inactiveboobs · 3 years
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inactiveboobs · 3 years
is anyone on here still active anymore? 
genuinely trying to feel out being on here again after a few years, sorta like a living diary type of thing
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inactiveboobs · 3 years
i miss tumblr so fucking much, wow
this website has seriously changed my life and after 10 years of having this account... i am in awe on how this has all shaped me. 
I’ve met friends on here that I’m still friendly with irl, I have memories from memes and gifs and mutuals and everything. I remember being like 16 and trying to edit my theme html and set up endless scrolling because it was the cool way. I remember checking out others’ pages and being jealous that they were so funny with tens of thousands of followers. I remember none pizza left beef, the sherlockwho fandom or whatever that bs was called, all that cringey 2014 shit. I’ve blogged about boyfriends who then became exes (and one who later became a fiance) and all of the heartbreak and pain and joy it all put me through. this was my living diary. this was, in a way, the meaning of my whole life because it was raw and it was me and it had everything about me laced all throughout. I loved it all and I lived it and I still think about all of my teen years and some of my young 20s being fully invested in this site. and I really just could not say thank you to it all enough. 
but js when tumblr got ads it just made this shit go downhill REAL quick
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
did u guys see the deer with the ribbon
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
anyone else live under the assumption that they’re constantly doing something wrong
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
get u a girl who cant do either
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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I’ve religiously binged The Office at least 4 times over and still haven’t found closure to the fact that there will never be another season of the show. But this game right here might give me what I’m looking for. Plus there’s finally an expansion to Cards Against Humanity that I can get behind. Shut up and take my money!
Available HERE
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
i just want to take a minute to share a charity called foodbank, which is currently helping to feed the people affected by the bushfire emergency. every $1 (aud) you donate provides 2 meals to australians in need. just the change in your pocket could provide 2 nourishing meals for people who have lost everything.
if you want to donate money, you can do so here.
if you’re in australia, you can donate food here.
reminder, if you’re making a donation from outside australia, use the postcode 2113 when filling out the address line. 
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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Yaroslav Gerzhedovich - Rising Eye
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
my favorite post about the us military “defending freedom” is the one like, “how tf my freedoms get over to iraq?”
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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The effect of Tinder on roommate relations…
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
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Psychic powers
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inactiveboobs · 5 years
men with earrings are just men without earrings with earrings
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