imsoofabulous · 5 years
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
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Is this how you roll?
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
What happens in Vegas...
I dropped my bags on the floor as I looked around the expansive suite. I would only be staying one night, but it would be more than worth it. I was in Vegas for a girls trip but flew in a day early to relax and have some time to myself. I flopped on the bed and pulled my phone out my pocket to let my friends and family know I had arrived safely. It was just after 3, so I had plenty of time to get settled in. As I sent off a text to my best friend, a message came through from Andre. Andre was the man of my dreams, but his work made it hard for us to see each other. Seeing his name made my heart race.
Andre: hey baby
Me: what’s up
Andre: I wanna see you
I cursed to myself, knowing this would happen.
Me: I’m in Vegas this weekend :(
Andre: where are you staying?
Me: I’m in a hotel tonight until my friends arrive tomorrow
Andre: so you’re alone?
Me: yep
Andre: I’ll be there in a few hours
I stared at my phone in shock before I screamed. I quickly texted him my hotel and room number before calling my best friend. “You’re not going to believe this!” I said not realizing I was yelling.
“What girl? why are you so loud shit.”
“Andre is coming to Vegas for the night!” I was still yelling, too excited to talk at a regular volume.
“Ohhhh shit! Damn he must fuck with you heavy! What did i tell you though! I told you this would happen!” I rolled my eyes at her ‘I told you so’ as i gave a quick run down of what had happened just that fast. I rushed off the phone when i realized I didn’t know exactly how much time I had to get ready.
I unzipped my luggage and carefully went through my clothes. I didn’t have too many sexy options since I wasn’t planning on anything like this. As I pulled out one of the few dresses I had brought with me, I thought about the robe usually in the hotel bathroom. I threw the dress down and ran to the bathroom, pleased to see 2 robes hanging on the door. I slipped it on to see how it fit. I was tall and plus size so I expected it to not be big enough, but it was. I went back to my bag to retrieve my bath stuff i had for the evening. I had candles, a bath bomb, a speaker, and my tablet so i could read or watch something. I undressed as chills went through my body imagining seeing Andre again. He couldn’t have been more perfect for me. While I stood at 6’3”, he was taller than me by almost 5 inches. My thick frame was easy for him to handle since he was thick like he still played football. We both had smooth dark skin that looked good with anything. I licked my lips thinking about his full lips covering my body with kisses. Just as I started running the water in the tub, I heard a knock at the door.
“Room Service!” A mans voice came from the other side of the door.
“I didn’t order anything,” I thought to myself as I made my way to the door.
“Good evening! Compliments of Mr. Jones!” He wheeled in a cart containing champagne, chocolates, and a single red rose. “Well thank you so much!” I scrambled for my wallet to give him a tip. “Thank you maam. He also left a note that dinner is on him, order whatever you’d like.” I handed him a $10 bill and thanked him again. I was in shock as i closed the door behind him. I looked at the cart and decided to hold off on the champagne for now. I took off my clothes and grabbed the rose to take a sexy picture for Andre.
Me: I’ll pop the champagne when you get here ;)
Andre: go ahead and open that, I’ll get us something else when i come.
I squealed as I went to start my bath water again. While the tub filled up, I ran to pour myself a glass of champagne. “Fuck it” I said to myself, taking the whole bottle and the chocolates in the bathroom with me. I pulled my hair up into a bun before turning the water off and dropping the bath bomb in. I grabbed my body scrub and loofah and sat them on the edge of the tub. I set up my tablet and started some reruns of bobs burgers before finally getting in the tub. The hot water was like an instant relief to my tired body. Just As I laid my head back, my phone went off. “Damn it, who is this?”
I sat up to retrieve my phone, reminding myself to turn on do not disturb. Before I could get too upset, I saw it was Andre updating me on when he’d be here.
Andre: got a flight taking off in about an hour. See you soon baby.
I checked the time, noting that is was going on 5 here which meant it was close to 8 in Atlanta. I sent back some kissing emojis, setting a timer for 5 hours. I turned my ringer down and figured I sneak in a quick nap before I had to actually get ready.
I had a connect at the airport who found me a seat on the last flight to Vegas for the night. I had to work there over the weekend, so it really just gave me more time to get settled in. I always had my travel bag ready to go since I was always on the go. I requested and Uber before grabbing my brush and going over my waves. I couldn’t wait to see Kim and more importantly, not have to rush out the next day. I loved my job but it left little time for anything else. I had already switched her reservation to my card and added on a day. I knew she was meeting friends the next day but I was sure I could persuade her to stay with me another night. I had breakfast coming to us in the morning and a massage in the afternoon, something I desperately needed. I got the notification that my Uber was outside and grabbed my bag before shutting off all the lights in my apartment. I sent Kim a message to let her know I was headed her way as I walked down to the Uber. As I rode to the airport, I scrolled through the pictures I had of Kim in my phone. She was so beautiful and sexy. I hadn’t met any girl as tall as she was with such a great shape. Everything was the perfect size, especially her big round ass. I started to get hard thinking about it, so I decided to instead see what was happening on Instagram. Before I knew it, we were at the airport. I gave the driver a $20 bill before getting out the car. I normally flew private with my clients so it had been awhile since I had to make my way through the airport. I breezed through security since I had TSA precheck. I navigated through the terminals thinking about what I wanted to eat. I didn’t have much time so I headed to five guys for something I could take on the plane with me. As I passed by the Swarovski store, a jewelry set in the window caught my eye. It was a necklace with earrings and a bracelet that I could already envision Kim wearing. I purchased it without hesitation and even got it wrapped up for her. “Last minute gift? Who’s it for? Mother, girlfriend, wife?” The sales lady asked, putting emphasis on wife and glancing at my ring finger. I smiled, deciding to play along a little. “Just a special lady,” I responded vaguely, flashing a smile.
