immortalpoet · 8 years
This. Omg, this. This is why, while I love the movies and how they're portrayed, I hate that my memories of the Harry potter books were replaced by the images from the movies. So much of my childhood imagination was supplied by those fantasy books and now it's been remained by someone else. Hermione didn't have the same in the books, Ron wasn't as tall and lanky as he was described, and Harry's scar wasn't in the right spot as I remember it in the books. Let's keep the imagination where it belongs, in our heads.
I think Welcome To Night Vale would make an awesome movie. What do you think?
I don’t. It works so well in books and as a podcast, precisely because we all have our own mental images and versions of The Man in the Tan Jacket, the Blinking Light, The Dog Park, etc.
I don’t want it to be a movie or TV show, because I don’t want someone else to tell me what Cecil looks like, or how the studio is set up. I already know all of that, and it lives very happily in my head.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
This time last year, I was working an endless job, living in a shack of a house, broke as fuck. Now, I have a good job, a wife that loves me for reasons I'll never know, and the ability to move around (almost) freely.
Never. Stop. Moving.
This time last year I was unemployed, broke, and suicidal.
Today, I just got the keys to my first house.
Give it time.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
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Source For more posts like this, CLICK HERE to follow Ultrafacts
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immortalpoet · 8 years
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immortalpoet · 8 years
Saving this for later
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That means free access to Photoshop CS2 - and that already has most of what you could ask for, really.
All you have to do is create a FREE ADOBE ID.
I am not sure about commercial use, but MAN. FUCKIN’ SWEET DUDE
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immortalpoet · 8 years
So I just noticed that there are a shit ton of porn blogs following me. Nothing wrong with it, just noticing a trend. Maybe I'll get on here and actually post something of substance. Probably not, but there's a sliver of hope.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
Go waah more somewhere else
Have I told you guys about the random guy who joined our commander game one time
He had an Avacyn Angel of Hope deck so right from the start we were like “okay… We’ll see…”
(I believe the other decks in the game were my Aurelia, a Mizzix of the Izmagnus, and Selvala elf tribal; good decks, but nothing too competitive.)
So we’re playing pretty normally, the Avacyn fanboy is filling his board with little humans and angels and not doing much, until he finally plays Avacyn.
Then on his next turn, with the smuggest of expressions as if he’s the first person to ever think of that, he casts Wrath of God - which, of course, would leave all our boards empty and his looking fine with by now a decent number of little humans and angels.
There’s a pause, the Mizzix player says “Hold on… In response to the wrath, I’ll cast Turn to Frog on Avacyn.” (Thus getting rid of her ability and making the boardwipe hit his own board as well.)
There’s silence for a solid ten or fifteen seconds.
And the Avacyn player picks up his cards, says, with the utmost contempt, “This is why I don’t play with Blue players”, and LEAVES.
Then we all look at each other, as though we just shared a collective hallucination and wanted to make sure everyone else saw it too, shrug, and finish the game.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
Jesus I forgot that I hatred layers. Thanks for reminding me why I hate them so much!
Matt Tabak said, "creatures with power 4 or greater have flying." wouldn't work as expected. Can you explain why?
It’s not that it wouldn’t work, it just would work really really unintuitively.
Let’s try a little thought experiement: You control the enchantment with “Creatures you control with power 4 or greater have flying.” You also control these creatures:
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Vile Aggregate (and three other colorless creatures)
Crater Elemental (with its formidable ability resolved)
Timberpack Wolf (and two other Timberpack Wolves)
Hooded Hyrda (with five +1/+1 counters on it)
Calcite Snapper (with P/T switched through its landfall ability)
Siege Rhino (just Siege Rhino)
Which of these six creatures would you expect to gain flying from the aforementioned enchantment?
All of them, right?
Well you’re wrong. Out of these six creatures, only Siege Rhino would have flying.
Welcome to one of the major quirks of the layer system. Because of how it’s set up, effects of different types are handled in a specific order. 
(That order is copy effects, control-changing effects, text-changing effects, type-changing effects, color-changing effects, ability-modifying effects, power and toughness -modifying effects.)
