in-the-wych-elm · 2 months
✹ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✹
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Phobos & Deimos Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
Irish Deities:
Subtle Brigid Worship - created by @psychopomp-recital
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I may have to make extra posts due to the fact that you can only have 100 links per post.
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in-the-wych-elm · 10 months
Ritual to Call Someone to You
This ritual only works if you have met the person previously. If sending them a text or giving them a call is something you can do easily, it will fail. It will only stir if your subconscious knows that this is the only solution available.
STEP 1: Summon their subconscious.
On a night when the moon is a waxing crescent, be alone where the floor is stone or wooden. Think of the person’s face as you light a white taper candle. Place it in front of you. Use the wax to make it stand up on the floor. Do not use a candlestick. That will block the light from reaching the person’s vibrations.
STEP 2: Recreate the environment.
Turn off all the other lights except for the candle’s. If natural or artificial light is coming in from a window, block it. Mimic your position when you first or last met this person. If you were standing then, do so again now. If you were sitting or lying down, then position yourself similarly.
STEP 3: Rewrite the interaction.
Take deep breaths to calm your mind. Then close your eyes and imagine your previous meeting. But this time, tweak it. If the person stormed out in anger, then this time around, imagine them calming down and staying with you. If the meeting was somehow cut short, this time, make it last for as long as you want.
STEP 4: Request their presence.
With your consciousness still in the imagined environment, tell the other person why you wish to meet again. No matter how shameful or embarrassing the reason may be, you need to be clear and honest. Telepathy rarely works when your thoughts are deceptive.
STEP 5: Send them on their way.
Imagine them leaving. If in your mind, you are in a bus station, see the bus arriving, and them getting on it. if you are in a bedroom, see them walking towards the door and closing it behind them. Whatever you do, do not leave the session without closure. You would be trapping their subconscious.
STEP 6: Wait for them to respond.
Open your eyes and blow out the candle. Do not use a snuffer. Your breath should extinguish the light, as a way to say goodbye. Then get on with your life. The person will reach out to you once they have had the time to digest the emotion-powered messages you sent their subconscious.
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in-the-wych-elm · 10 months
opening your heart to Aphrodite is like:
a sudden burst of self love, you look in the mirror and you see the best version of yourself reflected
a heightened sense of adoration for your partner - i just looked at him and was so overcome by the love i felt that i burst into tears
inescapable yearning for the ocean, the ocean, the ocean
seeing the beauty in even the tiniest of things - have you seen light reflecting from the droplets on a spiders web? that is ethereal.
feeling a little more vivacious in what you do, but also more gentle
realising she's been around you the whole time, you just had to open your eyes
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in-the-wych-elm · 1 year
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
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🚿Inspiration Rain—Timeless Tarot Guidance for 🐞🐍â›Č🐝ALL SIGNS
With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗)
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Scorpio is often associated with vengeance and you may think that's a bad thing. But this in itself is a strong desire. If you know how to navigate the channels of your convoluted heart and utilise Scorpio's energy for your heartfelt goals, even vengeance becomes a rain of inspiration.
But remember, rain doesn't last forever. It comes and goes, pretty quickly, too. It's up to your intellect what you wish to do with it when it's around and also when it's not around. Chances rise and fall and opportunities are sometimes missed, but if you keep your eyes on the prize, Scorpio's badassery will get you there.
☆â™Ș°・. energetic intro ☆â™Ș°・.
Timeless☘ as it may be, this reading is sponsored by May's Full Moon in Scorpio which was also an immensely powerful Total Lunar Eclipse. That Scorpio Lunar Eclipse brought about an abrupt ending to people's mental status quo which corresponds with a sense of being stuck in boredom. No matter how safe that boredom may look like, it just doesn't feel right. Right?
Inspiration Rain for 🐞Fire Signs
Before you think about status or other societal achievements, remember that it is the heart that will show you the correct path.
🐏Aries – 10 of Pentacles Rx
There’s an air of dissatisfaction with your physical reality—it could be about money or family, or the environment you’re currently stuck in. You’ve been wanting to change this but to no avail, or at least, progress is painfully slow. This is actually caused by your wanting to come up with solutions that are rational—because you’re concerned about your image.
In a manner of speaking, this logical and careful way of thinking is stopping you from truly thriving. Scorpio’s Lunar Eclipse in May brought about a wave of energetic flush so you can be rid of such concerns. You must already be feeling the effects of that by now. Perhaps you’re feeling more daredevil or carefree in the way you approach work. Like you don’t even want to follow convention anymore.
