impeters · 3 years
What’s your favorite way to waste time?
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Nap. I really, really like to nap. If I have a spare moment, I will be napping.
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impeters · 3 years
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It is the closest you will ever get to a “yes, he’s hot,” so you better take it.
Hot or Not: Wyatt
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Not not hot.
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impeters · 3 years
Hot or Not: Wyatt
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Not not hot.
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impeters · 3 years
10: When was your last physical fight?
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I don’t really get into fights all that often? I think the last one I had was in high school, and that was a case of mistaken identity. This guy thought I had knocked up his girlfriend and, uh, yeah. No. Twas not I.
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impeters · 3 years
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Wyatt smiled slightly when Peter laughed, honestly surprised to get such a reaction out of him. He made a silent vow to try to get him to laugh more. It was cute. “Well if you’re so curious I could always show you later,” he smirked. It may come as a surprise to some, but his spoon collection was actually confined to boxes in his closet and his room was rather unassuming and uncluttered in general. Of course, it was more fun to let others assume otherwise. “A shame, I have so much more to offer than the popcorn,” Wyatt said, settling into the couch further, silently thanking Jazzy for actually buying them a comfortable one.  Sighing dramatically at Peter’s explanation, Wyatt shoved the rest of the twizzler into his mouth. “Too bad we actually have to pay attention, I could think of a lot more… fun things to do during a movie like this,” he chuckled. Sometimes Wyatt thought that Peter made it too easy to hit on him. It was to the point that Wyatt occasionally wondered if he was laying it on too thick but the words just came out, he couldn’t help it and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Pulling the blanket off the back of the couch, Wyatt laid it over his lap, holding up the other side for Peter, “Wanna share? It gets kind of cold in here. No funny business, it’s big enough for both of us. We can still leave room for Jesus and all that.” Despite his painfully obvious motives, Wyatt could still be a good host at the same time. 
Really, Peter should have seen that one coming, but he hadn’t. “Okay, I will admit that I walked into that one,” Peter admitted, “but I will still pass. I am not that curious.” He was a little curious, but not so much so that he would let Wyatt know this. He would probably take it the wrong way, or at the very least make a joke about it.
Scoffing, Peter shook his head. “How do you have more to offer than popcorn? It's popcorn. Universally loved by movie goers, and notably less needy.” Peter pointed out, popping some into his mouth. 
“Even if the movie is terrible, as I am sure it will be, at least the snacks are good.” Giving Wyatt the side-eye, Peter turned his attention back to the movie. He had no idea what was going on, and he was pretty sure that he had already lost what the plot was. “We’re getting graded on this, so we should definitely pay attention and not do anything else.”
They had watched a few more minutes of the movie when Wyatt pulled off a blanket from the back of the sofa, offering to share it with the promise of no funny business. While Peter generally did not trust Wyatt to not flirt, he also knew that that was all that Wyatt ever did. So, this should be fine. “Thanks, I’ll hold you to that,” Peter said, scooting a little closer so that the blanket covered them both a little better. 
After about ten more minutes of the cheesy movie, Peter grimaced. “Are you regretting taking this course yet? Because I definitely am.”
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impeters · 3 years
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Dogsitting my professor’s dog because she fell asleep on me. Will be here fore a while if anyone wants company.
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impeters · 3 years
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“Jazzy is the last person who’s allowed to have an opinion on that,” Wyatt rolled his eyes, “Besides I pay…. a part of the rent. Therefore, I can have people over.” Pretending to consider Peter’s question for a moment, Wyatt shrugged, “I guess they’re busy or something.” In reality, Wyatt had basically forbidden them from joining in on this by annexing them from the apartment. It’d taken a bit of a bribe but it was totally worth it.  “We agreed to keep our hobbies confined to our rooms. Things were uh… getting out of hand,” Wyatt explained vaguely. As much as he’d been stubborn about that discussion, Wyatt had to agree it was what was best since he’d already seen far more than he wanted to at this point. Plus his collection was arguably the safest far from the kitchen where they could be mistaken for something used for eating. 
