I cheated once throughout my years of school. At lunch I asked my friend what was on a test so I could study.
That’s pretty cool. I actually did fine on the tests without cheating, but I like to see if I could get away with having the answers. It was a game for me.
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Your theme looks awesome!
Thank you s much! I worked so hard on it. I’m particularly proud of my ‘next page’ and ‘back a page’ buttons. :)
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Rate My Blog Theme?
So, I’ve spent hours on it now and it’s still not done, but can somebody take a look at my blog theme and tell me what you think? It’s a played with version of one of the free themes.
I’ve been learning how to manipulate code, and I think i’m getting pretty good at it!
It would mean a lot to me to get some feedback!
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I like my coffee like
image / twitter / facebook / patreon
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Chara leaned down and picked a flower which was growing in the dirt. Then another.
“Wanna make a flower crown?” They asked.
The Party, An Open Starter
“I love Frisk I really do. But he’s a people person, and well.. I’m not.” Chara reached the house and stepped in. The music, lights, and people talking made her wince. She darted between people without being seen. Chara walked up to a small red backpack in the corner and opened it. She then pulled out two bottles of vodka and ran out of the house.
Chara watched the other them by the door, a frown firmly in place. They thought about walking into the crowd, but the thought made their stomach churn and their head spin. There was too much noise, too many dancing bodies babbling over each other, no one listening. The music was booming, of putting, and electric, something they weren’t used to. They downed the last of their punch and followed the other Chara once they were out of the house. Once again the two were in the safety of the cool night.
Chara sighed, “The only good company is amongst oneself, huh?” They asked.
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video game: allows me to double jump
me: double jumps for no reason, double jumps all over the place, double jumps just to walk around, double jumps over buildings, double jumps off the buildings, double jumps over npcs, double jumps over the person talking to me, double jumps over the enemy, double jum
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Comprising Starters
“Why are you crying?”
“You have a fever.”
“I think I have a fever.”
“Where are we going? It’s dark out.”
“Where are we?”
“Hey! Leave me alone!”
“Ow! That hurt!”
“I think my leg is broken.”
“Are you sucking your thumb?”
“You aren’t going anywhere. Lay back down.”
“You’re bleeding! Hold on, I’ll get a first aid kit.”
“Okay, we don’t have a first aid kit, but I have duct tape, thread, a sewing needle, and rubbing alcohol. Hold still.”
“Who exactly tied you to the bed?”
“Help! I’m stuck.”
“How long was I out?”
“I think I’m going to puke.”
“Can you untie me please?”
“What do you want from me? Let me go!”
“Okay, you caught me, good job, so what are you planning to do about it?”
“Well, I could just let these documents about you slip onto the internet, for everyone to see. I’m sure the government wouldn’t have any interest at all in your powers. Heh. Or, you could wise up and do exactly as I tell you.”
“Of course I killed them, and I’d do it again! What are you going to do about it?”
“If you ever want to see your friend again, you will follow every instruction I give you.”
“Wow, you can’t even stand up straight. How much did you drink?”
“I’m not *hic* drunk. I’mmm fiiinnnee. OW! Who put the floor there?”
“You sick monster! Let me leave or I’ll...is that a real gun?”
“That’s a lot of blood!”
“I...I’m sorry, who are you again? I don’t remember...”
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things i say to my cat ask meme
"What are you eating?"
"Get off me, I have to pee."
"Do you want me to rub your belly?"
"What's in your mouth?"
"Aww, you're so cute when you're asleep."
"How are you still hungry?"
"You don't need any ice cream."
"Were you a good girl today?"
"Come sit on my lap."
"Ouch! That hurt, jerk!"
"What's so great about that piece of paper?"
"It's just an spider."
"What are you looking at? Do you see a ghost?"
"Oh, your nose is cold."
"Leave the blinds alone!"
"What are you doing up there?"
"Fine. I didn't want to cuddle anyway."
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ford pre-portal incident (but around the time he was losing his mind) is actually just jon arbuckle in garfield minus garfield (but more smart and stuff)
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Imagine Chara stealing Asgore’s crown and putting it on so that they can feel like an overlord.
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finding dory (2016)  / star wars: attack of the clones (2002)
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“I love Frisk I really do. But he’s a people person, and well.. I’m not.” Chara reached the house and stepped in. The music, lights, and people talking made her wince. She darted between people without being seen. Chara walked up to a small red backpack in the corner and opened it. She then pulled out two bottles of vodka and ran out of the house.
Chara watched the other them by the door, a frown firmly in place. They thought about walking into the crowd, but the thought made their stomach churn and their head spin. There was too much noise, too many dancing bodies babbling over each other, no one listening. The music was booming, of putting, and electric, something they weren’t used to. They downed the last of their punch and followed the other Chara once they were out of the house. Once again the two were in the safety of the cool night.
Chara sighed, “The only good company is amongst oneself, huh?” They asked.
The Party, An Open Starter
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“ANY water-type? well, i wouldn’t want to stray from my eevee roots, that’d be uncomfortable…” she remarked, eating the pokepuff rather quickly, “so i’d guess i’d be a Vaporeon. besides, can’t go wrong with being completely invisible under the water.”
she chuckled a bit, before deciding to… talk to chara about an important manner.
“Chara? this may be a bit out of the blue, but…” she looked down.