Due to this abrupt change in behaviour, some energetic parasites could be hard at work to disrupt your flow of creativity and abundance, only so you can’t be at peace with your newfound sense of empowered decision-making. Your advice at this time is to maintain your daredevil attitude. Trust this energy: Scorpio is taking care of those energetic anklebiters as you’re reading this. Be expectant to receive a lot of abundance (and a surge of creative energy) when the flush is completely finished!
🩁Leo – 8 of Pentacles
Slow and steady get you to your goals. You’ve been working on (or at least wanting) something dear to your heart, but you feel like you’re still not there yet. At times, this is discouraging and makes you wonder if you’ll ever get there at all. But 8 of Pentacles is acknowledging your hard work and wants you to know you’re super close to your goals.
If you’re still at a dreaming stage, this card is inviting you to begin the first step towards realising/manifesting that goal. Any kind of meaningful achievement will require a lot out of you and may even take a while, but it’s because the learning process is crucial for your growth as a person. Don’t be afraid and just begin with whatever you have right now. You’ll learn how to handle obstacles and challenges as you go. And

If you’re going to work hard at anything at all, make sure it’s something that’s important to your Soul. Everything kills us in the end, so just choose what you enjoy. The end doesn’t justify the means
 you’re not living for the end. You’re alive right now and your happiness and satisfaction matter right now. If you’re gonna grind, if you’re gonna study hard, if you’re gonna break a sweat, if it’s for something that genuinely matters to your Soul, it’s all worth it.
🎠Sagittarius – Page of Cups Rx
It seems you’ve been struggling quite a bit with emotions and other people calling you infantile. Perhaps it’s because your raging emotions and passionate speech give them the wrong idea. You’re not angry—you’re just trying to stress the significance of the issue at hand, but others brush you off as just an immature kid. You may just need to brush up on your communication skill, honestly. Use a bit more of empathy when connecting with others.
You sometimes struggle with being emotionally vulnerable, maybe because you’re afraid of appearing weak or needy. But the truth is, you’re someone who has a lot of feelings, and if you suppress even the gentler aspects of your emotions, you come off as ‘brash’ when you try to be emotive. And then you get misunderstood. And this hurts your many feelings. And then you come across as even more abrasive.
You’re invited to delight in the beauty of being vulnerable, as in, being honest with your not-so-easy to handle emotions. You’ve created an alpha persona because you want to protect yourself, but Love doesn’t come through if your protection is too tight. I guess you could risk looking like a fool for Love. Love beyond just the romantic realm. If you can learn to admit to yourself how much you crave a genuine connection with someone else, I think you might be happier that way.
Oracle Healing for Fire SignsđŸ”»â€ïž
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Inspiration Rain for 🐍Earth Signs
Do you dare challenge conventions? The smart way to go about it is this: be yourself, express your truth, but don’t get yourself killed.
🐂Taurus – King of Cups
Taurus is associated with the throat, and when speaking of the chakra system, this body part is where our authenticity lies. When the Throat chakra is imbalanced, you either become a boastful liar or you never speak your truth at all. Taurus peeps often struggle with authenticity because they fear being disliked. Meanwhile, those who try too hard to maintain authenticity could also instead become disliked for their abrasive truth.
The key to balancing this is the Heart chakra. The Throat chakra can never achieve balance if the Heart is hurting. Whatever has caused your confidence to diminish and heart to become small is impeding the health your Throat chakra—the seat of your confident communication. Remember, humility is a trait of the healthy. People who are struggling with self-esteem find it hard to be humble because they confuse this attribute with weakness or lack.
First of all, strengthen your heart and make peace with the sorrows you’re carrying. Most likely, none of it was your fault anyway. Irresponsible people didn’t know how to be careful with you and they hurt you, and turned you into a rock. But you don’t have to live the rest of your Life as a victim of other people’s bad behaviours. Rise up and you can choose to develop an authentic sense of compassionate power.
đŸ§˜đŸ»â€â™€ïžVirgo – 4 of Cups
What’s the source of your boredom right now? Maybe your heart has begun to want something nobler than worldly pursuits? It’s as if all your routines had become a broken spell; repeating the same things every day and month and year and suddenly, you don’t even know anymore why you’re maintaining all these habits. Even if things are going swimmingly, somehow your heart is still empty.