This means that the effects that modify things in earlier layers can’t look at things from later layers without giving unintuitive results.
When our hypothetical enchantment goes to grant flying to creatures, we haven’t applied any power and toughness modifying effects at all, so our example creatures don’t have any of their buffs applied and it sees them with the following stats:
Vile Aggregate as 0/4 (Its power is undefined, so 0 is used instead.)
Crater Elemental as 0/8 
Timberpack Wolf as 2/2
Hooded Hydra as 0/0
Calcite Snapper as ¼
Siege Rhino as 4/5 (smug bastard…)
So yeah, that’s why it wouldn’t work. It would only work for creatures with an actual printed power of 4 or greater and ignore any other effects that would modify that.
(BTW, the first five creatures are each examples of the five P/T sublayers. These are all the classes of abilities that wouldn’t be taken into consideration. In order: characteristic-definining abilities, power and/or toughness setting effects, increases or decreases to power and/or toughness not from counters, increases or decreases to power and/or toughness from counters, and power and toughness switching.)
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immortalpoet · 8 years
The wind proof one is new. Fuck that bitch.
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IT Workers Share the Most Idiotic Things Non-Techies Have Told Them
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immortalpoet · 8 years
They did and they sell for about $100 unopened.
Upon seeing the phrase "Innistrad Poker", I now desperately want a pack of playing cards that uses Magic-art drawn from the history of Magic. There could be color-assignments to groups of numbers, or suits, or cycles & legendaries assigned to face-cards, etc. The possibilities are limitless! Has there been such a WOTC-product before?
Wizards long ago (in 1995 I believe) did produce a poker deck with Magic card backs.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
God damn somebody let the truth out today
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Teach children that this is not ok
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immortalpoet · 8 years
Holy fuck. There are people with brains on here?
Safe spaces are so ridiculous. If you can’t stand to be around a certain race, gender or sexuality, then you’re the problem.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
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immortalpoet · 8 years
Ah tumblr, you make me love posting things on here. At least or was only 3 people and not a thousand. Good job guys.
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immortalpoet · 8 years
Ok, I can't take my anger out on facebook because so many of my friends still haven't seen it and I'm not going to ruin it for them yet. I have serious, SERIOUS, problems with the movie. First off, they have officially destroyed any and all canon that comes after return. They killed about 20 years worth of books and ideas with one whiny, bitchy, angsty, emo Hayden Christensen wanna be. God damn they made kylo ren a bitch. Waah waah I wanna be like grampa because no reason at all! Han and leia sired three badass kids with super fucking deep stories and now we will never see them. The second thing that bothered me was the pacing of the movie. It was a two and a half hour snooze fest. It had its moments, don't get me wrong, but throughout the movie, NOTHING HAPPENED. What they gave us was two hours of "here's a couple new characters, a shit ton of cameos from actors that just wanted to have their name on a star wars movie that wasn't shit, and we kill a major character for no fucking reason other than the villain is a big bitch". That's what we fucking got. It was all just introduction to Rey, Finn, and kylo ren with a sprinkle of snoke. The last thing that really, really fucking bothers me is that it's not a new story. It's not. Don't say it is. It's like the writers didn't even try. The idea behind it is there's a big bad guy with a giant moon/planet like spaceship that's blowing up planets/planetary systems, the big bad guy has family issues, the main crew hides on the falcon to not get caught, they have to lower the sheilds/blow up a port to open the ONE WEAKNESS TO THE GODDAMN SPACE SHIP, in the end, the good guys win, the bad guy runs away and we're stuck here waiting for a second film in this trilogy, hoping it won't be a repeat of the prequels. I'm so fucking glad I didn't spend a dime to go see the movie. I want to go see it in theaters, just for the experience of going to the movies. I'm still fucking disappointed. I had high hopes for you jj. You made a beautiful cinematic piece if art with no new story, mediocre acting, and it sold to the world like snake oil. I'm kinda glad you turned down number eight.
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immortalpoet · 9 years
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immortalpoet · 9 years
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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