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I’m a modern woman and all, but the minute you stick an early 1800s love story with dancing and chaste flirtation and dashing men in their regency era clothing in front of me I am fucking GONE
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I just don’t understand where this concept of ‘fake geek girls’ came from. Like, AT ALL.
Cus when I look for fandom related stuff like 90% of the fan art and the fanfiction and the meta, zines, comics, etc. Like 90% of the shit that I’ve seen is created by women & girls.
And all that stuff take’s a lot of work and research and critical analysis and staring at reference photos for hours.
We are literally the most well versed and invested group in the fandom. So, like, What the fuck boys? You mad you can’t keep up?
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My ideal date? You release me into the wild to hunt me for sport on your remote island BUT I’m not very good at hiding so you find me within 20 minutes. You hold the gun to my face but there is something so earnest in my eyes and hands that you cannot carry through. You pick me up and carry me back to your mansion. I am so polite and charming that you nurse me back to health. You grow to love and trust me despite the fact you’re holding me hostage after I fell of a charter vessel bound for Brazil. You buy me new clothes and have them shipped to the island. I kiss you good morning every day. You propose marriage. I accept. We skype in a priest and get married with the butler as our witness. That night I kill you and the butler. I redistribute your wealth. I live in the mansion on the abandoned island for the rest of my days. I study snail ecology. I never remarry. You were the love of my life but you were too dangerous and evil to live. I am buried next to you. The tides eventually wash our bodies away. Into the depths of the ocean, together.
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woke up in a cold sweat and made this image in a trance
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A comprehensive list of the most feral Obi-Wan Kenobi Adaptations
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#1: Attack of the Clones: The absolute most feral incarnation, gaslights drug dealers and causes ship crashes. Gets knocked out in one punch. Has a mullet. Potential war criminal. Kills so many fucking people. Enjoys arson.
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#2: A New Hope: Has lost all sense of caring. Walks up to Vader and dies instantly. Answers everything and also nothing, just says what shit comes to his brain first. Eats sand. Looks like this (He’s only 53). Never appears in the new trilogy out of spite.
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#3: 2D Clone Wars: Genuinely depressed or sick any given moment he’s on screen. Having a consistent crisis every waking second of his life. Anakin is making him age faster than he can comprehend. Living embodiment of a cold.
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#4: Revenge of the Sith: “Hello there!”, the most reasonable and balanced of the Obi Wans. Has a cool ass lizard he rides. Destroys a scary robot guy. Medium tier because this is the control Obi Wan and the most accurate depiction of his personality.
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#5: 3D Clone Wars: This Obi Wan FUCKS. Has a girlfriend. Does a lot of random shit both for clout and out of humility. Low on the list because of lack of war crimes and having a severely calm and consistent temperament, also was a whole other dude at some point.
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#6: Phantom Menace: He’s baby. ( “Counterpoint: He saw his master die to a sith lord and threw hands and vivisected the bitch” - @limedtown​)
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#7: Lego Star Wars: He’s a lego what the fuck is he going to do
BONUS: Cursed Obi-Wans too complex for me to describe on this list
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the worst part about being a jojo fan is that after a while the designs stop looking weird
what the fuck is mista’s hat supposed to be? is abbachio wearing a hat or did he dye a purple star into his hair? mista wears a crop top. bruno and giorno have their titties out at all times for no reason. fugo’s got a tie on UNDER his shirt. narancia’s out wearing leather bdsm gear on the street. what the fuck
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I like to pretend, that I’m a well-versed reader when in reality it’s just fanfiction, The Twilight Saga and Harry Potter.
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I have an old high school friend that could use this in real life. 
Created by Mark Humphries | Evan Williams
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via Giphy
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araki: here are some stand users called la squadra honestly their main role is to showcase the power of bucciarati’s team’s stands
the entire jojo fandom @ risotto:
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Alright y’all who want to plot all of my tumblr posts with me just like the popular tumblr bloggers.
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