You need to step out into the Light and take a good look at your spirituality. Astrology-wise, see what’s contained in your 8th, 9th, and 12th Houses. After examining what they have to convey to you about your personal spirituality, try to find ways to prioritise your spiritual satisfaction without compromising your oh-so-important duties. This could be easier said than done, but it isn’t impossible given your tenacity of wonderfully planning out routines😉
The problem with sticking too religiously to routines is that it narrows our field of vision. You’re just needing a slight turn of perspective and you’ll see that joy and happiness are really just around the corner. You just didn’t notice that corner before🍹
🐐Capricorn – 9 of Wands Rx
It seems you’re beginning to realise that you’re exhausted of feeling exhausted all the time. For such a long time, it seems like you’ve only known to live like this—working really hard and facing all kinds of challenges and enduring hardships. Of course, you’re naturally strong and tenacious, but it seems your heart is beginning to refuse suppressing the emotional pains that come with your methods of working. They’re racked up high in your emotional body and this is causing you long periods of lethargy.
Of course, the lethargy is your body’s way of communicating with you what it needs to heal itself from years of your not prioritising it. -Hope that makes sense.- It’s not enough to say you need a vacation. It wouldn’t make a change how much rest or fun you get if it’s your Soul that’s tired. A spiritual approach is now needed.
Self-therapy should be your main focus right now. Make space for quiet moments of reflection and look into your 4th House. This House is ruled by watery Cancer and provides insight into what you need for balancing your emotional needs when you’re in the company of no one else but yourself.
Oracle Healing for Earth SignsđŸ”»đŸ’š
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Inspiration Rain for â›ČAir Signs
There are many sounds/noises in this world that cause us to become mentally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually sick. Noticing what aspects of your Life are out of tune is the first step towards remedying your frustrations.
👯Gemini – 2 of Pentacles
What’s worrying your mind? Are you battling with a sense of losing your identity to the world? Perhaps it’s because you haven’t really allowed your true character to shine. You’re often unsure if the personality you carry is good enough for everybody to like you, so you constantly change and adapt to your surroundings.
But if you make this a permanent state of operating in society, you’ll never be happy with yourself. You’ll forever be needing other people’s approval. And I think, you’re pretty exhausted of chasing after that. You’re beginning to wonder if you could ever be satisfied with just your own Love for yourself. After all, everybody else is constantly talking about self-love.
And that’s a good place to start because your self-analysis will bring you closer to your very own definition of self-love. Wise people usually say: ‘Before you love another, you must be able to love yourself.’ Likewise, always remember that if you want to know how loyal a person is going to be with you, look at how loyal they are to themselves. Can you be this loyal person who first and foremost is loyal to yourself?
⚖Libra – 8 of Wands Rx
There’s an endeavour you’ve been working on that feels like its slow progression is dragging your sanity on the floor. The truth is, what’s slowing it down is your overthinking it. It’s almost like you’re unhealthily attached to the results and so the waiting game is torturing you. And the more miserable you’re feeling about the whole thing, the slower you proceed.
Rather than wasting your energy in this fashion, use it instead to pamper yourself. If things are going slow and there’s not much to do, why not take a vacation? Why not Netflix and chill? If you think you won’t be able to enjoy vacation because your mind is too busy, then meditate and breathe deeply so you release anxiety.
Any notion of you not being able to pamper yourself is your own creation. Remember that your thoughts create your reality. So you must come into a disagreement with the notion of constant self-sacrifice if you want to put a stop to this pattern. Every now and then, you also deserve to be prioritised. It’s not a bad thing to be selfish when you’ve too often been selfless.
đŸșAquarius – 7 of Wands
This thing you’re fighting for, or defending, are you certain it’s worth your mental struggle? You’re sacrificing a lot of your sanity just to keep the peace around you. But what about the peace within you? You need to speak up a little bit more honestly, and hopefully remain respectful and peaceful. But even if harmony can’t be achieved, at least you’ve stated your case and why it matters to you. Anybody who can’t respect that isn’t worth fighting for/with. Leave the situation if it’s possible.
A healthy relationship is one where everybody is aware of their own role/capacity and how everybody can work together to equally contribute to the benefit of all involved. In simple words: equal give and take. But more spiritual still, see it from this perspective:
Somebody who genuinely cares about you will naturally want to shower you with care and attention without you having to ask/demand for it. Likewise, if you genuinely care about somebody, you’ll want to do the same without first being asked. A demanding relationship isn’t a spiritually healthy one, and I think your heart is beginning to yearn for something higher than that.
