incestxxxmobb · 3 years
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incestxxxmobb · 3 years
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incestxxxmobb · 3 years
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incestxxxmobb · 4 years
Sign Ratings & Opinions
Aries: 9/10 // fiery, blunt, driven. easily bored, doesn’t take shit, self-critical but also most of them can’t take criticism. will kill you. will turn into literal satan when angry, watch out lol. walks away v easily but usually comes back if they regret their decision. I get along with most of them since i’m one too lol oops biased
Taurus: 6/10 // loyal, quiet, unpredictable. stubborn & hard headed, will strangle anyone who hurts people they care about, otherwise passive. either an angel or a devil, no in between. can be very inconsiderate. I don’t get along with most of them, not very agreeable, but one of my best friends is one so idk lol
Gemini: 7.5/10 // charismatic, friendly, moody. shady asf, indecisive, definitely fun. will want your man, but can’t steal em lol. big with words, not so much with actions. v romantic. will kill you and cry at your funeral. definitely go out with them for a good time, nice conversations. I get along with most of them.
Cancer: 4/10 // sensitive, strong, soft. will cry 5 times a day then go back to the shit that makes em cry lol. puts up with a lot of unnecessary bullshit, rude asf in some cases. will fight you. isolates themselves then complains about being alone lmao, v creative and thoughtful, full of ideas they rarely see through. I don’t get along with most of them but some of em are nice
Leo: 4.5/10 // confident, sassy, passionate. chins up, acts wild on social media but they’re shy asf irl lmao, calls people peasants & thinks they’re royalty. will talk so much shit but can’t fight. supposed to be loyal but so many cheat??? what happened leo? egotistical, lovesss the attention. they make good friends and have big hearts, v creative. I get along with some of them.
Virgo: 8/10 // responsible, polished, radiant. honestly so mesmerizing? such a sexy aura and alluring to the max. definition of a boss, will not let shit get in their way. honest, can be mean as fuck, will look you up and down condescendingly while you watch & talk shit to your face. could run a country. I get along with most of them, I love their attitudes and the energy they radiate.
Libra: 3/10 // fair, friendly, agreeable. i n d e c i s i v e. can’t stand being disliked or hated. will cut you off and ghost you without saying anything lmao. most likely gonna cheat. very talkative, makes friends very easily. seems angelic but mmm. loves being around people, probably can’t go an hour being alone. I don’t get along with 95% of them lol
Scorpio: 8/10 // mysterious, secretive, understanding. sexy in a dark way, your goth gf and your vampire bf lmao. will change your life for better or for worse, ~usually~ for the worse. will ruin your life if you don’t like them back lol. sexy! most of em can’t lie for shit but some of them are scary with that. probably my favorite sign even though I don’t get along with half of em. v idealistic view on them
Sagittarius: 9/10 // adventurous, dreamers, kind. will say they miss you and disappear for a month lmao. v spiritual and fun, wise. easily bored, pretty restless. there’s a breed of sagittarius that is so annoying?? where’d they come from? the rest of them are all so chill. will talk shit to your face and behind your back, don’t try them. just wants to be happy tbh. i get along with pretty much all of them, definitely the sign I vibe with the most.
Capricorn: 2/10 // creative, funny, impressionable. honestly annoying lol. talks shit about their exes, very condescending. they’ll make you laugh though, and they’re usually thoughtful. will leave you then keep flirting with you lmao. they don’t have a set ideal tbh, they continue to change within themselves as they surround themselves with different people. I’ve probably gotten along with one capricorn in my life so that says a bit.
Aquarius: 7.5/10 // talented, original, popular. i’ve never met an aquarius that didn’t have an impeccable talent in art and/or music. will text you about aliens at 2am. they have so many friends! will talk shit about their partner’s exes and then act nice to their face lol. they’ll probably hang out with you after you hit em up randomly after years of not talking. I get along with most of them
Pisces: 1/10 // gentle, (overly)trusting, artistic. loves playing the victim lol. will be your friend only to have someone to complain to. loves to have fun, too forgiving. loves talking shit but will probably die if they try to fight someone lol. a lot of em can sing~ i don’t think i’ve ever gotten along with any pisces i’ve met tbh, it might happen one day.
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incestxxxmobb · 4 years
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incestxxxmobb · 4 years
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incestxxxmobb · 4 years
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incestxxxmobb · 4 years
If you’re black, and still active on this mf I need you to reblog this so we can keep the community close.
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
If you’re black, and still active on this mf I need you to reblog this so we can keep the community close.
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
Reblog if you’re polyamorous/open to polyamory in the future/in a polycule or open to one/interested in polyamory I want to see how many of us there are
And like if you think polyamory is okay, can be healthy, and doesn’t “go against human nature”
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
Now That's incest a brother and sister bond like no other
Dig deep
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
I'm into the sacred form of sex practiced within black southern families
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
Ladies/Fellas are you down for this type of stuff?
Foreplay just isn’t for women
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incestxxxmobb · 5 years
Tumblr media
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