imperiexx-blog · 6 years
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
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This Grand Emperor is holed up on the mountain. He may or may not be doing something suspicious.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
"W-what!?" Both of his cheeks turn a darker shade of red along with his ears. This was his moment to stand up and leave before he actually turns into Qin's wife.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
     Lan Wangji manages to suppress his confusion well enough. He makes no comment, even deigns for a moment to ignore Qin Shi Huang. He feels that, at this point, acknowledging his very existence is more than he ought to be doing—anything and everything seems to lend some form of credence to his actions, his being there.
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          “What of these beasts.” He cares not for the rest. “You wished for… me to observe them?” The sooner that he can separate himself from this man and all associated with him, all the better. Rarely has he met one intent on distractions and theatrics to such an unneeded degree…
          “There is no reason to waste time with frivolous displays of power. If there is something you desire of me, allow me to do it, and be done with it.” He is tired of those who attempt to disguise their domineering behind such casualness, such shallow pleasantries.
“You think it a simple display of power? For what? Truly, do you think We would waste Our time for you? Don’t be childish. This is for Our convenience, to see across the country, hear Our people talk. We wish to know the happenings, the tragedies, the cause for celebrations, that wash over the areas We are not in. Perhaps to see if there is another beast to capture. We were simply being considerate, asking if you wanted to see it.” His reply is cold, but his features do not waver, the smile on his lips remains.
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With a wave of the hand, he all but shooed Lan Wangji away. “Begone, then.” The Emperor says simply. Since he so adamantly wished to drag his feet, and complain like a child, he could just go back to his room and sulk like one.
“We thought it would be a good opportunity for you, yet since you obviously want nothing to do with it, Go away. We shall find someone else to do your job and help me experiment with these creatures. Perhaps We will find a way to make Our Army move.”
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
Qin Shi Huang when Lan Wangji eventually introduces his husband and tells him all the things and why he shouldn’t involve himself in dark arts:
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
"I am not insulting you! You can only expect something like that from a wife! You need to understand that as a vassal I have to think of others, Your Majesty!"
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“Hoh? Are you asking to be my wife? How brazen of you!”  An assumption.  Qin Shi Huang, still having problems with Japanese, will often misunderstand what the other man is saying.  Not that he will admit to it.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
"Beside you? A few other things."
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“Beside Me? I am the only thing that matters, you know. Shall I punish you for insulting your Emperor?””
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
     Why is it that this man is so intent on stirring him? Lan Wangji cares not for such judgments, whether others find him overbearing or pompous, or weak and subservient: even had enough of Wei Wuxian’s intimate knowledge of the forbidden arts rubbed off onto him, neither of them could condone the continuation of those practices.
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     There is little he can do in resisting for much longer. He knows not where Qin Shi Huang came from nor what prompted his appearance—he knows not whether their meeting was pure coincidence or entirely premeditated. Cultivation has piqued his interest regardless of how, and for once Lan Wangji may almost regret his involvement. There must be something he can do.
     Wordlessly, he sets his brush aside, stands; he moves to follow but cannot focus on anything but the one awaiting his return in Gusu. He cannot do this, whatever this is, on his own, but did he not swear to protect Wei Wuxian? To keep him from anything that may pose so much as a mild threat to his being? Entire sects, empires, have crumbled under the wanton destruction of demonic cultivation and always, always, will its power backfire upon those who abuse it. He wishes for nothing but to keep their pasts and futures separate.
He didn’t mind, didn’t care, whether or not the other man followed after him or not. This was something the Emperor had chosen to do on his own, regardless of if Lan Wangji had decided to join him.  
Approaching his palace, a grand thing, Qin Shi Huang lifts a hand and presses it firmly against one of the walls, eyes closing as two streams of colorful light flow up and outward. The lights resemble peacock feathers, bright and ever flowing, as if they would coil about the entire world.
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It takes him several moments, before he speaks, deathly still in his action of viewing the country. Each person, each action, he could see it all. Removing his hand, the Emperor smiles. 
“Good news, Our trapped beasts have yet to kill anyone since containment. Is there anyone you would like to see? Or speak with? We can do it from here. Though perhaps you may see something unnerving, like the village to the east of here being attacked by the dead. Quite unfortunate.”
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
Why was the Emperor (swindling) finding more vassals than concubines ? The few books he read about ancient China shows there were courts full of them but he has seen a less than a handful.
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Such is the mystery, isn’t it?He was a mysterious man that did things only in a way he thought would be beneficial to him and his country in the long run.
“Something on your mind?”
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
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Well, while his vassal #1 is busy in the gentle embrace of some guy, Qin Shi Huang is going to travel to a nearby mountain. It is where he has trapped something, and he is going to do some experiments.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
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“Controlling corpses would be quite beneficial. Should the need arise, they can be used in defense.” Or for cannon fodder.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
yilingxian replied to your post:Qin Shi Huang is interested in being able to...
Do Not
gusujun replied to your post: Qin Shi Huang is interested in being able to...
Bad man. Evil. This is the worst timeline
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He only takes advice from vassals,
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
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Qin Shi Huang is interested in being able to control everything, even the dead--
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
On their walk he was ignored and he thought his chance flew away like the bird type feathers the Emperor wears to suit him well. A smile turns his straight lips upwards when the other then mentions his request.