“Well she’s certainly lucky,” she handed the bag to me and smiled, brushing her hand against mine as I grabbed the bag. I laughed to myself as I walked out the store. I heard them call zone 1 for my flight so I rushed to get some food quick. There was no line so I made it to the terminal by time they called zone 3. I looked at my ticket to see what seat I was in, just realizing I was supposed to board zone one in business class. As I got to the gate agent, her mood shifted. She was rushing with the passengers in front of me, but seemed to slow down when she got to me. “Good evening Mr. Jones, I hope you enjoy your time in Vegas,” she smiled and winked at me. “Thanks sweetheart,” I smiled at her before continuing on to the plane, shaking my head. I couldn’t help but imagine how Kim would react if she was with me. I got comfortable in my seat, grateful for the extra legroom, and checked my phone. I smiled at the pictures from Kim, glad that the front desk had gotten the stuff to her quick. I let her know I would be there soon and dozed off before birding was even complete.
Before i knew it, we were landing in Vegas. It was just before 10, so i had plenty of time to stop at liquor library and pick us up some stuff to make drinks with. I decided to just show up versus letting Kim know that I had landed. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.
I sat on the bed in the robe provided by the hotel. I was ready and now just waiting for Andre to arrive. I was nervous since it had been about 3 months since I’d seen him. I decided to get dressed and have a quick drink downstairs to ease my nerves. I slipped on a long sleeved black dress that had an opening in the back, accentuating my ass even more. I decided to put on heels, hoping no one made any comments on how tall I was. It was going on 9 and I figured Andres flight would land around 10, giving me an hour to get back. I made my way to the elevator as thoughts of Andre took over my mind. The elevator arrived and was surprisingly empty. I checked myself out in the mirror lined back wall. As I looked, I imagined Andre coming up behind me and kissing on my neck. I took a deep breath, attempting to clear my mind as I finally reached the lobby. I strutted across the marble floor, focusing on not falling. I stopped at the first bar area and took a seat on the end. I ordered a shot and a cocktail and took a deep breath as I scanned the bar around me. I saw what looked to be a bachelorette party getting started and several random groups and singles scattered throughout. The bartender brought back my drinks and I quickly downed the shot. “Damn girl!” A deep voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a man about the same height as me. He was pretty cute with his shaved down beard and perfect waves. If I wasn’t meeting Jay, I definitely would’ve talked with him. I flashed a small smile and turned back to my drinks as he slid into the seat next to me. “Hey let’s get another round down here!” The mystery man called out to the bartender.
“Oh I’m good but thank you,” I politely declined.
“Ohhh you must be meeting somebody huh?” He spoke with a thick Texas accent and I could see he had a gold grill over his bottom teeth that contrasted nicely with his dark skin.
“I am” I stated simply.
“Well do you think they’ll mind if I keep you a lil company till they get here?” He smiled, flashing his perfect top row of teeth and the grill. I loved southern men with grills, and he was looking like Trevante Rhodes in the movie Moonlight. I laughed to myself and checked the time. I could entertain him for a few minutes and enjoy a drink on him before heading back upstairs.
“I guess I can spare a few minutes for you,” I looked over at him and caught him staring at my thighs. He licked his lips as he met my gaze.
“Well whoever is meeting you tonight is lucky as hell” he looked me over once again before taking down his shot.
I giggled as i sipped my cocktail and scanned the bar again as the noise level got suddenly louder. I turned back to the mystery man who was typing something on his phone. “It was a pleasure to meet you love, but i actually gotta meet my homeboys myself. Why don’t you give me a call sometime.” He smiled that smile again as he placed a card by my drink. He winked and touched my shoulder as he walked off.
I finished off my drink and picked up the card. “Dontavius Tucker, Attorney at Law. Okay then!” I quickly sent a picture of the card to my best friend, Amaya, and told her to remind me to tell her about it later. To my surprise, she called me almost immediately after I sent the message.
“Hello?” I answered expecting something to be wrong.
“Who the hell is Dontavius and aren’t you supposed to be with Andre?”
I laughed before taking the shot Dontavius had bought for me before standing up to leave. “Calm down sis. I’m waiting on Andre to get here, ol boy approached me bought me a drink, left his card that’s it” I gave the bartender my room key, realizing I didn’t have my credit card on me.
“Oh. Well if that’s it what is there to tell me?” Amaya sounded slightly disappointed.
“Girl he was fine as hell. Like if Andre wasn’t on his way, he could’ve been coming upstairs with me.” I started to describe how he looked as I made my way to the elevator.
“Well shit if he that fine, call him up tomorrow for me,” she laughed.
“Girl you play too much.” Just as I pressed the button for my floor and the doors were closing, someone stuck their foot in to stop it. The doors opened back up seemingly in slow motion to Andre, dressed in all black as always. He was looking down to pick up his bags and hadn’t realized I was the person on the elevator. He stepped in, finally looking up and instantly smiled.
“Um let me call you back,” I hung up my phone before Amaya could say anything back, barely breaking eye contact with Andre. As the doors closed again, he dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around me. “Damn you look good,” he whispered in my ear as he grabbed my ass. I got wet instantly as his cologne tickled my nose. He started kissing my neck, causing me to giggle. I pulled away and looked at him, feeling like I must have been dreaming.
“Ooo hold on turn around,” Andre spun me around so that we were facing the mirror. “We look good together baby,” he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me against him. The elevator started to slow as I stepped away from Andre so he could grab his things. “Lead the way baby.”
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
I dropped Kim off to her car making sure she would update me soon. I stopped at the grocery store to do some grocery shopping while I was already out. As I made my way to the checkout, I texted Elijah to check on our son EJ.
Amaya: hey how’s EJ?
