imjenns · 11 years
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imjenns · 11 years
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전투기 (jeon-tu-gi)
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imjenns · 11 years
You can never put it back together like it was.
Haruki Murakami (via scienceinprogress)
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imjenns · 11 years
Hey there pretty.
-she blinks dazed a few times, her mouth gaping open as she extends her hand towards the others face, patting his cheek gently- You, my friend, are very handsome. 
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imjenns · 11 years
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imjenns · 11 years
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imjenns · 11 years
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imjenns · 11 years
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imjenns · 11 years
Dashing around her room in a frantic whirlwind, she searched far and wide for the ugliest sweater she owned. Tossing piles and piles of clothes onto her velvet bedsheets, Esom worried that she might not even own a sweater Christmasy enough for the occasion. She surely had ugly, however. She held up an oversized, brown and red wool sweater she had picked up a thift and vintage shop many moons ago. With a panicked sigh, she squirmed under it, pushing her thin limbs through the bat-winged arms. This will do.
A few minutes ago she had received an email. It was a black envelope picture and it instructed to be clicked. That redirected her to a webpage where she read her assignment for the night. It seemed more like an assignment rather than a invitation, at least. She had heard talk about this Christmas party of sorts prior to the email, in fact. She had even talked it over with the friends. But just the email alone was enough to make her feel rather out of ease with the idea.
Rushing out of her room, she could heard faint music playing from her roommate’s room. Lee Hyuksoo’s to be exact. She shook her head and ran to the kitchen where she could find craft supplies. The email stated that she must decorate her own apartment since she was the host. Panicked as time was running out, she grabbed a mason jar full of glitter and dumped it on the dinner table. running her hands through the grainy pile, the scattered the stuff all over.
"Ahhh, goodness," she exhaled, feeling better already. Esom tried cleaning off her hands but the glitter was very much stuck. She decided that scrubbing them on her sweater would only add more holiday spirit to her ensemble. "Oh— Oppa is home." Seems like Woobin had arrived as she got dressed.
Skipping to his room, she swung the door wide open and yelled, “Oppa, I’m ready!”
[ KYK ]
<< ; White Christmas
"Woobin." His manager spoke as he walked towards him, holding a black envelope in his hand. He handed Woobin the letter before walking away. Slowly opening, he remembered a specific memory that involved a black envelope. White Christmas. Tilting his head, he opened the letter and read what was there for him. He smirked as he read. "Ah, so this is what Seongjun was talking about." He furrowed his brows and looked at the time on his watch. "Hyung!" He frantically grabbed his coat, his manager was leaning against the door hinge with the car keys in his hand. "I’m way ahead of you." He jumped out of his chair and grabbed the keys out of his hand. "See you tomorrow, Merry Christmas hyung!"
He dashed out of the building and into his car. “What kind of present do I get this person?” Before he could start the engine, he tried to think as hard as he can to know what this person likes. Just recently, the both of them has come across a topic that finally popped in his head. He immediately turned on the engine and drove to the destination.
After gathering the presents that he bought, he wondered if he has an ugly sweater that is somewhere in his closet. After thinking long and hard, he realized he didn’t have a sweater. He drove to the shopping mart and walked inside, and bought himself a sweater that was rather hideous. Of course, he has received stares and greetings from strangers. He paid for the sweater and dashed off to his car, driving home.
He reached to the garage and left to the his floor, where he punched code onto the keypad to unlock the door. Once getting inside, he realized that they are both home due to the shoes by the door. Before he could open his mouth and call out one of his roommates to decorate the apartment, he looked at his watch and ran into his room to get ready.
[ Esom ]
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imjenns · 11 years
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