imonlyanangel · 2 months
🪷 Manifesting Success 🪷
The most recent thing I manifested was self confidence! In this post I'll go over what worked for me.
I've successfully manifested several things in the past, but not nearly at the speed I would've liked to. There were months and months without success. I started to consider why- was I focusing on the 3D too much?? Was I engaging with negative, doubtful thoughts, or believing negative comments from others? How was my trust in myself?
Sure, sometimes I focus too much on the 3D, but I always catch myself. I've had some doubtful intrusive thoughts, but I always catch myself. I've over consumed at times, but I always catch myself. I'm human, and I'm still fairly new to learning how to manifest. None of these slip ups are a big deal! None of them can really affect my ability to manifest unless I allow them to. Unless I assume that they do.
The real reason I was struggling to manifest was this: I had a fear of being seen. A fear of being myself where others could see. A fear of succeeding in front of others. How can I successfully manifest if I'm afraid of success? How can I bring my reality into light if I only feel safe in the dark?
Self-confidence has been a struggle for me nearly my entire life. I've worked on improving it, but there was little progress over the course of my life. I didn't talk to people, or share my thoughts with family. I couldn't make decisions. I couldn't just be without being scared I was doing it wrong.
When I realized that this pervasive fear was keeping me from manifesting my desires, I made a decision. I wasn't going to work on manifesting anything else until I successfully manifested confidence in myself.
I tore a scrap of paper from my bedside notebook and wrote down an affirmation to stick under my pillow. All I wrote was: I always feel amazing about myself- I am overflowing with confidence. <3 I had read that the pillow method takes 7-10 days at most to manifest your desires. I wrote this down on the other side of the paper, and decided that it wouldn't take me more than a week to manifest it.
Before I fell asleep each night, I recited the affirmation in my mind. Some nights I only did it once, sometimes 2-3x. I imagined feeling like a pillar. Feeling upright, tall, visible, and strong. I imagined the heaviness and tension that came with being seen disappearing. I imagined feeling amazing about myself, or how it would feel to be confident all the time. I did this for 7 days in a row.
It didn't take me 7 days to notice a change!! The first morning I woke up after doing that was different. I was different. I went after what I wanted that day with no regard for whether or not I was being perceived. Since I started I've noticed many changes in behavior that have almost all felt natural to me. Sometimes I got nervous, but I had the confidence in myself to push through it.
Instead of shying away from looking at my face or my body in the mirror, I smile genuinely every time I see myself. Sometimes I catch myself thinking "wow, I am so f*cking pretty!" Now I intentionally make a comment about my confidence or my beauty every time I look in a mirror while washing my hands. I'm so confident. I feel amazing about myself today. I love the way I look. Complimenting myself in the mirror worked wonders and I recommend it 100%!!
Changes since I started manifesting confidence:
Engaged in my hobbies in front of others
Deep cleaned my room
Wore what I wanted
Voiced my opinion in family discussion
Decided to do a social media fast for a week
Made purchases to start a hobby I've always wanted to try (and started said hobby)
Had a difficult conversation with my mom that I was avoiding
Answered a phone call from a girl I've hardly ever spoken to, and we enjoyed talking for over an hour
Started decorating my room
Went out to eat (at a buffet) and chatted with a relative that I am not familiar with
This post! Whether anonymous or public, I've never posted or commented on social media till now, because I was too nervous.
All of these things are huge compared to where I was at two weeks ago. Some, maybe all of these things, would be small to others. But to me, especially with consideration for my neurotype and mental health, these are big steps of progress.
Am I the most confident, outspoken, assertive woman in the world? Not yet. But I improved so much in just a week. My sister noticed I was in a better mood every morning since the day I started. My mom has been complimenting me more often because of the difference in my countenance. My family noticed behavioral changes within 2 days.
I've been happy, and so much more confident. I have had more enthusiasm for life and for growth. And it doesn't take me more than 5 minutes a night. I will continue using this method of manifesting! I've already started a new affirmation.
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imonlyanangel · 5 months
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Freedom : The freedom of creating your dream life. The freedom of choosing what to have and what to not. The freedom from the stereotypes. The freedom from limitations we put on ourself.
Responsibility : The responsibility that you are accountable for the life you are living right and you'll be responsible for the life you'll live in the future.
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imonlyanangel · 9 months
🪽 Hello, I'm Evangeline! I go by Evangeline, Evie, Angel, or Angie. Any shortened version of my name is fine.
🪷 I'm 23 & she/her <3
🦢 The purpose of this account is primarily to track my growth and hold me to my goals 💗
🩰 Some of my favorite things: health, self-improvement, mbti (cognitive functions based!! not 16p), decorating my room, self-care, manifesting/loa, art, astrology, food, and reading!
🥟 I'd be happy to make friends- my DNIs are pretty typical. Please take any hate or hateful energy elsewhere. E.g. if you're angry at an evil corporation/person/event I'm not the person to share that with. I stay informed and engaged where I can, but this account is meant to be a break from the chaos- one that I'm lucky to be able to have. As well as this page is strictly sfw. Minors are safe to view my page but I will not be making friends with you.
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