Elijah: I think he misses mommy :(
I rolled my eyes at Elijahs message while smiling to myself. Just then a video came through from Elijah. I opened it to see him and EJ in EJs playroom. “Mama? Mama?” Elijah said. “MA. MAAAAAAA” EJ repeated. “OHHHHHH” I screamed. I ignored the stares of the people around me and tried to checkout as fast as possible. I had to fight a bit of traffic on my way to Elijah’s place. We had stayed together for the first few months after EJ was born, but ultimately I had decided I needed my own space. I stayed with Elijah most nights cause I was still a bit shook from when my ex kidnapped EJ from the hospital. EJ was now almost 8 months old, but I still was nervous being away from him for significant amounts of time. I made it to Elijah’s house in record time, using my key to let myself in. “Mamamama” I heard EJ babbling from his playroom still. I walked briskly, eager to scoop up my fat man. EJ was born a little underweight but had bounced back and was now a healthy weight. He had smooth brown skin and fat cheeks. As soon as he saw my face, he started bouncing and smiling, revealing his dimples and 1 emerging tooth. I picked him up and covered him with kisses.
“Any of those for me?” Elijah stood up from the floor and came over to where we stood. I kissed his cheek as EJ giggled and bounced on my hip. He was a happy baby, spoiled by everyone around him. My parents came from Mississippi almost every month to see him and Elijah’s family seemed to always be around. Kim took her role as godmother almost too serious. I made a note to forward the video to some people as I squeezed EJs chunky thigh. “So I was thinking we should go out,” Elijah stood in the doorway, watching me play with EJ. “Yeah I can get EJ dressed, where did you want to go?”
“I meant just us Ya. We can get someone to watch EJ and have some time alone with each other.”
I could feel Elijah waiting for a response, but I said nothing.
“Pleaseeeeeee,” Elijah pouted and turned my face so I was looking at him.
“Fine! Only if Kim can babysit. Otherwise we don’t go.” I figured Kim was still busy with Andre, so I pulled out my phone to call her. Much to my disappointment, she answered on the last ring , slightly out of breath.
“Hey girl!” Kim said as I heard her shuffling in the background. There was a muffled “nooooo” from who I assume was Andre, causing me to roll my eyes.
“Well you sound busy so I’m guessing you can’t babysit so byeeeeee,” If Elijah hadnt been watching me, I would’ve made something up. He shook his head no, and reached for my phone as I ducked away from him.
“Oh no I can watch him.” Kim responded.
“What the fuck?” I heard Andre ask in the background.
“It’s my godson!” She yelled to Andre.
Before I could make something else up, Elijah snatched my phone.
“Heyyyy Kim,” he pushed me away as i tried to grab my phone back.
“Thank you so much Kim! Can you come and pick him up in a couple hours?”
I sat down with EJ who was watching us and giggling. Elijah finished the call and handed my phone back smiling.
“Knowing y’all two, this was already planned,” I snatched my phone as Elijah left the room. EJ whined and crawled behind him, causing Elijah to turn around and pick him up.
“You got him leaving me already” I poured, following them to the kitchen. I suddenly remembered the groceries in the car. After putting the groceries up, playing with EJ and helping Elijah around the house, I was actually looking forward to our date. Before i could ask what he had planned for us, there was a knock at the door. Elijah jogged to the door since I was finishing up some laundry. I heard a mans voice that I couldn’t quite recognize talking to Elijah. I made my way to the front of the house where I saw Andre towering over Elijah. Elijah was almost tall at 5’11”, but standing next to Andre he seemed short.
“Oh noooo! where the hell is kim?” Before I could protest any further, Kim pushed from behind Andre who was still standing at the door. “I’m here girl calm down” I rolled my eyes as she stood next to Andre.
“Ya, why didn’t you tell me Kim was pregnant?” Elijah walked past me, towards EJs room.
“Damn you telling everybody?” Kim nudged Andre.
“I’m excited!” Andre put his arm around Kim’s waist and pulled her close. It was my first time seeing Andre, but the glow Kim had just from being with him was different. I made a note to send her an “I told you so” text when they left. Elijah came out holding EJ and what looked to be a stuffed diaper bag. “That bag is pretty full for a few hours,” I sensed that something was up. Everyone shifted nervously as I looked around the room. “I was thinking she could keep him overnight.” Everyone had they’re eyes on me. I returned their gazes and shook my head. “No! No! Not overnight!” I reached for EJ who nearly jumped into my arms. I hadn’t even let EJ spend the night with Elijah without me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to be with him all the time, but That didn’t stop me from trying.
“Amaya, you need this girl. You know I won’t let anything happen to him. I got him.” Kim stepped forward, reaching for EJ.
“Don’t you mean WE got him?” Andre asked.
“Not the time fool,” Kim cut her eyes at him. EJ squirmed as he reached out for Kim. I squeezed him, covering him with kisses before reluctantly handing him to Kim. Andre grabbed the diaper bag for Elijah and they turned towards the door. “Say bye bye! Bye bye!” Kim waved EJs hand as I sighed and waved back.
They left out as I turned to Elijah, poking my lip out. “Nah put that lip back.” He poked my bottom lip, causing me to laugh. “It’s just us, first time in way too long.”
He pulled me close as I finally relaxed. I did need this.
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
All my life, I had been focused. I always had a plan, a back up plan, and a back up to my back up. While I had gotten a little off track when i was younger, I never imagined that I would fall off so bad while I was doing so well. I was 26 with my own place, car, and a good job. I worked as a nanny, a job I had picked up while working on my teaching degree. I had fallen in love with it and decided to make it a career upon graduating. What had gone wrong in my just about perfect life?
André Jones.
André was the man of my dreams. While I was 6’2”, he towered over me at 6’7”. His smooth dark skin matched mine. He had perfect everything: eyes, beard, and most importantly smile. I had met him my freshman year of college. He was a senior that had just transferred from another university. He was on the football team and in a fraternity, so i assumed he was a ladies man. We talked on occasion, but lost touch once he graduated. Months later, we reconnected and hooked up. Andre was hands down the best sex I had ever had and i felt like he knew it. We were in and out of contact over the next few years. While in college, he had planned on taking over his family’s funeral home. He ended up becoming a bodyguard for one of Atlanta’s hottest rappers and stuck with that instead. Nearly 7 years after our first time meeting, i came across him on tinder. He was even more fine than I remembered. I was fresh out of a serious relationship and knew that Andre was exactly what I needed to take my mind off things.
