incendiaryfire · 3 years
"Even though they had the virus literally dropped into their noses, almost half of the study participants did not become infected," confirming what's already known: for the VAST majority of people below life expectancy age, this is the common cold. Not one of the 34 who completed the trial became seriously ill, nor were any adverse events recorded. "A lot of people could be walking around shedding virus and not realizing," could easily be "A lot of people could be walking around immune to COVID and not realizing" too... Now remdesivir is promoted as the drug of choice whilst simultaneously shown to be absolutely useless. Meanwhile, despite this shockingly poor efficacy, its manufacturer, pharmaceutical giant Gilead, gave the first ten volunteers of PCR-confirmed infection "pre-emptive" remdesivir "with the aim of mitigating any unexpected risk of progression to more severe disease." Interestingly the Guardian made no reference whatsoever to remdesivir. Now, why could that be? Could it possibly be because remdesivir failed - once again - to show any clinical benefit? What was more, "No apparent differences were seen in viral load ... between remdesivir-treated and untreated infected individuals ... With no significant differences between remdesivir-treated and untreated participants, infected individuals were therefore analyzed together."
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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Protest-turned-PARTY: Ottawa Freedom Convoy rally turns into night-time rave in front of Parliament https://odysee.com/@RebelNews:9/Protest-turned-PARTY--Ottawa-Freedom-Convoy-rally-turns-into-nighttime-rave-in-front-of-Parliament:2
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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BREAKING: Pfizer's own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. https://rumble.com/vqx3kb PDF: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/the-pfizer-inoculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good/
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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Mr. Renz outlines the data of adverse reactions including a rate of miscarriages that increased 300% over the five-year average, a rate of increased cancer over 300%, and an increase in neurological issues over 1,000 percent (from 82,000 yearly average to now 863,000 in one year). https://rumble.com/vt7f7z-attorney-thomas-renz-statement-on-dod-whistleblowers-findings.html
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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"Ideally, you want an antiviral vaccine to do two things . . . first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission. Yet the current phase III trials are not actually set up to prove either. None of the trials currently underway are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus." ~ Peter Doshi, senior editor of the British Medical Journal and associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
Did you hear the FDA wanted 75 years to release the Pfizer trial data used to approve Comirnity? I wonder why, when the Canadian Covid Care Alliance report on the first 500 pages was so damning... Now we get it at the end of the year, which is still too late. Did they really really read it all? Unlikely...
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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Facebook admits 'fact checks' are nothing more than opinion in court!
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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Why the sudden acceleration from a 12-month booster, to six months, and now 3 months? The following charts from a paper published by the Lancet (preprint) shows how quickly the protection fades. After 90 days, protection begins to fall off rapidly. By 6 months, it is nearing zero. By 9 months it has fallen below zero. Negative protection. Say what? This means people become more susceptible to infection than if they had not taken it at all. What began as protection slowly dwindles away and actually becomes a vulnerability. And so it becomes a pandemic of the unboosted. Oops. It's almost like a drug dealer who knows that if the withdrawal symptoms are nasty enough, they'll have a loyal customer base for life. The more they fail, the more public health officials and V-makers double down. If the scam falls apart, people will start asking questions and calling for their heads, so their desperation is becoming more palpable with fines and jail time now being rolled out against citizens...
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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Courts order FDA release data EUA for shot is based on. FDA asks courts for 55 year timeframe to release. Courts orders 500 documents month. 3% fatality rate. Adverse events through the roof. 3 to 1 female / male ratio. Definitely nothing to see here, perfectly safe and effective
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incendiaryfire · 3 years
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Imagine being a midwit oligarch regime plan truster. Can't relate.
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incendiaryfire · 4 years
As 'the Great Reset' marches on, food control measures are tightening; be prepared for seasonal food again.
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incendiaryfire · 4 years
The same forces instigating social unrest and elections chaos are engineering a man-made famine and attempting to take over food production -- exactly as happened in the Soviet takeover of Ukraine -- by spreading fraudulent COVID-19 tests to farmworkers and meat plants.  From John Podesta, to the UFW, to Tyson, to the Rockefellers, Christian explores the the players, groups, and deep connections between those behind the agenda to "Reset the Table" and use food as a weapon.
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incendiaryfire · 4 years
Greetings and salutations, citizen. Spread joy-joy feelings by watching this review of the 1993 sci-fi action classic, Demolition Man. And don't forget to obey the Verbal Morality Statute.
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incendiaryfire · 4 years
The Clintons were very close with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein despite their efforts to downplay their relationship.
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incendiaryfire · 4 years
Center for Science in the Public Interest clearly has an axe to grind. This video explains why pretty well. Look at the psychopath head of CSPI in this thumbnail, look long and hard, because this video details how they operate, twisting and turning like the snakes they are, killing millions over decades with their deceptive name - they don't utilize actual science and they don't have any public interest in mind, only their own profits. No wonder they are mad at being exposed!
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incendiaryfire · 4 years
H1N1 'false pandemic' biggest pharma-fraud of century? The Council of Europe will launch a probe into pharmaceutical companies accused of manipulating Swine Flu data. This follows a claim by a renowned German scientist that vaccine manufacturers pressured the World Health Organisation into declaring a Swine Flu pandemic seeking to increase profits.
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