imugei · 6 years
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what’s wrong with secretary kim? : appreciation post | vice chairman’s casual wear
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imugei · 6 years
[ shift ] * JISUNG @ CHUN
SOFT EDITION  /  @fflamed
             you  smile  soft,  as  jisung’s  fingers  brush  aside  a  few  strands  of  stray  hair.  you  stay  quiet  for  awhile,  leaning  your  head  as  your  eyes  slide  closed  in  content.  you  have  so  much  to  be  thankful  for,  so  many  times  you’ve  nearly  given  up  on  this  world--  and  someone  comes  around  to  remind  you  of  the  goodness  you  crave.  no  one  can  truly  understand  the  weariness  immortality  can  bring  when  you  invest  yourself  so  much  into  human  whims,  unless  they’ve  experienced  it  first  hand.  you’re  used  to  endings,  despite  living  an  immortal  life.  you  give  everything,  because  if  you  can  provide  even  fleeting  happiness  before  you  reach  the  end,  you’d  jump  off  cliffs.  
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                          maybe  it’s  okay,  to  have  this  and  not  think--  just  feel.                          maybe  it’s  okay  to  love  him,  just  as  simple  as  that. 
             you  catch  his  hand,  once  he  starts  to  pull  back--  lips  grazing  colder  knuckles  before  your  smile  pulls  to  one  side.  ❛  a  second  longer  ?  ❜❜  it  feels  too  incredulous,  as  you  walked  this  earth  a  thousand  years  over...  and  yet  even  the  slightest  touch  from  him  and  you’re  heart  pulls  in  a  way  that  you  know--  you  don’t  want  an  ending  with  him.  you  want  a  forever  too.
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imugei · 6 years
send one to see how my muse reacts  /  soft edition.
[ trail ] for your muse to start a trail of kisses down my muses neck. 
[ shift ] for your muse to move hair off my muses face.
[ stroke] for your muse to gently stoke my muse’s face.
[ chin ] for your muse to gently grab my muses chin.
[ tuck ] to place a blanket on my muse.
[ wrap ] for your muse to walk into the room and say nothing before wrapping their arms around my muse. 
[ fidget ] for your muse to comfort mine during a bad dream.
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mines hair.
[ sponge ] for your muse to give my muse a sponge bath.
[ drape ] for your muse to help pull off / unzip my muses clothing
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imugei · 6 years
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The boyfriend in question:
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requested by @acupofchar
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imugei · 6 years
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“Does it remind you of the dark days?” “I just feel bad for him.” “When you were his age, did you do bad things a lot?” “I made others do bad things.”
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imugei · 6 years
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Dumb and Dumber
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imugei · 6 years
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Powers: Pyrokinesis
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imugei · 6 years
❛please don’t blame yourself.❜ ( hae @ chun )
             oh,  how  the  tables  have  turned.  your  eyes  stinging  as  they  hold  back  tears–  your  head  spinning  as  you  desperately  try  to  hold  onto  some  sense  under  the  influence.  you  haven’t  drank  so  much  since  dahyun,  and  it’s  fitting–  since  you  might  as  well  have  lost  dal  forever  too.  ❛ she’s  right,  it’s  my  fault.  i  don’t  even  have  a  right  to  try  and  argue  otherwise.  i  shouldn’t  have  been  careless,  not  with  humans.  it’s  my  fault  she’s  hurting.  that  she’s  so  alone  right  now.  ❜❜  
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             at  the  very  least,  the  idiot  kid  should  have  lived  out  this  life.  it  was  only  his  second.  they  should’ve  had  time  to  plan  this  out.  ❛  i’m  so  sorry,  hae.  ❜❜  not  words  you’re  used  to,  but  your  tongue  is  loose,  as  is  your  mind.  you  can’t  pretend  that  it  doesn’t  hurt,  you  can’t  pretend  the  world  can’t  suffocate  you–  not  anymore.  your  head  leans  on  the  curve  of  his  shoulder,  as  you  command  the  collected  tears  not  to  spill.  but  what  power  did  you  have  ?  when  the  world  reminds  you  that  you  constantly  lose  everyone  you  love  ?
             you’re  used  to  blame,  used  to  being  seen  as  the  weak  link.  you  just  never  expected  this  to  hurt  as  much  when  she  denied  them  all  to  see  her.  ❛  i  just  couldn’t  stand  the  thought  of  loosing  her.  ❜❜
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imugei · 6 years
* ∘ ∙ — soft sentence starters (pt.4)
tw for suicidal thoughts.