“Hey sexy,” Andre greeted me at the door wearing all black with a big smile across his face. If I wasn’t dark skinned, i would’ve been blushing. He pulled me into his arms and I instantly melted. He smelled amazing. “What’s up” he pulled away and looked at me. I wore a pink bodycon dress that hugged my curves. My hair was in box braids piled neatly into a bun on top of my head. As I followed him to the couch I could feel the shots I had taken in the car starting to kick in. He pressed play to restart the movie and re-lit the blunt sitting on the coffee table. I giggled when I finally noticed he was watching “Despicable Me”.
“This shit is hilarious,” he laughed as he passed me the blunt. I took it and laughed. I loved cartoons but was surprised to see him watching one. My ex, Marcus, always called me childish for watching cartoons. I rolled my eyes as I hit the blunt and pushed all thoughts of Marcus out of my mind. We smoked, watched the movie and talked a little. As the weed started to hit me, I caught myself staring at him. His already small eyes were even lower as he glanced over at me. “What you looking at” he smiled at me. I giggled as we leaned in to start making out. Before i knew it, he was leading me upstairs to his bed. The king size bed took up most of the loft, but I couldn’t imagine a man his size with anything smaller. He quickly undressed while i did the same. Before I knew it, he was covering me in kisses while his hands explored my body.
“Damn Kim, you cant hear me talking to you?” My best friend Amaya snapped me out of my daydream. “The hell are you yelling for” I side eyed her. She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna chalk that up to hormones and not kick ya ass. We here.” I looked up, fully coming back to reality. The night i shared with Dre was still fresh in my mind like it hadn’t been over 2 months ago. What really wasn’t helping was my missed period and the 10 positive pregnancy tests sitting on my bathroom counter. I had an doctors appointment in a week, but was paying out of pocket for an ultrasound as if 10 positive tests wasn’t proof enough. I was still talking with Andre but hadn’t told him I was pregnant yet. I wasn’t sure how he would react, hence my confirming so many times before saying anything. Several minutes later, I was in the Ultrasound clinic in a darkened room. Amaya was on her phone, I assumed texting Elijah. I rolled my eyes just as the technician entered the room. “Good afternoon ladies!” She was an older, cheerful white woman. I smiled nervously as she messed with the ultrasound machine. She gave a quick rundown as i prepped myself. Once she started, I noticed Amaya had put her phone away and was staring at the projector screen. “Let’s see” the technician moved the wand before stopping right below my belly button. “Oh my, what’s this?” I gasped and held my breath. “Twins?!” Amaya stood up, leaning closer to the screen. I finally let out my breath before passing out.
“It happens all the time, she should be fine” I heard murmurs around me as my eyes readjusted. Before I could ask what happened, I saw the screen with the 2 little embryos carefully marked “twin A” and “twin B”. Amaya was next to the bed, as the technician was leaving the room. “Now baby Eli will have two little friends!” She referred to her son, Elijah who was almost 6 months old. “Twins though girl? What am I gonna do?” I used the paper towels on the table next to me to wipe off my stomach before fixing my clothes and getting off the bed. “Well, first you gonna go get this picture then you gonna call Andre.” I groaned thinking about telling Andre. It was supposed to be a nice rebound, but had quickly turned into so much more. After setting another appointment and collecting the images, we got into Amayas car. I stared at the images with one hand on my stomach. They guessed I was about 8 weeks along even though they already seemed a little big. “Well you might as well get it out the way and call him now.” Amaya paused with the key in the ignition. “I can’t just send a text?” I whined. She looked at me disapprovingly as she took the keys out. “We don’t leave until you call him and tell him.”
My phone buzzed on the nightstand as I rubbed my eyes. “Who the fu—“ I mumbled picking it up. I had just gotten home around 6 am. I had just finished touring with Travis Scott and caught the first flight back to Atlanta to finally unwind. I smiled when I saw it was Kim, a picture of her in a bikini covering my screen. “She must’ve felt that I was here” I said to myself before answering the call. “What’s up baby,” I answered the phone making sure my voice sounded extra raspy. “Oh my gosh did I wake you? I forgot you’re all over the place, you’re probably in China and I’m calling you at 2 am I’m sorry” She rambled as I laughed. “You good baby I’m home” she got silent as I heard someone in the background, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. “Soooo what’s up,” I was wondering why she had called instead of texting. “Well if you’re in Atlanta maybe we should talk in person,” she sounded hesitant which now had me worried. I was almost certain of what she was calling about, but didn’t want to jump the gun. “Sure, you can come through now.” I sat up on my bed and ran my hand over my waves. “Oh well okay then” I could tell she was shocked by my answer. She assured me she’d be over within an hour before hanging up. I rushed to shower and get myself together before she came. I hadn’t thought about seriously settling down until I saw Kim for the first time. We weren’t ready then but I knew it was just a matter of time before we would be. 7 years later, I came across her on tinder and knew it was finally time. She was even more beautiful than I remembered, and had some how gotten thicker. When she came over a couple months ago, I found myself caught up in the moment. We had fucked for hours and when we were done, I just wanted to be laid up with her. Normally, I made women leave once we were done, but I needed every minute I could have with Kim. I had finished showering and lotioning. I ran a hair brush over my waves while thinking about Kim running her hands over them. I debated on whether to get dressed or just put on some boxers. I got dressed since we would be talking and probably needed to be serious. I sprayed on some L’Homme by Yves Saint Laurent just as my phone buzzed again. “You forgot where is stay baby?” I answered without looking at the screen. “You told me you were going to be in LA this weekend big daddy.” I frowned as i pulled the phone away from my ear. I had met Misha earlier that year while working in LA. She was an Instagram model and had that typical Instagram model look. Her curves were thanks to some doctor in the Dominican Republic while Kim’s were all natural. I knew she was just looking for a come-up which is why I kept my distance from her. “My fault some shit came up,” I jogged down the stairs as I heard a knock at the door. “But look I’ll holla alright” I hung up before Misha could respond. As I made my way to the door, my phone buzzed again this time with texts. I ignored them as I opened to the door to see Kim. She was dressed down in some joggers and a hoodie, her hair done with a curly sew in that could pass as her real hair. I smiled as she looked up at me. “Come on in,” I grabbed her waist as she smiled and stepped inside. I grabbed us each a bottle of water out the fridge and watched Kim’s ass as she walked over to the couch. “So what’s up” I handed her some water and sat in my recliner. I looked down at my phone which was still going off with incoming texts from Misha. I put my phone on do not disturb and peeked at the messages.