“don’t touch your honedge’s handle. i did to try and keep it from spiking the punch, but the ribbon wrapped around my arm and i fainted. it realized what happened before i died, but…”
“Vaporeon, nice.” Cara laughed, “I would be a Gyarados myself.” They smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown as Alto kept talking.
Chara didn’t know what to say to that. They shrugged helplessly. “It’s not easy for him either.” They muttered, “Being a ghost sucks, not being able to come into contact with people sucks. Hurting everything you love sucks...there’s a reason I’m friends with Stabby, I don’t just like him cuz he’s a sword...I understand him.” They muttered. I’ve been where he’s at. It’s the least I can do to give him a home. Sorry about that. I’ll talk to him.” They kicked at the river as they spoke.
The Party, An Open Starter
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Chara blushed a little as Frisk loosened their grip on them. the two sat together closely on the couch.
“So, how have you been Ash? We haven’t really talked in...months now, I think” said Frisk, leaning on Chara’s shoulder.
“Ya, it’s been awhile.” Chara responded casually playing with a lock of Frisk’s hair. “Had any adventures recently?”
"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Frisk asked with a smile, lying upside down on their couch as they watched their favorite drake walk across the living room.
“I’m not sure, really.” Aschkar said over his shoulder, before sitting down in one of the chairs in the living room. “Never really payed that close attention. The little buggers always scampered off before I could look at them for too long.”
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Maybe it was proof of Frisk’s influence, but Chara seemed to register some discomfort from the other person. “Oh,” They said, blushing a bit, “Sorry, I-I’m not really good with conversations and stuff. I’m kinda biased against people.” They dangled their feet again, smiling a little, “Hey, random question, how old do you think I am?” They asked with a devious smirk that made them look rouge like and childish.
The Party, An Open Starter
Chara dangled their legs absentmindedly over the cliff side, clutching a red cup in their hand. They wore a green and yellow striped dress with a red ribbon around it. Behind them was a warmly lit house with big open windows, chatter and music floated out of it hinting at the dinner party behind its doors. Chara could hear Frisk talking, excitedly buzzing to the party gores. Chara had to admit that Frisk was a good diplomat, quite the politician, even as a kid.
But the ex-demon was not as good at socializing. Chara had gotten a bit overwhelmed amongst the other party goers and had slipped outside to take a breath. it was getting dark out, and the sun was setting behind the mountains in the distance. Beneath the cliff a river rushed by, reflecting the sun’s rays. Chara watched it.
They nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard footsteps approaching.
They looked behind them to see someone standing there.
“Hi.” They greeted.
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Frisk nodded. They seemed carefree, but there was some deceptive seriousness to the action. Magic was something they were interested in, immensely so. If they could figure out magic, then they could figure out why they were able to RESET time, and maybe learn to harness other powers. This girl and her brother appeared to have magic in spades. They gave the girl a reassuring smile. 
“That’s really cool! You know, I’ve been studying the human magictions of the past, as well as monster magic, I’d love to learn about summoning. Have a book on it?” They asked sweetly. “I’d be happy to share what I’ve learned. I may not look it, but I am a couple centuries old.” The child tilted their head and smiled warmly.
Chara frowned deeply at this. “Frisk...we’re guests,” They muttered, still utterly unsure what to do with themself, “maybe we shouldn’t bug them about this stuff.”
{ kyran the looked around before casting the dark teleportation spell , he then summoned blackish-purple crystals around in a dome fashion around him and the children. the crystals then turned black few a few seconds before returning to there normal color, the crystals the dispersed into dark clouds before vanishing, they where now inside a neatly kept cabin there was fire place and sitting beside it was girl and a white fox ,with what almost looks like a purple gem at the tip of its tail and a holstered dagger on it back , resting besides her }
Kyran: Lucita am back and we have some guess that needed someplace warm to stay until the storm passes , I’ll go find some spare blankets
{ kyran then went to find some blankets, the 10 year old turned around to face her brother, she seem rather uneasy and a bit nervous when she heard they where having guest , she had the same purple irises and had the normal white sclera but unlike her brother she posses light magic or in her dimension “ forbidden magic ” , the fox faced both of them and was keeping an eye on them as he was extremely protective of its master }
Lucita: h-hello…
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Chara stood with grace, watching the other them, a little frown formed on their face. “Why’s that?” They inquired falling into step as they followed the other them from the wooded cliffside. Their head was a little fuzzy, but nothing they couldn’t handle.
The Party, An Open Starter
Chara dangled their legs absentmindedly over the cliff side, clutching a red cup in their hand. They wore a green and yellow striped dress with a red ribbon around it. Behind them was a warmly lit house with big open windows, chatter and music floated out of it hinting at the dinner party behind its doors. Chara could hear Frisk talking, excitedly buzzing to the party gores. Chara had to admit that Frisk was a good diplomat, quite the politician, even as a kid.
But the ex-demon was not as good at socializing. Chara had gotten a bit overwhelmed amongst the other party goers and had slipped outside to take a breath. it was getting dark out, and the sun was setting behind the mountains in the distance. Beneath the cliff a river rushed by, reflecting the sun’s rays. Chara watched it.
They nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard footsteps approaching.
They looked behind them to see someone standing there.
“Hi.” They greeted.
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