impiishdorkantics · 4 years
this is the final one! I’ll be deleting this blog after this one!!
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
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impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
it’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna be moving blogs !! To try and get myself more organized and there is so much stuff happening!!
51 notes · View notes
impiishdorkantics · 4 years
What’s the big deal with Chairman Rose and why is he considered a ‘Villain’?
I’ve already had a Chairman Rose simp get all offended on one of my posts about this, so this is a fair warning for anyone who gets upset about the contents of this post: I do not care. This is my post with my opinions about a fictional character, and your well-being isn’t dependent on their reputation. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get into the actual meat of the post I’ve made.
The real question behind this isn’t what his intentions were. Lots of people who have good intentions don’t go about it the right way, and ultimately Rose’s intentions were generally good. So what went wrong? What did he do that earned him the title of ‘antagonist’ and/or ‘villain’? Let’s discuss.
Kidnapping a Pokemon and intentionally experimenting on it to produce a specific outcome: When you think of Eternatus you usually don’t think victim, you’re usually thinking of the giant Pokemon that required two legendaries to come out of their around 1000-year slumber. However, there’s little to no doubt that Eternatus did not want to be held in a giant glass ball and force-fed Wishing Stars (as seen by how it broke out and started lashing out). Hell, any sentient being wouldn’t like that. This situation strongly reminds me of Giovanni and Mewtwo; the difference here was that Giovanni was trying to create a selfish outcome, while Rose was trying to plan for a future. Regardless, kidnapping any pokemon is at bare minimum ethically dubious and that should not have been part of his ‘solution’. I also have the feeling that if Mewtwo were around they’d have some very strong words with Rose about what he did.
Manipulating Bede and blaming Bede for what Rose should’ve taken responsibility for: Let me paint you a picture — I hired my little sister (about the same age as Bede) to do my laundry for me. However, as she does my laundry she doesn’t know my organization system because I did not tell her. I did not provide those details, so I accepted the job as it was and determined to explain the system next time. I think you know where I’m going. Chairman Rose gave Bede a job, however not only did he not make sure a young teenager had clear instructions, but he provided his own Pokemon to him without properly questioning what he was trying to do. And when the incident happened? Instead of realizing that he should’ve been more watchful and more instructive, he blamed Bede and nearly destroyed his dream. As his guardian, he should’ve been more responsible for his direct charge who was acting on his orders. This may not necessarily be ‘villainous’ on it’s own, but it only adds to the list of things he should not have done.
Being overly controlling and manipulative of Champion Leon and largely denying him autonomy: This one’s a bit of a doozy and I’ll be discussing several things that aren’t necessarily things he’s done in canon and more like red flags, so let me start from the beginning. While in Postwick, we meet Hop and Leon’s mother, grandparents, but not their dad. Sonia tells us that Leon practically raised Hop (and as an older sister with two parents and several younger brothers, I also practically raised my little brother. It’s not rare, but more likely when a parent is missing). Leon becomes Champion at age 10. Chairman Rose becomes involved. Chairman Rose starts dictating the life of an actual child who was missing a father figure. This one is a slight stretch, however the red flag is there.
Leon then never has the time to come home, as evident of his mother’s dialogue and how he never got to meet Hop’s close friend who lives next door. His scheduling is largely handled by Chairman Rose, and almost every time we see Leon outside of Wedgehurst/Postwick, Chairman Rose is not far behind. Further more, in the Twilight Wings episode ‘Sky’, John remarks upon seeing Leon that he’s ‘not actually smiling’, and in the games Gym Leader Opal’s notes on Leon says that he’s ‘rather hard to read’. I’ve had times in my life as a teen where someone was actively hovering over my shoulder (my dad, bless his heart) and you learn very quickly to fake a smile and keep your true emotions to yourself despite the mounting stress of having to please whoever is watching you.
That red flag is what leads up to Chairman Rose essentially locking Leon up in the top of Rose Tower, having Oleana guard and allowing her to battle intruders with her Gmax Pokemon, so he can pressure him into properly catching Eternatus. Rose only lets him go when Leon’s young brother (who’s already shown by storming the place he could care less about what he has to say) and the trainer that had been wiping the floor with every gym leader and gym challenger since they stepped foot into Turfield Stadium. Even after all that, Rose still intentionally interrupts the match Leon’s been waiting for to force him into catching Eternatus, essentially going ‘Catch this pokemon for me or the Galar Region is doomed’. Furthermore, Leon did end up injured because of Rose, a risk that Rose should’ve known about but likely intentionally didn’t look at (either because he was rushing or because he thought he was so right that it didn’t matter). This not only affected Leon, but it also said that Rose was willing to put non-existent future people ahead of the lives of the people around him now. That is not a good look.
To reiterate what I said at the beginning: Chairman Rose’s intentions were not malicious. He likely didn’t manipulate anyone intentionally! However, in the end your actions define you, and there’s no taking them back. The back of his league card says that he believes the ends justify the means, and he lives by it even if everyone else ends up suffering because he was too focused on his ‘goal’.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. If this post in any way makes you upset, offended, or feeling other negative feelings towards me, please refer to the tiny text up at the top under the title. Good night!
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