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[Yuri shrugs his shoulders, shaking his head.]
It's a nice hat, yeah. Dunno what they'd gain from the blanket though. Maybe they'll bring 'em back when they're done. Better give 'em a good wash if that did happen though, god knows where they could've been.
So uuh...
Maybe not poor, but probably just very low in morality.
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I don't really mind about the blankets but, I kinda wanna know who's poor enough to rob from an inn room in the lower quarter. If they were down here I'd likely know about it.
[Yuri raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.]
At this rate, it's looking like some kind'a practical joke.
So uuh...
There is a trick to show that objects at rest stay at rest until an external force moves them, which generally includes a table cloth being taken off from under plates that stay stationary.
Then again you probably would have noticed.
I could buy you another hat and blanket next time I go to the Outer Lands.
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Yeah... Blanket's missing too, y'know, the one I never even used.
The culprit may not even be in Zaphias anymore...
-casually sniffs around the Lower Quarter-
*Woof Woof Woof!* [I’m on it!] -continues to sniff around, looks up, then continues sniffing-
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Uuuh, nope, not that I--
Hold on a sec... Blanket's gone too. I hardly ever go under it so I didn't even notice it was gone, but how'd he take it out from under me while I was sleepin'..?
So uuh...
That’s… Strange.
Was there anything else stolen?
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Hey Repede, be a pal? My white hat's kinda vanished... Figured you'd be the man for the job've trackin' it down.
-casually sniffs around the Lower Quarter-
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He looks kinda familiar... Might'a seen him around here at one point, either way he needs to get out'a my clothes, and... get his arm uncoiled from mine. Eesh.
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Hey! My hat's aren't anything out'a the ordinary! Just the black hat and the bandanna! And a set of demonic horns if they count...
Apparently the bandanna makes me look like a thug...
And Apparently the black hat makes me look shady.
And the demonic horns just look weird, I'll agree on that too, 'kay?
But uuh, my window doesn't really shut very good... Why'd anyone try to break into this dump anyways? There're some scratch marks on the paint of the frame though, like something literally slid out of the window...
So uuh...
Was the window open last night?
And a part of me doesn’t want to know what other hats you have if they frighten the elderly, but I can’t help but be curious in this situation.
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So uuh...
Woke up this mornin'...
Check my hat rack...
Black hat, check. White bandanna, check. White hat?
Damn well hope it's still around, that's the only hat I can wear without scarin' old ladies... Apparently the black hat and bandanna give off the wrong kind'a vibe.
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Hmm... Maybe I didn't do it right...
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Hold on a sec, I'll make some more!
I can’t seem to place it.
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Yeah, yeah there's plenty. Sorry if the love tastes a bit too strong this time though, don't say I didn't warn you.
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tearsingingalonewith7thfonons replied to your post: Yuri made croquettes?
I think there are some leftover.
Good. It’s been far too long.
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Um... hi. Do you look like estelle or something. Don't get it the wrong way, it's not like I like estelle or something. I'm a girl so if you do, I am sooooo going to kill you and estelle.
Do I... look like her? Do you mean just like her? If so, 'course I do, she's my friend.
So, after translating this message I kinda come to the conclusion that you have the hots for Estelle and don't want me in on it? Fine by me, just don't go killing anyone.
What the hell's being a girl got to do with killing people? You seriously sayin' all girls in the universe are like Sodia...?
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Is that a... Good peculiar or a bad peculiar?
That could be a possibility. Though, I didn’t exactly expect love to taste so peculiar.
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It's the love you can taste there.
I think I put more in this time too... Just saying.
I feel weird after eating Yuri’s croquettes. The aftertaste is certainly… Interesting.
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This is an apologetic OOC post. Firstly I apologise for making an OOC post!
Anyways, in all seriousness, I'm sorry to have taken such a long hiatus and had Yuri's spot held for so long. I had my reasons for keeping it, despite my immense inactivity, so firstly I'd like to say sorry for not being around much, and secondly, I'd like to say sorry to anybody who wanted his spot on ToT. I've got more free time now than I did, so I really hope I can get my act together and get more active again~
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They’re still going on, however, the explosion of the computer of Sheena/Peony (the other mod if you don’t know) and school biting my butt, we haven’t been able to do anything. Unless I read it wrong, which I probably did, she’s giving me the 0k to do it without her. So the names will be drawn soon.
I really, honestly do apologize for the short notice but it couldn’t have really been helped. I still truly apologize, though. Would the ball beginning at 8:00 PM Eastern time on the 23rd be okay with you guys? Please reply with a yes or no to this and if it’s no, please tell me when you guys are free. I want to get as many of y’all as possible in here in one night, or we might have to extend it to two nights again. Please for the love of goodness reply because input is pretty much necessary for this to work.
Happy Holidays!
- Fishu
Also, even if you didn’t sign up for Secret Santa, you can still do the masquerade event on MSN. THAT’S COMPLETELY FINE. 8D The more the merrier!
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She smiled at him a bit. She had cooked for him before, and she did have to admit she wasn't bad at it. When he mentioned Flynn, her mind immediately went to Natalia and her... 'Cooking.' AAAHGHHHGGHGHHH. "I apologize for not telling you. I didn't throw it away, I'm letting it cool. I think it'll be fine now." Did I mention how much Tear loved it when he stroked her hair? Even the slightest touch made her happy. "No one's had any of it yet. You wouldn't mind being the first to try it?"
"Damn right I wouldn't mind! C'mon, I wanna try it." He gave another grin before he finally stopped stroking her hair. Yuri liked stroking through Tear's hair just as much as Tear liked him doing so, though Yuri didn't even know if Tear liked it or not, she seemed quite happy about it.
"This's gonna be good. What did you make anyways?"
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