imathscanada · 2 days
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Unlock your child's potential with our kindergarten math centers at i-Maths Canada. Our programs are designed to make math fun and engaging, helping young learners develop essential math skills through interactive activities and hands-on learning. i-Maths rolls out exciting kindergarten math activities for children. Trained instructors make use of games, tasks, worksheets and interactive sessions based on kindergarten program curriculum to give a child a wholesome learning experience.
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imathscanada · 29 days
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Unlock your child's potential with our kindergarten math centers at i-Maths Canada. Our programs are designed to make math fun and engaging, helping young learners develop essential math skills through interactive activities and hands-on learning. i-Maths rolls out exciting kindergarten math activities for children. Trained instructors make use of games, tasks, worksheets and interactive sessions based on kindergarten program curriculum to give a child a wholesome learning experience.
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imathscanada · 2 months
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What are the benefits of music play in early childhood? Discover the vital role of music in preschool education at i-Maths. Explore how music enhances cognitive skills, creativity, and emotional development in young children.
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imathscanada · 2 months
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Enroll in i-Maths Enrichment Classes to enhance your child's math skills and confidence. Innovative learning methods for academic excellence. Join now!
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imathscanada · 3 months
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You probably know what all work and no play did to Jack, he turned out to be a dull boy! Did you know that there’s scientific evidence that play is an essential part of learning? Education and learning play an important part in shaping children in the early years of their lives. But kids don’t always look forward to learning opportunities as something they can enjoy. What if you make their learning time fun? Then you’ll have their full attention!
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imathscanada · 4 months
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Sharing toys to singing ABCs: Are your little ones ready for the big leap to kindergarten? Explore the key skills they need for a smooth transition.
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imathscanada · 4 months
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From finger painting to the mysterious Tangram, explore 5 important preschool activities to enhance your child’s fine motor skills.
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imathscanada · 4 months
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In today’s digital age, where screens captivate young minds from the moment they open their eyes, a revolutionary approach to early childhood education has been there for so long. In this blog lets understand the delicate balance between embracing technology and nurturing the inherent curiosity and creativity that fuels a child’s intellectual growth through preschool activities. Prepare to embark on a journey that transcends the confines of digital realms, where tangible experiences ignite a lifelong passion for learning.
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imathscanada · 4 months
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As parents, we are keen observers of our children’s progress. We memorize all their firsts: their first word, the first time they sit or stand, the first time they say mom or dad, and so on. In the first year of their lives, they will also start developing motor skills. What motor skills you ask? Have you observed toddlers grasping objects, reaching for faces, rattling their toys, and other such actions? Those are some of the motor skills that kids develop.
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imathscanada · 5 months
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Opening routes to endless possible incidents and tracing back the nostalgia of our favorite stories, this phrase seems synonymous with the art of storytelling! Stories have long been recognized as powerful tools for engaging young minds and imparting knowledge in memorable ways. An ancient art form that has transcended generations, cultures, and civilizations, storytelling at its core, is about weaving narratives that captivate audiences, evoke emotions, and convey messages or lessons. They resonate with us because they reflect our own experiences!
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imathscanada · 6 months
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Kungfu Panda-4 just released recently and if you have already watched it with your little masters, you probably know that they loved every bit of it. If you haven’t watched it yet, we bet that you’ve been coaxed enough to make plans to watch the movie with the little ones. Either way, the movie is packed with excellent life lessons for all of us and we would like to recap some of them in Po’s style. Here’s hoping that by now you already know who Po is. (Hint: He’s the loveable protagonist of the movie).
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imathscanada · 6 months
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“Nature is the source of all true knowledge”
These words of Leonardo Da Vinci, reflect the timeless truth of our Mother Nature! In the aspect of preschool learning activities, the world of nature offers boundless opportunities of exploration, fun and education. The wonders of the outside intersect with the preschool activities of counting and building the number sense. Your little ones’ faces will lighten up when they discover the magic of counting in the natural splendor around them! 
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imathscanada · 6 months
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In the fascinating realm of early education, where inquisitive brains set out on the path of learning, the basic flashcard is an understated yet powerful tool waiting to be explored. Imagine the awe in preschoolers’ eyes when they explore early childhood education with this fascinating and interactive learning tool.
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imathscanada · 7 months
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Research and studies demonstrate that developing strong math skills during early childhood education has a significant impact on a child’s future academic performance and lifelong learning abilities. Developing strong math competency between ages 3-5 strongly predicts later achievement and performance in math, science, and overall academics including reading. Enhancing early math skills lays a critical foundation for success across subject areas.
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imathscanada · 7 months
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Developing foundational number skills and an understanding of mathematical concepts begins in early childhood. Preschool is an optimal time for children to engage in hands-on math learning activities that make numbers, shapes, patterns, and problem-solving enjoyable.
Incorporating math into daily preschool activities and lessons provides a strong basis for math success as children progress through elementary school. Just as importantly, preschool math activities that involve peer collaboration allow young children to learn from each other while developing essential social-emotional skills.
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imathscanada · 8 months
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As parents and educators, we all want our preschoolers to have a strong foundation in math. Early math skills lay the groundwork for future learning and problem-solving abilities. But teaching math to young children doesn’t have to be tedious. Easy math for preschoolers can be a fun way to kickstart your child’s early learning journey. In this blog, we’ll explore some exciting math activities for preschoolers, that make math activities for preschoolers an enjoyable learning adventure
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imathscanada · 8 months
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As a parent, you play a key role in building your preschooler’s math skills to set them up for math success in elementary school and beyond. But math doesn’t need to be tedious for little learners. Preschoolers can develop essential early math skills through fun, engaging everyday activities.
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