Oracle Healing for Air SignsđŸ”»đŸ’™
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Inspiration Rain for 🐝Water Signs
When the recurring patterns in your Life provide no easy explanation, it’s probably a matter of generational curses! Are you courageous enough to break them?
🩀Cancer – 4 of Pentacles Rx
Other people’s behaviours often make you feel unsafe walking this Earth. It’s because there are too many demands and expectations that do not respect your sensitive nature. And you work hard to fit in, subsequently disrespecting your own compassionate heart. And yet, no matter how much you’ve tried to harden, you’re still as soft as tofu.
In this world, there’s just no way anybody could find emotional fulfilment by rejecting their authentic self. If you’re frustratingly struggling with this kind of balance revolving myself vs the bigger world, it’s because you haven’t learnt to communicate with honesty. Maybe anxiety gets in the way?
Even if that’s the case, everybody can learn. Maybe writing down your real thoughts and emotions can help. At least in this way, you find structure for your array of emotional ups and downs. After reading what you’ve written, maybe you’ll find it easier to communicate the same verbally the next time you need to do so.
🩂Scorpio – King of Wands
You are naturally blessed with the fervour for greatness. All you need to carry to bring about luck and abundance is confidence in your unique way of perceiving the world. Naturally rebellious, you could shine a light of inspiration upon those seeking to free themselves from the constraints of society. But first, you ought to have strong faith in yourself before you could serve any community.
What do you intend to do with your natural skills? You’re blessed with many talents since birth, so just enjoy yourself and learn one thing at a time—something that you’re currently obsessing over—until eventually enough, you become a master of diverse skillsets. What make you skilful are your passion and the dedication you put into your endeavours.
Whatever line of work you may be involved in, your creativity is at the forefront of your conscious decision-making. You’re a natural-born artist, so don’t ever put aside this aspect of yourself. You’re an eccentric no matter how hard you try to hide this.
🎏Pisces – Queen of Cups Rx
Pisces peeps are always known to be empathetic, but this may not always bode positive experiences. Your ability to feel other people’s pains may burden your psyche so much that you eventually learn to cast aside your empathy—then you become a cruel bitch. In another scenario, the same ability may turn you into an annoying martyr; subsequently destroying the health of your self-esteem, too.
It’s often been said that being Pisces ain’t easy just because the world ain’t a friendly place for a compassionate heart like yours. But we can learn healthy coping mechanisms. As boring as it may sound, Pisces needs to pour a lot of Love into themselves before anybody else gets a taste of that. The main reason being the development of a strong confidence in what you have to offer someone else. Your affection is expensive, you know!
Originally, you have the heart of a Lover and you’re very kind. So you ought to take care of this wonderful quality. Don’t give this crazy world a chance to turn your heart stone cold, otherwise, in the long run, you’re gonna be the only one hurting.
Oracle Healing for Water SignsđŸ”»đŸ’›
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌾
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Feel free to support me on Patreon if you love this kind of content🍑I create stories and tarot readings that calm the mind & heal from within🍒
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
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Mars Day/ Tyr's Day
The day of strength, courage, passion, war, marriage and initiation. Sacred to Mars, Ares, the Morrighan, and other gods of battle and glory. Associated with colours like bright red and orange.
*All images are from Pinterest*
Happy Tuesday! I hope your week has gotten off to a great start :)
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
Tip for ex-Christian/culturally Christian pagans & such:
This does depend a bit on what type of belief system you’re getting into - but one thing you may need to work on is dismantling your perception of the divine as inherently hierarchical. This can include dismantling ideas like: -A perception of sky deities as inherently more just, loving, and powerful than earth gods. -The assumption that big, powerful deities are more deserving of your time and attention than local spirits/wights. -The belief that transcendent deities are more worthy of your time/attention than deities associated with the earthly plane. -The assumption that deities are to be obeyed without question. -The belief that there is an essential difference between humanity and the divine, and that humans are somehow lowly, disgusting creatures. (A number of gods started out as venerated ancestors!) -The belief that your worth/value as a person is defined by your relationship to a divine being and how faithfully you serve them. -The belief that deities are inherently better than you, and are therefore entitled to hurt and humiliate you.
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
Cemetery Etiquette
As someone who has been in more cemeteries than I can count just about since the day I was born and has transitioned into death work, I have a list of rules/etiquette that I personally use in cemeteries- and I've finally gotten around to typing it up!
These are just some of the rules I follow, and they aren't in any particular order of importance. I might even add more in the future, but for now, here's a few!
