imstuckhelpme · 6 years
kim seokjin is beautiful! min yoongi is beautiful! jung hoseok is beautiful! kim namjoon is beautiful! park jimin is beautiful! kim taehyung is beautiful! jeon jungkook is beautiful! bts is beautiful!
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
even if i forget how many names there are sometimes...
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ in this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ all members of seventeen ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
i will never not reblog this
yoongi quotes
MC: Please introduce yourself Yoongi: -throws glitter from pocket- Yoongi: I’m Suga. 
Interviewer: What will you be in 10 years? Yoongi: 33 years old. 
Namjoon: -does aegyo for more meat- Yoongi: A downside of capitalism. Interviewer: Please reveal a secret about yourselves. Yoongi: When we take a bath we take off all our clothes. Yoongi: -chooses himself as victim for mafia to kill- BTS: lmao why would you do that Yoongi: I have no reason to live on “We actually all had abs at one point, but since its summer, the chocolate has melted.”
[Namjoon doesn’t dry his back after showering] Yoongi: he says “it will dry off anyway,” then why live if you die anyway?
“In my next life, I want to be reborn as a rock.”  Any specialties? Yoongi: breathing for 25 years straight. 
-gives Jin a $15 Min Yoongi acrylic stand for Christmas-
Keep reading
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
gentle reminder
you deserve happiness whether you think so or not, you deserve food, you deserve water, you deserve sleep - please try your best believe that
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
*trigger warning*
my school district is in spring break right now. just yesterday, i was told that a girl 2 grades ahead of me killed herself. I knew her, not very well, but i knew her. she was friends with my sister (three grades ahead) and her friend group. from what ive heard, its hit that group very hard. my heart goes to her family and friends. I’ll call her b in this post. as i said, i didnt really know her. we had worked together as part of the stage crew for the play last year. i have always admired her as long as ive known about her. b was a kind, funny, interesting, astoundingly beautiful, smart, all around amazing person. while i am a very sensitive person, i was originally shocked by how hard i was hit by this. but i think i figured it out. i never got to be friends with her. i heard so many nice things from my sister, i had a few cool memories with her in stage crew, but i admired her. its so hard to imagine that she won’t grow up to be the amazing adult she would have been. and as part of the lgbt+ community, i can remember seeing a meme with the phrase, “do i want to be you, or date you”. i think thats how it was/is for me with b. she was so cool, she almost seemed untouchable. everyone in her grade knew and liked her from what i could tell. i wish i could have been her friend. i wish we could have talked so much more than we did. but now.. its too late, and i regret everything. its hard to imagine such a beautiful human killing themself. its somehow easier for me to say she killed herself than committed suicide. it seems like a harsher way to say the same thing. a thing no one expected her to do. and in an almost sick and twisted way, now i have no fear of her figuring out who i am if i follow her. but please everyone, if you are hurting, find someone and talk. because you dont know how many people want to be your friend so bad it almost hurts. 
we miss you so badly back here, b. we will remember your beautiful self forever. i still can’t believe you’re gone. i can’t imagine you lying still anywhere, without a smile on your face.
people, if you need help, ask. anyone. you can even ask me. because no matter how much you tell yourself no one will miss you, you dont know how many people are wishing they knew you at that very moment.
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
*finger guns* i cant ever do anything right
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
i wish the person i reblogged this from had done that... we miss you blythe.
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I promise you it’s okay
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imstuckhelpme · 6 years
me: *makes a small, completely harmless mistake that has literally 0 consequences*
me @ me:
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
being self-conscious about your body is/can be:
-brushing your teeth 3 times in one night because you don’t want people to think your teeth are yellow
-constantly pulling down your shirt and up your pants because you’re scared people will see your midriff/butt/underwear
-thinking about eating less so you’ll be skinnier
-always touching/adjusting your hair
-moving your shirt when you sit down so it doesn’t fold in your rolls
-not wanting to record your voice/talk because you think it sounds stupid
-being scared to do things, because you might humiliate yourself, and you don’t want others to think less of you
-wanting to look like an effortless human being with no problems, and feeling shittier the more that plan goes downhill
etc., etc.,,,
the list goes on. these were the first ones I could think of that I do daily.
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
How I came out to my friend
I was messaging my friend, and we got onto the topic of dreams. I gathered up the courage, and told her that i had a dream where it ended me dating a girl. She replied saying, “ok.” Later, i brought it up again, and was going to say i was questioning if i was bi/gay. i didn't actually say it, but she understood. then, she mentioned that she was feeling the same about her gender. i had had a suspicion, as she wrote herself into stories as a guy, and wanted to be in the boy’s choir. Now, im 100% fine with him being who he feels he needs to be. but this did crush me a bit. the dream, where i was dating a girl, it was him. as a girl.  I haven't told him that, and don’t plan to ever do so. this friend is someone very special to me, and i don’t want to make our friendship awkward. that was the best, and almost worst, night of my life so far. (we talked for about 5 hours, ending at 3 am)
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
Shutting down your computer:
Normal computers: ok, lemme slowly log you off...... shutting down...
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
i got hit in the eye with a snowflake, which annoyed me, because it proved that a snowflake has better aim than i do.
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
have you ever realized that people are just like plumbing
we’re empty some of the time, but most times theres just some water inside of us
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
A letter i wrote to my friends that i wanted to share.
A letter to all and any
I, personally, am gonna do my best to stop joking about mental health. Itll be hard, but i really want to. Some of us may actually have undiagnosed mental problems. And after jonghyun's death, i really realized that the people with these problems, the ones who do kill themselves, are gone. Not like they miss one day of school. His death made me realize how real death is. I've only ever had one relative i know die, and i barely knew him. Now, i know nothing about jonghyun, but i miss him. I don't want anyone i know, or don't know, to die. I'm trying not to cry on my math homework. I want everyone to know that, they do not deserve to die. And please don't respond and say that you do. You don't. Thats final. And if anyone, including me, is being mean to you, making you feel worse, tell someone. Tell me. Just.. please don't choose to die. I am having a profound moment of sadness for others loss. And the loss of others. I don't want to have anyone die anymore. Please do not follow jonghyun's path, no matter how much you feel you need to. We are all human. We can not forget that, and we all need to treat each other right, and help each other, so no more need to go like jonghyun. Please.
“I want to give power and courage to those that are having a hard time. Because when the sun rises, everything will be okay, so hang in there.” -Min Yoongi
“Just live, don’t die. That’s the words I really want to say.” -Kim Namjoon
“The fact that we are alive is enough for us to be respected, right?” -Kim Namjoon
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
Jimmy Kimmel  (via mimibtsghost)
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imstuckhelpme · 7 years
job convention
person:so, this job is very difficult, but the reward is-
me: ok, imma just take the packet and think bout it
friend: dude what the hell you doin? that jobs too hard for you
me: i just want the high-quality paperclip
friend: oh shit lemme get one too
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