❛i used to be a better person.❜
❛everything tastes like blood, now.❜
❛i’m not easy to love.❜
❛you motivate me to make myself a better person.❜
❛do you ever feel worthless?❜
❛i pretend a lot of shit doesn’t get to me.❜
❛if the world gets too cold & lonely, don’t worry. i’ll protect you.❜
❛the world has always been cruel.❜
❛please don’t forget me.❜
❛i wish i could love you right.❜
❛there’s a reason i can’t love.❜
❛i’ve always been prepared to die.❜
❛maybe i did get my hopes up too high.❜
❛god, i’m so in love with you.❜
❛remember that you can’t save everyone.❜
❛i want to be loved, it aches within my ribs.❜
❛they aren’t even nightmares; they’re memories.❜
❛i’ll protect you.❜
❛there’s a reason why i wander alone.❜
❛you deserve the world, & i can’t give it to you.❜
❛i’m afraid that somebody else might take my place.❜
❛i’m a horrible person & i know it.❜
❛i’d sell my soul & turn myself inside out to make sure no one i love gets hurt again.❜
❛maybe i should just die.❜
❛i wish i wasn’t so fucked up.❜
❛would you fall in love with me?❜
❛i just want the freedom to make my own mistakes.❜
❛i’m not yours to control.❜
❛i always think that one of these days you’ll leave me behind.❜
❛i’m not good at relationships.❜
❛i wonder why i’m still running.❜
❛love me or hate me. just choose one, please.❜
❛trust the magic of beginnings.❜
❛remember all of the places we could’ve gone?❜
❛you were born to chase the stars.❜
❛as long as you’re happy, don’t worry about me.❜
❛i could disappear forever & it wouldn’t make a difference.❜
❛sorry to bother you again.❜
❛please don’t blame yourself.❜
❛you deserve much better.❜
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imugei · 6 years
‘stay for me.’
‘what’s this between us?’
‘i don’t want your apology.’
‘you know i have feelings for you.’
‘yeah, i remember the drill.’
‘you’ve never hurt me. ever.’
‘then leave her/him/them. at home.’
‘i don’t believe it.’
‘this is breaking my heart.’
‘you met me at a very strange time in my life.’
‘what keeps you up at night?’
‘i wish you were here.’
‘i let you down.’
‘something strange happened here.’
‘you’re not safe here.’
‘i wasn’t ready to say goodbye.’
‘we are not the same, and never will be.’
‘don’t touch me.’
‘is it my fault?’
‘i’m not like them.’
‘i forgot my name again.’
‘i don’t know who i am.’
‘your fear of looking stupid is holding you back.’
‘are you still alive?’
‘i don’t like being told what to do.’
‘am i making you uncomfortable?’
‘nobody cares if you don’t go to the party.’
‘it was supposed to be fun, and you ruined it.’
‘where the hell are my friends?’
‘stop pretending life doesn’t terrify you.’
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imugei · 6 years
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         ❝ they are just papers, if they fall they fall. ❞ his tone was flat as he stared at the arrangement of his next exhibition. don’t let it fall, this is days of work before him.  it was going to be a timeline of photography, starting with a portrait created with lead then to a digital photo reproduced on a screen. and if chun kept flinging rubber bands at him, the god would resort to snapping.  ❝ chun, i swear if you– ❞ turning around sharply, he glared at his friend teeth snarling.  ❝ if you fling that and mess this up, even dahyun won’t be able to save your life. what i ate the sandwich you got me. what else could i do for you? ❞ 
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      EMPTY  WORDS,  you’re  sure  of  it.  if  they  fall  it’ll  only  spark  a  chain  reaction--  a  horrible  one.  ❛  you  swear  what  ?  the  worst  i  get  is  a  few  broken  bones  and  considering  our  long  friendship, i’ve  gotten  quite  used  to  that.  ❜❜  your  words  hold  no  bite  as  you’ve  grown  to  care  less  &  less  about  being  flung  from  one  side  of  a  room  to  another.  ❛ -- and  you  know,  I  HAVE  A  BIT  OF  TROUBLE  BELIEVING  THAT.  ❜❜  now  your  bored  expression  turns  near  cat  like,  smile  wide  and  amused.  ❛  she’ll  always  save  my  life  !  and  i  doubt  you’d  truly  fight  her,  though  she’d  still  definitely  knock  you  on  the  floor.  ❜❜  but  to  the  point  now,  ❛  you  were  still  thinking  about  work  when  you  were  eating  it.  lunch  is  supposed  to  be  rejuvenating  time  and  you  aren’t  doing  it  properly.  i’d  know.  ❜❜