1) Respect everything around you- even the stuff that doesn't seem important
2) NEVER lean/stand on headstones, no matter how stable they look- they aren't half as steady as they look and it's a good way to get hurt
3) DO NOT take any money, trinkets, flowers, stones/rocks, or anything else you might find on/around headstones or grave sites- you can't know what's important to the residents of the cemetery, or what holds cultural significance for those that are buried there
4) Respect the cultural practices of the cemetery you're in!
5) Listen to your intuition- if one area of the cemetery feels better/worse than another spot, listen to yourself! Either stay in that area (if it feels like a good place to be) or stay away from that area (if it feels like a bad place to be)
6) Clean up after yourself/others! Trash/debris aren't nice to look at, and they aren't nice to live around, so clean up what you can
7) If you meet any child spirits, play with them! As a death witch who mostly works with child spirits, they want to play more than you know- even something so simple as rolling a ball around or telling a cheesy dad joke goes way further than you'd ever expect
8) Honestly, play/laugh/tell jokes/have fun within the walls of the cemetery! Spirits are lonely more often than not- acting like a normal, regular, human person (while still being respectful) makes them feel better than you could imagine
9) Don't speak ill of the dead, regardless of if they're buried in that cemetery.
10) When you enter, greet the cemetery as a whole and say hi to the spirits within. Similarly, when you exit, say goodbye to the cemetery and the spirits- especially the ones you've talked to
11) Put your phone on silent and don't use it if you don't have to!
Hades/Persephone Discord || Asks
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
It's Sunday and where I am father's day so here it is the E-offering for Apollo 💛
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
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Athena Appears to Odysseus, from The Adventures of Odysseus by Charles Robinson (1935)
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
Witchcraft: Daily Correspondences and Practice Ideas
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(I love these infographs so much, I just had to post them!!)
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
Mini Introspective: Working with Selkies
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🩭 Even if you’re already someone with an appreciation for the ocean or some sort of waterphiliac, working with selkies will still change your views on the large mass of water that covers our planet. Selkies are seafaring fae and as one might expect of the folk who turn into seals, it plays a big part of their life. Saying that the sea is the mother of all life isn’t an understatement. The sea is the lifeblood, especially for selkies who live half of their lives in their seal forms.
The sea shapes their culture, philosophies and supplies their food. At least for the selkies living in the traditional way at sea or on islands.
Any ocean-loving individual knows what it’s like after swimming in it. You feel cleansed and like you’ve been born again. After working with a pod of selkies so closely for several years, I can definitely say my yearning for it has increased.
So has my adaptability. I’ve always been pretty good at change, have been since I was younger but that doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated when unwanted changes constantly occur in my life. But just as selkies easily slip back and forth between their forms, I just roll with it time and time again. Sometimes putting up a fight and struggle only makes things worse and you just have to roll out with the tide and see where you end up afterwards.
Selkies also throw one hell of a party lmao. 
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in-the-wych-elm · 2 years
đ‡đšđ°đ„'𝐬 𝐩𝐹𝐯𝐱𝐧𝐠 đŹđ©đ«đžđšđ
spread found on ig @/lightwands
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Calcifer: the fuel that keeps you going.
Turnip Head: what you love unconditionally.
Sophie: situation's in which you are most brave.
Howl: your unique magic
Castle: what supports you no matter what.
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Via @inkindofmagic
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in-the-wych-elm · 3 years
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Aphrodite, goddess of love, pleasure, beauty, and procreation.
Based on this sculpture: https://aphroditekaivenus.tumblr.com/post/616510005204697088/venus-italica-italian-circa-18151822-workshop-of
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in-the-wych-elm · 3 years
My Thoughts on The Gods - Part 5
Welcome to Part 5 with our dear Greek god of madness, fertility, religious ecstasy, wine, and theatre - Dionysus!
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Loved the 60s through 80s in the States. The devil may care and intense energy during these periods refreshed him after another series of violent, turbulent wars 
Just as passionate about rioting and standing up for what you believe in as Ares. He understands better than anyone the power of a group, no matter who they are. (Just think about all the things the Maenads were able to do when they worked together!
However violent they were XD). 
Just as into music as his brother Apollo. He loves the way you can just lose control when the music gets into you. It’s a level of ecstasy that few things can compare to.
Clubbing every night? Hell yeah! Any time is party time!