Snorting at Peter’s comment, Wyatt began to shuffle to the kitchen to rifle through the snack cupboard. “Uh huh, sure, keep telling yourself that,” he laughed. Pulling out some chips and a bag of white cheddar popcorn, Wyatt considered the options for a moment before also grabbing the twizzlers. Come to think of it, he didn’t really know what Peter liked but one of these was probably up his alley. Wyatt made a mental note to replace whatever was eaten later. Gia and Jazzy were scary when he ate their snacks and he didn’t need that negativity in his life. 
Peter hadn’t asked for a drink, but Wyatt grabbed two water bottles from the fridge as well for good measure before making his way back to the living room and dumping the contents of his arms unceremoniously onto the coffee table, “Help yourself to whatever you want, and I really do mean whatever you want,” he said, throwing in a wink for good measure before flopping down onto the couch next to Peter. Taking a twizzler out of the bag, Wyatt redirected his attention to the TV in front of them, “What is this movie even about anyway?”
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Peter’s rooming situation was fairly simple, though he had never really bothered trying to bring anyone over, so perhaps that was why it seemed so simple. “I guess so,” Peter shrugged, not really sure of whatever agreements the roommates in this house had. Though he had to laugh when Wyatt said that they had agreed to confine their hobbies to their rooms. “So if I were to open the door to your room, I would find an army of spoons?” He chuckled.
At Wyatt’s comment, Peter rolled his eyes. “I would not hold my breath.” Wyatt was full of himself, but Peter had to admit that he was good looking. At least to himself. He would never say it out loud.
The previews kept rolling as Wyatt riffled through the kitchen, emerging with snacks and bottled water for the movie. “Thanks,” Peter said, picking up the bag of popcorn and tearing it open, pointedly ignoring Wyatt’s wink as he dropped into the seat next to him. “I’ll stick with the popcorn.”
Looking up at the tv, which was starting to play the movie, Peter shrugged. “I actually don’t know? I think it is just some cheesy movie that is trying to be Hitchcock-level but will inevitably fail.” Peter said, holding up the plastic case to show the cheesy cover. “We’re probably going to be really bored. These classes never seem to pick good movies.” He said, tossing the cover next to the snacks.
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impeters · 3 years
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Wyatt could not believe his luck. His parents hadn’t given him much, but apparently a convenient last name and a VHS player were the golden ticket gifts at the moment. Well, technically he stole the player to spite his parents but that wasn’t the point. Wyatt had lost count of the times he’d try to get Peter to hang out with him, ranging from innocent to considerably less so, but nothing had worked so far. He’d even signed up for this film studies class which had proved fruitless. Well, until now that is. 
Taking one last look around the apartment, Wyatt deemed it acceptable for Peter to come over. He didn’t really do anything to improve it, but when you live with a stripper and stuff animal addict you can never really be too careful. Wouldn’t want Peter finding anything weird after all. 
After buzzing Peter into the building and opening the front door, Wyatt stepped aside to let him in. “Anytime. And I really do mean any time,” he smirked, ever the opportunist. He watched for a moment as Peter inspected his place, wondering exactly what it was the other was looking for. “What, did you expect my place to be a dump or something?” Wyatt asked out of curiosity, wondering why Peter seemed to look confused.  When Peter help up the VHS, Wyatt took it from the other to inspect the worn cover closer before shrugging, “Nope, never even heard of it. Seems kind of sus though, I don’t understand how a prof is allowed to assign a movie that’s on the verge of extinction. Feels like a set up to fail.”  “Well, make yourself comfortable I guess and I’ll get this setup,” Wyatt said, gesturing vaguely to the living area. Removing the cover, Wyatt slipped the tape into the player, praying momentarily that it actually worked. Needless to say, no one really used it and the amount of dust he shook out of it earlier was concerning. Luckily, a little bit of clunking and one well timed smack and the machine whirred to life, the previews beginning to grace the screen.  “Do you want anything for the movie? Drink? Blanket? Snack? This snack?” Wyatt asked, pointing to himself as he turned to face Peter once again, knowing full well Peter would not approve of the last comment.  @impeters
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“I think your best friend and sister would say not any time,” Peter said, peering around to see where the girls had gotten off to. “Where are they, by the way? Are they missing movie night?” It occurred to him that watching some random, old, obscure and probably boring movie may not have been their cup of tea. “As for what I was expecting, I was just, I don’t know.” He straightened a crooked picture that hung on the wall. “More spoons.”