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imugei · 6 years
            ❛  those  stacks  of  papers  are  going  to  fall,  you  know.  ❜❜  not  that  you’re  lending  a  hand  to  help  in  the  matter.  in  fact  your  attention  lies  between  the  rubber  bands  in  your  hands,  carefully  starting  to  aim  them  in  hae’s  general  direction.  ❛  whatever  you’re  working  on  can  wait  an  hour  or  two--  you  and  dal  really  like  to  test  the  limits  to  disregarding  taking  care  of  yourselves  when  you  get  invested  in  something.  ❜❜  in  the  last  moment  before  you  let  the  band  fling,  you  position  it  to  hit  the  stack  of  papers--  knowing  just  for  a  moment  he’ll  have  to  pay  you  a  second  of  attention  to  stop  the  incoming  avalanche.   //    @fflamed
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imugei · 6 years
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           how lucky he was, to know that despite everything, despite the pain of being reborn more times than a human should. despite knowing how short their time together was, they always searched for each other, yearned for each other, loved each other. you know this dal. oh, how can four words make her breath catch. how she slowly lifted her head, it was a silent agreement that they never mentioned him. not by name, not even by a subtle reference. but it was him, it was hoojin, the only one that could possibly understand.  ❝ do i? i wouldn’t mind forgetting. ❞  she whispered quietly as she slumped into the couch.   ❝ forgetting seems easier. to forget all the good, the bad, the in between. maybe then it wouldn’t hurt as much. maybe then this cycle would end. ❞
            he was always soft with her. gentle when he touched her. reassuring that he was there, that he would always be there. she was lucky to have such good friends as she did. she was lucky to have friends that cared, friends that were like a second family. ❝ what if i make the wrong choice again? what if i choose to forgive him? what if i choose to let him in again only for him to choose someone else, because in the end, immortals aren’t supposed to be loved by mortals. –because, maybe the third choice is to run away.  ❞           
            “  that’s  what  the  alcohol  is  for  then,  hm  ?  ”  you  don’t  want  to  rip  the  wound  any  more  than  you  have  already.  but  as  you  gaze  into  her  eyes,  hear  the  ghostly  whisper  of  her  words,  so  hollow,  remnants  of  grief  and  immense  pain–  you  can’t  help  but  follow  her  there.  she  shouldn’t  be  alone  in  such  a  dark  place.  “  if  you  truly  mean  that,  you  know  i’d  search  for  a  way.  just  tell  me.  ”  you  don’t  advertise  such  desires,  it  was  reckless  to  wish  for  forgetfulness  as  a  good–  and  yet,  if  anyone  deserved  it…  you  would  cross  worlds  to  bring  her  a  little  peace  of  mind.
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            “  i  don’t  think  we  could  categorize  our  choices  quite  as  simple  between  right  or  wrong.  i’m  sure  you’re  brother  would  disagree  with  me  but…  don’t  you  think  both  choices  hurt  anyway  ?  to  forgive  him,  while  unknowing  if  he  will  chose  you  in  everything  you  are…  or  to  ignore  him,  knowing  he’s  out  there  and  you’ll  live  on  without  knowing  if  his  love  would  be  different.  ”  and  you’ve  lived  this  cycle–  wondering  which  pain  would  outweigh  the  other.  to  let  your  lover  finally  be  at  peace  and  be  without  her  forever,  or  watch  her  share  the  love  you  have  for  her  only  to  be  ripped  away  because  of  her  mortality.  in  the  end,  regret  is  your  one  fear,  and  so  you  live  on.
