imtaashu · 3 days
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imtaashu · 5 months
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BABY ♥️🥺🫶🏻
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imtaashu · 5 months
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imtaashu · 1 year
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Only Him ... ♥️😍😻💕😘🥹🥰
Blessing your day / night 🫶🏻🫂
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imtaashu · 2 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
I MEAN- 🛐♥️
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
you got a smile that could light this town😭♥️😩
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imtaashu · 3 years
this is beyond 🙌🏻♥️
❝ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝟑 ❞
part 1 / part 2
⤿ word count : 2.2k
⤿ summary : the team finds a small part of the truth about you. will they accept your offer?
⤿ note : i'm really excited to finally post part 3. i promise if you don't understand smth of the story rn it will get clearer with the next parts. 🥰
warnings : fights, death (as a feeling), abandonment, scars
*feedback is appreciated. please reblog so it can reach more people♡
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You walked through the woods followed by the group of well-known heroes. Somehow, even though they didn't know you, they felt like you won't hurt them. You saved them out there when the agents appeared out of nowhere.
Stopping in front of a giant tree, it was the biggest of them all, you extended your hand and a large portal appeared against the wood. They couldn't see anything in it because it was solid blue color mixed with gold like someone poured blue and gold paint and stirred it with a spoon.
You stepped with your left leg and it half disappeared.
"Are you coming?" You turned to them, the shock on their face made your heart chuckle but not your face. It was too early to show a warmer tone. You knew everything about them, you still had your concerns and chose not to trust them yet. You walked through the portal before they could answer.
"Holy shit!" Sam exclaimed when he found himself on the other side of the portal.
"What the hell is this place?" Tony asked looking around in awe.
"Welcome to my world!" You greeted. You looked different now. You were wearing a light blue, long flowing dress, the back of it was cut and chains connected the pieces of clothing to keep them from falling, showing the deep scars across the skin of your back. Bucky was amazed at how confident you looked, how you weren't afraid to show off your scars but maybe that confidence also came with the crown resting on top of your head. It was a small golden crown representing thorns surrounded by roses, animal heads were hidden between the roses. He could recognize some of them: lion, wolf, and deer. Your cross earring sparkled when you finally turned your face to them.
In front, your dress was embroidered with glittered flowers. Your eyes were cold but at the same time, they were burning the flesh of the people you focused your gaze on. That's when Bucky saw the scar beginning right above your eyebrow and ending just a few fingers under your eye.
"Walk with me." You said and followed the path down the hill.
From the hill, the scenery was mesmerizing. Small houses were nestled between the hills surrounding the city. The large streets were crowded with life. At the end of the extremely long line of houses, the buildings stopped and a large stairway began from the bottom of the ground. It had maybe one hundred steps. At the end of the stairway, there was a castle. Massive walls reaching the clouds, windows reflecting the strong light of the sun. Even Asgard could eat pastries at the sight of this beautiful architecture.
"What is this place?" Loki questioned as you were walking through the busy streets of the city. People were greeting you, kneeling and lowering their heads when they saw you coming but not from fear, no, it was from respect. Some of them called you “Your Grace”, others “My Queen”. You greeted them with a small smile and a nod.
"It's the world I built. You know when our beloved father left me in the woods to die he didn't predict that there were people kind enough to show mercy over a baby. I have lived long enough, many people took care of me and died because of it but I learned to control my power. I was strong enough to create this world but of course, as the years passed by, many people tried to take it away from me. Some succeed for long enough to make life here miserable but now I'm strong enough to protect my people.
You were in front of the stairway, climbing to the top.
"And those people did you create them too?" Asked Fury.
"No, not at all. I made this world to protect people and creatures seeking a place they can call home. Elfs, fairies, magicians, ordinary people, everyone is welcome here.
"Welcome back, your grace!" Greeted a man, wearing heavy armor and a sword.
"I wasn't outside that long, Arthur." You smiled and the man opened the large doors of the castle.
The moment the doors opened, the team realized that the first room of the castle was the throne room. A throne was positioned in the middle of the room it was tall so you had to take some more stairs to sit in it. It was made from gold but the metal was almost impossible to be recognized because it was covered in thorns, red flowers were nestled between them. They weren’t roses. They looked fragile yet something about them scared Buck. It felt like those flowers were hiding something, something like death. The bright red was like blood and their shape was like a spider. He noted to search those flowers in books when they go back. A large round window was right behind the throne. On the right side was placed a table where a few men sat, talking quietly.
"Don't follow me any further." You ordered and the heroes obeyed because you were the boss here, the queen. You were a goddess clearly stronger than Thor and Loki combined, no one wanted to offend you.
You took the rest of the way alone and sat on the throne. Your throne. The knight from before stood in front of the stairs and the wolf was lying next to him.
"I have heard a lot about you people. Cap, Iron Man, Falcon, Nick Fury, The Black Widow, brothers and..." You paused for a second. "I know what you expect me to say, James, The Winter Soldier but you are so much more than this but that's for later... Now! I know you are the heroes of your world but lately, the monsters you have been fighting are becoming stronger and stronger, right?" You waited for their answer.
"Yes!" Rogers made one step forward, the men sitting at the table were staring at them with judgmental eyes since they entered the room.
"I can help you with that." You said almost sounding annoyed from doing so much talking.
