in-cara-gible · 1 hour
the funniest sports bit right now is the Chicago White Sox on twitter after they lose again
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in-cara-gible · 1 hour
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apparently not everyone is aware of james fitzjames inshallah so.
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in-cara-gible · 3 hours
sorry boss i can't come in today. yeah they positively identified james fitzjames's remains and his bones have cut marks consistent with cannibalism
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in-cara-gible · 19 hours
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I see a lot of people in the aroace community on here talk about how we should have a pride gradient aroace tag, but I rarely see people bring up the possibility of other aspec pride gradient tags for identities of similar levels of specificity to aroace, like alloaro or alloace. As much as I would love to have an aroace colored tag, I think we’re setting our sights too low here.
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
ALSO i love you podcasts being largely removed from the capitalistic ideas that leak into big name shows and movies i love you podcasts not feeling the need to be advertiser friendly i love you podcasts produced in someone's closet out of genuine love and passion for the project i love you so much and you mean the world to me
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
we used to have mercymorn
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
fucked up that you can’t just shoplift a semester of college
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
at least the colour green exists
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
too many songs about relations to other people. where are the songs for bitches who dont know anyone
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
high school is soo funny in hindsight. the entire time you're there thinking it's the most important period of your life and then the second you're out you're like well that was fucking stupid
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
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in-cara-gible · 3 days
showing up at class every day like 'one education please'
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in-cara-gible · 4 days
look, I know in the green is first and foremost a narrative about trauma and recovery, but I think there's also something to be said about it as a reflection of queer experiences as well. like yes it's based on the lives of very real people but bear with me here.
I'm thinking along the lines of jutta as this mentor/parental figure presenting hildegard with the 'correct' way of existing. watch wait try dig and if you work hard enough everything will work out. I'm thinking about hildegard not even knowing there was any other way to be until she created one for herself. you have to let yourself be broken to see the light in the dark. you have to stop being what they want you to be before you can become yourself.
maybe im grasping at straws here but I can't help seeing my own experiences as an aspec individual in this story. I'm remembering growing up in a religious household. the way I had next to no awareness of the existence of queer people until I was almost sixteen. the feeling that I was somehow not quite the same as those around me but if i did what they told me, everything would be fine. the years I spent waiting on a future I never wanted. the time i spent trying to come to terms with what that meant for me.
like maybe in the green isn't supposed to be about being queer but to me it's about being queer. it's about no one out there wanted you and it's about keep the beast in the cage, on a leash and it's about all I ever wanted was to be free. it's about being queer and it's about being, fullstop.
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in-cara-gible · 4 days
ppl should be normal about loveless aromantics and plato averse apls actually. like. neither of those things are a moral failing. "b-but you can't not love! you can't not want to forge friendships! we're social creatures we need connection!!" i don't feel either of those things so uh. cope i guess.
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in-cara-gible · 4 days
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I finally finished Silt Verses Q~Q (emotional damage)
Tried to figure out how I want her to look like more precisely, I think the one in a black coat matches the best??
AH ALSO! I'm running out of ideas on what to draw If you want you can ask me to draw sth... If you want👉👈 (not nsfw tho plz hehe)
So here's some Carpenter sketches and.. that.. thing.... I love how awful that line is ( I suck at drawing comercials my art style's too messy)
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in-cara-gible · 4 days
HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION to answer even if you're not a virgin: somehow, you become pregnant as a virgin. you don't know anything about the origin and nature of the pregnancy beyond this. that is to say you have no way of actually knowing if this is a son of god situation.
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in-cara-gible · 4 days
you blog long enough and you stop making jokes. start posting at two week intervals. shit like "i saw a bug today" and "the visions are getting worse"
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