imclab · 1 year
Taking a line on a walk from Charles Holbrow on Vimeo.
Inspired by Bauhaus artist, Paul Klee.
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imclab · 2 years
Can Virtual Reality and Video Games Humanize Technology? from INTERFACE Health on Vimeo.
In this insightful, fast-paced and accessible talk Dr. Adam Gazzaley - a doctor, neuroscientist, inventor, author and investor - invites you to explore the next frontier in neuroscience and digital therapeutics. Learn how a video game and VR can reverse cognitive decline - by prescribing custom video games - so your 60 year old brain can match the brain of a 20 year old.
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imclab · 2 years
Control Rig Tutorial : 5.1 : Spaw Controls from Jeremie Passerin on Vimeo.
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imclab · 2 years
TELESTRON from GMUNK on Vimeo.
Telestron is a recreation of one of the ancient world’s most sought-after immersive experiences, invoking a ritual that harnessed the spiritual forces of nature to create a transformative experience. This ritual was housed in a darkened chamber called the Telestron (an adaptation of the original Telesterion), deployed cutting-edge robotic and light projection technology to bring the audience into an experience of the diurnal cycle (sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight). In other words – a complete Day for Night.
The goal was to create a theatrical piece that felt immersive and all-encompassing – a total takeover of the senses. The team knew the massive scale of the robots paired with the sophistication of the Day for Night crowd and an epic Sound System could render a sensory explosion for the audience.
The core concept of Telestron, developed and written by Stephen Marshall, was that it was recreating one of the ancient world’s most sought-after immersive experiences – essentially all the attendees were taking part in a sacred ritual. This ritual was housed in a darkened chamber that was, in the ancient Greek festival at Eleusis, was called the Telesterion, which they adapted to Telestron. This ritual intended to “harness the spiritual forces of nature to create a transformative experience.”
The team then got specific about what forces of nature they wanted to portray – and chose the Diurnal Cycle as the informing palette. They loved the poetic symmetry of the cycle being a Day for Night progression, and also how it influences the seasons and the positioning of the sun, which was assigned as the primary light source. They then designed each season of the cycle, which focuses on the time of year, the position of the sun, and how that affects the symbolism and character of the light. All of which were controlled by the ‘lantern bearers’ which were the robotic conductors, and were imbued specific personalities and behaviors to accurately represent the character of the light.
Once they went through the four seasons as their own acts, they then made a chaotic and emotionally charged fifth act to render an artistic interpretation of the current state of the natural cycle – one with the warming planet has become much more turbulent and chaotic; and as a result felt an obligation to communicate that visually and sonically.
It was all quite abstract, but gave the team so much structure to work with – sometimes with these massive and complex projects there’s a major need for a conceptual framework to work within. Establishing the concept early and sticking with it really helped guide the process and kept the team focused on the high-level vision of the installation throughout the production cycle.
Telestron Credits
Production Design: VT Pro Design Creative Direction: Michael Fullman, Bradley G Munkowitz Concept Writer: Stephen Marshall Touch Designer Programming: Matt Wachter Lighting Design: Gabe Fraboni Technical Design: Harry Souders, Jack Gilmore Production Management: Hayk Khanjian, Nico Yernazian Robot Animation & Previs: Jordan Ariel, Akiko Yamashita Design Assistant: David Gao Cinematographers: Andrew Curtis, Aaron Marcellino Editor: Jordan Ariel Colorist: Billy Hobson Composer: SoundsRED
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imclab · 2 years
MSHR - Wave Guide Edifice from MSHR on Vimeo.
Music video for Wave Guide Edifice from the Album Phased Trance Constructions by MSHR. Released on Unifactor in 2018.
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imclab · 2 years
A Visualization of Two-stage Autoignition of n-dodecane from PacificVis Storytelling Contest on Vimeo.
By Yucong (Chris) Ye, Min Shih, Franz Sauer, Kwan-Liu Ma, Giulio Borghesi, Alexander Krisman, and Jacqueline Chen (A collaboration between University of California, Davis and Sandia National Labs). On the shortlist of the IEEE PacificVis 2018 Visual Data Storytelling Contest.
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imclab · 2 years
[VIS17 Preview] What Would a Graph Look Like in This Layout? A Machine Learning Approach to Large Graph Visualization... from VGTCommunity on Vimeo.