"What do you mean? How? If you know something tells us!" Nick Fury shouted which made Arthur and Fenrir turn on their protective modes.
"It's alright." You lifted your hand, signaling them to drawback. "What I'm suggesting is that I can fight with you. I'm stronger than any of you, enough people were hurt because of those monsters and I can't stand seeing innocent people getting killed."
"Why do you care so much?" Tony asked. Bucky was silent. He understood your motives better than anyone did even without you telling him but he was curious about what you meant by "soo much more than this."
"Because many people died because of me, too many. Now it's my time to protect everyone I can." You replied, your voice was calm, not rising, not falling, one straight line.
"Let's say you fight with us, how are you going to rule a kingdom and fight for the Earth?" Fury asked.
"Easy. Do you remember the girl you saw on the footage of that Hydra base years ago and you wondered how it was destroyed by a normal person?" Fury nodded. "That was me. I can divide my body into two different. I lead two lives.” You stared at their expressions. It was annoying, all those years seeing the same expressions when you told someone. Except for Bucky’s eyes, they weren’t shocked, they were more like… amazed. “When I was younger, the old gods found about me and told me that I have to choose a realm to protect. I chose the Earth." You signed. "After I chose it, like everyone else before me, I was given the power to divide my body. I get hurt in this one, the other doesn't, I get pregnant in the other, not in this one. Both are my real bodies, they are just not dependable on each other." You cleared.
"I think we can use someone like her, Fury." Steve entered the conversation. Fury was still thinking.
"Not can. You desperately need her and even if you don't agree now, you will at some point." Said one of the men at the table, he was short with curly brown hair. He took a sip from his wine. You hummed.
"Okay. What should we do to find your other body?" Steve was right and Fury knew it so he finally agreed.
"You don't have to, I will come to the compound. I hope we make a good time." You offered a small smile. "Now it's time for you to go to your world. I will see you tomorrow!" You made a portal and everyone walked through it except for Bucky. He stopped in front of it.
"I can't wait to talk to you, Buck!" You softly said and for the first time since they arrived, you smiled brightly.
"Promise me you will find me." He replied, voice low.
"Just wait till tomorrow and I promise you, I won't leave your side again!" You walked down the steps and took his metal hand in yours. You made a symbol in the air above his palm and the symbol appeared on the metal. "It will seal my promise, it will disappear when I keep it." You lifted your hand and showed him that the symbol was on your hand too.
"I will wait for you!" Bucky squeezed your palm and walked through the portal. You stood there for a few moments, staring at the blue color.
"I like him! But I don't like the other guy with the eye." The deep blue-haired man, with the braided beard sitting on the table exclaimed.
"They are all not that bad!" You smiled and patted Fenrir on the head. "We all need some time to let new people in our lives."
It was pouring with rain as the next day started. The Avengers were doing their daily routines. Bucky was at the gym training with Steve but his mind was somewhere else. All he could think about was you and your promise. The symbol was still on his hand. Natasha was training with Sam.
"Well, well, hard work here!" Bucky's heart skipped a beat at the familiar sound of your voice. His head immediately turned in the direction of the voice. It was you... You looked different.
Your hair was still the same length although the white was replaced with blonde. You didn't have the scar on your eye but your sense of fashion and the way you walked like the ground you were stepping on weren't changed. Bucky wondered what the story behind the earring was. It seemed important to you.
Bucky felt a slight burn against the skin of his palm. He looked down only the see the symbol redden and disappear, yours was gone too.
"Kept the promise!" You chuckled slightly and a tiny smile grew on his face.
"It's good to see you!" He welcomed you, surprising Steve a little bit, because he wasn't expecting such a reaction.
"Wanna train? Gotta see if you are that strong as you claim to be!" Natasha stepped closer to you and your expression turned colder.
"I hope I don't disappoint you." You replied harshly, blocking Nat's surprising fist with ease. Your fingers squeezed her palm and without even acknowledging it, Natasha found herself on the floor. You were looking down at her. Everyone stared in awe. "Your moves are too predictable for someone as old as me." You extended your hand and she gladly took it.
"And that's without powers." Sam whispered under his nose, more like telling it to himself.
"How about me?" Steve stepped closer, taking Bucky by surprise. Usually, Steve didn't offer such things.
"Let's see what you can do, Cap!" Your tone was full of bitter sarcasm.
Steve took his shield and started throwing punches at you with his large fists. Both your hands were locked behind your back, all you did was move fast enough, the punches not even able to touch your hair. He threw the shield at you but you caught it, returning it back with so much force, sending Steve flying to the wall. You signed in annoyance.
You felt the air behind you move and suddenly turned around to catch Bucky's metal fist in your hand as you did previously with Natasha.
"Nice try, Buck. But not enough." Your eyes were narrowed, darkened even as if you were about to destroy everything on your way.
Sam didn't even try knowing too well that if they couldn't do it, he would fall in the first second.
After everyone was out of the gym, only you and James remained in the room.
"You promised we are going to talk." His eyes locked with yours. You loved that blue color. It reminded you of the sky on one particular day many years ago.
"Patience Buck. I can't tell you everything at once. Can you show me my room?" You said softly and his expression softened. You have been through enough, even more than him and he would wait as long as he had to for you to tell him everything you wanted to.
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imtaashu · 3 years
look at this cutie😭
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
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imtaashu · 3 years
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