What’s your favorite flower?
Think about it, you gotta have one
What’s the worst thing you did as a kid?
I became a barber
What was your first thought this morning?
Did it make you want to go back to sleep?
Name a book you’ve read more than once
Why did you go back there?
How many empty journals do you have?
What are they made of?
Are you afraid of amusement parks?
Will you get on with me anyway?
I want to wear your favorite shirt
You can wear my favorite pants
What parts of your heart get warm when you smile?
Give me the map to get there
Show me your height
Your depth
Tell me why you're here
Why you’re still standing
Do you remember your dreams?
Were you sleeping?
If your world collapsed would you try to hold it?
How long?
Did you get a second chance?
Did you learn how to make it worse?
Where are we?
And what are you doing?
Are you proud of the scene you’re painting?
Is it ready for me yet?
Are marbles just marbles?
Are pens just pens?
Was Dickinson a hypocrite?
Was Whitman just a rambler?
Will I see you tomorrow?
Will you know me when I walk up?
Should I bring flowers just in case?
Will we place them in all the guns aimed at you?
Are you hearing me now?
How do the flowers smell?
They didn’t cost much
You are expensive
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Man’s Bestfriend
It is nice
To have an awkward
Ramble of a conversation
With him today
After she only
Proved to me what
I didn’t want to
I am at
Her beck and call
I am on a leash
But she’s not even
Holding it anymore
She’s tied it to a tree
And walked away to
Catch her breath
I cannot decide
If I
Must be a good dog
And sit patiently
Or if it is time to
Chew up my leash and
Run from a negligent owner
What if
She doesn't come back
What If I wait here
Loving her
Until I starve
Is that the price
Of loyalty?
But then
If I do run away
There’s the possibility
No shelter
No food
No warmth
And what then?
Do I turn and
Go right back to her?
Do I bite the hand?
Or depend on it
I could learn
A thing
Or two
From the cat
Who wears no collar
And answers to no name
And yet somehow
Finds a home
Just the same
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Things That Don’t Matter
They kicked me out of my bed again
The united nations is the supreme court of the world
Blood is prettier than the cut it comes out of
Cute pictures only cheer me up on my feet
I would steal my brothers clothes if I could
It does not feel like a birthday
He is not as bad, when he’s listening
I’m going to a doctor soon
The uke hasn’t left it’s case
I am already sick of this poem
You showed up at the worst time
I enjoy math when there is nothing else
Spoons will be the death of me
The boy is more confusing than any girl
I need to get out but can’t
The store was closed today
I will never read everything I need to
I have not had pretzels in a year
My dad is not home
Reference books are for one night only
My chest hurts
I need a new watch
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I am not hungry
As I pull a container
week old chicken salad
To the counter
For rolls
There are no more rolls
Only white bread
But my tongue cannot
Imagine a more disgusting
Than the slip, squish
Of white bread and cold chicken drenched in mayo
Out of fear of breaking
The not throwing up streak for today
I make toast
I make toast and it takes two tries
Before I burn it blacker than
Wants toast
I slather the chicken sloppily
On a piece and close it before
My eyes get in it
I eat it and dread each new bite
I stop halfway
No sane person would keep eating
No sane person would've made it to begin with
No sane person would stop and talk to my mother
My words fly and hit her glasses
Fall to her uber interesting phone screen
And bounce back at me like a
Rubber band, I
Pick it up and put it on my wrist for later
Despite knowing It will snap in my
Trembling hands after an hour
I am not hungry
My hunger bled out this morning in a cold
And is somewhere below our city now
My hands cannot bring anything good forth
Everything I touch turns bad
I touch myself
While studying shakespeare
I cry while Othello kills himself
And I follow suit wrapping myself
In this prison I call a bed
I pull the pillow
And my hand
Has a smell
It is not me
Like it should be
It is toast
It is burnt toast
It is the burning in my chest
The smoky blistering burning
That hasn’t stopped no matter
How many times I drown myself
I am burnt toast that someone
Forgot to put butter on
And they eat anyway
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If Summer were a week
It’d be four days
Summer was a pool noodle fight
And bathingsuit insecurities
Wrapped in a towel, hid under
