imcherry · 5 years
Lucifer, seriously...love doesn't happen in that way. 真的,强扭的瓜不甜你知道不啊?#toughlove https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Wz_nnAcIX/?igshid=vvp19h0fojnt
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imcherry · 5 years
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早晨做了个久违的樱桃式早餐,心情大好。 Finally found time to cook a proper breakfast for myself this morning. Feeling much better. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Nq0AkAorc/?igshid=6lnkiy1j2dju
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imcherry · 5 years
This is the typical Lucifer. He likes rolling on the floor and asking me to touch his belly, which is rare. We have a extremely happy cat at home. Lucifer最喜欢做的事就是假装摔倒然后要我摸肚皮,这种猫也太少见了。难以想象我们有一只这么高兴满足的猫。 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2NmbJPA-4C/?igshid=1w0wkucgr8mya
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imcherry · 5 years
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两周年纪念日。The second anniversary. 因为下雨和猫咪生病,原本每六个月去spicy moment吃饭然后酒吧喝酒的庆祝仪式改为在家里吃我煮的饭,喝一杯红酒。 We spent our anniversary at home instead of going to the restaurant that we go every time on anniversaries because Lucifer is sick and it’s been raining outside. I made some good food GU likes, a glass of wine was enough. 虽然很想继续每年不变的仪式感,但实在的幸福感比较重要。被人喜欢吃我煮的饭,被吃饭也要牵手的人疼爱,每天都在说“我爱你”和亲吻,已经是日常仪式❤。 I value rituals in the relationship; it's one of the keys keeping our love fresh and appreciative. But sometimes the small appreciation in daily life is more important, like what we did today. I feel fortunate that I have someone who always likes the food I cook, kisses me and holds my hands all the time, always tells me he loves me. We have a lot of daily love rituals already. ❤️ (at Xiangyang Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1369QHATbU/?igshid=p2010uhed4ev
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imcherry · 5 years
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The second anniversary, these two years have changed me so much. I felt be loved and cared for every single day. I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with my love for many years. Happy Anniversary. https://www.instagram.com/p/B12oTN_AKo1/?igshid=a2oftetp22gi
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imcherry · 5 years
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If you wake up early and rush in PAIN CHAUD bakery on weekends, you will get a seat before everyone is showing up here. It's always a place full of customers in Shanghai. Sitting here and enjoying a good cup of coffee and special offer bread, it's an excellent way to start a new day. P.S: coffee and Danish bread combo is 35 RMB. Coffee and baguette or toasts with jam combo is 45 RMB. The price is quite reasonable. (at Shanghai) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1z43Q8g6Ky/?igshid=sopez92fr4qr
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imcherry · 5 years
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上周和来上海的姐妹一起去吃了个串儿。 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YCP6ZAvTl/?igshid=14mas6g9iukd
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imcherry · 5 years
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胖的不像样子的Lucifer🤦🏻‍♀️ Do you know how fat you are now, Lucifer? https://www.instagram.com/p/B1AbwOigDbw/?igshid=1cs7fxklyf2vj
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imcherry · 5 years
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最好的夜晚和曾经的伙伴。最好吃的云南小锅米线和聊不完的话题。许久不见,想念。 (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bWVjvAq8I/?igshid=5t4v1u5cmmca
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imcherry · 5 years
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第一次真的因为是热爱而努力工作而不是责任,钱,职位要求没有安全感和现实华丽的支撑,只有专注的做自己想要的事。加班到很晚出办公室收拾好桌面,有点舍不得走的感觉。喜欢这间办公室,喜欢同事,喜欢奋战的小时光。 (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-6LRsAHv3/?igshid=khfu94n0stzi
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imcherry · 5 years
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天气太热了,什么都吃不下。吃个yogurt算数。 (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzkHZPugcRn/?igshid=8d24n081r2pf
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imcherry · 5 years
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昨天大叔签了约,我们正式拥有了一个房子。距离结婚手续办理还有三个月。这一年人生大事办完两件,还有两件。 https://www.instagram.com/p/By1F4ZMgEGB/?igshid=1mq2ie7qwprnx
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imcherry · 5 years
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Breakfast after workout. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyuPAFgfbu/?igshid=18shf09bcgy02
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imcherry · 5 years
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上海这个阴雨天,卷得美美的头发,再出来卷都没了……徒劳。想烫头发😭 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqJ9r8Akmt/?igshid=d02y2m0tsenu
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imcherry · 5 years
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终于有精神做个brunch。吃完很舒服。能开始做饭说明我精神好起来了。 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByjrmnqgKx8/?igshid=uroxcji4tm5
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imcherry · 5 years
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由于没法回北京,又不想再上海再花钱办卡做指甲,选择了最简单的办法-misscandy的甲油胶。晚上挑视频的时候涂了一遍,非常成功啊。一百块钱的小东西可以玩很久很久了。 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByP_YC_ADbw/?igshid=4wodx4907nke
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imcherry · 5 years
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大叔今天生日。去年买了贵重的礼物给他,今年创业就不折腾昂贵的礼物了。下厨做了一餐他喜欢的饭,偷偷摸摸装饰了家里,京东买的字母气球birthday居然少了仨字母,订做的数码蛋糕第一只送来就糊了,店主立刻安排又做了一个,一波三折。总算圆满完成,两个人喝啤酒看GOT最后一集。舒适。 (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7blliA7op/?igshid=1wce0s8abe1sw
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