Misha: whatever bitch u fuckin ain’t got shit on me
Misha: you need to be out here with me
Misha: I know you miss this pussy
Along with the messages were several pictures of her, naked and in various poses showing off all of her body. I rolled my eyes and locked my phone, looking over at Kim. “Welllllllll?” She was playing with her hands, staring at the floor. “Andre I’m pregnant.” She finally looked up and made eye contact with me, waiting for a reaction. “I mean i figured there was a chance,” I hadn’t pulled out and I knew plan b wasn’t guaranteed to work. Besides that, I had been sick the past couple weeks and my mom kept telling me I must’ve got somebody pregnant. I only fucked with Kim on that level so I knew it had to be her. “That’s not it though.” Kim was still looking at me, now with her brows furrowed. This time I had no idea what she was going to say. She handed me a sonogram picture. I studied the picture not really sure what I was even looking at until I noticed “twin a/twin b”. I held the paper out before bringing it close. I snapped around to face Kim. “Seriously?!” I was shocked but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like the man. I jumped up, picked Kim up from the couch and started kissing her. She pulled away after a minute and looked at me. “Isn’t this how we got in this situation?” I started kissing her neck and squeezed her ass as she attempted to unwrap her legs from around me. “I mean, children are a blessing so we should celebrate. And it’s not like you can get another baby up in there.” I started nibbling on her ear, knowing it was her spot. She moaned softly in my ear as she tightened her legs around me. “Wait André wait,” she pulled away, jumping out of my arms. I took a step back and looked at her. Her breasts were already growing and she was glowing. “We have to talk about some things.” She looked at me and I smiled. I knew how Kim was and I knew it was a matter of time until she wanted to sit and talk things out. “Let’s get a house,” I blurted out. Kim’s small almond eyes widened. “Dre are you serious?” I nodded, pulling her close to me by her waist. “I want us to both be there for our kids. I want them to live somewhere they can grow up and not have to worry about anything.” She stared at me for a few seconds before kissing me. Kim wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer.
I dropped Kim off to her car making sure she would update me soon. I text Elijah to check on our son EJ.
Amaya: hey how’s EJ?
Elijah: I think he misses mommy :(
I rolled my eyes at Elijahs message while smiling to myself. Just then a video came through from Elijah. I opened it to see him and EJ in EJs playroom. “Mama? Mama?” Elijah said. “MA. MAAAAAAA” EJ repeated. “OHHHHHH” I screamed. I turned on the car and sped to Elijah’s place, not far from Kim’s house. We had stayed together for the first few months after EJ was born, but ultimately I had decided I needed my own space. I stayed with Elijah most nights cause I was still a bit shook from when my ex kidnapped EJ from the hospital. EJ was now almost 8 months old, but I still was nervous being away from him for significant amounts of time.
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
Heartache - Slow version (Music Box) - original song by toby fox (Undertale OST) credit to Luna_KB for the music sheet
recorded a slower version by request :^)
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
This was so fucking satisfying to watch
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
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This is the mood for tonight ladies
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
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Skelly knows everything’s gonna work out, he feels it in his bones…
(because he’s a skeleton ssh)
Shop the keyring here
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
As I walked to the door, Michael sent me a video on Snapchat. I giggled, not paying attention to the unlocked door as I watched the video. “You’re an even worse friend than I thought. Over here laughing, left Amaya at the hospital by herself huh?” I dropped my phone as my eyes widened. Travis was sitting on my couch holding the baby. “H-how? What are you doing here? How did you get in?” I stammered backing into the door. He held up Amaya’s keys, showing me which one was my house key.
“You know Kim, Amaya’s been acting different for quite some time now. I thought maybe it was just work or something but now I know.” He kept his eyes on the baby as he spoke. I bent down to retrieve my phone. “Leave it!” He yelled, cause me to stand up straight. The baby began to whine as he rocked him. “It’s okay Trevor, daddy’s here.” My heart was beating fast and my eyes were locked on him. “See I brushed it off the first time I asked her about naming the baby. It was a rough night. When I asked her again and she straight up ignored me, I got mad but still. I shrugged it off.” He was finally looking at me as he rocked the baby to sleep. “Then when she fell asleep and called me Elijah, I thought... that can’t be right? Elijah is Kim’s boyfriend right?” I didn’t move or say anything, worried he might hurt the baby. “Then, I started connecting everything. She stopped having sex with me around when we would have conceived little Trevor here. So if we weren’t having sex, how is she pregnant?” I looked down at my phone, praying someone would call. “I don’t understand what this has to do with me Travis.” I scanned his area, checking for weapons. I scanned around where I was standing to see if there was anything I could use against him. He stood up with the baby and started walking towards me. When he was close enough, I grabbed the baby and ran upstairs. He was right behind me. Thinking quickly, I kicked back as I reached the top step, knocking him back down the stairs. He attempted to grab the rail as he fell, but couldn’t grasp it. He hit the floor with a loud thud. The baby had begun to cry from all the commotion. I started downstairs to grab my phone but thought twice. I wasn’t sure if he was still awake and didn’t want to take that chance. I went in my room, locking the door. I grabbed my iPad from my desk and called 911.
“Hi. Yes my apartment was broken into, and he kidnapped a baby” I explained to the dispatcher. It didn’t take long before I heard sirens.
The voice was too loud to be coming from outside. I exited my room with the baby in my arms. 2 officers stood just outside my door. My phone was laying in a pool of blood. “Is he down there?” I hesitated on the top step, realizing he was probably on the run.
