Hashirama: Imagine if someone gave you a box full of all the items you’ve lost throughout your lifetime.
Madara: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Tobirama: My will to live! I haven’t seen this in 15 years!
Izuna: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Mito: Mental stability! My old friend!
Hashirama: Guys, could you lighten up just a little?
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Hiruzen: *sews the Uchiha symbol onto every item of Tobirama’s clothing while he’s distracted*
Hiruzen: ehehehehe
[Some time later]
Tobirama: *unholy war screech*
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Madara: There are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way and the Uchiha way!
Hashirama: Isn’t that just the wrong way?
Madara: *waves his hand around dismissively* Of course, but it’s faster!
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[Hiruzen, Danzo and Kagami are trapped during an important mission]
Danzo: We are going to die! DIE!
Kagami: It could be worse...
Danzo: *grabbing Kagami by the shoulders and shaking him* HOW COULD THIS BE ANY WORSE?!
Kagami: Hiruzen could be naked...
Danzo: *lets him go* Fair enough.
Hiruzen: Hey!
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Danzo: In the name of the father, son and holy ghost-
Hiruzen: Head, shoulders, knees and toes-
Homura: Turn up your nose and strike that pose-
Kagami: *slides into the room, shouting before crashing into a wall* HEEEEEEY MACARENA!
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[Team Tobirama are having a sleepover]
Homura: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Koharu and Torifu: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Danzo: Drunk.
Hiruzen: Wasted.
Kagami: Dead.
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Madara: If I cut off my leg...
Madara: And swing it at your head...
Madara: Am I hitting or kicking you?
Hashirama: You’ll probably mentally scar me more than anything else...
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[Team Tobirama are at Disneyland on the spinning teacup ride]
Torifu and Tobirama: *spinning calmly while chatting*
Homura and Koharu: *spinning slightly faster while having a heated argument*
Danzo, Hiruzen and Kagami: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can while screaming*
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Madara: *being forced to stay away from Hashirama* I want to be taken out...
Madara: On a date or by a sniper...
Madara: Either way, I’m fine with it.
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Danzo: Guess what? I have flaws
[The rest of Team Tobirama look at him with an eyebrow raised]
Danzo: What are they? I sing in the shower... I cry during romantic comedies... I spend too much time volunteering... I-
Hiruzen: Danzo... You’ve killed over 80 people...
Danzo: OKAY AND OCCASIONALLY I’ll commit first-degree murder. Are you happy now?
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