inamedhimspice-blog · 7 years
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it’s easy to fake a  { smile }
                  when you’ve been doing it for a while.
🐹  Child!Gaku Yashiro from Erased
🐹  Blog run by Su
🐹 OC/AU/Crossover friendly
🐹 Semi-selective
🐹  Promo made by: Fiendsandangels
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inamedhimspice-blog · 7 years
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//Headcanon that Spice’s death was the final push for Yashiro to become a serial killer
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inamedhimspice-blog · 7 years
Yashiro what would you tell your younger self?
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“Things will get better. Don’t ever look back, always look forward. You will find a new life and a new Spice.”
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inamedhimspice-blog · 7 years
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Yashiro Gaku 「Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi 」
↳   “ I read a short story called ‘the spider’s thread’. It’s the famous work by Akutagawa Ryuunosuke that everyone must’ve heard of. Kandata falls into hell since he has committed so many sins in his life. In return for his only good act that ‘he once saved a spider’ the Buddha decides to give him a final chance. Kandata starts climbing 'the spider’s thread’ sent by the Buddha… Toward paradise. Shouting 'the spider’s thread is mine and mine alone!’ to other sinners who tries to follow him out, Kandata kicks them down. Suddenly the thread breaks… And Kandata is cast back into hell. The Buddha wanders away… His parting words 'what a merciless man.'  ”
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
Tried to draw Yashiro’s brother…
i hate him
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
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{For @isaidthatoutloud~}
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
stories from school
The Jellybear Incident of 6th Grade
It’s the sixth grade. Somehow, I had come across a catalogue for the store they bought all the school store crap from. You know, the smelly erasers and dumb keychains that they sell for like a buck apiece. So I somehow got this catalogue, and little old entrepreneur me was like “I should buy something from this and sell it at school for an absurdly high price to gain basically pure profit.” As sixth graders do. So I bought two huge tubs full of these keychains called Jellybears. This is what they look like.
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So I bought a metric fuckton of these assholes for about 20 cents a piece. I start selling them at school for a buck fifty. Like I said, pure profit. 6th grade me was brilliant. I broke even in like eight seconds of me whippin these bad boys out at school. Saying these are were a hit is an understatement. They were like a home run triple, or some other sports metaphor. People are buying this shit at lunch time, between classes. Shit, one girl even admitted to selling the ones she bought off me around her neighborhood for like five bucks. I was happy to be the middleman, but I digress. The point is, not only did I gain entrepreneurial skills, I also made a pretty penny. However, a month into my brilliant business, I get a call down to the office.
I had never been called to the office before. I was such a goody two-shoes you wouldn’t believe. This was in a school that boasted like two fights per week. The ratio of cops and administrators to students was like 1:3. And there were 1700 people at this school. That’s a whole lot of authority figures for a whole lot of miscreants and ne’er-do-wells. And here I was, reading large pretentious books and wearing polo shirts, with a gigantic backpack and in an advanced math class. I was, and still am, a lame weeny. Just wanted to put that in perspective.
Anyway, I was called down to the office that day. Literally shaking in the huge chair they had for me, facing down the terrifying vice-principal, she pulled out a Jellybear.
It was the DIVA one, if I’m not mistaken. I was then given a good lecture about how I’m not allowed to sell things on campus without explicit permission, yadda yadda, the whole spiel. Except I felt there was something fishy about the whole thing. Maybe it was how she held the Jellybear in her hand, perhaps it was the way she confiscated the rest of them. 
After asking around with the intense gossip network of middle school, I discovered the real reason the administration confiscated the Jellybears.
They had reason to suspect I was filling them with vodka.
They had reason to suspect that I, the tiny, stupid haired, braces-clad sixth grader who played a tuba bigger than she was was the head of a sophisticated alcohol distributing cartel in which I punctured and drained the goop from cute keychains, refilled them with straight vodka with a syringe, sealed them off with no trace, and sold them around school.
I’m not sure if I’m flattered that they assumed me capable of that sort of espionage, or insulted that they thought me dumb enough to sell middle schoolers straight vodka for A BUCK FIFTY. 
really who did they think i was i was in advanced math for petes sake.
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
//I have less than 15 followers and I've barely done anything here why are there 3 porn blogs following me already What did I do to deserve this
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
I love silent films
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
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//Pikachu mission failed. Also I really need to find an FC for Yashiro because one chapter of icons isn’t enough.