A can of rootbeer and a bunch of
I’m gonna miss yous
Summer was listening
To a scary movie underneath a
Cold blanket on your
Boyfriend’s family’s couch
So tired
Summer was sleeping in the middle
Hot and Cold
Y’all dropping me off
Wearing a hat and sweat
Walking through a door
Having the first
Pleasant conversation i’d had
With my mom in
A while
Summer was showering
Falling asleep to
Rap music that
I wasn’t sure if I liked yet
Summer was pizza and a brownie
With icing on top
Game Night with my drama teacher’s
Laughing at “gifted” jokes
So tired
Summer was riding to Brunswick
Eating an arby’s roast beef
Wandering through
Dick’s sporting Goods
Looking at all the things I keep
Telling myself I need to do
Summer was a lowcountry boil
And an impromptu “frasority”
Slumber party, us four
Summer was a lonely coffee
A breakfast balanced on
Outside spider webs
Getting roasted for my
Morning music playlist
Summer was cleaning a bathroom,
Last man standing,
Too hot pizza rolls,
Inappropriate movies,
Being screamed at when the fun
Was over
Summer was thinking about a movie for
Much longer than I
If summer was last year
It made no sense
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Full Bloom
Perhaps It is normal
To hate the exes
Of someone
You love
But there is nothing
About my hatred
For you
From What she has told me
You’re the
“Despicable Human being”
I don’t know everything
But here’s what i see
She was way out of your league
But she was also naive and did not
See that
Somehow she liked you
And that
Sent your confidence soaring
You little insecure piece of shit
You needed someone else
to give you your worth
And once you had it
You took her’s too
What went through your head man?
“Wow that was easy”
“Let me look for more affection elsewhere”
“It’s not like i’m dating the most
Amazing girl ever”
“Let me do something that I know
Would hurt her”
Barely into the relationship at all
And you’ve already done the worst
Thing you could do
And yet
She stayed
She stayed despite knowing
It wasn’t okay
Because that’s who she is
She puts everyone else first
She put what you wanted
And you thrived in it
Then what?
Time goes on
And she gives up pieces of herself
And you stomp on them
You try to fill voids in yourself
(That can only be filled by self-fulfillment)
With anything she could find left inside her
And that wasn’t enough
She was never enough for you
Because something happened to you
Something that made you like this
Something that ripped you up
And instead of accepting that
You chose to ruin
The most beautiful girl in the world
You said things
Awful things
You said them until
They were inked on her skin
Invisible ink
Nobody else can see it
But she looks at her arm
And sees it there on her wrist
And each time she feels
A pull
To cut it off
You brainwashed her
With unlimited contradictions
Until she thought everything
That isn’t love
She told me once
That you made her feel like she was
In a forest fire
You were raging
Destroying everything in her
And she didn’t have the strength
To run to water
I don’t know if it’s true
But someone told me
That you fucked her
While she was sleeping once
It should say something that
I wasn’t surprised at all
To hear you’d raped her too
I don’t really know you
But I understand the person
You are
I know you have so many
I know that you need help
But you don’t think you do
I know that you will go on like this
I know
That you did all this
And you’re getting away
You don’t have to stay
And live in the ruins
Of her forest
You don’t have to see
The trees
Black and lifeless
The ground bare and burnt
You don’t have to see her
Hopelessly trying to pour water
On ashes
I know that you don’t care
And that you will carry on
Knowing you left her
But I also know
That you will never get to see her
When she grows back
When the grass is soft
And thick
And tickles her feet
When new trees come forth
Stronger, taller
Calling for birds
To build their nests
And sing
When flowers will grow
Not to be plucked
When trees stretch out
And are not cut down
When life flows through her veins
Like a river again
Do not deserve to walk through
Her woods
You do not deserve
To warm yourself
In her sunlight
There is no-one
That will ever deserve her
In her Spring
No-one who will ever
Deserve her presence
You never did
And I never will
That is where our similarities end my friend
Because I still have a chance
To see her
Full bloom
And if she’ll let me
I want to be there
To water the flowers
In her open fields
I want to be there
To point at her smile
And say
This is all the warmth we’ll ever need
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