He was inclined to agree with Wyatt on his assessment of their project, though. “I think she can get away with it because she can loan us all copies,” Peter pointed out, having had to promise the professor to bring her copy back in good condition. He had made no promises that the VCR would not eat the thing, as he remembered VCRs being prone to eating any VHS you fed it.
As Wyatt fought with the VCR, Peter settled onto the sofa. Judging by the overall silence of the house, Jazzy and Gia were not going to be joining them. Peter was not entirely sure how he felt about this development. Then Wyatt spoke up, asking if he wanted anything, and Peter knew exactly how he felt about this development. “You are not a snack,” he deadpanned. “If you any real snacks, though, that would be great.”
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impeters · 3 years
Peter could not believe his bad luck. He had signed up for this elective, a course on movie history, thinking that it would be fun. But then he had found out that Wyatt Kang was in his class and things had gone all to Hell. It had been a tolerable Hell, though, until the partners were announced, picked through alphabetical order.
There was nobody with a surname starting with J in their class, so Peter Im and Wyatt Kang found themselves partnering up on this project.
He had hoped that they would be assigned a movie that he had seen before so that he could just do his part of the project and be done with it, but the professor had picked a super obscure movie that neither he nor Wyatt had ever seen before. And, worse, it was not found online and they had only been able to scrounge up one copy. So, they had to share it.
So, they had to watch the movie together.
That was the only reason that he was standing outside of Wyatt’s apartment, ringing to be let in. He would not be caught dead darkening Wyatt’s doorstep otherwise, preferring to put as much distance between them as physically possible. “Thanks for having me over,” Peter said once Wyatt let him in, a little surprised by how unchaotic the apartment was. And the overall lack of spoons plastered to all of the walls.
The place seemed almost normal.
“I am guessing that you have never seen this movie either?” Peter asked, holding up the beat-up VHS copy. He was shocked what Wyatt even had a VHS player.
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impeters · 3 years
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Lucky for you, I am the king of making noodles, the spicier the better. Don’t worry, I’d let you stay for breakfast too. 
I think we both know that you want me to stay for more than breakfast.
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By ‘King of making noodles’, do you mean out of a ramen packet?
51: Favourite food?
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“I look noodles. The spicier the better, but I will eat plain noodles as well.”
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impeters · 3 years
51: Favourite food?
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“I look noodles. The spicier the better, but I will eat plain noodles as well.”
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impeters · 3 years
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Do I wear the same clothes all of the time? Yes. Do I care? No. Do I know why I am going to the club by myself? I also do not know.
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impeters · 3 years
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Oh that’s really cute!  I’m so happy you got one.  Thanks for the heads up on the games though, I’m going to try anyway.  Hopefully now that I know I won’t get frustrated.
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It is possible that I just suck at carnival games and you will do an amazing job and knock it out of the park. I have faith in you.
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impeters · 3 years
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Good luck with the stuffies. The games are harder than they look, but I won myself a little shiba buddy. 
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Started the day the right way.  Donuts with @twistyourherblistright​ and @finnian-mackellcn​.  Now to the festival to play games, go on rides, and win some stuffies!
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impeters · 3 years
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“Okay, so. Bobbing for apples is a lot harder than it looks,” Peter said, having been thoroughly defeated by the whole enterprise. “It was fun, though. Probably not the most sanitary thing I have ever done but... it was an experience.”
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impeters · 3 years
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The way Taeyong is so caring with animals 🥺🤍
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