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
//I need more threads here so like this post for a starter! after I try to find this pikachu
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
Yashiro fell to the ground as soon as he was released, gently rubbing his neck with one hand and coughing as he tried to regain control of his breathing. Aside from the coughing, he was quiet as he listened to his brother’s questions. Their parents used every excuse they could get to go on about how talented and smart Yashiro was, but he didn’t have any answers for his brother.
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He let out a small hiss of pain as he was pulled into his brother’s embrace, his broken arm resting limply at his side and his other arm reaching to return the hug. It didn’t matter how badly Haku hurt him, he’d always forgive his brother in the end. Maybe because some part of him understood how his brother felt.
“...I’m sorry too.” He said quietly. “I never wanted to be their favorite...I just wanted to get along with you.”
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His brother’s pressure on his wrist brought him back to reality from his rage that built up inside of him. He glanced down at the younger male as he slowly released him clenching his teeth. The ravenette’s breathing slowed down as he let the smaller child drop to the ground. His amber eyes looked at his feet as he whispered softly, “ Why are you their favorite…..Why am I compared to you…..Why don’t they love me anymore….”
Haku finally lost control of his emotions as he fell to this knees pulling his brother into his embrace. Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed into the crook of Yashiro’s neck. He hiccuped everyone once in a while as he cried out, “I’m sorry….. I’m so sorry.”
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
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Yashiro found it was best to act as if the beatings didn’t bother him, that way his parents didn’t question where his injuries came from and his brother didn’t have to punish him for ratting him out. But despite the child’s usually blank expression, he feared his older brother when he got like this.
A choked gasp escaped the boy’s lips and he raised the arm that wasn’t broken so he could grab the wrist of the hand around his neck. He tugged on it lightly, not hard enough to hurt Haku but hard enough to let him know he wanted him to let go. As tempting as it was to dig his nails into Haku’s wrist, he knew his brother would actually kill him if he fought back.
Everything turned red as anger clouded his eyes. Haku’s breathing increased as he slowly removed his foot from the pile of trash at his feet. When he heard the tiny child squeak an apology he reached down picking him up his his shirt collar. “Then prove it!”
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His chest raised and fell rapidly as he growled and panted heavily rumbling inside his chest. The ravenette’s fingers slowly coiled around the thin neck between his hands. Acting like a snake holding its prey, he tighten his grip until he knew it would leave bruises and cut off Yashiro’s air. “Die!”
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
{ ᴍ ᴏ ɴ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ s } aren’t born, they are made.
                                                  You abuse somebody who’s ᵂᴱᴬᴷ                              p u s h i n g them over and over again until they s̶̨n̢̢á̴p͟          bending their morals, shattering them like glass, leaving them to rot in their own                                                                      D̲̲ ̲̲E̲̲ ̲̲S̲̲ ̲̲P̲̲ ̲̲A̲̲ ̲̲I̲̲ ̲̲R̲̲ ̲                                                 —then you give them ( POWER).                                                So they can wreak R E V E N G E                                          and obliterate anything standing in their way.                                                  Aren’t monsters to be { pitied }, then ?
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
i have this urge to kill and show that im alive
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inamedhimspice-blog · 8 years
He saw it coming, but made no move to stop it. Trying to fight back only ever made things worse, all Yashiro could do was endure it and hope he got out of it without getting too seriously injured. The younger sibling gasped as Haku’s knee hit his stomach and fell to the ground.
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‘It’s not like I can help that mom and dad like me better...’ Yashiro thought to himself, though he had the sense not to say it out loud. Not that he could say it out loud, getting hit in the stomach had left him breathless and pained whines were all he could manage as his brother stomped on him. Eventually he cried out, making it hard for him to hear the sound of the bones in his right arm cracking, but he didn’t need to hear it because he felt it. Pain shot through the boy’s elbow and arm and all he could do was just lay there.
“I-I’m sorry...”
Haku growled as he slapped his little brother’s hand away causing the bottle in his hand to fall to the ground. “Now look what you di-d!” The older male lifted his knee connecting it to the smaller male’s stomach. Anger and rage was bubbling inside his chest as he started to stomp on his younger brother.
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“You little bastard! If only you were born then my life would have stayed perfect! You stole everything from me! Just die already!” The sound of objects from the nightstand he used as support fell to the ground crashing as he connected his foot to his brother’s body. He continued his assault hitting in Yashiro’s joints around his elbow and knees until he heard a loud crack.
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