If you base someone's worth as a human being solely on ther political opinion, unfollow me
Someone's political opinion is one small facet of their overall character, and propogating this lie that if someone doesn't vote for the same person you do, then they are horrible people who deserve to rot, is exactly why we have the insult to our intelligence that is the 2016 election. If you have ever said that Democrats are evil or Republicans are evil or (insert sweeping generalization here), YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Judging and despising people who were once your friends simply over a political disagreement is, for one thing, about the dumbest shit I've heard in my life, but also not what this country is about. That's not why we have these elections. It's not so you can argue with people on social media over who is the better candidate. It's not so you can be pig headed, mean, rude, nasty, hateful, and just overall unpleasant. This is so the people of this country can choose* their leader. This is so we can have discussions and gain a broader understanding of what our friends and neighbors want out of the government. Your hate-flinging and rude bullshit do nothing but widen the chasm that divides this country. Hate breeds nothing but hate. (spoiler alert) *We still don't get to actually choose who gets elected. A group of 538 rich guys get to do that, and they don't legally have to go along with what the people may want. They get to pick the president. Not us.
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We don’t get to pick the President.
We don’t get to pick the President. 
We don’t get to pick the President.
We don’t get to pick the President.
The Electoral College are the people who are chosen to formally elect the President of the United States.  You know how many people are in the Electoral College?
FUCK are you shitting me?  I just looked up that number for this post and holy fuck I thought it would at least be a thousand. 538 people?? to represent the best interests of 320 MILLION FUCKING PEOPLE? That comes out to approximately 595,000 US citizens per member of the Electoral College.   And you honestly believe that these people care about the opinions of all 560 thousand people they represent?  If I had it, which I don’t, I would bet you $560,000 that they don’t two shits about anyone but themselves.  And if you think that they are going to put your wishes over their personal gain, hot damn, son, you need to learn a thing or two about politics. 
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So, it really kinda of sucks when I see friends of mine posting about how shitty Christians are.  On the one hand, I know that there are people who claim to be Christians, and yet do terrible things.  On the other hand, when I see them talking about how despite Christians claim that most aren’t so bad, that at this point, we should just get rid of them all and start over.  
Friends of mine who are aware that I am Christian saying how we just need to get rid of all Christians?  A normal person, I’m sure, could dismiss these kinds of comments thinking “They’re not talking about me” but I can’t.  My anxiety/depression already makes me feel like all of my friends don’t actually like me, and simply tolerate my existence, but when I see or hear things like that out of the mouths of people I know and care about, it honestly terrifies me.  
The point of Christianity is teaching that people aren’t perfect, and everyone, whether they do so intentionally or not, makes mistakes, and do terrible things.  I don’t know anyone who honestly follows the teachings of Christ that thinks that they’re perfect and can do no wrong.  It seems that Christians are expected to be perfect sinless people who do no wrong, but the entire religion is about exactly the opposite of that.  We aren’t perfect, we know that.  And we know that people claim to do terrible things in the name of our God.  We know that people commit evil acts despite claiming their faith and trust in the Lord.  But it’s fine when people claim to do things in the name of Islam, because they’re not all like that?  Because Islam is a religion that’s about acceptance and love?  But when one congregation does a shitty thing, suddenly all Christians are just as evil as the people there?  Even though Christianity is about acceptance...and..love..? 
I don’t know, man.  It just hurts to hear some of my best friends talk about their hate of Christians.
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there are two types of groups chats
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For years, Steve Freitag and his San Francisco Virgin America gate crew coworkers have been having a bit of fun with the messages on the gate signs. [x]
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Tritium Jewelry
Tritium tubes are simply gas-filled, thin glass vials with inner surfaces coated with a phosphor. The gaseous tritium in these light sources undergoes beta decay, releasing electrons that cause the phosphor layer to fluoresce. Tritium presents no external radiation threat via beta radiation when encapsulated in non-hydrogen-permeable containers due to its low penetration depth, which is insufficient to penetrate intact human skin.
 These light sources can glow up to ten years without needing any kind of charging. Tritium presents no external radiation threat via beta radiation when encapsulated in non-hydrogen-permeable containers due to its low penetration depth, which is insufficient to penetrate intact human skin. However, these devices do emit low levels of X-rays.
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WARNING!!!!! do NOT love me!!!! i am a huge disappointment!!’!!?
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each time I tell you those three words I mean them more and more
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*internally combusts*
Pleh sorry about the wonky updates should be back on track soon
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