incorrectwitxh · 3 years
James Headcanons
So full of energy
The kid literally either has enough energy to power a city or is knocked out cold
Quidditch is a great outlet for him
He’s always jittery when he doesn’t get to exercise
Has to have a super rigid schedule or he’s really thrown off
All of his belongings must go into a certain spot, or he loses them completely
Like if he sets down his textbook randomly and doesn't put it back on his shelf, that thing’s gone
Break out the accio, babes, cause Hogwarts: A History is going to need some help getting back
Wakes up at like 5am, which pisses of the rest of the boys
Goes to bed at 9:15 sharp
Probably has the best sleep schedule at Hogwarts
Breathes really loudly in his sleep
Sometimes starts muttering, usually about Quidditch
Really touchy
Always patting someone’s shoulder, or giving little hugs, or something
Remus and Sirius don’t like it at first, but who can resist James snuggles
His temperature runs hot
He’s a walking space heater
The boys stick their feet under his legs to warm up in the winter
But he doesn’t mind because at least they’re close
Loves being around people
He can sit and watch his friends do what they love for hours. Just watching
Has a thing for muffins of all kinds
He and Peter have competitions to see who has the better sensor for muffin types
Plot twist, he always wins
Adores butterscotch
Candies, sauce, whatever
Carries hard candies in his pockets like an old person
Loves his mother to the ends of the earth
He loves his dad of course, but he’d do anything for Euphemia
Multitasks really well
He can plan pranks in class but also somehow remember the lecture perfectly?
Fantastic student
Can rival Remus for the best researcher (but only if it’s for a prank)
Keeps a journal of his random thoughts
Has a collection of rocks and leaves under his bed
Started a photo wall in 5th year that the boys slowly add to
Sings surprisingly well, though he doesn’t show it off
Has a secret stash of all his friend’s favorite things for when they’re upset
He’s the mom friend. Fight me
Peter actually found it in 2nd year when James had a suspicious amount of stuffed animals for him at all times, but he never said anything
Gives the best presents
His friends this he’s psychic for knowing exactly what they want/need
Never mind the fact that they literally have divination
But he just watches them for a solid month before any special event
It’s borderline stalker-ish, but let’s just say he’s observant
Paints his freaking nails
Started when Sirius wanted to do his, but was too scared to do it on his own, so James did it with him
Hates it when Sirius and Remus smoke
Takes a drink every so often, only gets shitfaced at the occasional Quidditch after-party
Wasn’t that into Muggle music, but liked it because his friends liked it
Really got into muggle sci-fi books
Remus, Remus, Remus look at this alien thing! James, those literally look like house elves. Huh, you’re right.
Always comments loudly on muggle things he finds odd when Lily takes him out
Like a pre- Arthur Weasley
What’s this Lily???? James…. That’s literally a glue stick. A what???
Loved to draw
Did portraits of Lily when they got together
Super sappy and romantic
You just know Lily got at least one handwritten note every day they were dating
Had a bit of a crisis when he found out his animagus was a stag
I’m a DEER??? F*ck this, I’m never transforming
But he comes to love how fast he can run and how much he helps Remus
Seeing his patronus also helped
Holy sh*t. Do I really look like that? I’m like, cool??? Yes James, for the last time, deer are cool
Keeps his cool when he sees Lily’s patronus
But we all know he was freaking out inside
Like the Snoopy Happy Dance, but it’s his heart tap dancing in his chest.
Again, sorry, this was a complete brain dump, but I hope you like it! Happy birthday James!
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incorrectwitxh · 3 years
Golden Trio Headcannons:
Ron was the one who taught Harry how to tie his shoe laces, after he noticed Harry tucked his laces into his shoes. "No-one ever cared enough to teach me..." "I care enough."
Both Ron and Harry were with Hermione when she started her period for the first time. "I'm...BLEEDING" "Calm down, it's your period, its just the shock of it, My sister got hers last year." "should I get Mcgonagall-"
Ron is the only one of the 3 who regularly goes to breakfast, he tends to pack toast in his bag to give to Harry and Hermione because sometimes they forget or they just don't bother and IT WORRIES HIM-
Harry and Hermione have the same favourite book as a child. Matilda, both relate to the book in very different ways. "It just gave me hope, really, she discovered her magic and found someone who loved her." "Harry, you also found people who love you" "I know"
Harry memorised how ron and Hermione drink their tea. Ron dash of milk, lots of sugar. Hermione, lots of milk, 1 sugar. He makes the best cups of tea. "It's really a ghastly amount of Sugar Ron-" "Your tea is literally whiter than me, don't judge"
Ron bakes treacle tart and jam tarts for Harry and Hermiones birthdays.
