imsohephap · 5 years
Hong Kong Media Run Ads Echoing Beijing’s Anti-Protester Rhetoric Following Police’s Besieging of School Campus
Hong Kong Media Run Ads Echoing Beijing’s Anti-Protester Rhetoric Following Police’s Besieging of School Campus
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Six prominent Chinese-language newspapers in Hong Kong ran the same ad on their front page calling for people to “oppose rioting,” a day after intense clashes between protesters and police at a university campus.
“Use your vote to oppose rioting and save Hong Kong,” the ad read, using an oft-repeated label used by Chinese and Hong Kong officials describing protesters as “rioters.”
The night…
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imsohephap · 5 years
Update 11.15
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I’ve been busy dealing with what’s happening in the present.
It seems every time I make an update something bad happened/is happening. Yea, this time, a war has broken out in Hong Kong since Nov 11. More people are taking greater risk to fight against the police force and the government, who exert violence and tyranny to suppress us. Many of us are risking our lives, from front line protesters to children in the neighborhood.
Survival is getting harder. Yet we are preparing to sacrifice even survival to fight for our future. Friends are cherishing every moment together, dreading possible danger to family, writing our wills in case we don’t make it.
Yet, our hearts are also burning brighter than ever. Hong Kongers are more united than ever. I dare to say that, the world is watching us, and they are more concerned and impressed than ever.
Even if we die, we will die holding our pride of being Hong Kongers high.
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I’ll try my best to get back to you guys. Please continue to bless us.
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imsohephap · 5 years
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The most horrifying arrest ritual in history - What should you do if you get arrested in Hong Kong
Even if you are not participating in a protest, even if you are only passing by, the police may still arrest you because Hong Kong is a police state. So here are some tips for you if you ever get arrested.
In most cases, there would be recordings, either by passers-by or reporters. Or at least some witnesses. The most important thing to do is shout your name loud and clear. If you're a foreigner, shout your country. Then the name of your school, or where you work. You may want your friends and family to know you're arrested, so the more information, the better. The police may not let you call family or lawyer in the police station by saying that they are busy or what so ever.
Some arrestees may also state their body conditions like they are not injuried when arrested. This is because many arrestees are sent to hospital with multiple injuries after being arrested. They want to prove that they are not injuried now. If they are injuried later, that may come from the police.
Recently, many "sucidice" cases are found in the city. Many of them are youngster and dressed in black. Many people believe that they were arrested and then killed by the police. There is no evidence though. More and more arrestees start saying that they will not sucidice.
All these "arrest ritual" showed how people distrust police and the government.
Police arrested banker getting off work
Police stoped and searched tourists
Police arrested a passer by with unnecessary force
Police stopped arrestees to shout their names
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imsohephap · 5 years
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Fight for Freedom 🇭🇰 Stand with Hong Kong
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imsohephap · 5 years
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imsohephap · 5 years
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"Birds born in cage think flying is an illness."
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imsohephap · 5 years
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I am sorry I didn't update for a period of time. I am still fine but my city Hong Kong is being worse day by day.
The time now is that HK police hold the greatest power. There are lots of reasonable doubts that they may have raped and killed some of the HK protesters. I would try to explain in the posts later.
The HK police is very rude to all protesters. When the protester is already no power to revolt/ arrested, they still use a lot of violent (even sexual harassment/indecent)
But, not only protesters definitely. They are extremely impolite to all kinds of people including the people who was just passing the road/living there, reporters, Legislative Council member(Pro-democracy camp), etc.
In the photos, you may see that HK police is use their guns pointing everywhere, including the housing estate, the upper floor in a shopping mall, and a minibus.
In fact, there are also a lot of photos showed that quite some of the HK police is laughing when they are holding a gun. It's totally insane and unacceptable at all. There was a student died (seems) because of the HK police, and a policeman even said that he is going to "celebrate for his dead by opening a bottle of champagne".
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the HK police is shooting the pepper spray to the candidates for district councillor whom were doing legal political campaign, and even arrest them.
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The police rushed into a housing estate and forced the people who lived there to do this this for more than half a hour.
There are still a lot of things can be talked about, I hope to start new posts very soon to present more about our revolution in Hong Kong.
