imnotwhiteimjewish · 4 years
Check out the newest Olam zine, Open Eyes, which focuses on themes of awakening.
Connect With Us: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook Previous Issues: Vol. 1 | Vol. 2
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 5 years
Check out the newest Olam zine, Open Eyes, which focuses on themes of awakening.
Connect With Us: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook Previous Issues: Vol. 1 | Vol. 2
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 5 years
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Kamilė Klemas
All In My Head, 2019
Acrylic on canvas
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 5 years
Olam Collective is releasing its third issue of our zine, Olam, and we are looking for radical Jewish artists, writers, creators, and thinkers! To read more about our zine and collective, click here.
The theme for this volume is “awakening” – whether it’s a spiritual, emotional, or physical awakening.
We are looking for all forms of Jewish art; writing, photography, poetry, paintings, you name it.
Submission Guidelines
All work submitted must be original work
Work and subject matter is free from oppressive viewpoints
Please include your name/pseudonym so we can credit you (if wishing to remain anonymous please indicate this)
Submission deadline is October 31, 2019
Please remember we are a radical anti-Zionist art collective; we retain the right to reject artwork submitted by people holding oppressive opinions to keep this a safe and liberating space.
We hope to see you soon!
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
as you may have seen, i am retiring this blog. currently my ask box is extremely full, and i want to answer your questions, but not here.
if you have any messages or questions to send me, please send them to my main blog.
additionally you may follow me there instead. thanks
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
retiring this blog
hey y’all. i don’t use this blog anymore, and after five years of…messiness, drama, and literally being shunned from the “jewish community” on tumblr, it’s time for me to call it quits.
i know this blog has been helpful for many people, so i’m not deleting it; you will still have access to my archive, past questions, and resource links.
if you wish, you may follow me on my main blog (http://www.sheynkayt.tumblr.com) - sorry no links on mobile - because i post more jewish related things there. i will also answer your messages there.
i’ve met a lot of cool people throughout the years so if you want to keep in contact feel free to connect with my main blog.
thanks y’all
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
as you may have seen, i am retiring this blog. currently my ask box is extremely full, and i want to answer your questions, but not here.
if you have any messages or questions to send me, please send them to my main blog.
additionally you may follow me there instead. thanks
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
as you may have seen, i am retiring this blog. currently my ask box is extremely full, and i want to answer your questions, but not here. if you have any messages or questions to send me, please send them to my main blog. additionally you may follow me there instead. thanks
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
retiring this blog
hey y’all. i don’t use this blog anymore, and after five years of...messiness, drama, and literally being shunned from the “jewish community” on tumblr, it’s time for me to call it quits.
i know this blog has been helpful for many people, so i’m not deleting it; you will still have access to my archive, past questions, and resource links.
if you wish, you may follow me on my main blog (http://www.sheynkayt.tumblr.com) - sorry no links on mobile - because i post more jewish related things there. i will also answer your messages there.
i’ve met a lot of cool people throughout the years so if you want to keep in contact feel free to connect with my main blog.
thanks y’all
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
yeah they're goblins who run the banks in Harry Potter. classic fantasy goblins with no thought to how they already represent antisemitic stereotypes before making them bankers. plus an elitist bully character is pretty thoroughly jew-coded with thick eyebrows and a hooked nose. For a series that's ostensibly about the horrors of racism (wizards hating to the point of murdering non-magic folk) jkr did a terrible job of avoiding real world racist tropes
for that other anon here you go
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
Thoughts on ethnic jews who are not and have no interest in religion though? I am also a child of a Jewish parent (dad) but I have no real forgiveness for people who try take away my cultural and ethnic background bcz of my lack of desire to covert (lmfao) and lack of Jewish community throughout my life
i'm not very religious and was raised more culturally. non-religious jewishness is still just as valid, and i personally don't believe patrilineal jews have to convert (unless you really want to or want to convert to orthodoxy). i've been pretty disconnected from my city's jewish community but that doesn't make me any less jewish. same goes for you
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
so, does Harry Potter exudes antisemitism too? Since it reeks many Jewish stereotypes regarding the hat, the nose etc. Am I wrong? or...
yeah a lot of people have pointed out examples of antisemitism in the series. i've never read harry potter but i know some issues are the goblins (idk if that's what they're called but the ones who run the banks); jewish coding of some other characters; and the fact that there is one, count em one, jewish character that JK rowling passed off as "jewish representation" or whatever.but like i said i am not a fan of the series and know nothing about it other than what i hear from others.
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
What are your thoughts about people that are ethnically jewish but weren't raised on it as a religion? Are they still Jews? Or like half-Jews?
they are still jews. while you may not identify as religiously jewish, you are still ethnically/culturally jewish. there's a lot of jews who identify as one or the other (or both).
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
Do you think people who have only a Jewish dad can be considered as Jewish?
yes they are absolutely jewish. i only have a jewish dad and while many people have tried to deny my jewishness, they cannot change the fact i was raised jewish and followed the religion my whole life. don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise with "halakhically jewish" narishkayt either
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
Okay but if Jews are supposedly considered rich and greedy then why do we have a musical with a song literally called "if I were a rich man" about wishing we didn't have to be poor.
historically jews couldn't work other jobs and had to take jobs as money lenders or bankers. this is basically where the stereotype comes from.
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
Can you please explain to me why there is hatred of Jewish people. It really doesn't make sense to me. Every argument I heard seemed extremely weak and doesn't really make sense.
hatred of jews goes back literally 2,000 years starting with the death of jesus. christianity was originally a sect of judaism, but theological differences over recognizing jesus as the messiah split them into two distinct religions. the death of jesus was blamed on the jews and so begins the saga of antisemitism. because antisemitism has been going on for so long in all parts of the world, it would be really hard to give a concise history of antisemitism. i would recommend reading "antisemitism: a western tradition" which explains the history of antisemitism throughout europe. there's also other books and resources on the history of antisemitism and quite a few of them are available as free pdf's.
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imnotwhiteimjewish · 7 years
This is probably going to sound so dumb but my friend and I are not Jewish(we belong to different religions)but we want to explore Judaism how could we go about doing that especially around holidays like Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah and etc. I'm worried that doing this can come off as offensive :/ pls give your advice 💙
in my opinion it is okay to attend synagogue services as long as you are being completely respectful about it and follow the rules of the synagogue (ex. dressing modestly, wearing a kippah, etc). most synagogues also have celebrations for holidays; for instance my local temple has a purim party every year with fun activities, and if you're in the know you can attend that. but of course if you wish to participate in holiday festivals you should do research and understand the significance on them. but i really do not recommend getting involved with more solemn/deeply religious holidays like yom kippur or yom ha'shoah.
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