Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest that just sounds nice and cozy, but if I invite you to my cabin in the woods you’re going to die.
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this has the aura of being funny but i genuinely have no idea what the fuck any of them are saying
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“Stranger Things is a science fiction-horror series”
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me and my gf staring into each others eyes because we’re engaging in a psychic battle of wills but also because we love each other
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putting tape over my Webcam thinking about how the CIA agent watched me cry everyday for a year and didn’t once check up one me: cut toxic people out in 2018
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guy who invented the piano: what if we laid a harp on its side and added hammers
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Speech and Debate Ask
Feel free to reblog as you please! Also feel free to send me an ask with a question or two from this!
1. What songs do you listen to while writing cases?
2. How much coffee do you consume at a tournament?
3. Do you have friends from other schools?
4. What was your worst tournament?
5. What was your best tournament?
6. How do ask if people are ready in a round?
7. Has somebody’s DI ever made you cry?
8. What’s the farthest you’ve been from home for a tournament?
9. What events do you do at a tournament?
10. How close are you with your coach?
11. What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you in a round?
12. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you at a tournament?
13. Do you have a reputation?
14. What do you wear at a tournament?
15. How many trophies do you currently have?
16. What is the weirdest extemp question you’ve had?
17. What do you do on non-tournament weekends?
18. What’s the craziest thing you’ve overheard at a tournament?
19. Do you have a crush from another school (let’s be honest here)?
20. How has Speech and Debate impacted (eyy) your life?
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when you see a hot guy wearing gray sweatpants
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I’ve been a changed person since I found out that all of Santa’s reindeer are gals
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what is the truth
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