‘’ A-AH! Y-yes!’’
Gudao turns to the servants as he repeats the words of the village the family lives in. A thing he is glad about that the woman imprinted in his head in case he got lost and if he did and found somebody he could say the name.
The village , couples and his own name was mentioned to the servant who gladly understood and knew the place. The items were handed over , before the other could leave he takes the pendant with the Chaldea logo as he puts it in the money bag.
Just in case he gives it because the pendant was pure silver and maybe he could help them as a thank you for helping him for the six month stay. The servant gave a nod as he left and he couldn’t help himself for seeing the other leave though the moment was short when a guard blocked his view.
‘’ I won’t run…geez.’’
Not that he could blame them , they don’t deserve it but he wasn’t sure what the other would want from a foreign dirty looking boy as himself. A 90 grade turn was made as he looks up to the Emperor. Ritsuka didn’t say it before but the other was a beauty of a different rank in this world.
‘’ Thank you , Your Majesty. For letting them get their belongings back.’’
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Hm. What to do, what to do.  Qin Shi Huang had a guard summon another one of his personal servants. He discussed something with her, and she looks at the boy for a moment before nodding at the Emperor.  “This one here will bathe you, and get you dressed properly. Once that is done, she will guide you back to my side. When you return, I expect proper introduction from you, that is, if you wish to eat. You are mine, so you represent me. I will not have you looking so plain in my presence.”
With that, the Emperor excuses himself. Two guards and the Servant remain at the strange boy’ side, though the young woman begins to guide him toward the bathhouse. None of them speak. It is what they are used to. Not speaking unless spoken to first.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
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Ah. His little Vassals. He’s going to make the foreigner dress up properly and make him nice and pretty. After all, one such as himself can’t have too many homely people around him.
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
It took him a few seconds longer than he had wished for because he just felt stunned in his spot.
‘’ Terms ? You said about buying the vegetables…I didn’t agree to selling myself to an Emperor! ‘’
How bad was the weak mages luck to have an Emperor use the fact he didn’t understand Chinese and took it to his advantage!? The guard now was pushing him to walk forwards ; This is a bitter pill to swallow as he tries a few times to walk away but each time he was getting caught.
A huff of annoyance was let out as he decides to walk closer to the other.
‘’ Your Majesty , If I may be so rude can I request something ? I understand that you bought me and all…(even when it was a scam situation) but I was selling the crops of a family that helped me. Can you at least send somebody to their place with the money ? I won’t try to get out of the deal but see it as my first and last request. The husband was sick and the money could help them as they have a young child with them.’’
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As they grew closer to the palace he felt a bit astonished by the place. However , he shouldn’t lose his focus as he steps closer to the Emperor. From all the ray shifts and kings he met he knows they don’t like it when the other party doesn’t keep their word ; Yet , they are despite being tyrannical ( Archer Gilgamesh) he still understood some things and granted some requests. A good side note to himself : WHY DOES HE ATTRACT PROBLAMTIC ROYALITY !?
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“You did agree. I said that I would buy everything at the table, include yourself. You set a price, and I paid. A done deal, yes?” There really was no point in complaining about it now, there was no getting out of the situation. Qin Shi Huang was not so kind as to let his new plaything wander about freely and give him the chance to flat out run away.
The Emperor didn’t respond to his request until they entered the palace; then he pulled aside a servant and asked them to run an errand for him. He turns to his new little servant and introduces his other one. “This one will take your items to the family as you request. If there is anything else you wish for them to take, perhaps you should let them know now before they leave.” 
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imperiexx-blog · 6 years
     A pause mid-brushstroke.
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          “You misunderstand.” Few would attempt to trap a walking corpse, given the lack of need—is this to say that he has found something else? Regardless, Wangji feels his curiosity is not so boundless as to demand an answer. He finishes his interrupted character with painstaking attention.
          “Outside of its existence, I know nothing of demonic cultivation. Regardless, I do not recall agreeing to aid you at any point. So prevalent are these beings in life that you can undoubtedly find this information elsewhere.” While darker cultivation methods themselves are often purged from literature whenever possible, general information on the monsters and spirits cultivators interact with is widespread, so terribly common. He wishes not for Wangji to see this creature, but to prod and employ him for information; he cannot fathom why this Qin Shi Huang continues to involve him.
          “Demonic cultivation is a forbidden art, unsustainable in every case. Even its most profound cultivator, the Yiling Patriarch, was devoured by his own subservient corpses, in the end. If you are to consider anything I say, allow it to be this.”
“You are Our vassal. Whether you agree or not does not concern Us. You may whine and cry all you like, but you will do it. Unless that is to say, you simply lack the knowledge and skill. Such would put you at the same level as the fool who was killed by the corpses he ordered around. That man was weak. It really is quite simple.” 
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 Would his Noble Phantasm work, here? Surely it would, considering all his other skills did, as well. Not to mention, considering where he was, he was stronger than usual. Well. No harm in testing it out at the very least. He could check and see if anyone was mauled by the beast he captured.
Closing his eyes for a moment, the Emperor breathes in deeply, holding his arms out in a relaxed manner. It took only a few moments before the glow of his palace is quite obvious. Perfect!
“Shall We show you something interesting?” It’s all he says before he leaves the younger man alone, and steps out to his palace. Was he about to spy on a lot of people? Absolutely.
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