Harry and Hermione were once mistaken for siblings, and neither of them corrected the person. "Yeah, she's my older sister" ron would never forget the smiles on their faces. Everytime Hermione would go back to that Cafe, they would always ask about her younger brother.
Hermione was also the first person to hug Harry since he was placed with the Dursleys when he was 1. Ron was the second person to hug him.
Harry used to leave change around Rons room when he knew he was a few sickles short of something he knew Ron wanted. Because Ron would never accept money from Harry. Ron never found out, but Hermione saw him do it one day. "Your secret is safe with me"
Ron and Hermione are the Godparents to Harry and Ginny's children. And vice Versa. (Exept Lily Luna, whose God Parents are Neville and Luna)
Harry has a photo album filled with photos of him and his friends, that made in 2nd year, that album starts with him and ron and hermione, and ends with him and his family together.
It was actually Hermione who taught Harry how to tie his tie for school, and she wouldn't let him get on the boat without "being in proper uniform. Just because your the boy who lived doesn't mean you can just not tie your tie."
Harry and Ron were eachothers best men.
Ron and Hermione sometimes purposely walk slowly, when Harry finally starts to open up, so that he has more time to talk and won't close back up when they near where they're going.
Harry and Ron carrying some of hermiones work for her in lessons they share, because "Mione, you'll break your back carrying all that?!?!" "Yeah Ron's right- why the fuck do you have so much paper?!?!" "Parchment" "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT HERMIONE-"
Harry and hermione sharing their favourite muggle treats with ron "Mars bars mine" "I've always loved strawberry laces myself!!" And Ron sharing his favourite wizard treats with them.
Harry teaching Ron how to cook the muggle way and Ron teaching Harry how to cook the magic way. (Hermione was banned from the kitchen after she got frustrated with the spells and just decided to leave the boys to it as they actually enjoyed it) "I mean, you cooked for us during the hunt, the least we can do is cook for you now!" "You don't have to be good at everything, babe!!" "FINE-"
Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione make sure too meet up for lunch at least twice a week, as they have busy lives now and they want to make that effort too see eachother. They've only missed around 15 of these, either because of honeymoons, child birth, Harry being "INJURED WHAT THE FUCK MATE DID YOU DO?!" "He was stabbed" "LIGHTLY stabbed" "YOU BLOODY PASSED OUT FROM BLOOD LOSS-" "eh" "EH?!?!?"
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Remus, texting Sirius : i just walked into a party and some guy yelled dibs?
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Sirius: we have a problem
Remus, surrounded by chocolate bar wrappings: could said problem be solved by... *bites chocolate bar* I don't now *chews and swallows* ...eating tremendous amounts of chocolate?
Sirius: no, that's exactly the pro-
Remus, taking out yet another bar of chocolate: then what do you expect from me?
Sirius: sweetheart this is an intervention
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Walburga: [to Sirius] I’m your problem?
Sirius: I think you’re a lot of people’s problem
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
someone: would you say you’re an independent person?
james: *looks at lily*
lily: *nods*
james: i’d say so, yes.
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Sirius: [to Andromeda] It is my duty to protect you!
Andromeda: You don’t need to protect me from Ted Sirius! He is harmless!
Ted: I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Sirius: I am tough. I am a big strong man. I am manly. Nothing can upset me. I have survived the worst. Nothing can hurt me anymore.
Lily: your eyeliner is uneven
Sirius, in tears: moony! the mean lady insulted me
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
“James manipulated Lily into loving him”
“Narcissa was innoncent and forced to be a death eater by her husband”
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
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wolfstar+harry family :D
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
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bothering remus at work. a birth gift for @maria-tries!! 
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Lily: I've got a "no hugging" policy.
James: You just hugged Remus.
Lily: Yeah, I just implemented it in the last few seconds.
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Bellatrix: Everyone has been calling me Bitchatrix all day and I think Sirius paid them to do it
Sirius: [nodding] Ten galleons well spent
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
Professor McGongall: I need all of your undivided attention!
Sirius: [whispering] you couldn’t handle all of my undivided attention
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
In a world where james and lily did not in fact die and Harry has been raised by the marauders as he should have been
Harry, in his first ever potions lesson: “professor snape, my mum wants to know if you’re single?”
Snape (hopeful): “I am”
Harry: “her and dad were right! They didn’t think anyone would want to marry you!”
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incorrectwitxh · 4 years
If this is what Harry is like on Felix Felicis, I am utterly terrified of what James would be like on Felix Felicis
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