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imugei · 6 years
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         what words could she possibly say? should she ask him to stop? to turn away and forget about her, to live a life without her.  but then would she not have felt incomplete, empty? always searching for something to fill that strange void that she felt. as if she was supposed to meet someone that never appeared. she must have loved him very much. to be able to feel it in her veins, to feel her heart race when she first locked eyes with him. to feel like she could breathe once more. she must have died loving him. ❝ you’re an idiot. ❞ she whispered back hands clenching and unclenching. as if that would change the fact that all she wanted to do was hold his hand. 
        she must have loved him so much that she was willing to die and come back just to meet him again. ❝ you shouldn’t have to wait around for me. you shouldn’t have to. you aren’t obligated to love me. ❞ stupid words, hurtful words that she wished she could take back. but she wondered how many times they’ve come to this part of their lives. finding each other, falling all over again, until her ending came. ❝ i must have been really cruel in my first life. to have asked you to wait for me. to have asked you to find me. i feel like i should apologize.❞ 
             ❛  people  like  to  remind  me  that  i  am,  you’ve  never  been  exempt  from  that.  ❜❜  you  smile,  almost  believing  it  as  a  term  of  endearment  from  her  lips.  you  don’t  believe  that  you’re  an  idiot  for  her,  because  if  she  were  the  only  one  to  bring  you  happiness,  it  only  made  sense  to  find  her  every  time.  however,  if  you’d  have  to  live  with  the  new  title,  so  be  it.  you’d  be  their  fool  to  have  your  love  with  her.
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             ❛  whether  i  wait  for  you  or  not,  that’s  my decision.  as  it’s  yours,  if  you’d  want  to  be  free  from  all  of  this.  from  me.  if  you  want  a  normal  cycle  of  life,  not  bound  to  mine--  i’ll  sever  the  tie.  it  was  only  after  a  few  of  your  lifetimes  did  i  realize  i  would  never  be  the  one  to  leave  you  behind.  even  if  it’s  cruel.  even  as  i  have  to  watch  you  leave  me  every  time.  you’ve  given  me  enough  life  to  bare  it.  ❜❜  you  hesitate  a  moment  before  holding  out  an  outstretched  palm.  maybe  this  is  TOO  MUCH,  but  with  her,  your  heart  manages  to  spill  itself  before  you  have  a  chance  to  stop.  you  hold  out  a  hand,  in  hopes  to  soothe  her,  not  just  tell   her  your  love--  BUT  SHOW  HER.
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imugei · 6 years
Jealousy meme
requested by @momokitty27​! i set it up into a few different categories so it’s not just for couples but for a whole range of relationships!
for couples
“I noticed them checking you out.”
“Were you checking them out?”
“So… they’re good-looking, right?”
“Don’t lie to me and say you don’t think they’re hot.”
“Just admit that you like them.”
“Come on; even I know that they’re hotter than me.”
“It’s not fair that they get to be around you all day and I don’t.”
“They were hitting on you.”
‘I know you liked it when they were hitting on you.”
“Would you like me more if I was more like them?”
“They’re not (funnier / cuter / better looking ) than me, are they?”
“Are you going to leave me for them?”
“Would you leave me for them if you had the chance?”
for characters talking to their unrequited crush
“You deserve better than them.”
“They’re not even that good-looking.”
“What do you see in them?”
“Why do you stay with them?”
“Wanna tell me what they did to upset you this time?”
“If I had someone as wonderful as you, I would (never forget our anniversaries / always cherish you / etc).”
“You should just leave them.”
for characters talking about their ex
“I wonder what they’re doing right now.”
“Their new (boyfriend / girlfriend / datemate) isn’t right for them.”
“I can’t stop thinking about them with their new (boyfriend / girlfriend / datemate).”
“They moved on so quickly.”
“I get angry thinking about anyone else having them, even though I don’t have them myself.”
“Do you think they were cheating on me with their new (boyfriend / girlfriend / datemate) before we broke up?”
“They never looked at me like they look at them.”
for friends
“I noticed you hanging out with (character’s name) lately.”
“You hung out with them and didn’t invite me?”
“I feel like a third-wheel.”
“They’re pretty fun, right?”
“Maybe I shouldn’t come and let you two hang out together instead.”
“I know that they’re more interesting than me.”
“You two have more in common, anyways.”
“It’s alright; I have other friends.”
for children characters talking to their parents
“No! I don’t want a new (brother / sister)!”
“You like (sibling’s name) more than me.”
“If I get a new (brother / sister), you’re going to love them more.”
“We haven’t played together since you had the baby.”
“I hate my (brother / sister)!”
“They’re not better than me! They can’t even use the bathroom right!”
“Am I hotter than that person?”
“So many people have achieved so much by this age, yet here I am.”
“I’m a better (cook / surfer / etc) than them.”
“They’re not even that good at (cooking / surfing / etc)…”
“I look better in this than them, right?”