“There’s no one here ma’am.” One of the officers looked up at me. I carefully went down the stairs, my nerves still on edge. I described what happened to them as they took notes. I gave them a photo of Travis and told them everything I knew about him. “I knew there was something wrong, but I didn’t think it was this bad.” I shook my head. The baby started to squirm, probably ready for another feeding. The officer let me know that they’d have to take my phone for evidence since it was covered in his blood. Although we didn’t have any injuries, they called an ambulance to take us back to the hospital. As we rode to the hospital, I couldn’t help but wonder where Travis went.
I dozed off for a few minutes, only to wake up surrounded by doctors and nurses. “Sorry sir....” a doctor stopped herself, looking at Amaya. They whispered among themselves looking at Amaya, then me. I got out of the bed, causing Amaya to wake up. “Sir, can you step out please?” Amaya looked confused as she protested.
“He can stay.” She reached for my hand as the doctors looked at each other nervously. “Where’s my baby? We want to sign the birth certificate.” She smiled at me, not noticing the doctors shuffling nervously. A police officer burst into the room startling everyone.
“Ma’am we got a call that a man named Elijah was responsible for kidnapping your baby?”
Amaya sat up as a stared in disbelief. “Ma’am do you know anyone named Elijah?”
I shook my head. “I’m Elijah, but I didn’t kidnap any babies sir.”
The officer pulled out handcuffs as he stepped towards me.
“Well son, when you can tell us where the baby is, maybe we can work something out.” He turned me around and pushed me into the wall.
“Stop it! It couldn’t have been him” Amaya tried to get out of the bed as a male doctor rushed to hold her down.
“You’ll tear your stitches” he warned.
The officer rattled off my Miranda rights as I tried to turn around and look at Amaya.
He pulled the handcuffs tight until the dig into my wrists. He grabbed me by the cuffs, turning me around and pushing me towards the door. I couldn’t gather any words as I saw more tears falling down Amaya’s face. As the officer walked me down the hallway, I knew it had to have been Travis. As we reached out side, the officer stopped, pulling me back by the cuffs. I looked down to see Travis on the ground with a pool of blood around his head.
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
I made my way back to the hospital with my mind racing. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was ecstatic but couldn’t stop freaking out. I already felt terrible for leaving Amaya in the first place, now I felt even worse knowing she was pregnant with my child this whole time. I thought about her fiancé and started getting angry. I was gripping the steering wheel so hard, my hands were hurting. Just as I took a deep breath to try and calm down, a white car turned out of the hospital parking lot going way too fast. “What the fuck asshole!” I yelled while swerving out of their way. I looked in my rear view mirror as the car sped off before turning into the parking lot. “These folks up here be on some other shit,” i mumbled as I pulled into a parking spot. My trunk was full of baby stuff and a couple items Kim recommended I get as well. As I walked into the hospital, an eerie feeling came over me. I scanned the lobby not seeing Kim or anyone else for Amaya. I shrugged it off as I headed to Amaya’s room. I jumped as I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Woah there you good?” Kim stood behind me holding a bag of chips and a can of soda.
“Who’s with Ya?”
“She’s sleeping she’s good”
“How can you be so sure Kim?”
“I locked myself in the bathroom while Travis was in there. I just ran to the vending machine after he had been gone little bit to get a snack. Remember, we missed dinner?” She opened the chips and started eating.
“I guess Kim.” I had too many emotions going on to even think about food right now. I lightly tapped on Amaya’s door before cracking it open. I let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Travis wasn’t in sight.
“Hey sleepyhead.” I leaned in close to Amaya, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She opened her eyes while smiling.
“Elijah” she didn’t even notice Kim until she cleared her throat.
“Where’s the baby?” Kim looked around.
“Um, I was breastfeeding him and fell asleep. I’m sure the nurse took him.” Amaya didn’t take her eyes off me as she spoke to Kim.
“You know what I’m just gonna slide out real quick this is.... ew” I laughed as the door closed behind her.
Amaya’s smile started to fade as a tear rolled down her face.
“No, hey, we’re not doing that” as I wiped the tear from her face, she began to sob uncontrollably. I climb into the bed with her and held her in my arms. “I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.” She continued to cry as I rubbed her back. As she settled down, I kissed her forehead, then her cheek, then her chin. “I love you so much Amaya. I want to be with you.” As I finally said how I felt out loud, tears started to fall from my own eyes. I had fallen in love with Amaya the first I saw her. I tried to convince myself that it was just a fling, but i found myself looking for her in every girl I talked to. Amaya was smart, beautiful, funny and so many other things. She pulled away from me and looked in my eyes. “Travis” she said with tears still in her eyes. I carefully got out of the bed and sighed. “Don’t you even worry about that baby, I got it.”
She turned her head away from me. “Can you tell Kim she can leave? I’m sure she has to work in the morning.”
It was Friday night and I started to question Amaya, but instead left the room in search of Kim. She stood across from the room, emptying the bag of chips in her mouth. I heard her groan and i laughed.
“Yo, Amaya says you can head out if you need. Something about work in the morning?” I scanned the hallway, keeping an eye for Travis and his dad.
“Nah I already called in on that. I will go and get some more clothes though. You want me to stop by your place and get you some?”
I fished my keys out of my pocket letting her know to just grab anything.
“I’ll bring something of mine for Amaya, I don’t want to bother her too much right now. Let her know I’ll be back soon.” I thanked her as she took off down the hallway. I quietly stepped back into Amaya’s room. She had fallen asleep and looked at peace for the first time this night. Just a minute won’t hurt. I carefully got back in the bed with Amaya and placed my arms around her. “I’m going to make things right.”
I pulled into my apartment complex and groaned. “Who is this in my parking spot? Like, the audacity!” I backed in across from my building. Before getting out the car, I checked my phone. I sent Elijah a quick message letting him know I was at my house and would be heading to his in a few minutes. As I walked to the door, Michael sent me a video on Snapchat. I giggled, not paying attention to the unlocked door as I watched the video. “You’re an even worse friend than I thought. Over here laughing, left Amaya at the hospital by herself huh?” I dropped my phone as my eyes widened. Travis was sitting on my couch holding the baby. “H-how? What are you doing?” I stammered backing into the door.