Please stand with Hong Kong! Fight for Freedom!
(I can preview that there will be a lot of China "5 mo" attacking this post. So please help me to spread this!)
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imsohephap · 5 years
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imsohephap · 5 years
Anyone else find it super shady that disneys trending and not the Hong Kong riots
Like i get their streaming dropped, but like, one of the most violent protests since Tiananmen Square being blotted out by a company that openly supports censorship is so frustrating
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imsohephap · 5 years
please help these people please please please signal boost hong kong is dying we need everyone’s help on this even just a reblog
We're losing the fight
People please please please spread this. Hong Kong is under attack. We used to be an amazing city, we still are. We served as the link between East and West, and had a relatively good relationship with Mainland China. We were technically a part of them, but we kept our own laws and government under the Basic Law (HK law agreed on by both China and England). We had freedom; freedom of speech, religion, protest, all that. We stood up for what's right.
Throughout Hong Kong's history, we've always had a great relationship with the police force. Just look at the Umbrella Revolution of 2014, it was pretty dang peaceful considering the number of people out on the streets. Sure there were isolated incidents, but overall? There was a mural agreement between protestor and police. We do what we have to do, we fight for what we believe is right, we try to minimalize casualties. That's not the case anymore
The city has turned into a battlefield. The police have become demons. They're ruthlessly beating innocent civilians and passerbys. They sprayed pepper spray into a crowded train compartment. They pepper sprayed a pregnant woman directly in the face several times before proceeding to pull her to the ground and beat her. They shot people in the chest, leg, and eye point black. A lot of us don't even think they are the police of Hong Kong anymore. We believe they are soldiers from the Mainland. They are tearing the city apart
I also feel the need to clear up some things. We are NOT fighting for independence. This started out as a protest against the extradition treaty that would strip Hong Kong of our right to free speech. It has evolved into a protest against police brutality and government negligence, and those two things have only gotten worse and worse. Again, this is not a fight for independence. We just want our city back, we just want One Country Two Systems (the agreement made between China and England. Hong Kong will be a part of China, but have a separate government and a separate justice and social system) back
PLEASE BOOST THIS. Not enough people know about the violence against the citizens. Outside media has painted the protesters as the villains when that is not the case. I'll come back to add photos and videos to this post, but as for right now, please just BOOST THE HECK OUT OF THIS
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imsohephap · 9 years
i’m pregnant with no significant income
hey guys, it’s luna. i’m in a bind here. i’m about 4 and a half weeks pregnant (the baby daddy is not in the picture), and my job won’t start my hands on training until next week because of holidays. that being said, i’m starting to freak out. rent is coming up, i’m already late on some bills, and i’m absolutely starving. i’m completely out of groveries and cleaning supplies, and all i can do right now is sleep. i would escort, but nobody wants to go through with the appointments now that i’m pregnant. if you guys can and want to help, here’s the link 
please guys even a dollar helps, i’m starving and i don’t want this baby to die (there’s also a donate button on my sidebar!)
@sniffing @aupu @petitetimidgay @ anybody who can boost this please please do, i’m scared and alone in this
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imsohephap · 9 years
if you’re reading this, i hope you’re okay
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imsohephap · 9 years
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imsohephap · 9 years
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how do straight white boys survive in the real world
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imsohephap · 9 years
When I was 13 years old and curious about sex and love, I asked my mom if she had had sex before marrying my father (of whom she is still married to, and has been since before I was born). She said that that wasn’t really a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. I said ‘sure it is, you’ve either had sex before him, or you haven’t’. She brought me onto the couch and sat me down and told me about the boy she liked when she was young and how one night she snuck into his house while his parents were gone and they were kissing and he said they should have sex and she said that she wanted to save sex for marriage and he laughed and basically took all her clothes off and he raped her and as my mom was telling the story she cried and this was the second time I had ever seen my mom cry. She was 12 when it happened.