“Do you think I could pull off that (hat / dress / etc) like them?”
“Whatever; I’m not jealous.”
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imugei · 6 years
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Yoo In Na for Marie Claire
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imugei · 6 years
chaerin: a study.
NAME: Chaerin / 체린 CURRENT ALIAS: Yoo Rin / 유 린 SPECIES: Kumiho  PRONOUNS: she / her pronouns AGE: 210 years old BIRTH DATE: February 2, 1808 LANGUAGE: Korean, Japanese, and beginner English OCCUPATION: CEO & Founder of Yeuwoo Cosmetics  ORIENTATION: Biromantic / Bisexual - preference towards women
EYE COLOR: Black HAIR COLOR: Brown  HEIGHT: 5ft 4in  BODY BUILD: Lean TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: None / Standard ear piercings + Helix   NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Beauty mark under her left eyebrow  FACE CLAIM: Yoo In Na
INTELLIGENCE: Source of immense Wisdom and intellect of East Asian philosophy  DEADLY SINS: Lust / Gluttony / Greed / Sloth / WRATH / Envy / PRIDE HEAVENLY VIRTUES: Chasity / Temperance / CHARITY / DILIGENCE / Patience / GRATITUDE / Humility / Kindness MYRES-BRIGGS TYPE: INTJ - The Architect   ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral  TEMPERMENT: Melancholic  
Being born only a century before the japanese occupation of korea, in an isolated forest guarded with protections, chaerin remained sheltered from the outside world. as western influences took away the importance of traditional beliefs and practices, the kumiho’s source of wisdom and benevolence became a myth.
As kumiho’s villages started to become revealed by hunters who’ve done extent knowledge on supernatural creatures throughout East Asia, many kumiho retaliated when their village in the forests were rounded up. 
Because they didn’t submit to the Japanese forces and killed / wounded soldiers, the army created the violent image of the korean kumiho to support the demonization of korean traditional religions / folklore, the west encouraged. they claimed the negative message was as a means of ‘protecting’ the korean people from vile creatures. in the mean time, many scientists that crossed the line between magic and science hunted creatures for their rare remains / experimented on those captured alive 
A wealthy japanese nobleman’s men capture Chaerin who’s been left behind due to an injury during the raid of her home. she was found after have been hiding and starving for days in a weakened state, pinned under the remains of her once peaceful and prosperous village that encouraged the spread of education. The nobleman’s mystified idealist romanticism over the occupation of Korea lead him to force Chaerin to be his mistress and bring her back to Japan as a source of good fortune to his family. 
Fox spirits being a positive symbol in Japanese culture, he believed she would be a good asset for his benefit. Not only can she bring good fortune to his family, but he’s being the savior of the poor joseon woman who lost everything ( by his hands ). 
After six months of being in Japan, chaerin succeeded in being a nearly mute obedient mistress to the nobleman. He hadn’t forced himself on her, instead revealed to her that one day she’d willingly come to him once he’s taught her the etiquette of his homeland. one night, when most of the family were asleep— under the guise of seducing him, chaerin muffled his screams with a pillow while ripping his heart out of his chest. in that moment, releasing the monster he so proudly claimed to have tamed. The monster that she never was but would be in his demise. 
Running away while an investigation takes place, Chaerin wanders into a zainichi korean slum and found refugee with a korean family who lead the underground following of korean traditional religion ( which would be the past generations of hauen’s family ). Not accepting the corrupted narrative of the man eating kumiho which was a source of evil, they protected the young girl as one of their own.
They keep chaerin hidden in a fake wall of a broom closet whenever suspicions arose, allowing her to stay. when the men of the household questioned her ability to stay, she would provide wisdom and advice for the family’s future for generations till the end of the Korean War. By then, she and haeun’s grandmother migrated back to South Korea where they eventually meet chun who hires them to study supernatural remedies as that’s one of the cha family’s specialties. he encourages their research in hope to help dahyun who’s still asleep in the southern sea.
While slowly intergrating back into her home country and learning to engage in the growing world, chaerin was able to find a passion in creating and art. with time she began working with cosmetics as a free expression and with some help from chun, created her own cosmetic brand: yeuwoo cosmetics. overtime of her own creations, chaerin acknowledged she was much more than her trauma, more than the isolation she suffered. she was never the monster, the scapegoat that they wanted. she would create what her existence means, what will come out of it.
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