Who wants to play?
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Open Rp
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The women was laying on a blanket under a tree in the park she was reading a book.
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"So it's okay you two to forget your daughters birthday? You sure know how to make a girl feel loved."Rosie winced her hand was speckled with glass and it was bleeding rather badly.  "Just go away I"m fine. I don't want to do anything but stay up here all...oh wait I can't even go out if I wanted too cause you two say I can't leave!"
My Daddy dearests verse (tag is mydaddydearests)
Posting order:
It was Rosie’s birthday and she was spending her twenty first birthday alone. In the tower staring out at the great big city in front of her. Her parents hadn’t even come up to her room with their normal happy birthday and a card. She was shaking as she punched the mirror causing it to shatter.
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//Anyone want to play?
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"Well I"m not really supposed to leave the tower. Daddy has some weird fear I"m going to get kidnapped. I"m Rosie Stark Danvers! Who are you?" She asks smiling, "Are you one of those vloggers on Youtube? You are awesome sir!"
[ heya stranger let me just film you ok // dayton ]
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"So, today’s vlog will most probably a boring one considering I don’t have plans today except to just collect some mail from my P.O box." Dayton sighed, running his fingers though his hair as he pointed the camera to himself. He was getting weird looks from people but he was used to it. He vlogged everyday and got the same weird looks everyday. With a small laugh, he pointed the camera to a stranger, "What are you doing today, stranger?"
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//Mun Note
I"m sick of being walked over, sick of being abused. I was raped three times twice by the same guy. Once by someone I didn't know *got drunk*. I"ve had one abortion when I was younger and I was terrified. I learnt to keep up walls not let anyone in. Now when I need people the most I hide myself away I beat myself up and I give into those demons. I"m sick of being walked over, I"m tired of being that cheery peppy person when I"m the least bit from it. I"m tired of having no one to call my own, no one to love and kiss and hold. It sucks cause you are surrounded by couples all day long *Least at school* and everyone is always so cute and I just am sick of this. I don't want to be around my friends anymore cause of this. I"m tired of feeling so stupid and I just ugh the gif below and his face explains my feels. I"m done...if someone wants me they can come to me I"m not going to others anymore.
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Describe my blog in terms of "came for the _____, stayed for the _____"
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Your character was held down and forced to watch mine mercilessly beaten. How does this scene affect them?
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"Daddy!" She grins sweetly jogging up to him bear hugging him from behind. "DADDY! Can we do something?'
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Put 'I think I'm falling for you' to see how my muse reacts
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Texting meme
Send ✆ for a morning text
Send ✉ for a text that wasn’t sent
Send ☎ for a rushed text
Send ☏ for a loving text
Send ⁇ for a drunk text
Send ø for a late night text
Send ✘ for a hateful text
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"Oh shh. You'll be fine."She giggles, "Anyways you guys are stuck in New York for awhile daddy is fixing your plan and Lola." 
"Sir! I assure you it isn’t as amazing as is. Would you like a tour of the labs? See daddies suits?"  
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"I’m dying."
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"I love you."
"I hate you."
"You’re dead to me."
"I trust you."
"I’m dying."
"I’m pregnant with your baby."
"I never really loved you."
"I want you. Naked. In my bed. Now."
Put one of these in my askbox to see how my Muse reacts.
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"Sir! I assure you it isn't as amazing as is. Would you like a tour of the labs? See daddies suits?"  
"I"m stuck in the damn tower all day!"she sighs. 
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