inconvenience-s · 9 years
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inconvenience-s · 9 years
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josh was going so hard that 15 seconds in he lost a stick 
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inconvenience-s · 9 years
oh my god can you delete that reblog from ol please i dont want my face on here
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inconvenience-s · 9 years
Even if you know what’s coming, you’re never prepared for how it feels.
Natalie Standiford, How to Say Goodbye in Robot (via wordsnquotes)
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inconvenience-s · 9 years
You will evolve past certain people. Let yourself.
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman (via psych-facts)
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble.This is not your destruction. This is your birth.
(via bl-ossomed)
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
what the signs get pissed at
aries: disrespecting and bullying them
taurus: stealing their food and ignoring their strengths
gemini: illiterate people with no personality
cancer: if someone fucks with somebody they love you should probably clear out and hide in a hole because that person who screwed with the loved one will be dead in like 2 seconds
leo: being ignored, feeling like they don't matter, and being treated like somebody who doesn't know anything about their traits/skills/specialty
Virgo: inaccurate facts, people calling them stupid, basic things out of order, major change
libra: people dressed bad, cheating, people with no hygiene or sense of respect
scorpio: anybody who deliberately gets on their nerves, someone who thinks its okay to disrespect them if they haven't done anything, nobody listening to them
sagittarius: selfish people, no excitement, and no adventure or change that's large or simple
capricorn: unprofessional people, stupid opinions, wrong facts, and someone blatantly ignoring their right source to a fact or matter
aquarius: being imitated or joked of, loneliness, and the average same old same old with anything
pisces: people they care about being sad, when no one has any imagination, and every once of pity inside of them
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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Magi LINE Stickers.
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
A few years ago, when I was waiting in line at Chipotle, there was a white male cop walking through the restaurant with his food to go. When he passed by a table with three young black children (they were around 5-7 years, they looked very young) that were laughing and enjoying dinner with their family, he stopped, stuck his finger in their faces, and said, “I’ll definitely see you guys later in life”. He then left, smiling and holding himself up like he had just won something. The children were no longer laughing, and their mother looked like she wanted to cry. It was so disgusting, what he did. These people were just trying to have a nice dinner with their children. The children were just laughing and playing together. They weren’t doing anything different from any other family sitting down eating in that Chipotle. For a cop come up to A FIVE, SIX, SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD and basically tell them in so many words that he’ll be taking them to jail someday is just so fucking wrong on so many levels, and it was all because they were black. Cops don’t go around pointing their fingers in five year old white children’s faces, criminalizing them because of their appearance. The racial bias that cops have against black children is very, disturbingly real.
A comment by insaneteacup added to this post about ingrained racial bias and how the police and corporate media routinely criminalize black youths (via odinsblog)
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inconvenience-s · 10 years
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if i only had a brain itt: We Heart It.
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