, he’s a disaster! He is a good person while ALSO being a walking pile of self-loathing who has an insanely self-destructive obsession with his own “unworthiness.” He believes he’s unworthy of friendship— so the only personal relationships Valjean allows himself to have are the ones he can pretend are Just Selfless Acts of Duty™. Valjean can also be patronizing towards the people he saves— like “I know what you need better than you, you NEED to let me save you, you NEED to let me horribly unnecessarily sacrifice myself for you, because I am your Protector.” You really see that in the way Valjean treats Marius and especially Cosette— he deliberately misleads them about his past/cuts himself off from them and destroys himself in order “”””Protect”””” them…….even though doing this caused Cosette and Marius FAR MORE pain than being honest with them would’ve done. And tbh Valjean can also be a Hypocrite about accepting help— he encourages everyone to accept his help even at the cost of their “dignity,” but he refuses to accept Marius’s offers of help and pity after he tells Marius about his past. It’s like, Valjean encourages people to let him save them….and then stubbornly refuses to let anyone save *him.* He shrinks away from being pitied. I argue that Valjean is weirdly like Javert in how STUBBORNLY he refuses to accept pity and—
Psychic: what the fuck
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Not to be the whiny fake overwatch fan with no writing or artistic talent and never even played the game but y’all are really sleeping on a Persona 5 au? 
McCree in cowboy get-up as a phantom thief
Hanzo and his dragon persona(e?).
That’s actually all I care about cuz I’m gay trash but I’ll think of more
Social Links!!! All of them!!!
The team could plunder Talon palaces. Or maybe you wanna P4 it and have the palaces be for the other team members. Or both?
ALL the costume and persona designs! IMAGINE IT DAMN IT
it doesn’t have to be a high school au tbh, if you’re not into that kind of thing, but it does lend into it pretty well!
dad76 could be sojiro, reaper is iwai, ana is tae. I promise this isn’t supposed to be a 1:1 au, but these dynamics could be there!
Hana is Nanako-esque. Most of these suggestions are shitposts so might as well get some of that Persona 4 in here.
Persona 3, you asked? McCree summons the P3 way with Peacekeeper. You’re welcome.
Genji is a fucking ninja in the metaverse, high key.
Hanzo has a palace of his own because he thinks he fucking killed his brother, because I enjoy s u f f e r i n g.
Related note: angst, fluff, wish-fulfillment, anything is possible! Rather versatile au here
omg phantom thief tracer would be so cute
mercy could also be medicine store lady tae, or she could be the support teammate she was always intended to be. This extends to the other support players!
I’m like 94.6% sure this au hasn’t been done before
both of these games are very popular despite the fact that their respective companies could be lowkey shady sometimes
ok i hope i convinced you to do a p5 thingy because it would be cool. these are all just suggestions...i just wanted to get this off my chest...you’re the master of you. but please someone longfic my desires away. or at least make designs for these characters ily
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