In grade 8 I got a call from my friend in the middle of the night and she was drunk in the park crying and told me that she went out that night with some other friends and they drank a little and her guy “friend” starting flirting and yes she laughed at first but then he tried to pull her shirt over her head and she pulled away and he ripped her shirt and it was her favourite shirt and then he pushed her to her knees and HIS BEST FRIEND HELD HER JAW OPEN WHILE HE FACE FUCKED HER. And so I went to the park and picked her up and took her home and slept in her bed with her except we didn’t sleep because she just cried and her mouth bled and this was four years ago but I still have to be the one to bring her items to the till it the cashier is a man, and she still has anxiety attacks and she’ll get a rash all over her body and I just want to kill those boys but instead they are still walking around. And I’m in the bathroom with her, dabbing at her skin with a warm cloth until it returns to its regular colour.
And in grade 9 one of my closest friends was kinda seeing this boy and so they hung out one night and then she said that she really had to be getting back home and he said that she wasn’t going anywhere until she gave him what he wanted and he parked the car and took off her clothes and she said no and he ignored her and so she laid in the backseat totally limp and just cried and it wasn’t even sex, he just masterbated by using her body instead of his hand and she came to school the next day with vodka in her water bottle and she drank all day and I had to fight her to get the alcohol away from her and she just cried and threw up and I skipped class while I held her hair back and that same boy texted me a month later, asking if I ever wanted to hangout sometime.
And in that same year my very best friend who has never even kissed a boy, confessed to me that when she was 9 years old, her 12 year old cousin made her give him a hand job and he told her that was what cousins do and he gave her a chocolate bar afterwards and she told me that he probably doesn’t even remember it but that it’s something that she’ll never have the luxury of forgetting.
And in grade 10 I knew a girl who invited her best friend over to watch Disney movies and then he started to put his hands down her pants and she said no but she is 130lbs and he is 220lbs and he called her a tease while she tried to fight him but he used one hand to hold her down, and the other to put inside of her and i was the one to push her inside of a classroom and stand in front of her while calling the police when he showed up at our school looking for her and she was so damn scared.
And a few months later I skipped class and was in the car with a guy who i had had unprotected sex with in the past while under the influence of cocaine but this time I was sober and I insisted we use a condom but he told me he couldn’t feel anything while the condom was on so he ripped it off and I said I refused to have unprotected sex again and so he just grabbed me and forced himself into my mouth and I was crying and he pulled me onto him and I just came saying “stop” over and over like a broken record but he must’ve heard something different because he went until he came and I just sat naked in the backseat while he drove me back to the school and said “we should do this again sometime”. And I had five showers that night and I scratched at my skin so hard to try and rip his fingerprints off of me, I still have the scars.
And I found out soon afterwards that that same guy had raped a classmate of mine, 5 months earlier and she told me about how he brought her McDonald’s first, and how he said they could take things slow and she told me about how he didn’t listen to her either. And he goes to our school and so after she told me about her incident and I told her about mine, we decided to report it to the police and the trial is currently still going on and he told people about it, except in his version we are just “asking for attention” and all his friends talk about how bad they feel for him. As if HE is the one that still wakes up screaming. As if HE felt like his skin no longer was beautiful, no longer belonged to him. And I held her in my arms as she bawled after giving the police her statement. And she did the same for me.
And I met a woman a year ago in a paint store and she had a service dog and I asked what the dog was for and it turns out that she had been so brutally raped and abused in her life, that the dog is literally trained to keep men away from her.
And I’m so FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN. How many rape victims eyes have I already looked into? How many more will I? And how many more friends will I hold while they shake? Because I don’t know how many more I can take. And who the fuck still has the nerve to make rape jokes? And… Something just has to change. Please, someone just start being that change.
-16 year old girl
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imsohephap · 9 years
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OH! You meant white men have started braiding their hair. Hey, maybe they should “look back.”
Follow stylemic, ht rosenfant
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imsohephap · 9 years
do you prefer autobots or decepticons?
hey please take my survey about autobot or decepticon preference! i’m going to look at the relationship between gender and transformer faction preference.
it’s for a research assignment for a class, i’ll post the results of my statistical analysis later >:D if this pans out my professor is encouraging me to make this into Real Research so you could really be helping me out here!!!
(the gender category is very simplistic but includes a non-binary option; i would include more categories if it weren’t for the statistical test i’m using.)
if you could reblog this, it’d be a huge help!!!
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