Hangs around frat parties and the like, happily keeping the booze overflowing and the energy up. However, that doesn’t mean he’s careless. He keeps an eye out for everyone, making sure they don’t drink too much, overdose, or harm anyone. He has no problem arranging rides for people to get home safely, which some of the other gods like Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, and Demeter assist with (the latter two helping provide shelter for those who are too incapacitated to leave and taking care of them). Apollo and Dionysus also utilize some tricks that help ease hangovers in the morning
Throws parties randomly when he feels things are getting a little too stale. What fun is being bored? 
Can be seen in the quiet faith of a devotee, follower, spiritualist, or religious person
He is the experience of suddenly sensing and feeling the beauty and love of the gods
Visits mental institutions as a means of comforting those within, giving them a quiet peace of mind for a time
Advocates for mental health much like Hel and Apollo. Passionate about reform and destigmatizing having mental disorders
Loves the idea of mental health days. Just because it’s not as easy to see as a physical condition doesn’t mean that someone isn’t being effected
Enjoys going to open mics and poetry recitals with Apollo and The Muses. Applauds and gives compliments, along with constructive criticism, for each person
Loves slam poetry
Enjoys a mix of thought out lyrics and straight party songs with music
Looks out for children with Apollo, Artemis, Hebe, Hermes, Hera, Hestia, and Zeus. He watches over those who are unfortunately dealing with abusive households
Happy to step in when he sees others being bullied or disrespected. Nothing sets him off quicker than treating others inhumanely
Enjoys attending wine festivals and tastings
He is the burn of alcohol down your throat
Watches fondly over those having their first drink, giving advice on how to avoid overwhelming one’s self and getting sick 
Big supporter of programs like Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous. As fun as drinking and (safe, legal) drug use can be, it’s equally important to recognize and respect the intense consequences they can have. He admires the strength of those in recovery
Watches over those working at rehab and methadone clinics. It’s not an easy job, especially when those who need help leave and fall into old patterns. He helps to ease the burden of those checked in and those who work there
He is the dedicated energy of writing a psychological thesis
Celebrates the diversity in sexuality and gender identity that exists today. Considering his own fluid identity, it brings joy to see others able to do the same
Enjoys watching people explore different identities to see what fits them. Nothing wrong with learning, experimenting, and growing with labels over time
He is the kind doctor who gently explains all of one’s options at a fertility clinic
Keeps an eye out for women who are going through late pregnancies and fertility treatments. Understands the toll and fears that come with these situations and helps to allay them 
He is the whisper of a secret between close friends late at night
He is the impish smile of a stranger in a club
Can be found in the bright neons and city sounds during a late night drive
Advocates for the protection of endangered animals along with Demeter, Gaia, and his son Pan
Enjoys farming and survival simulators like Stardew Valley and Minecraft
Thinks games like Kind Words are brilliant! The idea of people coming together to comfort each other anonymously is heartwarming
Spends plenty of time hanging out with his brothers Hermes and Apollo. It’s never a dull moment with these three
Carves out time to explore nature with Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Persephone, Gaia, and Pan
He is the sound of dissonant voices coming together in harmony
Is the quiet contemplation of meditation that leads to sudden insights
The song The Other Side by Bruno Mars feat. Cee-lo Green and B.o.B. comes to mind when thinking about him, Apollo, and Hermes. The three often sing the song together
He is the friend who stays up to comfort and talk down a friend in crisis
Enjoys drama shows due to how over the top they can be
Brings flowers to those performing in their first stage shows, congratulating them on a job well done
He is the feeling of stage fright that morphs into confidence as one practices and leans their parts
ADORES film festivals. Seeing the vast variety, from short films, to documentaries, to full length indie films and the work put into them inspires him
Much like Aphrodite, he reps a variety of pride flags whenever he attends a pride parade
Is the gentle, comforting voice that affirms someone overwhelmed with their dysphoria 
Supports more access to mental facilities to the underprivileged, inmates, and those on the streets
Supports sex workers and keeps an eye out for them along with Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, and Eros
Attends a variety of productions, from elementary performances to Broadway. Enjoys each and every one of them regardless of how inaccurate or perfect they are
Enjoys playing Devil’s Advocate in Ethics classes
Gets into healthy debates with Apollo and Athena on a variety of subjects
Can be called on when dealing with introspection (along with Apollo
 for the umpteenth time XD), especially with shadow work
Likes grapes, grape juice, wine, alcohol, chocolates, big cat imagery, dolphin imagery, devotional dance and song, art, acting, hymns, plays, movies, music, skulls, and ivy
Has connections with death via Zagreus and the Orphic Mysteries
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in-the-wych-elm · 3 years
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