imiadove2023 · 11 months
The earth is flat stand up against scientism shirt
He sort of apologises without apologising and at the same time being careful enough not to stitch himself up for any criminal repercussions ('technically' he says no rules were broken) and at the same time making out its us, the British public who have it all wrong ('millions of people won't see it that way' - that he was technically in the right) but he can understand why us plebs could've come to the misunderstanding. it's a disgrace this man still won't take responsibility. People laying dying alone and he walked in on a garden party absolute joke. it's the people that need to take action against corrupt government who think there better than everyone else. my poor gran attended Chapel all throughout her life and was denied her last rights but you had a cheese and wine party.
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Skeleton Dead inside but Jolly AF Christmas shirt
 Conservative, labour or lib dems. They are all as bad as each other. It's a sad state of affairs we are in. This country need to sort it's self out. Back stabbing, untrustworthy, dishonesty, they can't trust the people they work with let alone those in the opposition. Can't watch the news anymore. Here’s a few thoughts. Johnson insisted several times to Parliament in December that he had no knowledge of ‘parties’ being held in Downing St; today he confessed that not only did he know of the parties. he actually attended at least two. He claims that his attendance was based on the understanding that the ‘parties’ were work sessions where you were invited to bring your own booze. 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Too Lit to Quit Christmas tree shirt
Disgraceful behaviour disgusted for all those who have lost a family member and could not be with them or say good bye to them, people will live with this for years to come, and as for our older people locked up in homes not able to see anyone. You should be ashamed of urselves and ur behaviour. So many have lost their loved ones in the last 2years is awful he has no brains or feelings for them poor people dying alone and frightened. It must be awful for those family's know he and his cronies enjoying partying knowing people were dying and family's beside themselfs. Also family's staying lockdown and he's enjoying himself and wife. It's a total disgrace. People were frightened and doing everything he said .
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Five Finger Death Punch 18th anniversary 2005 2023 signatures shirt
 What I am reading from your comment is that you are saying she is not entitled to sue her abuser because she successfully reached a settlement with another abuser. So what? If she goes after another and another and another, so what? Alison Martino : I disagree with everyone acting as if they knew all the evidence that is being gathered and will be considered by a jury before a verdict is given. I also disagree with the aspect of a person being judged guilty before any proof of innocence - it has already taken too many people's lives and jobs. We must ALWAYS consider the allegations and if there are credible charges - or even credible allegations, they must definitely be investigated - even if, in this instance, it IS one of the Queen's sons... or anyone else. 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
I don’t need therapy I just need to listen to Dwight Yoakam Vintage shirt
No judging here, just my opinion! who has paid her to keep quiet exposed because they could well be a danger to other kids and to not expose them is aiding them to continue their actions. Caroline Akrach Americans should be calming down to begin with... Andrew is British, and on top of that royalty. in all sense of it, he has no business answering to an American court... Even though the British monarchy just stripped him of royal titles he is still royalty and still British and as far as am concerned, the British government hasn't signed him off to be judged by Americans yet or have they? As for letting her proceed with the case she might end up with a $1 compensation they did it with Megan Markle. 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Tarja Anette Floor Nightwish shirt
 I do know the age differs across states between 16 and 18 I know some people lie because they don’t want to talk about abuse and some people lie for gain. I have my opinion and you have yours I am grown up enough to respect your opinion. I also believe in Karma. Thomas Rollins the corruption in the American law system it’s a disgrace.. People like judges that abuse their power should be named and shamed, and so people like the Hilary Clinton.. It’s brings American justice as shambles. Ones a great country for democracy, now it’s more corrupt then The Chinese government. Shame on those in power that abuse their power. 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Truck Highway Thru Hell Jamie Davis heavy rescue shirt
Scotland receives back about 70% of the taxes in various forms that we send South. Follow the propaganda if you like or do the research and find the reality. As for Nicola Sturgeon, she has the support of most scottish people contrary to what the British media would have you believe.Rosemary Newman in our time of need when Coronavirus was peaking and PPE was a shortage our leader who put these rules in place was breaking them along with his party members. He is accountable because of the position he holds. All the good work the party did besides breaking rules, awarding PPE contracts to their friends/associates doesn't justify the rule breaking and the constant lying.
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Yes I still listen to Barry Manilow got a problem shirt
Your not worth wasting time on. So many folk on here who are genuinely suffering , so many folk deeply wounded and berieved but your issue? You need the last word. Rachel Jackson Young What happened to you as well as to millions of people in UK and the rest of the world is extremely sad, tragic and appalling. Their behavior was unspeakable in a time when people were not even allowed to see their dear ones in their final moments BUT, the big question after yesterday's apologies from PM is, will he ever resign? Will people in UK continue to show some sympathy towards an individual who has so far clearly lied to them? Will people continue to support him whatever he makes a decision about? 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
 Some of us grew up listening to the Corrs the cool ones still do shirt
Thank heavens I was able to get in and out with my daughter in 9 hours and my husband was there the whole time, but there was no guarantee that would be the situation, and there are so many women who had to be on their own.  Lee Yarrow I think we have to really ask ourselves were all these draconian "rules" that caused such pain and hardship really a necessary evil? Especially in the light of what we now know, that our government didn't seem to think so or surely they would have applied it to themselves more rigorously? Then we have to ask what information we're they party to that we as a country were not? They have imposed so many things on us that we would never have accepted years ago but we followed these rules in good faith believing we were being led through this pandemic by trustworthy leadership.
