imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
This is my life. yes
Me watching the Olympics at age 8: Oh that's nice
Me watching the Olympics at age 12: Wow I hope we win
Me watching the Olympics at age 16: I'm going to fuck the entire swim team and no one can stop me
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
All I could ever need.
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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I really hate my cat sometimes
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
I wanna be a steppycat
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
Typical Teenage Girl Issues
I am on the verge of screaming and ripping my pillows apart, so I decided to simple let this out on Tumblr. Y'know. Like normal folk.
So, I met this guy, and I thought we were going to be just friends but then he decided he liked me and I thought, wow, someone likes me. So I liked him back I guess. I was kinda looking for a summer fling but he made it kind of complicated, saying he needs to feel a connection to someone in order for him to want anything sexual with him.
So, after a while we hooked up. And he stopped talking to me, right then and there. Now, he never replies to my texts, or texts me random things and when I respond, doesn't answer. Summer fling has turned into me feeling like I constantly want to rip my hair out, over someone I've only known for three months.
The thing is, I'm all well and good with friends and benefits, but when you take out the friends part, you're left with nothing. Nothing at all. And I kind of want to ring his neck, or tell him to go jump out a building. I'm more confused than I have been in a long time.
And I'm feeling kind of used. Used to sex. Just like every other girl. Look at me, being all average. My high school pals would be proud.
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
Gaga arriving in Korea
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Gaga arriving in Australia
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Gaga arriving in Hong Kong
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Gaga arriving in New Zealand
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Gaga arriving in the USA 
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
June 23rd The End
I'm in love with a concept, not a boy.
I'm obsessed with suicide, but oh so afraid of dying.
There is a bottle of pills on my dresser. Take ten, and I will be out like a light, with Do Not Revive written on a post it note taped to my chest.
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
But I have a book to write and a list of questions to answer and an apology to make in person to someone who never texts back.
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
If you could, share this video in any way with people you like as well as people you don’t like.
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
Take a seat. Have some lemonade.
Nobody's home today. In fact, I'm not sure if anyone will be home ever again. To be completely honest, I am not sure where the usual inhabitants of this place have gone, but they're left it completely empty, devoid of any evidence of the lives they have lived which would give me some help with finding my way around the outside world. Because of my terrible lack of knowledge as to the human emotions and mannerisms typically used, I am running things in a rather robotic manner and the absence of the ones usually in charge is becoming rather obvious to those in the outside world.
Lastly, I am left with an empty aching feeling that runs from the end of the small intestine up to the base of the tongue. The reason for this odd sensation, I do not know, but it has drastically inhibited my ability to go about the daily routine. Unfortunately, I do not know what can be done to cause the feeling to dissipate, so I will continue smoking cigarettes and washing the dishes over and over again until the feeling decides to pass.
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
Please enjoy a little insight into my mind, followed by an adorable picture of the Germanottas.
Yesterday someone whose opinion matters to me a lot more than it should told me I was not fat, and I used that as an excuse to hole up in my room with a pint of cookie dough ice cream and a blanket tossed over my lap. They say you are what you eat, and by taking that into consideration, I realized that I am 16 grams of sugar and 40% fat. Thankfully that also say that the majority rules. If I am 40% fat then that means I am 60% skinny. That makes a pleasant amount of sense, so I will store it somewhere in my brain, perhaps the place where I keep the important things like the fact that the next time I overdose on some type of pill I will not be able to purge myself of the substance because of a startling lack of gag reflex.
Today someone who is extremely close to me casually referred to their significant other as their lover. I didn't think anything of it a first. My friends often use that word so my ears are used to it. After all, it's simpler than saying, "my boyfriend or girlfriend who I'm kind of official with now because we like each other and though we're not thinking about marriage or even spending the rest of our adult lives together we have engaged in the enjoyable act of sexual intercourse." Sex, fucking, making love, or my favorite, "the step that follows the act of canoodling." I enjoy canoodling. I enjoy it a lot.
However, I do not believe one can refer to someone who that have simply canoodled with their lover, for they have not engaged in the act of making love commonly referred to as fucking, sex, or IT. Therefore the young man whose previous title was "lover", as I got a little kick out fitting in with the vocabularies of the small group of people I call friends, has been assigned the new name of canoodlemate. It rolls rather nicely off my tongue, if I do say so myself.
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
I love the look on the guys face in the third panel.
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Credits to my friend Dennis for not actually reacting that way
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imbatmantoo-blog · 12 years
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