incorrectccheckpoint · 6 months
me when i have like 20 notifications in the span of five minutes and when i go check its just the same guy rapidfire liking and reblogging posts
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incorrectccheckpoint · 6 months
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incorrectccheckpoint · 6 months
seems like the results are unanimous, send some suggestions in! also give me a minute to clean up this blog it still has some cringe old stuff on it
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incorrectccheckpoint · 7 months
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whoops wrong account lol
🦚 🦚 🦚 🦚 🦚 🦚
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MESA, drawing:
The Sage: what is that, is that your fursona? that’s cringe.
The Sage:
The Sage later: *sobbing in a bathroom*
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Cosmic: i wanted to show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Steve: ok but in my defense, MESA bet me 50 cents that I wouldn’t drink shampoo
Cosmic: that not what i wanted to- you drank shampoo
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Chris: How do you manage to keep everyone in order?
MESA: I don’t. I woke up this morning and one of my commanders were duct-taped to a wall
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Chris: i love that little kids ball their hands into fists all the time.
Chris, motioning to 4yo Austin: you’re five years old. what grudges do you have? who are you trying to square up against? who’s trying you????
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Steve: hey Princess, how do i get revenge on someone?
Cosmic: The best revenge is moving on and living well.
Steve, turning to MESA: hey MESA,
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Austin: i wonder if laundry detergents have different tastes
Cosmic: They do.
GUIDO, from another room: Care to explain why you said that so quickly and with so much certainty?
Cosmic: No, actually
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Steve: What if we stopped using names and just started calling people by their prominent feature
Steve: Like I could go up to MESA and just say “hey pyramid head”
GUIDO: I think that’s called bullying people
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Austin: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
Austin, punching a wall.
Austin: Take me to the hospital.
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MESA, cooking for the first time: 100% unprocessed all natural mushroom salad, with ingredients you can pronounce and trust
MESA: non-gmo
MESA: it’s just a bunch of poisonous mushrooms in a bowl
MESA: it will cure any ailment or illness you have (because it will kill you)
MESA: i highly recommend not eating it, therefore i am sending a bowl to Cosmic
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[At a zoo] Austin: What are they in for? Chris: this isn't prison. Austin: so they can leave? Chris: No, but- Austin, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one committed war crimes in Vietnam. Chris:
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G.U.I.D.O: y.. you really shouldn’t be using a straw.
Steve: I know, I know, bad for the environment, all that
G.U.I.D.O: no, it’s just a weird way to eat spaghetti
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