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
Crappy Punk Rock Blink 182 live at the 02 in London England shirt
We lost so much and gained so little. Kay Smith No we did that to ourselves we moved to third country status all rules according to that are the same as they are to all third countries. Not making it more difficult, they didn't change anything, we did by leaving. The conservatives and the Brexit lot just did not tell you that is what would happen. Because no one in their right minds would have voted for it.Viki Coste Sorry, Viki, but Boris was a key figure in the Brexit campaign and lied through his teeth about the supposed benefits leaving would bring. He based his election campaign around 'getting Brexit done' for goodness sake! 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
We are the grandsons of the Witches you could not burn shirt
Before commenting maybe find out what’s really going on rather than reading a very vague story that would rather go on about the local community helping each other out than the actual reasons the guy is doing this. Very bad journalism but bbc news are good at one sided stories. Alex Morss 20+ years ago I moved to Malaysia, and was shocked that major news outlets (especially radio and TV news), even if 'independent', simply read out government statements and press releases as if they were the gospel truth, without even attributing them.
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
We are the grandsons of the Witches you could not burn shirt
 I signed with my local authority so if I was unvacinated and went sick because of covid and the refused to pay me the full pay they agreed to pay me then they are in breach of my contract. Kevin Hindhaugh it could take years to cope with waiting lists of people who need medical attention. At the moment focus is being given to Covid patients. It’s stressful for medics in A & E, not knowing if they have enough staff to cope. It’s unsafe, it’s a logistical nightmare, ambulance services are under stress, cancer services are curtailed. If you think we should just let unvaccinated overwhelm hospitals. Gareth Menzies Exactly - unvaccinated people still get sick pay if they test positive, the same as vaccinated people do. 
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imiadove2023 · 11 months
WWE Greatness Amongst you shirt
Dawny Mizcheivus Angel because its in their contracts as a local goverment worker my contract said I was entitled to 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay but very rare that happened this was in my contract an agreement I signed with my local authority so if I was unvacinated and went sick because of covid and the refused to pay me the full pay they agreed to pay me then they are in breach of my contract. Dawny Mizcheivus Angel because its in their contracts as a local goverment worker my contract said I was entitled to 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay but very rare that happened this was in my contract an agreement 
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imiadove2023 · 1 year
The Incredible Dr Pol poster shirt
British spies with established links to elite Chinese communists, this is not a movie, it's reality and the interesting thing is that they always place young very pretty Chinese women for the spy job eheh, to seduce those old British aristocratic men, only sleeping with them you get access to secrets, cold hard truth. Interestingly Labour have a long history of receiving "donations " from Communist affiliated parties dating back to just after the Russian revolution. MI5 keeps a file on every single MP noting their habits bad or otherwise their leanings views and sexual preferences which they use to target individuals susceptible to influence. 
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imiadove2023 · 1 year
Beavis and Butthead Green Bay Go Nachos Go shirt
I think our hearts went out to the Queen that day,seeing her sitting on her own. I know it happened to a lot of people as we did what Boris told us,while he was having a party with his chums. SHAME on you all. Boris,you need to resign and so does all those that were at the party. Serves every one right. Even from the beginning it's been about controlling our life and freedom. Surely you peopme aren't stupid enough to believe them and the rich and famous were ever going be effected. Should seem amount of private jets going I and out of lockdown when strictest measures where in place. I think that officials at Buckingham Palace should be examining who was at the parties and if any of them have been previously honoured with a BEM, MBE, etc that these awards should be withdrawn. 
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imiadove2023 · 1 year
Remera Javier Milei shirt
 u can’t turn back the clock just like we can’t, we don’t get to relive the last 2 yrs, most ppl have took ur jabs, lost family members without a last goodbye, watched funeral services online due to no being allowed to attend, mental health has suffered, suicide rates thru the roof and no mention of that, and the list just keeps growing but the ones running the show is party like it’s all ok till they are caught then very very sorry well it’s don’t cut it it don’t make up for anything ur only apology is getting caught. I had NO retirement party; my wife had NO retirement party; I had NO 60th birthday party; my wife had NO 60th party; our daughter had only 15 at her wedding and cancelled reception; my uncle had 15 at his funeral; 
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imiadove2023 · 1 year
We Hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office Aesop shirt
Disgraceful behaviour again and again and again from people who should be setting an example to the rest of the nation. You've got to be pretty dim not to realise they've all been at it all along, our country is run by crooks, liars and theives who think they are above everyone else. Honestly, how much more proof do you need? Doesn't the fact these people have carried on socialising throughout not suggest that maybe they know something we don't? People being laid off, people being placed on furlough, people struggling to make ends meet on top of all the other numerous hardships. But hey, congrats on your position, let's have a leaving do. 
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