imthedoctordonna · 30 days
Fun game to play with your neuro divergent preteen while shopping for clothes.
*fighting the cringe* "Feel this one"-me
"Oh, yuck, no!"*proceeds to feel it* "WHY?!"
Disclaimer - the kid is always allowed to refuse and I will never force them. Also, they do the same to me.
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imthedoctordonna · 1 month
where was your first job?
Fast food service (McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, ect.)
Restaurant service (waiting tables, dishwasher, ect)
cashier/bagger at grocery store
life guard
I’ve never had a job
other (put in tags)
(Im currently trying to get my first job and I’m curious what the most common first job is)
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imthedoctordonna · 2 months
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imthedoctordonna · 2 months
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I’m paying to force seven thousand strangers to see a photo of my late husband having fun with his dog. Tumblr Blaze is totally worth it. XD
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imthedoctordonna · 4 months
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imthedoctordonna · 4 months
Reblog with where you're from (USAmericans if you're willing to specify state too that would be great)
I need to know if my suffering is just because my school district hates students or if it's a common thing
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imthedoctordonna · 5 months
please say which in the tags!
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imthedoctordonna · 5 months
Ok. I had a deal like this with my mom in 8th grade. But it wasn't a game system I wanted, it was the chance to try out for the school football team.
To understand my mom's reluctance at my joining the team, you have to understand that I was a very clumsy, mouthy, injury-prone, 11 year old girl... Last thing she wanted was for me to earn yet another ER visit.
But she made the deal, if I got straight A's, I could try out.
The day I got my progress report, and it had straight A's, was the day before tryouts.
I was allowed to tryout, I made the team, and was a running back. 1 of 3 girls that made it, and we kicked butt. That was one of my favorite memories from middle school.
My mother and I (37f) still have a good relationship, and not for this one decision, but for the accumulation of her follow through on her promises.
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Parents really post stuff like this online and wonder why their kids don't trust them
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imthedoctordonna · 5 months
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DOCTOR WHO APPRECIATION WEEK Day 2: favorite companion “Donna Noble, you’re the most important woman in the whole of creation.”
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
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Solar eclipse shadows
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
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me and the mutuals logging onto tumblr on april 1st
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
live images of tumblr users booping
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
Question for the audience
Also leave in the tags what people usually compliment you on!!
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imthedoctordonna · 6 months
As @staff further refine the polls while they're rolling them out (still haven't gotten mine sadly), here's a suggestion of mine: Polls with a ten year time limit.
As of right now, it's impossible for polls to turn into long-running legendary posts. You can try, sure (see the bug race), but it's a week and then it's locked, fixed, done, and all that's left is for people to reminisce about that time there was a poll.
On the other hand, if a ten year poll gets popular, it can become part of Tumblr lore while still being updated. People can write passionate appeals for their vote and fight in the notes. Others can make graphs to show how the poll's majorities shift with each different US president or Taylor Swift album. People can make memes about "remember 2025, when option 3 was in the lead? That was a crazy time".
Why ten years, though, instead of a hundred or just no time limit? Because that way, the end becomes an event. People who voted in the poll when it was just a few hours old can watch the final countdown together, and there's a new point in Tumblr history: That day when we finally all agreed on the best option, and presumably also some important political stuff happened.
Now, granted, most ten year polls would never reach this level of notoriety. But it only takes a few polls like this to be worthwhile. Maybe this shouldn't be an option for users to select, but something the Tumblr website grants/pushes on you at random?
So, yeah. Ten year polls. They should be a thing.
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