Ms Mendeleiev, being dragged by Marc: Alright, I'm coming goddamn it! Now what did you bring me all the way over here to tell me?
Ms Mendeleiev: You're gay? I wanted a surprise.
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Ms Mendeleiev as a detention manager
Ms Mendeleiev: Well, yeah, I got promoted to the detention manager.
Ms Mendeleiev: Get your work done! This is detention, not the trailer you come home to!
Ms Mendeleiev: No talking. This is a place of silence!
Ms Mendeleiev: Why don't you get your math done before you get pregnant?!
Ms Mendeleiev, pointing to something on the wall: Y'know Ms Bustier the new teacher? Lesbian.
Ms Mendeleiev: You wanna become what? A doctor? I wanted to become a ballerina. You know what I became? HIV positive.
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Nathalie: My name is Nathalie Sanceour. I've been working here for about sixteen years now. I really do love working here. It's just - we all have a lot of laughs.
Nathalie, fifteen years earlier: Fuck off, Emilie. I'm not going to your fucking baby shower.
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Audrey: Kids, grab your shit! We're leaving!
Audrey, to Chloe: Chloe, you grab your tablet. I don't want you talking to me.
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Gabriel, to some employee: The only fucks I'll give will come out of your paycheck.
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Gabriel, on the phone to Nathalie: My son is in town. Schedule a hug for three o'clock and move my three o'clock to four and my four o'clock to the breakroom. If Donna's still in there having lunch - fire her, she has a husband.
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Gabriel: I didn't become head of the company by being a good person.
Gabriel, on the phone to some employee: You can tell your children they won't be having a Christmas this year.
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