“You know Kim, Amaya’s been acting different for quite some time now. I thought maybe it was just work or something but now I know.” He kept his eyes on the baby as he spoke. I bent down to retrieve my phone. “Leave it!” He yelled, cause me to stand up straight. The baby began to whine as he rocked him. “It’s okay Trevor, daddy’s here.” My heart was beating fast and my eyes were locked on him. “See I brushed it off the first time I asked her about naming the baby. It was a rough night. When I asked her again and she straight up ignored me, I got mad but still. I shrugged it off.” He was finally looking at me as he rocked the baby to sleep. “Then when she fell asleep and called me Elijah, I thought... that can’t be right? Elijah is Kim’s boyfriend right?” I didn’t move or say anything, worried he might hurt the baby.
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
@kokainefontaine look at this Unrealistic ass shit NIGGAS KNOW THEY BE LYING
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
I waited a few seconds after Travis and his dad left before I spoke. “Please tell me this is some twisted ass dream” I begged Kim. Her face said it all. What was really blowing my mind was I could’ve sworn I saw Elijah before I passed out again. “Am I tripping or—“
“He’s in the waiting room” Kim cut me off, already knowing what I was going to say. “What were you thinking?!” I wanted to scream but my baby boy was sleeping peacefully in my arms. As if on cue, the nurse came in to take him. “Just some scans and we can bring him back so you can try breastfeeding.” I smiled and nodded, taking in my baby’s face for the moment. “He’s so handsome” Kim tried to distract me. “He looks exactly like his father” I stared at the door. “Does he know?” I snapped my attention to Kim. “I mean he saw the baby but I didn’t catch whether he saw the resemblance.” She avoided looking at me. “Why the fuck did you bring him here? What is he even doing in Georgia at all?” I raised my voice more than I intended. Kim sighed and finally looked at me. “We were going to surprise you.” I looked at her in shock. “Surprise me with what? He knocked you up too?!” She laughed. “Girl please you know I would never. He loves you and he wants to be with you.”
“I don’t need to hear any more of this bullshit just stop.” I laid my head back and rubbed my temples. As if there wasn’t enough going on, there’s was a light tap at the door before it opened. I had to be dreaming because I knew there was no way Elijah was at the door looking this damn good. His suit fit him perfect. The jacket was open and his shirt was fitted just enough to show off his body. He looked at me with tears in his eyes before walking over to the side of the bed where Travis just was. I didn’t notice Kim leave the room as he got close enough for me to smell his cologne. “Elijah Lee Anderson the Third” he said, still looking into my eyes. I couldn’t speak, I only nodded as I felt myself begin to cry. “Amaya I’m so sorry. I know you probably think I’m a huge asshole but you could’ve told me you were pregnant.” He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. “I didn’t even know” My voice broke as I finally broke down into tears. I felt his arms around me and felt suddenly calm. “I got you, no worries baby” he whispered into my ear. I inhaled his scent, and exhaled the stress of the past few hours as I melted into his arms. “You have to get out of here” I said remembering Travis was probably not far. Elijah pulled away and locked eyes with me. “Has he hurt you?” I could hear the anger brewing in his voice. “No. He wouldn’t—“
“I saw him Ya” he called me by his personal nickname for me. “There’s something wrong with that nigga” I looked away and nodded. “I tried breaking up with him he won’t let it happen.”
“The hell do you mean he won’t let it happen?” He raised his voice and stepped back from the bed. I explained to him what happened the previous times I told Travis we were over. He shook his head and started pacing around the room. “Come stay with me.” He stopped pacing and locked eyes with me again. “That man is crazy and there is no way my son is going with him.” He was angry again. “Okay” I gave in instead of stressing. He dashed out the room, leaving me confused. I settled back in the bed and took a deep breath. If I went with Elijah, I would be away from Travis. I wasn’t sure how he would react, but at this point I was desperate. I closed my eyes, smiling as I thought about Elijah and our son.
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
I stroked the baby’s hair, waiting for Amaya to wake up. Her best friend, Kim, stood on the other side of the bed with some guy I assumed to be whoever she was talking to these days. “That’s Amaya’s baby?” I heard him try to whisper. “It’s out baby” I looked at him and smiled. Kim looked at me but looked away quickly. No congratulations or anything, what a fucking bitch! I put my attention back on my son. He was so handsome. “Can I hold him?” Kim was suddenly standing next to me. No she can’t fucking hold your baby man she didn’t congratulate you and brought her fuck buddy in here. This bitch disrespectful. Amaya would be upset though. You know what it’s fine.... it’s fine... I handed Kim my boy. She walked to the other side of the room and sat down next to the guy. “Yo who are you? This is a private Family moment bro” I was getting a little angry. Kim whispered something to the guy. I noticed a tear going down his face. Hope she dumped his bitch ass. Who the fuck disturbs somebodies Family at a time like this. As he left the room, he looked back at Amaya for a little too long. As the door slammed behind him, Amaya jolted awake. “Hey baby, hey how are you?” I was by her side as quick as possible. “My baby?” She struggled as she searched the room. As her eyes landed on Kim, I noticed her skin become flushed and her eyes get wide. “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?” Kim asked while cradling the baby. Amaya paused for a bit, scanning the room again before she responded. “N-n-o. Can I hold my baby?” Kim placed the baby on Amaya’s chest while smiling. “Our baby” I said out loud but to myself. It was quiet as Amaya held the baby. Before I could ask about the name again, the doctor rushed in. “Good, you’re awake. The nurse told me you passed out again so I just wanted to check your vitals again.” He eyed me as if he wanted me to move, but I refused to leave Amaya’s side again. “Okay your blood pressure is a little high so I’m thinking maybe we should clear the room?” The doctor looked at me, then my dad, then Kim. “Everybody except Kim.” Amaya said above a whisper. “Are you sure babe?” I was hurt she didn’t want to share a moment alone with our son but I shook it off. “I’m hungry anyway” my dad called out, only irritating me further. I rushed out the room. I could feel myself getting angry. You were supposed to be in there! Not that bitch! That’s your fiancé! Your son! And here this bitch is! She’s always in the way! I shook my head. “No, no. It’s okay. This is her moment, she’s going through a lot” I responded out loud to stop the voices. I walked to the waiting area and noticed Kim’s friend sitting with his head down. He looked up as I walked by, locking eyes with me. And the fuck is this nigga looking at? He got a fucking problem? Why is he still here? “He probably rode here with Kim, no big deal.” I stared him down, and he did the same. Nah this nigga trying you. Go back, ask Kim to get him and leave. I finally broke the stare down, bypassing the waiting area to find the cafeteria. “I don’t want anything from here” I forgot about my dad behind me. And here he go with his shit. All he can ever do is cost you money! Can’t he see this ain’t the fucking time? “I don’t want to leave the hospital until I’m leaving with Amaya and our son.” I said firmly. He muttered something under his breath, but I couldn’t hear him over the voices in my head.