Authors: Oh-Hyun Kwon, Tarik Crnovrsanin, Kwan-Liu Ma
Abstract: Using different methods for laying out a graph can lead to very different visual appearances, with which the viewer perceives different information. Selecting a "good" layout method is thus important for visualizing a graph. The selection can be highly subjective and dependent on the given task. A common approach to selecting a good layout is to use aesthetic criteria and visual inspection. However, fully calculating various layouts and their associated aesthetic metrics is computationally expensive. In this paper, we present a machine learning approach to large graph visualization based on computing the topological similarity of graphs using graph kernels. For a given graph, our approach can show what the graph would look like in different layouts and estimate their corresponding aesthetic metrics. An important contribution of our work is the development of a new framework to design graph kernels. Our experimental study shows that our estimation calculation is considerably faster than computing the actual layouts and their aesthetic metrics. Also, our graph kernels outperform the state-of-the-art ones in both time and accuracy. In addition, we conducted a user study to demonstrate that the topological similarity computed with our graph kernel matches perceptual similarity assessed by human users.
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imclab · 2 years
InfoVis 2019: A Deep Generative Model for Graph Layout from VGTCommunity on Vimeo.
Authors: Oh-Hyun Kwon and Kwan-Liu Ma
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imclab · 2 years
VAST 2019: Supporting Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Results with Contrastive Learning from VGTCommunity on Vimeo.
(Best Paper Honorable Mention) Authors: Takanori Fujiwara, Oh-Hyun Kwon, Kwan-Liu Ma
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imclab · 3 years
Varjo x Jani Leinonen. ‘Goodbye Reality’; Art created in the Metaverse from Varjo on Vimeo.
In a pioneering installation, Finnish artist Jani Leinonen invites attendees and collectors into a mesmerizing mixed reality experience. Harnessing the power of the Varjo XR-3 and the Unity engine, he establishes new methods for creativity, brings tangibility to NFTs, and unites digital and physical art in a never-before-seen way. To learn more, head to: varjo.com/blog/goodbye-reality-art-in-the-metaverse/
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imclab · 3 years
Varjo Reality Cloud Teleport – Early Tech Demonstration 2 from Varjo on Vimeo.
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imclab · 3 years
Varjo Reality Cloud – Teleport to Any Reality from Varjo on Vimeo.
The new Varjo Reality Cloud platform will make teleportation and real-time reality sharing possible for the first time, paving the way for a new form of human interaction and universal collaboration. Read more: varjo.com
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imclab · 3 years
Varjo's Special Event – Introducing Varjo Reality Cloud from Varjo on Vimeo.
Varjo Unveils Reality Cloud Platform for Capturing and Sharing Our Reality For a True-to-Life Metaverse. Read more: varjo.com
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imclab · 3 years
Varjo Reality Cloud: Stream Human-Eye Resolution VR/XR Content from Varjo on Vimeo.
With Varjo Reality Cloud, users can now create collaborative Autodesk VRED sessions on-demand and enable key decision-makers to join. More specifically, one user can create a cloud-hosted session running on Varjo Reality Cloud and send it to other users across geographies.
Once users click on the session link and put on a Varjo headset, they can all see and collaborate on the same, high-resolution 3D car model through VRED – without having to download the model or install the application locally.
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imclab · 3 years
Varjo Reality Cloud Teleport – Early Tech Demonstration from Varjo on Vimeo.
External viewpoint video of real-time capture from a Varjo XR-3 headset, showing how Varjo Reality Cloud sees the world around the user. This is a simplification to show how the world can be captured and streamed in real-time as a 3D representation. At the beginning of the video, the user scans the room and then stops to watch Urho Konttori, CTO and founder of Varjo being present. While Urho is speaking, you see the naturalness of the movement, captured with just a Varjo XR-3 headset in the room, and no additional cameras or recording devices. Camera is able to move freely as it’s all in 3D and not a flat video. Urho is able to sit down naturally, take objects from the world, and open them up. As a visitor in this teleport experience, with a headset on, you can move during the stream freely in the room and see things as if you were there.
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imclab · 3 years
VR Drawing session by FU - in NEOS / Music by Rawtrachs from Jonny Griffiths on Vimeo.
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imclab · 3 years
BodyPix Visual Effects with Unity Barracuda from Keijiro Takahashi on Vimeo.
DJ: Yousuke Yukimatsu Performed at Super Dommune (27th Jul)
This attempts to create real-time visual effects using the BodyPix neural network human segmentation/detection model. I used the Unity game engine and the Barracuda neural network inference library to run the BodyPix model.
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