Nishida: Alright, calm down
Taka, screaming: ALRIGHT
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Ikkan: You know, I hope someone here dies. I don't care who, I just hate everyone her and would be thrilled if one of them just dropped dead.
Namida: What if its you?
Ikkan: That would exceed all of my expectations.
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Warabi: [Opens fridge]
Warabi: [Sees giant note reading "FUCK YOU"]
Warabi: Awww, Ikkan is so cute when he writes notes!
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Shikaku: got any sevens?
Noiji: uno
Paruko: draw four
Raian, crying: I'm playing SOLITAIRE
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Yoko: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Aachin: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Karen: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance
Kitamura: My life is a little too much imagine and not enough FUCKING DRAGONS!
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please repost my shit im trying to come back to this blog and actually get it somewhere following me and not even giving me notes is pointless thanks friendly reminder 2: please submit posts too !!!!!!
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Taka, literally choking: I'm choking!!
Nishida, who was finished with his shit a long time ago: Then quit it!
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Warabi: [Trips on something]
Warabi: Well that's homophobic.
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Kazami: Have a nice flight!
Mizole: I have no say in the matter
Ryan: Die then.
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Warabi: You're being favoritism!!
Ichiya: I don't even know what that is!
Ikkan: I don't think I've ever wanted to die more then I do after hearing that.
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Ikkan: You're annoying.
Warabi: Then stop holding my hand.
Ikkan: no.
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Fuka is just that video of the cat mascot playing drums don't @ me I'm right
hell yes my guy
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Mizole: I despise you with every inch of my being.
Tsumabushi: That's not a lot of inches.
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Ikkan: To get my spare minecraft sword you must fight someone, specially to the death.
Ichiya: Murasaki wanna fight
Ichiya: Can I use knives
Ikkan: yeah, just make sure he has one too
Ichiya: ...
Ichiya: does he have to be concious
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Mizole: Oh please, who wpuld even fall for THAT bullshit?
The rest of wet floor: [Weeping]
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Ichiya: I think I read a book on self improvement once...
Ichiya: or just the back cover...
Ichiya: I can't read.
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Ikkan: I just like warabi's lifestyle, and if I have to LEA-
Warabi: [Breaks vase and looks at Ikkan in background]
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