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imsoofabulous · 6 years
I hung up the phone with Amaya, laughing to myself. She thought we were just going out for drinks to celebrate her promotion at work, but I had a surprise for her. Elijah had reached out to me a few months ago, explaining the cause of his untimely absence. His last time seeing Amaya, she told him about her engagement to Travis. She explained that he caught her off guard, slipping the ring on her finger before she could say yes or no. When Elijah reached out to me he explained that he had been hurt and felt like he should leave Amaya to be happy with Travis, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He told me that he wanted to give her the world if only she would give him her heart. I initially cursed him out and told him to never talk to Amaya or myself again. A week hadn’t even passed before he was calling me again, asking for her favorite everything. He had finally relocated and was planning a big surprise for her.
“I have my house and I want her to like it. I want her to live here with me.” Elijah explained while showing me around. The house was cute and i could definitely fix it up nice. “Why should I though Eli? Like you’ve played with my girls feelings so much she’s not the same” I had to be sure he was serious. Eli dropped his head and sighed. “She’s too good for me Kim. I love her but—“
“YOU WHAT?” I cut him off.
He realized what he said and turned away, burying his face in his hands. “If you really loved her Eli why do you keep doing her like this? You’re fucking hurting her! She wants to be with you.” I was so upset. “There’s no way you could do anyone you claim to love that way. No way Elijah.”
He sat on the couch, head still low. “She can do better. What if I’m not enough? I have no idea what I’m doing Kim!” He finally looked up. He plead with his eyes. I sat down next to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. She’s going to kill me I thought to myself. “Amaya loves you. She wants to be with you. She doesn’t think you want the same. She was hung up for so long, just waiting for you.” Elijah wiped his eyes, swearing under his breath.
“You know what, let’s do this. Help me prove myself to her. Help me win her.” Elijah looked at me, eyes full of hope. I looked away, unsure. “I promise Kim, I promise my heart is in this” he assured me. “You know what” I stood up, looking at him. “Let’s do it. “
That was nearly a month ago. We had been planning since then a “perfect” night. Amaya thought we were going to ru sans for sushi and drinks but we really were going to her favorite restaurant, Ruth Chris. Once we were there, I was going to go to the bathroom and Elijah would surprise Amaya. He wouldn’t tell me the gifts he had for her but I knew they didn’t matter. It was finally the big night and I was making sure Elijah was prepared and not flaking out. I knocked on his door, making note of the time. I still had to go home and get ready myself. Elijah opened the door, and I had to admit he looked good. He had on a navy blue suit, gold cuff links and a fresh line up. His curly hair still looked wet, goatee freshly trimmed and his cologne wasn’t too overpowering. “Well well, somebody cleans up nice!” I stepped into the house, looking around. We had also spent the last few weeks decorating the house and making it look less like a bachelor pad. Grey with pops of blue was consistent throughout the house. Pictures of them with their families decorated the walls for a personal touch. There were fresh roses in kitchen, Amaya’s favorite. “So I’m going home to get ready, Amaya’s coming to my house to get ready in about an hour. Its 6:13 now so we should all be up there before 9.” Elijah ran his hands over his suit, smoothing everything out. “Okay. Okay. I’m ready.” He said more to himself than to me. “Oh wait I have something” he ran off towards the bedroom and came back holding a white box. “If you can, get her to wear this” he asked, handing me the box. “Ew this better not be lingerie,” I stepped back instead of taking the box. “It’s not” he rolled his eyes, laughing at me. “Better not be” I grabbed the box and headed towards the door.
“Hey Kim,” Elijah stopped me. “Thank you. For everything. “
“Don’t thank me just yet” I joke with him. I headed home to get ready myself. It was 6:45 now. I still hadn’t heard from Amaya but I was sure she’d be texting me soon, so I got in the shower. I got out, rushed some makeup, and stood in my closet. I checked my phone again, worried to see it was 7:30 and I still hadn’t heard from Amaya. She’s probably on her way and gonna call once she’s on this side I reasoned. I pulled out a black dress, holding it up to me in the mirror. Matter of fact let me see what this is he wants her to wear. I opened up the box to reveal a shimmery, navy blue dress. It was knee length, low cut in the front and a strappy back. “Okay Elijah!” I looked in the box and there was also some silver, strappy, flat sandals and a diamond pendant necklace with matching earrings. “And how the hell am I supposed to explain a random ass diamond necklace?” I said out loud. I folded the dress back into the box and decided to keep my outfit simple. I put on some black wide leg pants and white tank top. I pulled my hair into a low ponytail and added some small hoop earrings to finish my look. It was getting closer to 8 and still nothing from Amaya. I finally decided to call her, just as my phone rang. “Who the hell is this” I hesitated but something told me to answer it. “Hello is this Kim Edwards?” A male voice asked. “This is she” I regretted answering the phone, thinking it was a bill collector. “I’m calling from Piedmont Hospital, Amaya Hutchins is here and you’re listed as her emergency contact.”
I grabbed my keys, almost throwing my phone.
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